Proprietor and land | Valuation |
The Parochine of Falkirk | |
James goodlat of abutishauche for himself & remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares proper wodsettares And vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of falkirk thair moey [money] rent doethe extend to Fyftene thowsand foure hunderethe pund nyntene shilling aucht pennyes | £15400.19.8 |
Payed of beare in the said parochine Fyftie sex chaldir tuelf bollis according to the meassr [meassure] of Linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted into money at the pryce of 4 ll 16 ss 8 ds [£4.16.8] the boll extends to | £4388.13.4 |
Off malt in the said parochine Sex chaldir according to the meassr [meassure] forsd [forsaid] wch [which] being converted into moey [money] at the pryce of 4 ll 16 ss 8 ds [£4.16.8] the boll Extendis to | £453.6.8 |
Off beanes & peass in the said parochine tuentie ane chaldir aucht bollis ane firlot according to the meassr [meassure] foirsaid wch [which] being converted into moey [money] at the pryce of 4 ll 16 ss 8 ds [£4.16.8] the boll Extends to | £1663.17.6 |
Off meale & oattis in the said parochine thriscoir seavintene chaldirs fourtene bollis thrie pecks according to the meassr [meassure] foirsd [foirsaid] wch [which] being converted into money at the pryce of foure pund 5 ss [£4.5.0] ilk boll Extends to | £5296.6.8 |
Transcribe other information
[Page] 156The Roll of the rent of the shrefdome [shirefdome] of Sterling maid & [sett] downe be the comissionares wnder subscryveand appoyntit for that effect be act of the estates of parliat [parliament] of this kingdome haldin at Edr [Edinburgh] the fourt of august 1649 [4 Aug 1649] wch [which] comissionares having mett On the fyftene - day off August [15 Aug] last And having judiciallie gevin thr [their] oathes to vse thr [their] best indevoures for a richt & trew informaun [informatioun] of [the] rentis of the Whole shyre And to proceid faithfullie And impartiallie in prosecuting thr [their] comissioune and instructiones relaiting thrvnto [thervnto] wch [which] they have carfullie performed in everie poynt Efter serious and mature deliberaune [deliberatioune] They have maid & Sett downe the roll following in articles according to the number of the severall parochines wtin [within] the sd [said] shyre And have cast vpe the sowmes according to the directioune of the parliament:
Transcriber's notes
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.Scharfes s (ligature of long and short s) is used here for 'sh' as well as 'ss'.
wodsettares - the creditor in a mortgage arrangement
"Linlithgow Prick Mett" a standardised firlot measure having a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a depth of 7 1/3 inches
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Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee
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