Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Payed of beare in the said parochine threttie chalderis according to the foirsd [foirsaid] meassr [meassure] wch [which] being converted in moey [money] at 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll is | £2320.0.0 |
Payed of meale in the said parochine Sextie chalder ane boll thrie firlotis is foure thowsand fourescoir seavine punds aucht shilling 6ds [pennies] | £4087.8.6 |
Payed in casuall rent for coall | £333.6.8 |
Payed for fishingis | £266.13.4 |
Payed in few & tack dewties to other persones besyde the dewties payable to his mathie [majestie] | £535.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the whole victuall & moey [money] in this parochine is tuentie seavine thowsand thrie hunderethe fyftie pund fyve shilling aucht pennies | £27350.5.8 |
Payed in mortified rent to the minister & scoolemr [scoolemaster] in money | £582.13.4 |
Off beare ane chalder of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsd [foirsaid] is | £77.6.8 |
Off meale thrie chalder tuelf bollis of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsaid | £255.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortefied rent | £915.0.0 |
Payed to his maties [majesties] excheqr [ exchequer] in money | £159.11.0 |
Off beare threttene bollis of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsaid | £62.16.8 |
Off malt thrie bollis of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsd [foirsaid] is | £14.10.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the victuall & money payed to the excheqr [exchequer] | £236.17.8 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extends to tuentie sex thowsand Ane hunderethe fourescoir auchtene pund aucht shilling | £26198.8.0 |
Alvethe parochine | |
John monteathe of westgate for himself & remanent heretors fewars lyfrentares propir wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of Alvethe Thair money rent doethe extend to | £0.0.0 |
Payed of beare in the said parochine fyftene chalder seavine bollis according to the meassr [meassure] of linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted into money at the pryce of 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll extendis to | £1193.16.8 |
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