Land tax rolls for Stirlingshire, volume 05

Page 1691 Land 1691 Valued rent Dates of disjunction 1831 Lands 1831 Superiors 1831 Proprietors 1831 Valued rent Transcribe other information Transcriber's notes
E106/31/5/1 [Page] 1 EXTRACT from the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Commissioners of Supply of the County of Stirling, held at Stirling, upon the 30th day of Spril, 1832 years. There was given in to the Meeting the following Report from the Committee appointed, a considerable time ago, to prepare a New Valu- ation Roll of the County, viz.:- "The Committee appointed to prepare a New Valuation Roll of the County beg to report, that they found already existing two Valuation Rolls, one bearing date 1691, which appears to have been certified to Exchequer in 1698, and another dated and certified to Exchequer the 11th day of November, 1802. As to the former, the Committee possessed no means of ascertaining its accuracy, in regard to the disjunction of the various Lands in the County at the period of its date, there being no Record of the proceedings of the Com- missioners prior to 1693; but, with respect to the second of these Rolls, it appeared, from an examination of the Records, that it did not contain any accurate or detailed statement of the disjunctions of Valuation which had taken place since the date of the Old Roll, and that it was merely a transcript of the Book kept by the Collector of the Cess, wherein the different Valuations had been entered, not according to the disjunctions in the Record, but, from time to time, in arbitrary manner, so as to render the collection of the Cess more easy to the Collector himself. In these circumstances, it appeared to the Committee, that, in order to obtain a correct Valuation Roll of the County, shewing the present state of the Valuation, it would be absolutely necessary minutely to examine the Records from 1693 downwards, and after extracting therefrom all the disjunctions made during that period, to select those which should be found still subsisting from such as had been superseded by later disjunc- tions or subdivisions, and thereafter to classify and apply this selection to the several names or heads in the Old Roll, of which they formed parts. This, although a Work of great labour and difficulty, Mr Robert Campbell, the Clerk of Supply, under the directions of the Committee, has been enabled to effect, and, in almost every instance, precisely to connect every one of the names contained in the Old Roll, with the Valu- ation of the Lands comprehended under such names, as it now stands disjoined. In a few instances, indeed, where several of the parcels in the Old Roll have been thrown into one Cumulo Valuation before being disjoined, and where such disjunction comprehended a part of more than one of these parcels, it has been found impracticable precisely to apply the several disjunctions to the specific parcels of the Cumulo Valuation from which such disjunctions have been made; but the correctness of these, and of all the other disjunctions, as well as their connection with the different heads in the Old Roll, of which it has been assumed that they form parts, has been proved by the amount of both being found to be the same, and where any difference does exist, a satisfactory reason has been, in general, assigned. The Committee also found great difficulty in ascertaining the Proprietors of the different parcels of Land, as they at present stand dis- joined, in consequence of the prectice which had so long prevailed in collecting the Cess, not separataly from every Proprietor or Property liable, but from certain individuals who had been in use to pay, whose names alone stood in the Collector's Book, and who, when necessary, collected a proportion from others; and, also, because the Proprietors of diffferent Lands appeared in the Collector's Book, as liable for Cess, upon a certain sum of Valuation, without any specification of the particulars of which such sum was composed, or of the Lands to which it referred. But, by personal application to the Clerks of the Heritors in the different Parishes, and a careful collation of the lists of Valuation in their possession, by which Parish Assessments were in use to be imposed, with the Valuation as it appeared in the Record, and, by information collected from other intelligent persons, the names of the Proprietors have been ascertained with considerable accuracy, although, from the transfer of Property which is daily occurring, farther alterations, of a recent date, may have taken place. It was farther considered desirable, in order to render the information, afforded by the present Work, more complete, that the names of the Crown Vassals, or Superiors, of the different parcels of Land, should be given, which, from the difficulty of obtaining the attention of Proprietors themselves and their Agents to the matter, proved the most tedious part of the labour. This, however, has also been at last accom- plished, and, perhaps, with more accuracy than the Committee could have expected, although the publication of the Work has been thereby delayed for a much longer time than had been anticipated, and the importance of this species of information may now be considered as mate- rially diminished. The Committee have further to state, that, in the former Rolls, they found the Valuation of the Parishes of Falkirk and Polmont, as well as Lecropt and Logie, united; but, conceiving that it would be an improvement were the Valuation of each of those Parishes stated sepa- rately, they hace so disjoined them in the Roll now made up. In conclusion, the Committee have to report that they have printed 300 Copies of the Valuation Roll, prepared upon the foregoing principles, wherein the Roll 1691 has been assumed as the text, and the present state of the Valuation of the Lands, or different parcels thereof, stated opposite, together with the Dates of the several Disjunctions, and the names of the Superiors and Proprietors of the Lands, as the Valuation Roll, 1831; and although, from the nature and extent of the Work, it is next to impossible, altogether, to guard against inaccuracies, yet the Committee trust that the labour bestowed upon it may be found useful, and may meet with the approbation of the County." Which Report, being considered by the Meeting, they approve thereof, and of the Valuation Roll now laid before them; divide and disjoin the Valu- ation of Polmont from that of Falkirk, and Lecropt from that of Logie, as therein stated; and find and declare that the Valuation contained in the said Roll, 1831, is the true Valuation of the County of Stirling; and direct the Clerk to deliver a Copy of the said Valuation Roll to every Heritor in the County, whose Valuation amounts to £100 Scots, and upwards, and another to the Collector of the Cess, and to retain the remainder, to be disposed of as the Commissioners of Supply may hereafter direct. Extracted from the Minutes of the Meeting, by (Signed) ROBERT CAMPBELL, Clerk of Supply.
E106/31/5/3 AIRTH PARISH.
E106/31/5/3 VALUATION ROLL, 1691. VALUATION ROLL, 1831.
E106/31/5/3 The Laird of Airth £2007.19.4 Airth Thomas Graham Stirling of Airth Thomas Graham Stirling of Airth £1591.7.4
E106/31/5/3 1, June 1751. Newk, held of Sir George Preston William Graham, yr. [younger] of Airth and Earl of Dunmore John Burn Murdoch £210.0.0
E106/31/5/3 Airth, part of, formerly Sir George Preston's Earl of Dunmore Earl of Dunmore £165.14.4
E106/31/5/3 24, July 1759. Airth, part of, formerly Sir George Preston's afterwards Alexander Hodge Earl of Dunmore Thomas Graham Stirling £20.8.10
E106/31/5/3 Airth, part of, formerly Sir George Preston's afterwards Alexander Hodge acquired by Mr. Graham Earl of Dunmore Thomas Graham Stirling £20.8.10
E106/31/5/3 Auchinbowie £35.17.6 Auchenbowie Thomas Graham Stirling of Airth Thomas Graham Stirling of Airth £35.17.6
E106/31/5/3 The Lord Elphinstone £1645.19.6 27, Sept. 1744. Cuthrae Earl of Dunmore Earl of Dunmore £70.0.0
E106/31/5/3 Elphinstone Earl of Dunmore Earl of Dunmore £1575.19.6
E106/31/5/3 Kinnaird £373.6.4 Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £373.6.4
E106/31/5/3 Powfoulis £995.10.0 3, Oct. 1732. Five rooms of Powfoulis purchased by Mr Dundas Joseph Stainton's heirs Joseph Stainton's heirs £280.0.0
E106/31/5/3 William Bruce £113.2.6 8, June 1773. That part of Powfoulis holding of Lord Elphinstone Hon. [Honourable] William Elphinstone James Bruce of Powfoulis £305.5.6
E106/31/5/3 5, Oct. 1779. Powfoulis James Bruce of Powfoulis James Bruce of Powfoulis £498.7.0
E106/31/5/3 Powfoulis James Downie's part Henry Stainton Carron Company £25.0.0
E106/31/5/3 The Laird of Powhouse £432.8.2 29, Sept. 1752. Pocknave J. Ogilvie's representatives J. Ogilvie's representatives £332.8.2
E106/31/5/3 Letham Dolls Duke of Hamilton Earl of Dunmore £100.0.0
E106/31/5/3 The Barony of Letham £1176.10.0 17, Mar. 1701. Robert Rollo's part of Letham Duke of Hamilton Earl of Dunmore £237.15.2
E106/31/5/3 Duke of Hamilton £12.5.0 9, Jan. 1781. Lochs Thomas Graham Stirling Thomas Graham Stirling £56.4.10
E106/31/5/3 Dr. Monteath's three farms, Southfield William Graham, yr. [younger] of Airth John Burn Murdoch £117.4.8
E106/31/5/3 30, April 1784. The old Inclosures of Letham, and Robert Fell's possession The heirs of Joseph Stainton Carron Company £60.3.4
E106/31/5/3 The remainder of Letham, of which Gibson of Durie is superior The heirs of Joseph Stainton Carron Company £422.14.6
E106/31/5/3 4, July 1780 Part of Letham, possessed by J. Mackie and J. Mitchell Duke of Hamilton Thomas Graham Stirling £147.12.0
E106/31/5/3 30, April 1791 John Marshall's part of Powside William Graham, yr. [younger] of Airth John Marshall of Bowtrees £81.8.0
E106/31/5/3 ---- Charles Addison's part William Graham, yr. [younger] of Airth Thomas Graham of Stirling £65.13.3
E106/31/5/3 NOTE. - An increase of 9d. [pennies] on these disjunctions.
E106/31/5/3 James and William Burns £67.18.0 6, Dec. 1798. Alexander Nimmo's part of Lochs William Graham, yr. [younger] of Airth Alexander Nimmo, merchant in Falkirk £31.7.0
E106/31/5/3 Alexander Peddie's part Thomas Graham Stirling Thomas Graham Stirling £31.7.0
E106/31/5/3 William Adam's part Thomas Graham Stirling William Adam £5.4.0
E106/31/5/3 Land Tax of 21/6 7/12 per £100 of O.V.R. [Original Valuation Roll] VALUATION ROLL OF THE COUNTY OF STIRLING.
E106/31/5/3 Annotations in green ink have not been transcribed.
E106/31/5/5 VALUATION ROLL, 1691. VALUATION ROLL, 1831.
E106/31/5/5 Garvald £80.4.1 Garvald John Ogilvie's representatives John Ogilvie's representatives £80.4.1
E106/31/5/5 The Haughs of Airth £339.7.6 Haughs of Airth Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £339.7.6
E106/31/5/5 Sir William Bruce £73.11.8 Part of Rashiehill's Teinds of Airth Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £37.10.0
E106/31/5/5 Alexander Miln £169.13.10 Sir William Bruce's part of Airth James Bruce of Powfoulis James Bruce of Powfoulis £18.15.0
E106/31/5/5 30, April 1801 Mr Ogilvie's part of Lands of New Mill and Halls of Airth Teinds Earl of Dunmore Earl of Dumore £50.1.0
E106/31/5/5 James Tower's part of Lands of New Mill and Halls of Airth Teinds Lord Dundas Carron Company £29.11.3
E106/31/5/5 John Marshall's part of Lands of New Mill and Halls of Airth Teinds Lord Dundas John Marshall of Bowtrees £38.3.3
E106/31/5/5 John Hendry's part of Lands of New Mill and Halls of Airth Teinds Lord Dundas John Hendry's heirs £35.6.8
E106/31/5/5 William Bows' part of Lands of New Mill and Halls of Airth Teinds Lord Dundas William Espie £35.6.8
E106/31/5/5 Note. - There does not appear in the Minutes of the Commissioners of Supply any disjunction of the two first of the above sums, called Rashiehill's Teinds but in the Collector Book from 1737 these two sums stand as Rashiehill's and Sir William Bruce's part of the teinds of Halls of Airth; and in like manner New Mills part of these teinds is rated at £18.15.0, in all £75.0.0; whereas the valuation, under the name of Sir William Bruce, in the Old Roll, is only £73.11.8., makin an excess of £1.8.4; and
E106/31/5/5 the disjunction of the lands of New Mill, on 30th April 1801, proceeds upon a cumulo made up of the valuation in Old Roll, £169.13.10., in name of Alexander Miln, stated as New Mills part of Airth teinds in the Collector's Book.
