Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Kailzeo paroche | |
John earle of Traquaire etc and remanent heratores feweres lyferenters propper wodsetteres and vthers within the said paroch of Kailzeo their money rent doeth extend to Tuo thowsand foure hundreth fyftie eight pundes iiij ss [four shillings] ij d [two pence] | £2458.4.2 |
ITem payed of meall in the said paroch Tuelve bolles according to the measure of Lithgow prick mett which being converted into money at the pryce of foure pounds 10 ss [£4.10.0] for each boll extendis to Fyftie foure pundes | £ 54.0.0 |
ITem payed in take duetie to the Lord Iedburghe Fyftie three pundes vi ss [six shillings] viij d [eight pence] | £ 53.6.8 |
ITem payed in mortified rent to the minister Three hundreth threttie three punds vj ss [six shillings] viij d [eight pence] | £ 333.6.8 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroche Is Tuo thowsand fyve hundreth three scoire fyve pundes ten shilling ten pennies | £2565.10.10 |
Pebles paroche | |
John earle of Tueiddaill etc and John Lord Hay of Yester and remanent heratores feweres lyfrenters, propper wodsetters and vtheres within the said paroche of Pebles their money rent doeth extend to Fyve thowsand eight hundreth foure scoire foure punds tuelve shilling two pennies | £5884.12.2 |
ITem payed of bear in the said paroche sex chalderes and tuelve bolles according to the measure of Lithgow prick met which being convertit into money at the pryce of sevine mks [merks] [£4.13.4] each boll extendis to Fyve hundreth and foure pundes | £ 504.0.0 |
ITem payed of malt in the said paroch Tuelve chalderes tuo bolles according to the measure forsaid which being convertit into money at sevine mks [merks] [£4.13.4] ilk boll extendis to nyne hundreth and fyve punds sex schilling eight pennies | £ 905.6.8 |
ITem payit of meall in the said paroche Ellevine chalderes tuo bolles according to the measure forsaid which being convertit into money at foure punds ten schilling [£4.10.0] ilk boll extendis to eight hundreth and ane punds | £801.0.0 |
ITem payed in mortified rent to the persone and vicar of Pebles Eight hundreth and fourtie pundes | £840.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroche of Pebles Is Eight thowsand foure scoire fourteine pundes eighteine schilling ten pennies | £8094.18.10 |
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[Page] 145[signed]
J Murray
J Lausone
John hay
Alexander Burnet
J Hunter
William Russell
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Caroline Macafee, Dauvit- Moderator, AMRM
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