Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Melrose pa: [paroche] | |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen all of money rent is twentie thousand aucht hundreth and ellevin pund sevintein schillings | £20811.17.0 |
Lillislie pa: [Paroche] | |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all of money rent Is Sevin thousand sex hundrethe thriescoir and four pund | £7664.0.0 |
Bowden par: [paroche] | |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all of money rent aucht thousand four hundrethe foure scoir and ten punds | £8490.0.0 |
Lassuden par: [paroche] | |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all of money rent four thousand ane hundreth fourescoir and nyntein punds ellevin schillings 2ds | £4199.11.2 |
MaxToun par: [paroche] | |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all money rent is fyve thousand aucht hundret and threttie punds | £5830.0.0 |
Langnewtoun par: [paroche] | |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being of money rent is ane thousand tua hundrethe fourescoir punds fourtein schillings | £1280.14.0 |
Askirk par: [paroche] | |
Suma [Summa] of the victuall rent within this parochen Is aucht hundrethe twentie sevin punds sex schillings | £827.6.0 |
Item of money rent is Foire thousand tua hundrethe threttie sevin punds thrie schillings | £4237.3.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill rent of this paroche is Fyve thousand thriescoir four punds nyne schillings | £5064.9.0 |
Lyndeane pa: [paroche] | |
Suma [Summa] of the victuall within this parochen is ane hundrethe and fourtein bolls the pryce foirsaid if sevin hundreth punds | £700.0.0 |
Item of money rent ane thousand ane hundret thriescoir fyftein punds nyntein schillings | £1175.19.0 |
Suma [Summa] of this haill parochen victuall and money Is ane thousand aucht hundrethe thrie scoir fyftein punds nyntein schillings | £1875.19.0 |
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