Proprietor and land | Valuation |
thirtie Four pundis 13 - 4 | £34.13.4 |
Payit to his maties [Majesty] exchecker | |
40 Shottis | |
My lord duke of hamiltone For himself and remanent heretors of thr [ther] mony [money] rent extendis to six thousand sex hunder thirtein pundis 6 - 8d [pence] | £6613.6.8 |
Off meill ten chdr [chalder] inde seiven hunderethe and twentie pundis | £720.0.0 |
Payit off Feu deutie to others thn [than] his matie [majestie] Fyve hunder thirtie thrie pund 6 - 8d [pence] | £533.6.8 |
Payit in wethers butter and cheis ane hunderethe thirtie thrie pund 6 - 8d [pence] | £133.6.8 |
Summa of the mony rent and pryce of vittallis aught thousand pounds | £8000.0.0 |
Payit to the minister sax hunder punds and to the scoolmaister and For mentenence off a student at the colledge Fourscoir punds | £680.0.0 |
Summa of the mortiffiet rent is sax hunder and Fourscoir punds | £680.0.0 |
Payit to his maties [majestie's] exchecker | |
The totall off the present valuatione of the schyer besyd the mortifiet rent and qu [quhat] is payit to the exchecker Extends to Ane hundereth Fourscoir Saxtein thousand thre hunder threescoir nyntein punds 13 - 4d [pence] | £196379.13.4 |
The mortifiet rent extends to thirtie thousand thre hunderethe thre scoir Fyve punds | £3365.0.0 |
His maties [majestie's] rent in this schyer extends to | |
The totall of the Former valuatione of this schyer extends to ane hunder Fourscoir Sixtein thousand tua hunderethe and Fortie punds | £196240.0.0 |
This pnt [present] valuatne [valuation] doethe exceid the Former ane hunderethe thirtie nyn pund 13 - 4d [pence] | £139.13.4 |
Transcribe other information
[Page] 116RThe lide mynes [lead mines] Formerlie valued at ane thousand punds bott ane act off parliat [parliament] was producit be the lord hoptone to the valuers exempting the saidis lide mynes Fre all valuatne [valuatione] and burdines qtsomever [quhatsomever]
Sir george maxwell off netherpollock his lands wtin [within] the parochine of goven wtin [within] this schyre being valuet Formerlie to Fyve hunderethe and Fyftie merks bot is is not computed in the totall of this shyer in respect of ane act of parliat [parliament] anexing the same lands perteining to the laird pollock to the sreffdom [sheriffdom] of Ranffrew
A Stewart
S Stewart
J Hamiltoun of Udstone
Pa [Patrick] Hamiltoun
[Signed foot of page]
W Carmichaell
William Broun
A Steuart of Orontoune
J hamiltoun of Udstoun
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson, AMRM
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