E106/31/5/5 Archibald Cowie £147.1.0 20, Dec. [December] 1798. Skelloch-yard, part of Bellsdyke Thomas Learmonth of Lawrence Park Joseph Stainton's heirs £6.0.0
E106/31/5/5 Bellsdyke Thomas Learmonth of Lawrence Park Joseph Stainton's heirs £141.1.0
E106/31/5/5 The Lands of Carsie £966.7.0 26, Mar. [March] 1810 South Farm of Kersie, possessed by John Yule Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall £128.17.1
E106/31/5/5 West Farm of Kersie, possessed by James Mitchel. Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall £84.3.10
E106/31/5/5 James Welsh's possession Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall £33.7.3
E106/31/5/5 Alexander McNellan's possession Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall £2.9.8
E106/31/5/5 Widow John Kerr's possession Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall £2.9.9
E106/31/5/5 Alexander Christie's Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall £2.13.10
E106/31/5/5 David Johnstone's late Robert Russel's Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall £5.8.10
E106/31/5/5 David Johnstone's late Robert Russel's Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall £5.8.10
E106/31/5/5 Thomas Thomson's Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall £1.5.6
E106/31/5/5 John McNellan's possession, formerly Alexander Lamb and Archibald Stupart Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall £12.16.10
E106/31/5/5 House Parks Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall £99.10.5
E106/31/5/5 North Farm Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall £242.16.0
E106/31/5/5 South Farm Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall Sir Alexander C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall £256.18.2
E106/31/5/5 Mid Farm Sir Alex. C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall Sir Alex. C. Maitland Gibson of Cliftonhall £93.9.10
E106/31/5/5 Total valuation of Airth Parish, 1691 £8637.1.5 Note. - Increase upon New Roll, of £1.9.1., accounted for as above. Total valuation of Airth Parish, 1831 £8638.10.6
E106/31/5/5 ALVA PARISH.
E106/31/5/5 The Laird of Alva £1610.11.8 30, April 1822 Carsey Pow Farm, as possessed by Alexander Drysdale; bounded on the north by the turnpike road; on the west, partly by stripes of Planting separating the same from Henry's and Langland's Parks, and partly by the road leading from the turnpike road to the Devon; on the south by the Devon; and on the east by Easter Braefoot Park, arable Woodlands and Banks of Devon connected therewith; Alva Crofts let to sundries, including angle between West Quarter Steading and roads containing 24 falls, Blindwells James Johnstone of Alva James Johnstone of Alva £403.3.6
E106/31/5/5 Farm of Boll and Greenhead, possessed by Thomas Drysdale; bounded on the north by Blindwells, South of Alva Crofts, upper part of Mill Park, and Wester and Easter Claddocks; on the east by the Lower Burnside Parks, the Steading of Shevelhaugh, and the road leading from the turnpike to the Devon; on the south by the Devon; and on the west by Eagle Shot and Brick-kiln Parks, arable Banks of Devon connected therewith, old course of river and small piece of ground, formerly Lord Mansfield's property, lying
E106/31/5/5 west of Alva Burn, the south-west division of Lower Burnside Park, stripe of Planting immediately west thereof, those parts of Alva let along with Kaverkae Proper, and exclusive of the acres of Coble Crook and Banks of Devon next to these acres, viz- Brick-kiln Park, Eagle Shot, Clayknows, Haugh of Clayknows, White Clover Park,
E106/31/5/5 [Page] 4 [Page] 5
E106/31/5/5 Annotations in green ink have not been transcribed.
E106/31/5/7 VALUATION ROLL, 1691. VALUATION ROLL, 1831.
E106/31/5/7 Planting Park, and Planting adjoining, with Banks of Devon, opposite these lands; also, Arnbog, deducting lower part of it belonging to Kaverkae, and Big Bog Park, so far as not belonging to West Quarter Montague Cholmely Johnstone James Johnstone of Alva £404.5.1
E106/31/5/7 Upper Burnside Park, two eastern Parts of Lower Burnside, together with the Plantin at the foot thereof; Shevelhaugh Steading and Garden; Henry's and Langland's Parks, and Planting around the same; Planting in Alva Glen, immediately above and below the Mills; the other property in Mr Johnstone's own possession, exclusive of the two divisions of Lower Burnside beforementioned; bounded on the north by the Hill of Alva, possessed by John Maule; on the east by the Woodburn,
E106/31/5/7 dividing the same from Mr Johnstone's lands in the paris of Tillicoultry; on the south by the turnpike road; and on the west, partly by the Burnside Glen, partly by the said Hill of Alva, and partly by the Glebe and North Claddocks, including the lands occupied by the mansion-house, offices, farmsteadings, and policy; lands occupied by the feus in Alva and Strude, Dalmore Park, Thomas Bernard's feu, Croftshawie, two lots unfeued lying between Croftshawie and Alva Glen James Johnstone of Alva James Johnstone of Alva £402.14.8 1/2
E106/31/5/7 Midmill and Woodhill of Alva, with Plantation in Burnside Glen; Westhill of Alva, including Longbank Park, North Croft, Sundries, Braefoot Park Easter, in so far as in the parish of Alva James Gordon of Craig, Advocate, Liferenter James Johnstone of Alva £400.8.4 1/2
E106/31/5/7 Kaverkae £273.15.10 Kaverkae Andrew Storie, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] James Johnstone of Alva £273.15.10
E106/31/5/7 West Quarter £147.12.10 West Quarter Andrew Storie, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] James Johnstone of Alva £147.12.10
E106/31/5/7 Total valuation of Alva Parish, 1691 £2032.0.4 Total valuation of Alva Parish, 1831 £2032.0.4
E106/31/5/7 Marquis of Montrose £679.5.4 12, Oct. [October] 1739. That part of Montrose Lands now called Douglaston Duke of Montrose James Glassford of Dougalston £80.0.0
E106/31/5/7 1, Aug. [August] 1801. Wester Blairskaith Duke of Montrose Professor McTurk Glasgow College, and Henry Gordon £80.0.0
E106/31/5/7 The remainder of Montrose Lands Duke of Montrose David Foyer of Bogside, ad 16 other Proprietors £519.5.4
E106/31/5/7 The Lands of Keir £204.4.8 12, Oct. [October] 1739 Dougalston's part of Ballandrocht James Glassford of Dougalston James Glassford of Dougalston £14.0.0
E106/31/5/7 30, Sept. [September] 1740 Bridgend pendicle Supposed James Stirling of Keir Charles Stirling £9.10.3
E106/31/5/7 27 April, 1748 David Finlay's part of Ballandrocht Supposed James Stirling of Keir David Foyer of Bogside £84.12.4
E106/31/5/7 30, April 1814 William Stirling's part of Ballandrocht Supposed James Stirling of Keir __Stirling, Craighead £80.1.5
E106/31/5/7 Jean McAllister and Thomas Winning's part of Ballandrocht Supposed James Stirling of Keir Thomas Winning, Tower £16.0.8
E106/31/5/7 The Laird of Bardowie £405.14.4 24, Sept. [September] 1762 Bardowie remaining undivided at this date John Graham Dalziell, advocate John Hamilton Buchanan of Bardowie £129.0.4
E106/31/5/7 20, May 1765 Mr Robertson's part of Bardowie John Graham Dalziell, advocate James Glassford of Dougalston, Professor McTurk, and Robert Gray, Glasgow. £78.13.4
E106/31/5/7 Bankier Easter, part of Bardowie John Graham Dalziell, advocate John Lennox Kincaid £66.13.4
E106/31/5/7 1, Aug. [August] 1801 Fleuchter (John Hay's part) John Graham Dalziell, advocate Professor McTurk £20.0.0
E106/31/5/7 22, Feb. [February] 1805 Parks about House of Bardowie John Graham Dalziell, advocate John Hamilton Buchanan £4.0.0
E106/31/5/7 Barnellan John Graham Dalziell, advocate John Hamilton Buchanan £20.16.0
E106/31/5/7 Langlee John Graham Dalziell, advocate John Hamilton Buchanan £20.0.0
E106/31/5/7 Mill and Mill Lands of Fleuchter John Graham Dalziell, advocate John Hamilton Buchanan £20.0.0
E106/31/5/7 Fleuchter, Mr Allan's part John Graham Dalziell, advocate The heirs of __ Allan, Alexander Gibb, and Margaret Syme £46.11.4
E106/31/5/7 John Campbell of Dowan £20.2.8 Dowan Duke of Montrose James Glassford of Dougalston
E106/31/5/7 Templewinning £16.2.2 Temple winning Temple Winning James Smith of Craigend Robert Gray, Glasgow £16.2.2
E106/31/5/7 Allan Logan £64.8.4 Allan Logan Duke of Montrose Robert Gray, Glasgow £64.8.4
E106/31/5/7 Borrowstoune £72.9.6 Borrowstone, Hugh Brown John Blackburn of Killearn Robert Henry £72.9.6
E106/31/5/7 James Stirling £71.8.4 12, Oct. [October] 1739 Dougalston's part of the lands called James Stirling's James Glassford of Dougalston James Glassford of Dougalston £10.19.10
E106/31/5/7 Remainder of James Stirling's lands called Blochairn Robert Donald, and Henry Gordon Robert Donald, and Henry Gordon £60.8.6
E106/31/5/7 [Page] 6 [Page] 7 B
E106/31/5/7 Annotations in green ink have not been transcribed.
E106/31/5/9 VALUATION ROLL, 1691. VALUATION ROLL, 1831.
E106/31/5/9 Bankier £98.0.2 30, April 1814. Bankier, William Stirling Henry Monteith of Carstairs __ Stirling, Craighead £32.13.6
E106/31/5/9 Bankier, Miss Lennox and Mrs Kincaid Henry Monteith of Carstairs John Lenox Kincaid £33.11.2
E106/31/5/9 Bankier, W. Stirling of Castlehill Henry Monteith of Carstairs William Stirling of Castlehill £10.17.8
E106/31/5/9 Bankier, John Wylie Henry Monteith of Carstairs John Wylie and Andrew Wylie Bankier £10.0.0
E106/31/5/9 Bankier, William Robertson Henry Monteith of Carstairs William Robertson £10.17.8
E106/31/5/9 NOTE.- 2d. [pennies] lost on this disjunction.
