Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Kinneill Paroche | |
I] Johne hamiltoun chalmlane [chamberlane] of Kinneill for himselff and Remanent heretors, fewars, lfyrentars, propper wedsetters and vthirs Their moy [money] Rent doethe extend To ane Thowsand Sevin hundrethe Fyve punds four schilllings | £1705.4.0 |
II] Peyit of Bear In the said paroche tuentie chalder ellevin bolls ane firlot, measr [measure] ford [forsaid] Whiche being converted into money at the fornait [fornamit] pryce for everie boll Extends to Ane Thowsand Sevin hundret [hundreth] Thriescoir Sex pund thretteine Schillinges four penneis | £1766.13.4 |
Off meall In the said paroch tuentie chalderis ellevin bolls ane firlot according to the forsaid meassr [meassure] Whiche being Converted Into money at the fornait [fornamit] pryce for everie boll Extends to Ane Thowsand Fyve hundrethe Fourtie fyve pundes Sexteine Schillinges eight penneis | £1545.16.8 |
III] Peyit In Casuall rent for coall and Salt In the said paroche ane Thowsand Thrie hundrethe and Sex punds thretteine Schillinges four penneis | £1306.13.4 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the victuall money and casuall Rents being frie Rent in the said paroche (by and attor [attour] the Eftirmentioned deductiones) is Sex Thowsand thrie hundreth Tuentie four punds Sevin Schillinges 4 ds [pence] | £6324.7.4 |
Peyit In mortified Rent to the minister of the said Paroche In moy [money] Four hundrethe punds | £400.0.0 |
Peyit to him of Bear Tua chalders according to the ford [forsaid] meassr [meassure] Whiche being converted into moy [money] Extends to ane hundret [hundreth] thriescoir ten punds thretteine schillings four penneis | £170.13.4 |
Off meall to him ane chalder meassr [meassure] & pryce ford [forsaid] Whiche being converted into moy [money] Extends to thriescoir fourteine punds thretteine schillinges four penneis | £74.13.4 |
Peyit to the Schoolemr [Schoolmaster] of the sd [said] paroche In moy [money] fourscoir punds | £80.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified Rent is Sevin hundret [hundreth] tuentie fyve punds Sex Schillinges eight penneis | £725.6.8 |
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