Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Item to the minister of the said paroche as ane pairt of his stipend the sowme of | £40.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductionnes amont to the sowme of | £40.0.0 |
Sua thr [there] will rest of frie rent the sowme of | £660.0.0 |
The Totall sowme of the haill srefdome [sheriffdome] all the Deductionnes abouewritten being dewtie calculat [calculated] Extendis to the sowme of fyftie four thousand Eight hundereth punds 3:2: | £54800.3.2 |
The former valuation Did extend to - | £80100.0.0 |
This valuation is short of the former - | £25300.0.0 |
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[page] 138the Comissioneris under writtin In witnes of this our report have subscryvit thir pntis [presentis] with or [our] hands
J murray
Williame Scott
R Scott
William Scott
J Scott
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