E106/31/5/9 The Laird of Balvie £7.0.0 Balvie Meadow Sir James Colquhoun of Luss, Bart [Baronet] James Glassford of Dougalston £7.0.0
E106/31/5/9 Bankell £106.2.0 Bankell James Glassford of Dougalston James Glassford of Dougalston £106.2.0
E106/31/5/9 Total valuation of Baldernock Parish, 1691 £1744.17.6 NOTE.- Decrease upon New Roll of 2d., [pennies] accounted for as above. Total valuation of Baldernock Parish, 1831. £1744.17.4
E106/31/5/9 The Lord Napier £219.0.10 12, Oct. [October] 1739. Ballochairn Robert Dunmore Napier of Ballikinrain Robert Dunmore Napier £109.10.5
E106/31/5/9 3, April 1799. Edinbelly, 1/3 John Ferrier Hamilton of West Port Robert Dunmore Napier £36.10.1
E106/31/5/9 Edinbelly, 2/3 John Ferrier Hamilton of West Port William Key of Wright's Park £73.0.4
E106/31/5/9 Mr James Buchanan of Craminnan £252.6.7 29, July 1740 Hollandows and Halton, part of Meikle Camoquhill W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore Angus Campbell £34.6.0
E106/31/5/9 Rinians, part of Meikle Camoquhill W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore James Neilson £12.7.4
E106/31/5/9 22, Feb. [February] 1799. Cremanan W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore £159.13.3
E106/31/5/9 Gaisland and Glenfoot Buchanan Leckie of Broich Ebenezer Bow, M. Meiklewham, and Hugh MacLachlan £46.0.0
E106/31/5/9 The Laird of Houston £93.8.7 1, June 1779. Houston Glins or Provanston Archibald Speirs of Elderslie A. Graham Speirs of Culcreuch £93.8.7
E106/31/5/9 This should be in fact £97 6s. [shillings] 11d. [pennies] as disjoined 28th July, 1715. But in a disjunction of Mr Speirs' lands, in Fintry parish, 1st June, 1779, it is added to his valuation in that parish, and only held by the record to be £93 8s. [shillings] 7d., [pennies] for which reason it is here stated at that sum, although in the roll 1802, and in the Collector's Books from 1746, it is entered as £97 4s. [shillings] 11d. [pennies]
E106/31/5/9 Branshogle Glinns £311.19.0 5, June 1781. Nether Glins Robert Warden of Parkhill J. Cunningham Leny of Gartocharn £155.19.7 1/2
E106/31/5/9 Over Glins, including the Parks next Balgair Robert Warden of Parkhill A.G. Speirs of Culreuch £155.19.7 1/2
E106/31/5/9 Upon this disjunction the valuation is increased 3d., [pennies] as as stated in Roll 1802, 4d. [pennies]
E106/31/5/9 Alexander Colquhoun of Glinns £328.11.4 24, Aug. [August] 1787 Colquhoun Glins 4/5 parts of Alexander Graham Spiers A.G. Speirs of Culcreuch £262.17.1
E106/31/5/9 Colquhoun Glins 1/5 parts of Alexander Graham Spiers H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £65.14.3
E106/31/5/9 James Galbraith of Balgair £314.1.0 Balgair Richard Galbraith Richard Galbraith £314.1.0
E106/31/5/9 James and Patrick Neilson £35.10.2 Camoquhill __ Douglas of Mains Patrick Neilson, William Zuill, and Janet Morrison's Trustees £35.10.1
E106/31/5/9 In Roll 1802, stated £35 10s. [shillings] 11d. [pennies]
E106/31/5/9 John Blair £40.5.8 Meikle Camoquhill Lord Duncan William Bow and Rev. [Reverend] John Graham £40.5.8
E106/31/5/9 John Cunningham of Badendalloch £473.0.4 Balindalloch Samuel Cooper of Balindalloch Samuel Cooper, the Trustees of Janet Morrison, Thomas Dunmore, James Finlay & Co., Alexander Fairlie, Thomas Ure, and other small Proprietors £473.0.4
E106/31/5/9 Galbraith Spittall £16.2.8 Galbraith Spittall Robert Hill, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] Samuel Cooper and William Fairlie £16.2.8
E106/31/5/9 No disjunction of this appears in the record, but from 1746, it appears in the Collector's Books, John Bachop's part £8 2s. [shillings] 2d.; [pennies] Bandalloch's part, £8.
E106/31/5/9 Total valuation of Balfron Parish 1691 £2084.6.2 NOTE- Increase upon New Roll of 3d., [pennies] accounted for as above. Total valuation of Balfron Parish, 1831 £2084.6.5
E106/31/5/9 [Page] 8 [Page] 9
E106/31/5/9 Annotations in green ink have not been transcribed.
E106/31/5/11 10 [page] Bothkenar Parish
E106/31/5/11 The Laird of Newton £1086.0.0 Nov.12 1759 John Alexander's part of John Taylor's part of Newton William Dawson, Logie William Dawson, Logie £21.14.10
E106/31/5/11 Nov. 5, 1765 That mailing of newton possessed by David Sclanders Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £61.18.3
E106/31/5/11 Jean Higgins possession for Orchyards Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £42.17.2¾
E106/31/5/11 Lands possessed by Jean Higgins' Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £27.2.5¾
E106/31/5/11 John Simpson's possession Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £201.17.5¾
E106/31/5/11 The fishing possessed by him Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £12.3.11
E106/31/5/11 Thomas Mitchell's possession Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £11.3.0¾
E106/31/5/11 Alexander Anderson's possession Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £112.15.3
E106/31/5/11 James Thomson's possession Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £10.9.0¾
E106/31/5/11 George Foord's possession Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £13.5.8
E106/31/5/11 Jean Auchie's possession Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £1.3.3
E106/31/5/11 The Mansion-house Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £4.3.8
E106/31/5/11 James Stark's possession Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £0.5.3
E106/31/5/11 Jean Beattie's possession Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £0.1.2
E106/31/5/11 James Simpson's possession Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £0.1.2
E106/31/5/11 [Sub total] £499.6.10¾
E106/31/5/11 Sep.12,1774 The Lands commonly called Howkerse and Bambershire, sometime belongong to Alexander Johnstone, there after to James Crawford, as disjoined 3d June, 1730 James Crawford, merchant, Falkirk James Crawford,merchant, Falkirk £83.15.6
E106/31/5/11 That room or mailing in Newton, sometime possessed by Alexander Watt, and purchased by James Crawford from John Hamilton as disjoined 12th February,1753 James Crawford, merchant, Falkirk James Crawford, merchant, Falkirk £34.0.0
E106/31/5/11 Oct. 2,1775 That part of Newton which belonged to John Taylor, afterwards to John Syme Supposed Lord Dundas Henry Stainton, London £42.4.0
E106/31/5/11 Dec. 6 1798 Skinflatt, and that part of Fasset purchased by John Johnstone from James Thomas Smith's Laughlan Smith, Bainsford Laughlan Smith, Bainsford £33.10.0
E106/31/5/11 Auchintyre, being Mr Grahamof Airth's part of Alexander Watt's part of Newton William Graham, yr. of Airth Thomas Graham Stirling of Airth £70.13.4
E106/31/5/11 The remainder of Alexander Watt's part of Newton belonging to George Kincaid William Graham The heirs of Joseph Stainton £70.13.4
E106/31/5/11 Dec.20, 1798 Mr Dallas' part of Fasset Peter Bell, Falkirk Peter Bell, Falkirk £8.8.0
E106/31/5/11 Remainder thereof belonging to James Kincaid Alexander Kincaid Alexander Kincaid £16.2.0
E106/31/5/11 Disjoined 3d Jan. and confirmed 26th March, 1810. That piece of the Lands of Newton lying near Orchardhead, and containing 9 acres, 2 roods, and 5 falls; and that field called Skinflatt, acquired by Mr Ogilvie from Lord Dundas J. Ogilvie's representatives J. Ogilvie's representatives £36.5.10
E106/31/5/11 That other piece of the Lands of Newton, near Orchardhead, consisting of 10 acres, 2 roods, 30 falls, also acquired by Mr Ogilvie from Lord Dundas Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £24.2.5
E106/31/5/11 11[page] Bothkenar Parish - (Continued)
E106/31/5/11 Disjoined 3d Jan. and confirmed 26th March, 1810 The remainder of those parts of Newton as disjoined in the possession of Robert Cumming and James Morrison, of the above date Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £85.3.1½
E106/31/5/11 April 30, 1810 Spout, as disjoined 2d June 1739 Thomas Learmonth of Lawrence Park John Ogilvies representatives £60.0.0
E106/31/5/11 The Laird of Quarrel £344.13.4 July 28, 1715 Alexander Hunter's part of Quarrel, (now Kirkton)... Major Dundas of Carron Hall Major Dundas of Carron Hall £317.5.8
E106/31/5/11 Mar.11,1768 Hugh Smith's part of Quarrel purchased by Mr Callender, now Pumphill Bridge Major Dundas of Carron Hall Lauchlan Smith, Bainsford £16.0.0
E106/31/5/11 Dec. 6, 1798 James Crawford's part of 1/5 of an oxgate of Land, and a rig under the name of malcolm Leishman, Pumphill Bridge, once Patrick Callander..... James Crawford Falkirk James Crawford, merchant, Falkirk £3.14.3
E106/31/5/11 Janet Callendar and husband's part of Pumphill Bridge William Sharp, Bothkenar William Sharp, Bothkenar £3.19.3
E106/31/5/11 Elizabeth Callendar and husband's part of Pumphill Bridge James Crawford, Falkirk James Crawford, merchant, Falkirk £3.14.2
E106/31/5/11 The Laird of Kerse £73.2.6 Feb. 12,1753 Dalgrene Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £73.2.6
E106/31/5/11 Bangour £232.0.0 June 27, 1774 The Lands of Inch Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £232.0.0
E106/31/5/11 Walter Rankine £362.19.2 April 30, 1810 Backrow, possessed by Peter Syme, and those parts thereof called Bonnymeadow, by George Wyse... Henry Stainton, London Henry Stainton, London £190.4.7
E106/31/5/11 The remainder of Orchardhead Thomas Learmonth of Lawrence Park John Ogilvie's representatives £172.14.7
E106/31/5/11 [page 10] Note - These two parcels of Land are stated to be parts of that part of Newton disjoined 5th Nov. 1765, as possessed by Robert Cummings, at £85.0.6¼ and by James Morrison, at £60.10.10¼ [total] £145.11.4½ [page 11] Note - A loss of 8¾d. seems to be sustained upon the foregoing disjunctions. Upon the 20th December, 1798, the following disjunction appears to be made upon the petition of John Dallas of North Newton. That part of the Barony of Newton belonging to Mr Dallas.........£12.6.6 The remainder of the said Barony, belonging to Lord Dundas £630.12.3 Amounting to ............£642.19.0 In these proceedings the disjunction of Lord Dundas' part of Newton, made 5th November, 1765, have not been taken notice of, the cumulo standing in the Collector's book having been made the rule; and as it is not specified from what parcel the valuation above disjoined to Mr Dallas has been taken, it has not been found practicable to apply it to any of the parcels disjoined in 1765, and therefore, although the £630 12s [shillings] 3d [pennies to Lord Dundas, and the £12 6s. [shillings]9d. [pennies] to Mr Dallas, have both been continued in the Collector's book, and no notice taken of the disjunction in 1765,it has been considered as more correct to insert the latter in the text, and to make theformer the subject of a Note.
