Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall Extendis to Sax thousand Fyve hundereth Saxtie Sax lib [pounds] 13.4 | £6566.13.4 |
Payit of mortiffiet rent to the Clerk of the generall assemblie colledge of glasgow and Kirk agent in mony ane hunder Fourscoir fyftein pound 13 - 4d [pence] | £195.13.4 |
Payit of beir to the toun or colledge of glasgow Sax chldr [chalder] ind Four hunder Fortie aught pund | £448.0.0 |
Payit of meill to the sd [said] toun or colledg twentie Four chdr [chalder] inde ane thousand Seiven hunder twentie aught punds | £1728.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent of the sd [said] paroch is tua thousand thrie hunderethe thriescoir and eleiven pund | £2371.0.0 |
Payit to his matie [majestie] exchecker Fourscoir punds | £80.0.0 |
36 Barronie Paroch of glasgow | |
Robert hamilton of silvertonhill For himself and remanent heretors of ther mony rent extends to Four thousand nyn hunderethe punds | £4900.0.0 |
Off beir ten chdr [chalder] ane Firlett and half peck inde seiven hunderethe Fortie aught punds | £748.0.0 |
Off meill thrie scoir sax chdr [chalder] inde Four thousand seven hunderethe Fyftie tua punds | £4752.0.0 |
Payit of Few deutie to others thn [than] his matie [majestie] twentie tuo chdr [chalder] thrie bolls aught pecks tuo pecks meill and corn extending to in mony ane thousand Sax hunderethe punds | £1600.0.0 |
Summa off the mony rent and pryce off vittall extends to tuelve thousand punds | £12000.0.0 |
Payit of mortiffiet rent to the colledge off glasgow clerk of the assemblie and kirk agent tuo hunderethe Fourscoir thrie punds | £283.0.0 |
Payit For ministers stipends vphoulding of the heigh kirk & vthir his persones uses Fyve hunder punds And Saxtein chdr [chalder] off meill inde ane thousand ane hunderethe Fyftie tua punds | £1152.0.0 |
Off beir Four chdr [chalder] inde tua hunder Fourscoir aughtein punds 13 - 4 d [pence] | £298.13.4 |
Ite [Item] the mills and kills Formerlie of glasgow valuett with the shyer and now mortifiet For pyus usesin the sd [said] toun being Sax hunder punds | £600.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent is tuo thousand aught hunderete thretie thre punds 13 - 4 ds [pence] | £2833.13.4 |
Payit to his maties [majestie's] exchecker ane hunderethe punds | £100.0.0 |
37 Avandaile | |
My lord duke of hamilton For himself and remanent heretors of thr [their] mony rent extendis to Seven thousand Sax hunder and ten punds 13 - 4 d [pence] | £7610.13.4 |
Off beir aught chdr [chalder] inde Fyve hunder Fourscoir seiventein punds 6 - 8d [pence] | £597.6.8 |
Off meill thirtie chdr [chalder] inde tua thousand ane hunder thriescoir punds | £2160.0.0 |
Off feu Deutie to others thn [than] his matie [majestie] thrie hunderethe punds | £300.0.0 |
Summa of mony and pryce of vittallExtendis to- ten thousand Sax hundereth thrie scoir Sax punds 13 - 4d [pence] | £10666.13.4 |
Payit to the minister aught hunder thriescoir Sax pund 13 - 4d [pence] | £866.13.4 |
Payit to the scolmaister ane hunderethe punds and to menteane ane student at the colledge ten punds | £110.0.0 |
Summa off the mortiffiet rent is nyne hunder thriescoir Saxtein pund 13 - 4d [pence] | £976.13.4 |
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[Page] 116P[Signed]
A Stewart
J Stewart
J hamilton of Udstoune
Patrick hamiltone
Robert hamilton
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson, AMRM
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