Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Mynto par [paroche] | |
Suma [Summa] of the beir and meill within this paroche is fyvescoir sex bolls at 6 lib: 6 ss [£6.6.0] the boll Is six hundret [hundreth] and thriescoir sevin punds sextein schillings | £667.16.0 |
Mair auchtein bolls of quheit at the pryce set doun Is ane hundret [hundreth] and fourtie punds | £140.0.0 |
Item of money rent wtin [within] this paroche, Ane thousand fyve hundret [hundreth] fyftie thrie punds sex schillings aucht pennies | £1553.6.8 |
Suma [Summa] totalis is tua thousand thrie hundreth thriescoir and fyve punds tua schillings aucht pennies | £2365.2.8 |
Bedroull par [paroche] | |
Suma [Summa] of the victuall wtin [within] this paroche is tua hundreth fourescoir ane bolls meill and beir pryce foirsaid Is sevintein hundrethe thriescoir ten punds sex schillings | £1770.6.0 |
Item the money rent wtin [within] this parochen is ane thousand nyne hundrethe fourescoir and ten punds sex schillings aucht pennies | £1990.6.8 |
Suma [Summa] totalis of this parochen is thrie thousand sevin hundrethe and thriescoir punds tuelve schillings aucht pennies | £3760.12.8 |
Abbotroull par [paroche] | |
Suma [Summa] of this paroche being all money rent is ane thousand sex hundreth thriescoir and sexteine punds | £1676.0.0 |
Hopkirk par [paroche] | |
Suma [Summa] of victuall within this paroche is auchtscoir four bolls meill and beir pryce foirsaid Is ane thousand threttie thrie punds four schillings | £1033.4.0 |
Item of money rent wtin [within] the said paroche Is sex thousand five hundrethe threttie sex punds threttin schillings four pennies | £6536.13.4 |
Suma [Summa] of bothe Is Sevin thousand fyve hundret [hundreth] thriescoir ten punds sex schillings 8ds [pennies] | £7570.6.8 |
Sowden par [paroche] | |
Summa of this paroche being all money rent Is fyve thousand and fyve hundret [hundreth] punds | £5500.0.0 |
Oxnam par [paroche] | |
Suma [Summa] of the bolls of victuall within this paroche is ane hundrethe fourescoir and aucht bolls beir and meill pryce foresaid is ane thousand ane hundredth fourescoir four punds aucht schillings | £1184.8.0 |
Item the money rent is aucht thousand aucht hundrethe and threttie nyne punds threttin schillings four pennies | £8839.13.4 |
Suma [summa] totalis is ten thousand twentie four punds sevin schillings four pennies | £10024.7.4 |
Hownem par [paroche] | |
Suma [summa] of the haill rent in this parochene being all money rent Is ten thousand fourescoir and ten punds sex schillings aucht pennies | £10090.6.8 |
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