E106/31/5/13 12 [Page] Bothkenar Parish (Continued)
E106/31/5/13 Earl of Mar's Wheat 335.12.0 Jan. 25,1753 Walter Rankine of Orchard's part of Lord Erskine's feu duty John Ogilvie's representatives, and Henry Stainton 35.3.0
E106/31/5/13 Thomas Bowie's part of Lord Erskine's feu duty for his Lands of Newton John Ogilvie's representatives, and Major Dundas 8.8.10
E106/31/5/13 James Crawford's part of Lord Erskine's feu duty James Crawford,Falkirk 11.0.9
E106/31/5/13 Mr Graham of Airth's part of Lord Erskine's feu duty Thomas Graham Stirling of Airth 16.17.7
E106/31/5/13 James Kincaid for his Lands of Newton 7.14.5
E106/31/5/13 of Newton 7.15.2
E106/31/5/13 John Taylor's Lands of Newton 22.14.3
E106/31/5/13 William Gerard, his part of Newton 39.1.1
E106/31/5/13 Bailie Thomas Dundas' his part of Newton Major Dundas 39.1.1
E106/31/5/13 Patrick Callander's part of Newton James Crawford and William Sharp 1.8.9
E106/31/5/13 Lawrence Dundas Kerse's part of Newton Lord Dundas 8.7.7
E106/31/5/13 James Dallas, his part of Newton Peter Bell, Falkirk 12.0.0
E106/31/5/13 John Hardie for his Lands J. Hardie, and J. Stainton's heirs 16.18.4
E106/31/5/13 John Hodge's heirs for his Lands 16.18.4
E106/31/5/13 John Primrose for burnbrae 3.4.2
E106/31/5/13 Alexander Watt his Lands James Crawford, Falkirk 5.10.1
E106/31/5/13 A. Callander's heirs Westerton William Burn Callender of Westerton 21.2.0
E106/31/5/13 James Simpson for his Lands 5.16.7
E106/31/5/13 John Hamilton of Newton Lord Dundas 80.4.5
E106/31/5/13 Campbell of Abbotshaugh for his Lands 15.6.8
E106/31/5/13 Alexander Simpson of Stonehouse 220.0.0 Stonehouse Lord Dundas Henry Stainton, London 220.0.0
E106/31/5/13 Gairloch 87.11.4 Gairloch Henry Stainton, London Henry Stainton, London 87.11.4
E106/31/5/13 John Cowie 119.16.0 April 30, 1812 Mr Stainton's part of Mains John Hamilton Buchanan of Bardowie The Heirs of Joseph Stainton 40.0.0
E106/31/5/13 Mr Hardie's part of Mains JohnHamilton Buchanan of Bardowie John Hardie of Mains, and John Nicol of Langdyke 79.16.0
E106/31/5/13 Bothkenar Parish (Continued)
E106/31/5/13 George Masterton 132.0.0 Dec. 6, 1798 Thomas Smith's part of George Masterton, now John Johnstone, Mains Lauchlan Smith, Bainsford Lauchlan Smith, Bainsford 5.17.0
E106/31/5/13 Dec. 20, 1798 Four oxengates of Land, or thereby, of mains, South Auchintyre, and 13½ rigs, and a head rig called the Fauld, and 6 rigs and a head rig called North Auchintyre John Hamilton Buchanan of Bardowie John Nicol, Mains of Langdyke 52.19.6
E106/31/5/13 The remainder of Mains belonging to John Johnstone's heirs Thomas Johnstone, Grahamston T. Johnstone, Grahamston 73.3.6
E106/31/5/13 John Watt 40.0.0 Oct 2, 1775 The Lands in Bothkenar which belonged to John Watt Alexander Watt, Dunfermline Alexander Watt, Dunfermline 40.0.0
E106/31/5/13 Alexander Callander 217.8.8 Westerton William Burn Callender, of Westerton Willliam Burn Callender of Westerton 217.8.8
E106/31/5/13 Powfowlis 106.8.9 Aug. 16, 1771 Dalbeath, part of Bowie's part of Newton Lord Dundas Lord Dundas 35.9.4
E106/31/5/13 Feb. 12, 1813 Coldkitchen, Mr Ogilvie's part J. Ogilvie's representatives J. Ogilvie's representatives 35.9.4
E106/31/5/13 Mr Dundas' part of Newton J. Ogilvie's representatives Major Dundas of Carron Hall 35.9.4
E106/31/5/13 Thomas Simpson, Lidsdale 22.6.0 Oct.2, 1775 Mr Dallas' part of Greendyke, formerly Thomas Simpson Supposed, Henry Stainton, London Henry Stainton, London 22.6.0
E106/31/5/13 James Simpson, Straiton Hall 20.0.0 Sept. 12. 1774 ¼ of the 2 oxgates, and ¾ of 1 oxgate of the Lands of Greendyke, reserving to John Simpson's heirs the principal house and barnyard Supposed, Henry Stainton Henry Stainton, London 20.0.0
E106/31/5/13 John Callander 133.19.0 North Newton Peter Bell, Falkirk Peter Bell, Falkirk 133.19.0
E106/31/5/13 Total valuation of Bothkenar Parish, 1691 3533.15.3¼ Note:- Increase upon New Roll of 9¾d [pennies] accounted for as above } Toatal valuation of Bothkenar Parish, 1831 3533.16.0
E106/31/5/13 Note:- Earl of Mar's Wheat' forms part of certain feu-duties or crown rents, payable in grain, and belonging to the Lordship of Stirling, which were the subject of a Royal grant at an early period to the family of Mar. Almost all the proprietors of the lands out of which those feu duties were payable, have purchased this burden from the Mar family, but it has not been found practicable, in some few instances, to identify the names in this disjunction with the present proprietors. Lord Dundas has long been in the practice of paying the cess for the whole, and it is believed, that even such proprietors as have purchased the feu-duty from Mar, still continue to make some yearly payment to Lord Dundas. It is doubtful whether his Lordship is superior of the whole, or if such of the proprietors as have acquired right to the crown rents, have thereby also become the crown vassals, and are entitled to have the sums contained in this disjunction, added to the valued rent of the respective lands of which they themselves claim the superiority.
E106/31/5/13 Red writing underneath James Simpson, Straiton Hall...........................Crown Charter to John Callender White Town 1729. Holden Feu £20 Scots
E106/31/5/15 14 [page] BUCHANAN PARISH
E106/31/5/15 John Buchanan, Auchmar 129.14.6 Auchmar The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose 129.14.6
E106/31/5/15 Carrogrenane 80.10.7 Corrogrenan Alexander Littlejohn, writer, Stirling (Duke of Montrose) The Duke of Montrose 80.10.7
E106/31/5/15 Craigrostane 451.15.6 Craigrostone The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose 451.15.6
E106/31/5/15 Blairvokie 53.13.9 Blairvokie J. Buchanan Kincaid of Carbeth (Duke of Montrose sub vassal) The Duke of Montrose 53.13.9
E106/31/5/15 The Isles of Buchanan 65.4.8 Isles of Buchanan The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose 65.4.8
E106/31/5/15 Ardessy 53.6.8 Jan. 11,1740. Ardess The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose 53.6.8
E106/31/5/15 Marquis of Montrose 1610.11.8 May 6, 1741. Auchengyle The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose 107.6.8
E106/31/5/15 Montrose Lands The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose 1503.5.0
E106/31/5/15 William MacAlpin 26.16.8 Sept. 12, 1774 The 5 merk land of Calliemore, Carrick, Coule, Clean, and Rowardinan, with Mill and Mill Lands and Sequels. The 4 merk land of Loganhaldane, comprehending the one merk land of Ross, and 3 merk land of Luglorne, otherwise called Lurg, extending to a 9 merk land with houses and, &c John Ferrier, W.S. The Duke of Montrose
E106/31/5/15 Walter Macfarlane , part of Loganhaldane 53.13.8 John Ferrier, W.S. The Duke of Montrose
E106/31/5/15 Robert and John Steuarts of Caliemore 40.5.8 John Ferrier W.S. The Duke of Montrose
E106/31/5/15 Robert Macfarlane 40.5.4 John Ferrier W.S. The Duke of Montrose 161.1.4
E106/31/5/15 Brachine 140.0.0 Oct. 9, 1799 Brachairne, part of Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose 115.0.0
E106/31/5/15 Brachine 140.0.0 April 24, 1804 Walter Graham's part of Brachairne Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose 15.0.0
E106/31/5/15 Brachine Strone MacNair's part of Brachairne Duke of Montrose John Graham 10.0.0
E106/31/5/15 Total valuation of Buchanan Parish, 1691 2745.18.8 Total valuation of Buchanan Parish, 1831 2745.18.8
E106/31/5/15 15 [page] CAMPSIE PARISH
E106/31/5/15 The Laird of kincaid 416.6.8 Kincaid John Napier Forrester of Craigannet John Kincaid of Kincaid 416.6.8
E106/31/5/15 Balquharrage 290.16.0 April 30, 1811 Balquharrage, William Reid's part James Stirling of Keir William Reid of Hayston 76.3.3
E106/31/5/15 Balquharrage, John Frew's part James Stirling of Keir James Frew 75.5.4
E106/31/5/15 Balquharrage, Thomas Reid's part James Stirling of Keir William Reid of Carleston 69.13.9
E106/31/5/15 Balquharrage, James Sampson's part James Stirling of Keir James Sampson, Watshod 34.16.10
E106/31/5/15 Balquharrage, William Sampson's part James Stirling of Keir Robert Walker 34.16.10
E106/31/5/15 Feuars of Burdstone 244.12.10 Aug. 5. 1777 Burdstone, Thomas Buchanan's part John Hamilton of Bardowie John Lennox Kincaid of Antermony 109.0.0
E106/31/5/15 Burdstone, James Muir's part James Hamilton Buchanan of Bardowie John Lennox Kincaid of Antermony 38.2.0
E106/31/5/15 Burdstone, John Muir's part John Hamilton Buchanan of Bardowie John Lennox Kincaid of Antermony 27.2.0
E106/31/5/15 Burdstone, James Calder's part John Hamilton Buchanan of Bardowie James and David Calder 27.2.0
E106/31/5/15 Burdstone, William Muir's part John Hamilton Buchanan of Bardowie John Kincaid of Kincaid ½ William Muir ½ 27.2.0
E106/31/5/15 Burdstone, James Sampson's part John Hamilton Buchanan of Bardowie James Sampson 16.4.10
E106/31/5/15 Feuars of Mugdock 518.5.0 June 11, 1799 Muirhead of Carleston, computed at one plough The Duke of Montrose John Lennox Kincaid 39.8.6
E106/31/5/15 Longshot, in Easter Balgrochan, one plough The Duke of Montrose John Lennox Kincaid 44.9.0
E106/31/5/15 A horse gang of one plough The Duke of Montrose John Lennox Kincaid 11.2.0
E106/31/5/15 Newlands in Wester Balgrochan, ½ plough The Duke of Montrose John Lennox Kincaid 24.0.0
E106/31/5/15 Another horse gang of ½ plough The Duke of Montrose John Lennox Kincaid 12.0.0
E106/31/5/15 Downer Carleston, Thomas Reid The Duke of Montrose William Reid, of Carleston 39.8.3
E106/31/5/15 John Angus, one plough of Wester Carleston The Duke of Montrose John Angus 39.8.3
E106/31/5/15 Andrew Fergus, one plough of Easter Balgrochan The Duke of Montrose A. Fergus and J. Buckie. 44.9.0
E106/31/5/15 William Boyle, three horse gangs of Easter Balgrochan The Duke of Montrose William Boyle, Alexander Jarvie, Thomas Bulloch, John McGilchrist and others 33.7.0
E106/31/5/15 James Farie's 1 horse gang, and ¼ of 3 horse gangs of Easter Balgrochan and for Sandyhole and Acrehead The Duke of Montrose James Ferrie 39.10.0
E106/31/5/15 Abraham Angus his part of Eastertown of Balgrochan and for a horse gang of Wester Balgrochan The Duke of Montrose John Angus and others 20.7.0
E106/31/5/15 William Downie The Duke of Montrose John Miln of Meadow Bank 8.7.0
E106/31/5/15 Robert Turner, for his part of Eastertown of Balgrochan, and of ½ plough of Wester Balgrochan The Duke of Montrose Robert and John Turner and J. Marshall, writer, Glasgow 23.19.0
E106/31/5/15 Walter MacIndoe, and Mark Thomson, for a horse gang of Wester Balgrochan The Duke of Montrose D.Dun, MacIndoe's heirs and others 9.0.0
E106/31/5/15 William Henry, for a horse gang of Wester Balgrochan The Duke of Montrose JohnMcGilchrist and Mrs Dalgliesh 12.0.0
E106/31/5/15 William Maitland, his part of ½ plough of Wester Balgrochan, and for one plough and ½ of Easter Balgrochan The Duke of Montrose William Maitland 78.0.0
E106/31/5/15 John Kennedy, his part of said ½ plough The Duke of Montrose Alexander Ewing, Leitchbank 5.0.0
E106/31/5/15 Robert Robertson, his part of ½ plough The Duke of Montrose Alexander Ewing, Leitchbank 5.10.0
E106/31/5/15 Page 14. Note- The superiority of these lands has been purchased by John Campbell of Carbrook, from Robert Hill, W.S. whose right is disputed by the Duke of Montrose, in a process depending in the Court of Session
E106/31/5/17 16 [Page] CAMPSIE PARISH (Continued)
E106/31/5/17 Feuars of Mugdock (contd.) June 11, 1799 Marion and Margaret Thomson, for their share of ½ plough The Duke of Montrose James Downie 5.0.0
E106/31/5/17 James farie, William Aitken, and James Forsyth, for ½ plough of Wester Balgrochan The Duke of Montrose James Ferrie, J.Miln, and James Forsyth 24.0.0
E106/31/5/17 Birbieston 52.9.0 Birbieston Margaret Lennox Margaret Lennox of Woodhead 52.9.0
E106/31/5/17 The Laird of Woodhead 805.5.10 Woodhead Margaret Lennox Margaret Lennox 805.5.10
E106/31/5/17 Balglas 32.4.4 Balglas Margaret Lennox Margaret Lennox 32.4.4
E106/31/5/17 The Laird of Keirs 178.9.4 Sept. 30, 1806 William Reid's part of Hayston James Stirling of Keir William Reid 44.12.4
E106/31/5/17 Thomas Reid's part of Hayston James Stirling of Keir William Reid 44.12.4
E106/31/5/17 James Hunter's part of Hayston James Stirling of keir John Hunter 22.6.2
