Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Parcell of Cramound paroche | |
I] Johne Stewart of Newhalls for himselff and Remanent heretors fewars Lyfrentars and vthirs within that pairt of the said paroche of Cramound QLk [Quhilk] Lyis wthin [within] the said Scherrefdome of Linlithgow Their moy [money] Rent Doethe Extend to Sex hundrethe fyftie thrie pund Sex Schillinges eight penneis | £653.6.8 |
II] Peyit of Bear In the forsaid parsell of the said paroche Sex chalders fyfteine bolls thrie firlots off the meassr [meassure] & pryce ford [forsaid] Whiche being converted into moy [money] Extends to Fyve hundrethe four scoir Sexteine punds | £596.0.0 |
Peyit of Meall Sex chalders fyfteine bolls thrie firlots Whiche being converted into moy [money] at the fornait [forenamit] pryce Extends to fyve hundrethe Tuentie ane pund Ten schillinges | £521.10.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the money Rent and pryce of the fornait [forenamit] victuall Being frie Rent In the ford [forsaid] parsell of the said paroche (besyd the Subsequent deductione) is ane Thowsand Sevin hundrethe Thriescoir Ten punds Sexteine Schillinges 8 ds [pence] | £1770.16.8 |
Peyit of Mortified Rent to the minist [minister] of the said paroche of Cramound In moy [money] threttie sex punds thretteine Schillinges four penneis | £36.13.4 |
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