Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Leinzie parioshe | |
Erl of Wigtoun For himselff and Remanent heritors fewars lyfrentars propir wodsettars and wthris [wtheris] wtin [within] the pariosh of Leinzie their money rent doeth extend to Sex thousand four hundreth pounds money | £6400.0.0 |
Item of beir in the said pariosh Ten chalder according to Lithgow prick mett qlk [quhilk] being converted in money the pryce of ilk boll at four lib threttein shillings four penies [£4.13.4] extends to Sevin hundreth fourtie sex pounds threttein schillings four penies [pennies] | £746.13.4 |
Item of meill in the said pariosh fourtie chalder at four pounds ten shillingis [£4.10.0] the boll extends to Twa thousand aught hundreth fourscoir pounds money | £2880.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryc of the victuall and money in the sd [said] pariosh extends to Ten thousand twentie sex pounds threttein shillings four penies | £10026.13.4 |
Mortified furth of the foirsaid sowm as followes | |
Item sinc the last valuaun [valuatioun] for ane manss and ane gleib to the minister at the old pariosh kirk thr [there] fourtie lib [Pounds] | £40.0.0 |
Item for elements to the said old pariosh fourtie lib [Pounds] | £40.0.0 |
Item for ane ministers stipend to ane new [rectit] pariosh of Beir and meill thrie chalder at the pryce foirsaid extending in money to Twa hundreth twentie four lib [Pounds] | £224.0.0 |
Transcribe other information
[Page] 202The Roll of the rent of the shrefdom [shirefdom] of dumbartane maid and sett down by the Comissioners [Commissioners] wnder subscryveing appointit for that effect by act of the estaits of Parliament of this kingdome haldin at Edgh [Edinburgh] the Fourth day of Agust 1649 [4 Aug 1649] quhich Comissioners [Commissioners] haueing mett on the Sext day of september [6 Sep] last and haueing vsed their best endeavors for a right and trew informaun [informatioun] of the rents of the whole schyr and haveing proceidit faithfullie and Impartiallie in prosequiting of their Comissioun [Commissioun] and that By oath of pairtie witnesss [witnesses] and wthr [wther] wayes Aftir serious and mature deliberaun [deliberatioun] they haue maid and sett down the roll following in articles according to the number of the seuerall pairoshes within the said schyr and haueing cast wpe the sowmes according to the Directioun of the parliament
Transcriber's notes
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.wodsettar - the creditor in a mortgage arrangement
"Linlithgow Prick Mett" a standardised firlot measure having a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a depth of 7 1/3 inches
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee
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