E106/31/5/17 James Frew's part of Hayston James Stirling of Keir John Frew, ⅓ ; William Reid, ⅓ ; and J.and W. Rankine, ⅓ 22.6.2
E106/31/5/17 Andrew MacCulloch's part of Hayston James Stirling of Keir John Dick 26.0.6
E106/31/5/17 Thomas Ross' part of Hayston James Stirling of Keir Alexander Muirhead 11.3.1
E106/31/5/17 William Nisbet's part of Hayston James Stirling of Keir William Ewing 7.8.9
E106/31/5/17 The Viscount of Kilsyth 1173.14.6 Jan. 14, 1755 The Lands of Inchbelly, Inchbreck, and Auchinririe Supposed, Sir Archibald Edmonstone John Lennox Kincaid 437.12.0
E106/31/5/17 Sept. 5, 1786 Middle Muckcroft, possessed by George Brown General Sir William Maxwell of Bellamont, liferenter, and Major William Alexander Maxwell, his eldest son, fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone 38.11.4
E106/31/5/17 Middle Muckcroft possessed by James Dun General Sir William Maxwell of Bellamont, liferenter, and Major William Alexander Maxwell, his eldest son, fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone 38.11.4
E106/31/5/17 Middle Muckcroft, possessed By Robert Young General Sir William Maxwell of Bellamont, liferenter, and Major William Alexander Maxwell, his eldest son, fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone 38.11.4
E106/31/5/17 Wester Muckcroft, possessed by William MacFarlane General Sir William Maxwell of Bellamont, liferenter, and Major William Alexander Maxwell, his eldest son, fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone 28.18.10
E106/31/5/17 Wester Muckcroft, possessed by Robert Downie General Sir William Maxwell of Bellamont, liferenter, and Major William Alexander Maxwell, his eldest son, fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone 28.18.10
E106/31/5/17 Wester Muckcroft, possessed by Peter Ronald General Sir William Maxwell of Bellamont, liferenter, and Major William Alexander Maxwell, his eldest son, fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone 28.18.10
E106/31/5/17 Wester Muckcroft and Torfin, John Brown General Sir William Maxwell of Bellamont, liferenter, and Major William Alexander Maxwell, his eldest son, fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone 55.2.5
E106/31/5/17 Easter Muckcroft and Barhill General Sir William Maxwell of Bellamont, liferenter, and Major William Alexander Maxwell, his eldest son, fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone 75.5.9
E106/31/5/17 Easter Muckcroft and Barhill, Allan and William Downie Supposed, Sir Archibald Edmonstone Sir Archibald Edmonstone 40.15.11
E106/31/5/17 Baldow General Sir William Maxwell liferenter, and Major W. Alexander Maxwell, fiar John Lennox Kincaid 53.5.5
E106/31/5/17 Mains of Bancloich Supposed, Sir Archibald Edmonstone Sir Archibald Edmonstone 79.15.0
E106/31/5/17 Bancloich Mill and Rowantree Fauld Supposed, Sir Archibald Edmonstone Sir Archibald Edmonstone 35.14.5
E106/31/5/17 Dambclous James Wright, writer, Stirling, liferenter Sir Archibald Edmonstone 31.14.4
E106/31/5/17 Drummillian James Wright, writer,Stirling, liferenter Sir Archibald Edmonstone 35.8.3
E106/31/5/17 Greenhead General Sir William Maxwell, liferenter, and Major W. Alexander Maxwell, fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone 16.18.9
E106/31/5/17 Hole Supposed, Sir Archibald Edmonstone Margaret Lennox 24.12.8
E106/31/5/17 Rashie Lands Supposed, Sir Archibald Edmonstone Margaret Lennox 6.3.2
E106/31/5/17 Newck General Sir William Maxwell, liferenter, and Major W. Alexander Maxwell, fiar Margaret Lennox 9.10.11
E106/31/5/17 Feuars of Greenfoot Supposed, Sir Archibald Edmonstone John Lennox Kincaid 20.0.0
E106/31/5/17 17 [Page] CAMPSIE PARISH (Continued)
E106/31/5/17 Hence unappropriated Supposed, Sir Archibald Edmonstone Unknown 49.5.0
E106/31/5/17 The Laird of Glorat 1336.15.2 Jan. 25, 1753 The Lands of Crosshouse J. Horrocks of Tillychewn A. G. Stirling of Craigbarnet 58.2.5
E106/31/5/17 Over Kilwinnet J. Horrocks of Tillychewn James Buchanan 58.2.5
E106/31/5/17 Easter Over Kilwinnet or Looks Stone J. Horrocks of Tillychewn A.G. Stirling of Craigbarnet ½, James Muir ½ 58.2.5
E106/31/5/17 Cumeroch, or ⅓ part of Cappiestone Margaret Lennox Margaret Lennox 21.15.10
E106/31/5/17 Craigends, part of Craigbarnet Margaret Lennox John Lennox Kincaid 130.15.5
E106/31/5/17 Baldoran, part of Glorat Sir Samual Stirling of Glorat Sir Samuel Stirling of Glorat 334.3.11
E106/31/5/17 Aug. 22, 1774 Mains of Craigbarnet, Gaisley, Dykehouse, Knapoch, Easter and Wester Shanbrae, Easter and Wester Hole, and Blairtamoch Alexander Gartshore Stirling of Craigbarnet A.G.Stirling of Craigbarnet 210.13.11
E106/31/5/17 Sept. 27, 1815 Easter Baldoran Sir Samuel Stirling of Glorat Sir Samuel Stirling 147.15.4¾
E106/31/5/17 Middle Baldoran Sir Samuel Stirling of Glorat Sir Samuel Stirling 83.16.11
E106/31/5/17 Wester Baldoran Sir Samuel Stirling of Glorat Sir Samuel Stirling 102.11.7¼
E106/31/5/17 March 5, 1816 Croftjohn, Broominch, and Broominchbog J. Horrocks of Tillychewn James Buchanan and Mrs Dalgliesh 15.12.6
E106/31/5/17 The remainder of Easter and Wester Kilwinnet, and Craigbarnet Mill and Lands J. Horrocks of Tillychewn A.G. Stirling of Craigbarnet 115.2.11
E106/31/5/17 John Macfarlane of Kiethtoune 536.17.4 Kirkton John Macfarlane of Balencleroch, liferenter, John Macfarlane, yr of do. fiar John Macfarlane of Balencleroch 536.17.4
E106/31/5/17 Auchinreoch 402.13.0 Auchinreoch John Kincaid of Kincaid John MacInness of Auchinfroe and Auchinreoch 402.13.0
E106/31/5/17 Antermonie 402.13.0 Antermony John Lennox Kincaid of Antermony John Lennox Kincaid 402.13.0
E106/31/5/17 Cappiestons Cunninghame 16.2.2 Cappieston, Cunningham Margaret Lennox Margaret Lennox 16.2.2
E106/31/5/17 Cappiestons Brown 16.2.2 Cappieston, Brown Margaret Lennox Margaret Lennox 16.2.2
E106/31/5/17 Ellieshaugh 13.13.10 Ellieshaugh Supposed, James Stirling of Keir Robert Ferrie 13.13.10
E106/31/5/17 Total valuation of Campsie Parish, 1691 6437.0.2 Note.-Increase upon new roll of 6d [Pennies] accounted for as above. Total valuation of Campsie 6437.0.8
E106/31/5/17 16 [page] Note : In 1735, Bancloich and Muckcrofts were disjoined at £736 2s [Shillings] 6d [Pennies]., and Inchbelly, &c. as above, 17 [page] at £437.12s. [Shillings] ; but it would appear from the Collector's Book, both before and after that date, that the first, as Lord Kilsyth, was rated only at £686.17s [Shillings] 6d. [pennies] , and the other at £486.17s. [Shillings], under the name of Earl of Wigton. In the disjunction 1786, this Cess Book, and not the disjunction 1755, seems to have been the rule, by which means there is £49.5s. [Shillings], which, from the proceedings in the Minute Book, is unappropriated, and the Feuars of Greenfoot only appear there incidentally at £20, as before rated Note- An increase here of 6d [pennies] in consequence if the disjunction in 1753, being made upon a cumulo of £1336. 15s [Shillings] 8d [Pennies] in place of £1336.15s [Shillings] 2d [Pennies]
E106/31/5/19 DENNY PARISH [Page 18]
E106/31/5/19 Feuars of Temple Denny, Myethill included 858.13.0 June 8, 1773. Thomas Young's 5s [Shilling] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Watt, printer, Denny ⅓ ; Alexander Marshall Dryburgh ⅔ 10.1.4¼
E106/31/5/19 Agnes Mallard's 9s [Shillings] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming James Grindlay 18.2.5½
E106/31/5/19 John Mallard's 9s [Shilling]10d [Pennies] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming Widow Moffat, Stoneyflats, ½; Mary,Margaret, Elizabeth,and Marion Benny 19.16.0
E106/31/5/19 James Russel's 1s [Shilling] 8d [Pennies] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming James Russel, tenant, Dunmore 3.7.1¼
E106/31/5/19 John Cuthill and Bathea Gilmore, their 8s [Shilling] 2d [Pennies] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming James Russel, tenant, Dunmore 16.8.10½
E106/31/5/19 John Johnstone's 3s [Shillings] 9d [Pennies] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming John Jeram 7.11.0¼
E106/31/5/19 John Andrew, now William Taylor's 4d [Pennies] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming Taylor, tenant in Carnock 0.13.5
E106/31/5/19 David Cuthil's 7s [Shilling] 8d [Pennies] Land of East Boreland, In Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Morehead of Herbertshire 15.8.8¾
E106/31/5/19 William Muirhead's 4d [Pennies] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Oliphant, Denny, ½; and William Kay there, ½ 0.13.5
E106/31/5/19 John and Andrew Muirhead's 2s [Shilling] 11d [Pennies] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming Mrs Dun, Glasgow, amd Thomas and David Kirkwood, Denny 15.7.5¼
E106/31/5/19 Archibald Gray and William Archibald's 2s [Shillings] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Gray, Denny, John Gray, Herbertshire, and James Gray, Newmarket 4.0.6½
E106/31/5/19 James Cuthil's 2s [shilling] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming James Cuthil, Boghead 4.0.6½
E106/31/5/19 Adam and James Russel's 3s [shillings] 8d [pennies] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming James Russel, Denny, and John Kirkwood, Denny 7.7.7¾
E106/31/5/19 Thomas Baird's 6d [Pennies] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming John Ferguson's heirs 1.1.1½
E106/31/5/19 Alexander Young's 4s. [shilling] 11d [pennies] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Morehead of Herbertshire 9.18.0¼
E106/31/5/19 John Gilchrist's 1s. [shilling] 10d. [pennies] Land of East Boreland, in Temple Denny The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming John Ferguson, mason, ⅓; and John Kirkwood, Carbeth, ⅔ 3.13.9¾
E106/31/5/19 Thomas Muirhead's £1.3s.[shillings] Land of West Boreland The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Morehead of Herbertshire 46.6.6¾
E106/31/5/19 John Cuthil's 2s. [shilling] Land of Burnfoot The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Morehead 4.0.6½
E106/31/5/19 John Bruce's 2s. [shilling] 6d. [pennies] Land of Custonhill The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Morehead of Herbertshire 5.0.8¼
E106/31/5/19 Earl of Wigton's 7s. [shilling] 8d. [pennies] Land of Milnland The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Morehead of Herbertshire 15.8.8¾
E106/31/5/19 William Jarvie's 4s [shilling] 6d [pennies] Land of Nethermains The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Morehead of Herbertshire 9.1.2½
E106/31/5/19 Thomas Johnstone's £1. 1s. [shilling] 6d.[pennies] Land of Holehouse The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming Thomas Johnstone, Holehouse 43.5.10½
E106/31/5/19 James Kirkwood's 6s [shilling] 6d. [pennies] Land of Gairth The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming James Kirkwood 13.1.9¼
E106/31/5/19 James Hay's 16s. [shillings] 4d [pennies] Land of Gairth The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Morehead 32.17.9½
E106/31/5/19 James Forrester and Janet Hutton's 5s. [shilling] Lands of Bellshill The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming Mrs Forrester, or James Forrester, Bellshill, her son 10.1.4¼
E106/31/5/19 The £3.15s.[shilling] 6d. [pennies] Lands of Myothill David Erskine of Cardross John Graham of Myothill 152.0.6
E106/31/5/19 James Bennie's £1. 1s.[shilling] Land of Drum The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming James Bennie, merchant in Stirling 43.5.10½
E106/31/5/19 DENNY PARISH (Continued) [Page 19]
E106/31/5/19 Feuars of Temple Denny, Myethill included (continued) June. 8, 1773. Mr Muirhead of Herbertshire's 11s. [shilling] 8d. [pennies] Land of Stonywood The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Morehead of Herbertshire 23.9.9¾
E106/31/5/19 John and W. Chalmers' 11s. [shilling] 6d [pennies] Lands of Fankerton The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming Robert Henderson, writer, Stirling 23.3.1½
E106/31/5/19 James Russel's 6d. [pennies] 10d. [pennies] Land of Fankerton The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming J. Adam, Crummocksteps 13.15.2¼
E106/31/5/19 John Callandar's 5s. [shilling] 6d [pennies] Land of Fankerton The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming Robert Henderson,writer, Stirling 11.1.5¾
