Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Selkirk Paroche | |
The rent of the haill landis within the said paroche qhk [quhilk] belongis to the said shrefdome [shirefdome] of selkirk in the haill Extend to the sowme of threttin thousand nyn hundreth sevintie eight punds 13 - 4 | £13978.13.4 |
Deductions | |
Off the quhilk rent thr [ther] is first to be deducit of few Dewtie zeirlie payabill to his matie [majestie] the sowme of four hundreth fourtie sex punds 6 - 8 | £446.6.8 |
Item to be Deducit the ministeris stipend Extending to the sowme of Sevin hundreth sextin punds 2 - 8 | £716.2.8 |
Transcribe other information
[Page] 132The Roll of the rent of the shrefdome [shirefdome] of selkirk maid and sett Doun by the comissioneris [commissioneris] vnder subscryveing appoyntit for that effect by act of the estaitis of Parliament of this kingdome haldin at Edinburgh the fourt day of august 1649 [4 Aug 1649] Quhich comissioneris [commissioneris] haveing mett On the ... day off august Last And haveing judiciallie givin thair oithis to vse thair best indevors for a richt and true informatioun of the rentis of the haill schyre And to proceid faithfullie and impartiallie in prosequuting thair comissioun [commissioun] and instructiounes Relatting thrvnto [thervnto] quhich thay haue cairfullie Performit in everie poynt Efter serious and Mature Deliberatioun They haue maid and sett doun The roll following and articles according to the number of the severall paroches within the said schyre The rent thairof being Onlie in money and haue cast vp the sowmes according to the Directioun of the parliament
Transcriber's notes
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee
Location information for this page.
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