E106/31/5/19 Mr Muirhead of Herbertshire's 3s [shilling] 4d.[pennies] Land of Smithyhill The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Morehead of Herbertshire 6.14.2¾
E106/31/5/19 Mr Gascoigne's 5s. [shilling] 4d [pennies] Land of Fankerton The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming Carron Company 10.14.9¼
E106/31/5/19 Robert Adam's 6s. [Shilling] 1d [Pennies] Land of Overton The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming J. Adam, Crummocksteps, and James Adam, Nicolswalls 12.14.11¾
E106/31/5/19 John Robertson's 3s [shilling] 9d [pennies] Land of Woodhead The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming Thomas Barret, Carron Shore 7.11.0¼
E106/31/5/19 Mr Muirhead's 10s [shilling] Lands of Easter Holehouse The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Morehead of Herbertshire 20.2.8½
E106/31/5/19 James and William Leishman's 1s [shilling] Land of East Boreland The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming Widow Brown, Fintry 2.0.3¼
E106/31/5/19 John Lang's 13s [shilling] 6d [pennies] Land of Langhill The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming John Lang of Langhill 27.3.7¾
E106/31/5/19 John Young's 5s. [shilling] 9d. [pennies] Land of Grayswalls The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming James Ure, Grayswalls 11.1.5¾
E106/31/5/19 James Adam's 6s [shillings] 11d [pennies] Land of Nicolswalls The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming James Adam 13.18.6½
E106/31/5/19 William Chalmers' 4s [shillings] Land of Easter Langhill The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming James Oswald Tenant, Craigannet 8.1.1¼
E106/31/5/19 John Thomson's 2s [shillings] 2d [pennies] Land of Backdales The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming John Thomson, Shieldwalls 4.7.3
E106/31/5/19 James Cuthel's 5s [shillings] 6d [pennies] Land of Tarduff The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming John, William, and James Macfarlane, Denovan 11.1.5¾
E106/31/5/19 Andrew Cuthel's 9s [shillings] 6d [pennies] Land of Breadside The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming John, William, and James Macfarlane, Denovan 19.2.6¾
E106/31/5/19 John Young's 5s [shillings] 2d [pennies] Land of Overton The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming John Young 10.8.0¾
E106/31/5/19 Robert Mack's 5s [shillings] 8d [pennies] Land of Overton The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming John Adam, and John, William and James Macfarlane, Denovan 11.8.2¼
E106/31/5/19 Thomas Adam's 8s. [shillings] Land of Doubledykes The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming David Dun, flesher, Glasgow 16.2.2¼
E106/31/5/19 William Muirhead's 10s [shillings] 8d [pennies] Land of Southgreens The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming William Muirhead 21.9.6¼
E106/31/5/19 John Adam's 13s [shillings] 8d [pennies] Land of Southgreens The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming Andrew Mackenzie, Perth 27.10.4½
E106/31/5/19 William Neil and William Laing's 16s [shillings] 8d [pennies] Land of Wester Mailing, Wester Dyke Newk The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming Andrew Mackenzie, Perth and William Neil, Wester Mailing 33.11.2½
E106/31/5/19 John Ewing, now Mr Willison's 2s. [shillings] Land of Tathfold The Honorable Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming James Kid, tenant, Hookney 4.0.6½
E106/31/5/21 Feuars of Temple Denny, Myethill included (continued) April 30, 1816 Ryerigs, belonging to Mr Brown of Quarter The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming Elizabeth Brown of Quarter £3.0.4¾.163
E106/31/5/21 Ryerigs, belonging to William Oswalds'. NOTE - By these disjunctions the valuation has been increased 14s [shillings] 4¾.163d. [pennies]. It is also proper to remark, that J.B. Gracie, W.S. claims the superiority of the feuars of Temple Denny, as having acquired right to the superiority of the whole of Temple Lands in Scotland, but Admiral Fleming and his predecessors have exclusively exercised the rights and enjoyed the priviliges attached to the superiority of the Lands. The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming James Oswald, Craigannet £3.0.4¾.163
E106/31/5/21 Feuars of South Herbertshire £600.0.0 April 30, 1816 Mr Shearer's 6s. [shillings] 8d [pennies] Lands of Catscleugh, called Highland Dykes, being old feu in South Herbertshire The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming John Strachan of Thornton £17.15.6⁶/₉
E106/31/5/21 The Earl of Wigton £400.0.0
E106/31/5/21 John Taylor's 12s. [shillings] 6d [pennies] Lands of Catscleugh The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming John Cameron £33.6.8
E106/31/5/21 Thomas Gentles' 5s. [shillings] Lands of Catscleugh The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming J. Gentles, baker, Glasgow £13.6.8
E106/31/5/21 Thomas Burns' 5s. [shillings] 8d. [pennies] Lands of Catscleugh The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming Robert Balloch, Falkirk £15.2.2⁶/₉
E106/31/5/21 James MacLuckie's 3s. [shillings] 4d. [pennies] Lands of Catscleugh The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming William Russel, wright at Bonnybridge £8.17.9 ¾
E106/31/5/21 David Crawford's 3s. [shillings] 4d. [pennies] Lands of Catscleugh The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming John Crawford, weaver £8.17.9 ¾
E106/31/5/21 John David's 13s. [shillings] 6d. [pennies] Lands of Catscleugh The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming John Davie, Hillend, ½; and John Davie, Laurieston, ½ £36.0.0
E106/31/5/21 Mr Heugh's 5s. [shillings] Lands of Easter Banknock The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming John Hamilton, Castlecarry, and Thomas Taylor £12.8.5z½.120
E106/31/5/21 James Bryson's 6s. [shillings] 1d. [pennies] Lands of Easter Banknock The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming Dr [Doctor] Towers, Glasgow, and William Cuthel £15.2.3½.113
E106/31/5/21 William Laing's 3s. [shillings] 11d. [pennies] Lands of Easter Banknock The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming James Laing £9.14.7½.126
E106/31/5/21 The £1. Lands of Wester Banknock The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming John Stark, Oeter Taylor, and John Hay's heirs £49.13.10½.618
E106/31/5/21 Mr Muirhead's £1. 1s. [shilling] 8d [pennies] Land of Cowdenhill and Whitehill David Erskine of Cardross W. Johnstone, and - Wilson, W.S., Edinburgh £
E106/31/5/21 Mr Heugh's 9s. [shilling] 2d. [pennies] Lands of Thomaston The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming John Hay, and Dr [Doctor] Towers, Glasgow £22.15.6½.553
E106/31/5/21 William Hay's 3s. [shillings] 4d. [pennies] Lands of Baddenhead The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming William Hay of Middle Thomaston £8.5.7½.734
E106/31/5/21 James Patrick's 6s. [shillings] 8d. [pennies] Lands of Lins The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming James Patrick £16.11.3¼.493
E106/31/5/21 The £2. Land of Bankier not distinguished The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming Daniel Macfarlane £75.0.0
E106/31/5/21 John Benny's 15s. [shilling] Land of Doups The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming William Benny, Carmuirs £28.2.6
E106/31/5/21 James Patrick's 5s. [shilling] Land of Lins The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming James Patrick £9.7.6
E106/31/5/21 Andrew Adams' 5s. [shilling] Land of Banknock The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming James and Andrew Hose £9.7.6
E106/31/5/21 William Hay's 10s [shilling] Land of Thomaston The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral C. Elphinstone Flemming William Hay of Thomaston £18.15.0
E106/31/5/21 Feuars of South Herbertshire and Earl of Wigton (continued) April 30, 1816 George Hay and Thomas Muirhead's 10s. [shilling] Land of Thomaston The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Flemming George Hay's heirs £18.15.0
E106/31/5/21 James Barrie's 2s. [shilling] 4d. [pennies] Land of Thomaston The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Flemming Dr [Doctor] Towers £4.7.6
E106/31/5/21 Mr Heugh's 3s [shillings] 4d. [pennies] Land of Thomaston The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Flemming Dr [Doctor] Towers and___ £6.5.0
E106/31/5/21 June 8, 1773 William Hay's 2s. [shillings] 6d. [pennies] Land of Lannertown The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Flemming John Hay of Middle Thomaston £4.13.9
E106/31/5/21 Archibald Muirhead and Robert Ronald's £1. Land of Wester Thomaston The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Flemming Miss Margaret Brown of Croftfoot, and Thomas Walker £37.10.0
E106/31/5/21 NOTE. - By these disjunctions the valuation is increased ¾.270d. [pennies]
E106/31/5/21 June 3, 1777 William Grinlay The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas William Gillespie and Widow Oswald, Larbert £19.3.1
E106/31/5/21 John Walker, Bankhead The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas Misses Walker, Bankhead £13.13.6
E106/31/5/21 Andrew Balfour, Hitril The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas William Gillespie and William Russel £18.4.9
E106/31/5/21 J. Muirhead's heirs, Loanhead The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas William Brock, Loanhead £13.13.6
E106/31/5/21 Henry Towers, Muirhead The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas Widow Towers' heirs £8.4.3
E106/31/5/21 John Paterson The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas George MacEwan, Carron Shore; James Hay, and sundry small feuars £8.4.3
E106/31/5/21 John Muirhead, Bankhead The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas William Brock £9.2.4
E106/31/5/21 Alexander Baird The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas George MacEwan, Carron Shore £19.3.1
E106/31/5/21 Carron Company The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas Carron Company £12.6.1
E106/31/5/21 Andrew Muirhead The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas Carron Company £29.3.4
E106/31/5/21 William Morehead, Esq. of Parkhill The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas William Morehead of Herbertshire £5.9.6
E106/31/5/21 George Renny, South Castlerankine The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Flemming Rev. [Reverend] William Sheriff, Glasgow £9.2.4
E106/31/5/21 James Haldane, Bonnymuirend The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas John Cameron, Glasgow £1.7.3
E106/31/5/21 BRAKENLEYS, & c. [Company]
E106/31/5/21 William Laing of Leys The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas John Laing £50.3.0
E106/31/5/21 William Hay, Glenhead The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas William Hay £10.9.8
E106/31/5/21 John Paterson, Fisher Acre The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas John Hay, Carron £13.13.6
E106/31/5/21 John Gardener The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas Thomas Hay, Harvie's Mailing £17.10.10
E106/31/5/21 Robert Stevenson The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas James Thorburn, Acrehouse £1.7.3
E106/31/5/21 James Patrick The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas James Patrick of Lins £18.4.9
E106/31/5/21 John Denovan, Knowhead The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas David Gilmore, baker, Glasgow £53.3.2
E106/31/5/21 Richard Paterson The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas Archibald Dobbie and James Hose £22.15.7
E106/31/5/21 Mr James Russel The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas James Russel, Longcroft £37.9.6
E106/31/5/21 [PAGE] 20 DENNY PARISH - (Continued) VALUATION ROLL 1691 [&] VALUATION ROLL 1831 [PAGE] 21 DENNY PARISH - (Continued) VALUATION ROLL 1691 [&] VALUATION ROLL 1831
E106/31/5/23 Feuars of South Herbertshire and the Earl of Wigton (contd.) [(continued)] June 3, 1777 John Russel and Thomas Henderson The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas James Henderson, Broomridge £9.9.10
E106/31/5/23 James Hay The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas Robert Millar, farmer, Craigend £9.9.10
E106/31/5/23 James Henderson The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas James Henderson £4.15.0
E106/31/5/23 Thomas Henderson The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas James Henderson £4.15.0
E106/31/5/23 Glenhead, William Hay The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas William Hay £18.19.9
E106/31/5/23 June 4, 1799 Rashiehill, now Mr Lucas The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas James Lucas, writer, Stirling £16.17.4
E106/31/5/23 Nov. 3, 1806 Miss Catherine Walker, for feu ascertained to her father, 3d June, 1777 The Hon. [Honourable] Thomas Dundas Misses Walker, Bankhead £9.9.10
E106/31/5/23 NOTE. -- Upon the 4th October, 1799, a disjunction appears to have been made of Carron Company's part of Temple Denny, called Fankerton, £11.5.1 and of Tongue Lang Faulds of Castle Rankine, in South Herbertshire £11.8.4 -- [total] £22.13.5. But this disjunction seems to be erroneous, and to have been made in ignorance of the former disjunctions in 1773 and 1777, whereby Mr Gascoigne's 5s. 4d. Land of Fankerton is £10.14.9¼ and Carron Company's part of Castle Rankine £12.6.1 [total] £23.0.10½
E106/31/5/23 Garvald £100.0.0 June 3, 1794 Robert Burns' part of Garvald Hon. [Honourable] William Fullerton Elphinstone, liferenter, and the Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming, fiar John Burns, Garvald £50.0.0
E106/31/5/23 Feb 15, 1814 William Dobbie's part of Garvald, Graystain Hon. [Honourable] William Fullerton Elphinstone, liferenter, and the Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming, fiar Peter Robertson £15.1.11
E106/31/5/23 Do. Mr Napier's do., including the possession of James Reid, Charles Laing, and Thomas Cairney & Co [Company] Hon. [Honourable] William Fullerton Elphinstone, liferenter, and the Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming, fiar Robert Weir, Stationer, Glasgow £17.4.5
E106/31/5/23 Do. Mr Robert Hill's part, Tops and Forrest Hill Hon. [Honourable] William Fullerton Elphinstone, liferenter, and the Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming, fiar John Laing and Archibald Wishart, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] £17.13.8
E106/31/5/23 John Oswald £20.7.0 Oct. 2, 1775 The Kirland of Denny, commonly called Dryburgh Supposed, Henry Harmood Henry Harmood, London £20.7.0
E106/31/5/23 The Earl of Callender and Laird Herbertshire £21.9.0 The Earl of Callender William Morehead of Herbertshire William Morehead of Herbertshire £21.9.0
E106/31/5/23 The Laird of Herbertshire £483.3.0 Herbertshire William Morehead of Herbertshire William Morehead of Herbertshire £483.3.0
E106/31/5/23 Total valuation of Denny Parish, 1691 £2483.12.0 NOTE. -- Increase upon New Roll of 14s. [shillings] 5½.514 d. [pence], accounted for as above. Total valuation of Denny Parish, 1831 £2484.6.5½.514
E106/31/5/23 The Earl of Menteith £976.9.11 Drymen Barony The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose £976.9.11
E106/31/5/23 The Laird of Drumskill £555.12.2 June 11, 1799 The Claggans, Ballantone, including Knockanreoch, Broadgates, Bellman's Mailing, party of Ken-my-hame, and some Lands in the Hill of Drymen Jean Macdonald Buchanan of Drumakiln Jean Macdonald Buchanan of Drumakiln, Duke of Montrose, and Alexander Gow of Trienbeg £80.1.1
E106/31/5/23 Blairover, Gateside of Blairnavaid, Townfoot of Drymen, and some Houses and Grounds on both sides of the Village Jean Macdonald Buchanan of Drumakiln John McAdam, Peter McIntyre, William McGowan, and William Strang £70.13.4
E106/31/5/23 The remainder of Drumakill, exclusive of Wester Cameron, or Cameron Buchanan The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose £333.4.5
E106/31/5/23 Wester Cameron Jean Macdonald Buchanan Jean Macdonald Buchanan, liferenter, and Margaret Isabella Macdonald Buchanan, fiar £71.13.4
E106/31/5/23 John Buchanan of Duchlass £15.0.0 Duchlage Margaret Lennox of Woodhead Walter Graham £15.0.0
E106/31/5/23 William Macfarlane of Badivow £10.0.0 Badivow The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose £10.0.0
E106/31/5/23 John Buchanan of Easter Balatt £92.9.0 Easter Ballat John B. Gracie, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] Robert Monach, William Mitchell, and Dougald McAlpine £92.9.0
E106/31/5/23 Wester Balatt £86.16.0 Wester Ballat William Galbraith, writer, Stirling, liferenter George Muirhead, Charles Mackay, and John MacEwan £86.16.0
E106/31/5/23 Thomas Steven £64.0.0 Nov. 8, 1694 Easter Finnick 9now Carbeth) John Horrocks of Tillechewn James MacNair of Balvie £64.8.6
E106/31/5/23 NOTE. -- In the preceedings of this date, the valuation of these Lands is declared to be £64.8.6, in place of £64 as in the Old Roll, making an increase of 8s. [shillings] 6 d. [pence]
E106/31/5/23 The Laird of Glenagies £68.3.0 Nov. 8, 1694 John Buchanan of Carbeth John Horrocks James MacNair of Balvie £10.8.2
E106/31/5/23 William Cunningham of Trienbeg The Duke of Montrose Alexander Gow £12.10.4
E106/31/5/23 James Mclequhame of Wester Finnick John Horrocks James MacNair of Balvie £5.4.1
E106/31/5/23 James Mclequhame of Wester Finnick, sometime James Ewing John Horrocks James MacNair of Balvie £5.4.1
E106/31/5/23 The Laird of Glenaigies The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose £34.16.4
E106/31/5/23 John Buchanan of Balfunning £30.0.0 Nov. 8, 1694 Balfunning Alexander Gartshore Stirling of Craigbarnet Rev. [Reverend] John Graham, minister of Killearn £30.0.0
E106/31/5/23 [Page] 22 DENNY PARISH -- (CONTINUED.) [Page] 23 DRYMEN PARISH.
E106/31/5/23 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed. On page 22, in the entry for Garvald, lands with disjunction date Feb. 15, 1814: unsure what all the "do" references pertain to - mods to check.
E106/31/5/25 Thomas Buchanan £26.13.4 Nov. 8, 1694 Thomas Buchanan Alexander Gartshore, Stirling Rev. [Reverend] John Graham £26.13.4
E106/31/5/25 James Bachop £40.0.0 Nov. 8, 1694 Easter Balfunning The Duke of Montrose Rev. [Reverend] John Graham £40.0.0
E106/31/5/25 Trienbeg £77.8.2 Nov. 8, 1694 Trienbeg. NOTE - This valuation is of this date increased 4d., [pennies] in the same way as stated in the note annexed to the Lands of Easter Finnick. The Duke of Montrose Alexander Gow £77.8.6
E106/31/5/25 Bryce Blair of Finnick £119.18.0 Nov. 8, 1694 Finnick Blair George Buchanan of Finnick George Buchanan of Finnick £119.18.0
E106/31/5/25 John M'ilholm £21.1.0 Nov. 8, 1694 James M'lequhame's part of Wester Finnick. NOTE - An increase of 6d., [pennies] accounted for as above. John Horrocks James MacNair of Balvie £21.1.6
E106/31/5/25 John Ewing £16.2.0 Nov. 8, 1694 ½ of Wester Finnick, sometime James Ewing. NOTE - An increase of 8d., [pennies] accounted for as above. John Horrocks James MacNair of Balvie £16.2.8
E106/31/5/25 Edward Cuningham of Finnick £198.16.8 Oct. 27, 1696 Finnick Cunningham J. Campbell Douglas, writer The Duke of Montrose £192.17.0
E106/31/5/25 Easter half of Lands of Auchinleck The Duke of Montrose James MacNair of Balvie £7.0.0
E106/31/5/25 NOTE - The valuation is increased 20s. [shillings] 4d. [pennies] by this disjunction, the cumulo divided having been held to be £199. 17s [shillings]
E106/31/5/25 John Logan of Little Cameron £43.12.8 Little Cameron Archibald Douglas of Mains Robert McGowan of Mains £43.12.8
E106/31/5/25 Edward Buchanan of Spittal £75.16.6 Spittal John B. Gracie, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] John Hamilton Buchanan of Bardowie, and Robert MacGowan of Mains £75.16.6
E106/31/5/25 William Buchanan of Gartichoran £32.4.0 Gartochorran The Duke of Montrose Robert MacGowan £32.4.0
E106/31/5/25 Margaret Buchanan £40.5.4 John Gardener, now Balfunning Douglas J. Campbell Douglas John and James MacKechnie £40.5.4
E106/31/5/25 Temple Ballath £21.9.6 Temple Ballat John B. Gracie, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] John MacEwan £21.9.6
E106/31/5/25 John Graham of Duchray £166.8.6 Duchray Lieut.-General [Lieutenant General] A. Graham Stirling of Duchray Lieut.-General [Lieutenant General] A. Graham Stirling £166.8.6
E106/31/5/25 Offerance £105.6.0 Offerance James Dalgleish of Reddoch W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore £105.6.0
E106/31/5/25 The feuars of Cashlie £241.11.9 Feb. 22, 1799 Cashlie, Gartmores W. Galbraith, writer, Stirling, liferenter W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore £241.11.9
E106/31/5/25 Redlairdston John B. Gracie The heirs of John Taylor £20.0.0
E106/31/5/25 Ballwill £268.8.8 March 7, 1769 Woodend, Offerance of Woodend, and Deepston part of Ballwill The heirs of John Taylor The heirs of John Taylor £34.0.0
E106/31/5/25 Feb. 22, 1799 Easter Third, Kepdowrie Gartmores Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore £22.0.0
E106/31/5/25 Balwill (continued) April 30, 1807 Ballwill, comprehending Ballaird, Mr Macfarlane John Alexander Henderson of Westerton James Macfarlane of Ballwill £163.7.1
E106/31/5/25 Allan, part of Ballwill, William Kennedy's Supposed, the Duke of Argyle William Kennedy £4.12.9
E106/31/5/25 Kepdowrie, part of Ballwill, Alexander Dun Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert Alexander Dun £22.4.5
E106/31/5/25 Kepdowrie, part of Ballwill, John McAllister Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert John McAllister £22.4.5
E106/31/5/25 John McLaghlan of Auchintroig £171.17.4 Dec. 6, 1798 The Ward of Gartclach W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore £28.0.0
E106/31/5/25 Dec. 10, 1805 Cretlevawn The Trustees of the late Captain McLachlan John MacInnes £10.0.0
E106/31/5/25 May 1, 1826 Park Choish and Gartachoil, part of Auchintroig The Trustees of the late Captain McLachlan The Trustees of the late Captain McLachlan £37.1.1½
E106/31/5/25 The remainder of the Lands of Auchintroig The Trustees of the late Captain McLachlan The Trustees of the late Captain McLachlan £96.16.2½
E106/31/5/25 The Lands of Garshell £186.0.8 Garchell H. Home Drummond of Blairdrummond W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore £186.0.8
E106/31/5/25 Wester and Middle Myes £108.5.0 Wester and Middle Myes W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore £108.5.0
E106/31/5/25 The Lands of Kepculloch £64.8.0 Kepculloch W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore £64.8.0
E106/31/5/25 The Lands of Connochrae £40.5.4 Connochray The Duke of Montrose Robert McGowan of Mains £40.5.4
E106/31/5/25 Edward Cunningham for Cameron's Woodset £21.9.6 Cameron's Wadset Archibald Douglas of Mains Robert McGowan of Mains £21.9.6
E106/31/5/25 The Lands of Drumdash £24.3.0 Drumdash The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose £24.3.0
E106/31/5/25 James Buchanan £96.12.8 Ibert The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose £96.12.8
E106/31/5/25 William Govean and Mr James Craig £596.19.0 Dalnair. NOTE - Dalnair seems to have been held as disjoined previous to 1740; but no disjunction appears in Minute Book John B. Kincaid of Carbeth John B. Kincaid of Carbeth and Thomas Buchanan, Gartocharn £213.9.4
E106/31/5/25 Walter Gow for Park of Drumquhassle £30.0.0 April 23, 1740 Gartness, Mill thereof and Over and Middle Blairours John B. Kincaid of Carbeth Robert Govan of Park £188.10.0
E106/31/5/25 Drumquhassle. John Gow The Duke of Montrose Robert Gow £75.0.0
E106/31/5/25 Drumquhassle. John Graham The Duke of Montrose Robert Govan £75.0.0
E106/31/5/25 Drumquhassle James Govan The Duke of Montrose Joseph Hay £75.0.0
E106/31/5/25 NOTE - Upon these disjunctions the valuation is increased 4d [pennies]. Drumquhassle appears disjoined in Collector's Book as above, from 1768 downwards; but no act of disjunction appears in the Minute Book
E106/31/5/25 Walter Leckie of Easter Mye £208.6.6 Easter Mye (Ballochneck) James Smith of Craigend The heirs of John Taylor £60.0.4
E106/31/5/25 Easter Mye Gartmore W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore £79.4.2
E106/31/5/25 Handwritten notes in Green (from a later date) not transcribed.
E106/31/5/27 Walter Leckie of Easter Mye (continued) Easter Mye, Leckie's Part. NOTE - These also are disjoined as above in the Collector's Books, from 1766 downwards; but no act to that purpose appears in the Records James Stirling of Garden James Stirling of Garden £69.2.0
E106/31/5/27 John Buchanan of Craigievairne £123.6.0 April 30, 1829 Craigievern and Leddenrew The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose £73.4.8
E106/31/5/27 Blairfad The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose £50.1.4
E106/31/5/27 Total valuation of Drymen Parish, 1691 £5065.5.2 NOTE - Increase upon New Roll of £1. 10s [shillings] 8d. [pennies], accounted for as above Total valuation of Drymen Parish, 1831 £5066.15.10
E106/31/5/27 Dunipace own rent £634.13.4 Sept. 12, 1774 The Lands of Roughmute, Househill, and Dutchmansland, and the Park or Inclosure on the east of Dunipace Church Thomas Spotteswoode of Dunipace Thomas Spotteswoode of Dunipace £221.6.5
E106/31/5/27 Dec. 6, 1798 Dunipace, Mr Spotteswoode. Thomas Spotteswoode of Dunipace Thomas Spotteswoode of Dunipace £330.3.3
E106/31/5/27 The Corn, Barley, and Snuff Mills, Lands of Pepperhaugh and Eastfield, and parts of Carronside, feued by Mr Spotteswoode to Carron Company. NOTE - The valuation is increased by this disjunction, owing to the cumulo remaining after the disjunction in 1774 having been erroneously held to be £413. 9s. [shillings] 11d. [pennies], in place of £413. 6s. [shillings] 11d [pennies] Thomas Spotteswoode of Dunipace Carron Company £33.6.8
E106/31/5/27 The Feuars of Dunipace £212.0.0 June 1, 1779 The Lands of Dykehead Sir Andrew Halliday, liferenter, and James Johnstone of Alva, fiar Elizabeth Brown of Quarter £68.15.1
E106/31/5/27 Greenbraehead Sir Andrew Halliday, liferenter, and James Johnstone of Alva, fiar James Johnstone of Alva £9.6.2¼
E106/31/5/27 Northsteal Sir Andrew Halliday, liferenter, and James Johnstone of Alva, fiar Elizabeth Brown of Quarter £37.4.11
E106/31/5/27 Southsteal Sir Andrew Halliday, liferenter, and James Johnstone of Alva, fiar Elizabeth Brown of Quarter £27.18.8¾
E106/31/5/27 Sept. 1, 1801 Blackhill, Edgeface, Burnside, or Ingliston Thomas Spotteswoode of Dunipace Elizabeth Brown of Quarter £60.0.0
E106/31/5/27 Bankend and Edgeface Thomas Spotteswoode of Dunipace James Johnstone of Alva £8.15.1
E106/31/5/27 The Lands of Torwoodhead. £573.16.4 April 8, 1740 Gunnershaw, with the Mill and Shield parts of Lord Forrester's Lands Sir Andrew Halliday, liferenter, and James Johnstone of Alva, fiar James Johnstone of Alva £131.16.4
E106/31/5/27 The Laird of Newton £27.7.7
E106/31/5/27 Oct. 2, 1750 Sir James Dunbar's Feu Charles Dundas, liferenter and Major Dundas or Carron-Hall, fiar David Russell of Woodside £39.9.6
E106/31/5/27 William Denovan's Feu Major Dundas Major Dundas of Carron-Hall £7.19.7
E106/31/5/27 James Squyre's Feu Major Dundas Major Dundas of Carron-Hall £5.0.4
E106/31/5/27 Thomas Galloway's Feu Major Dundas Major Dundas of Carron-Hall £8.4.1
E106/31/5/27 Captain John Stirling for Hollings Henry Stainton, London John Campbell of Carbrook £5.18.6
E106/31/5/27 Sir James Dunbar for Gartincaber The trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean The trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean £28.7.4
E106/31/5/27 Aug. 30, 1753 Mr Dundas' part, formerly Mr Cockburn's Major Dundas of Carron-Hall Major Dundas £230.6.10
E106/31/5/27 June 5, 1764 Blairs Charles Dundas, liferenter and Major Dundas or Carron-Hall, fiar David Russell of Woodside £41.15.6
E106/31/5/27 Bogend. NOTE- There is a loss of 3d [pennies] upon these disjunctions Charles Dundas, liferenter and Major Dundas or Carron-Hall, fiar Robert Bauchop £102.5.8
E106/31/5/27 David Forrester of Little Denovan £410.0.0 Denovan James Johnstone of Alva James Johnstone of Alva £410.0.0
E106/31/5/27 Kirkland £220.0.0 Kirkland, Mr Johnstone's part Sir Andrew Halliday, liferenter, and James Johnstone of Alva, fiar James Johnstone of Alva £154.5.0
E106/31/5/27 Kirkland, John Kirkwood's part. NOTE - No disjunction in the minutes, but appears thus in Collector's Book from 1783 downwards Sir Andrew Halliday, liferenter, and James Johnstone of Alva, fiar James Johnstone of Alva £65.15.0
E106/31/5/27 The Laird of Herbertshire £241.11.9 Jan. 25, 1753 The Lands of Brown Quarter John Guthrie of Carbeth Elizabeth Brown £62.10.8
E106/31/5/27 The Feuars of Denovan £819.8.0
E106/31/5/27 Forrester of Easter Braes John Guthrie of Carbeth John, William, and James Macfarlane, Denovan £80.17.4
E106/31/5/27 Watson of Wester Barnego John Guthrie of Carbeth John Watson £47.11.6
E106/31/5/27 Reddoch of Milntown Rev. [Reverend] Robert Morehead Reddoch £69.11.0
E106/31/5/27 Thornhill William Morehead William Morehead of Herbertshire £36.10.0
E106/31/5/27 The Lands of Muirhead of Burnhouse, for Burnhouse and Wester Braes John Guthrie Peter Muirhead £116.13.8
E106/31/5/27 Muirhead of Rullie Rev. [Reverend] Robert Morehead Elizabeth Brown £48.18.2
E106/31/5/27 Buckieside Rev. [Reverend] Robert Morehead James Reid £28.5.2
E106/31/5/27 Stoney Inch Rev. [Reverend] Robert Morehead John Wright of Torbrex £47.7.6
E106/31/5/27 Drumalliard William Morehead William Morehead £38.0.0
E106/31/5/27 Young of Risk Rev. [Reverend] Robert Morehead The Trustees of William Bryson of Risk £56.15.10
E106/31/5/27 Muirhead of Ticketsheugh Rev. [Reverend] Robert Morehead Archibald Muirhead £26.3.8
E106/31/5/27 Smith of Broomhill Rev. [Reverend] Robert Morehead William Todd £35.6.2
E106/31/5/27 Muirhead of Croftfoot Rev. [Reverend] Robert Morehead Margaret Brown £45.10.0
E106/31/5/27 Cowan of Northfield John Guthrie Robert Lowis of West Plean £47.5.2
E106/31/5/27 Miller of Boards John Guthrie George Balloch £48.7.0
E106/31/5/27 Bruce of Gateside William Morehead Marion Russel £2.3.4
E106/31/5/27 Easter Barnego William Morehead William Paterson £35.10.0
E106/31/5/27 Young of Duchlage Rev. [Reverend] Robert Morehead Archibald Muirhead of Tiggetsheugh £36.0.0
E106/31/5/27 Renny of Greensdyke Rev. [Reverend] Robert Morehead William Wright at Milton of Bannockburn £9.0.0
E106/31/5/29 VALUATION ROLL, 1691. VALUATION ROLL, 1831.
E106/31/5/29 The Laird of Herbertshire and the Feuars of Denovan (continued) Jan. 25, 1753. Young of Little Barnego William Morehead of Herbertshire William Ralstone £50.11.3
E106/31/5/29 Finny Acres William Morehead of Herbertshire William Morehead £22.0.0
E106/31/5/29 Carron Glen William Morehead of Herbertshire William Morehead £2.13.4
E106/31/5/29 Damside William Morehead of Herbertshire Thomas Shiels & Co. [Company] £14.0.0
E106/31/5/29 Walk Miln, and Stoneyard William Morehead of Herbertshire Thomas Shiels & Co. [Company] £10.13.4
E106/31/5/29 The Isle William Morehead of Herbertshire William Morehead £4.2.2
E106/31/5/29 The Mains and Inclosures William Morehead of Herbertshire William Morehead £38.5.6
E106/31/5/29 NOTE.—Upon these disjunctions there is a loss of 8s. [shillings], in consequence of the cumulo having been held to be £1060. 11s. [shillings] 9d. [pennies], instead of £1060. 19s. [shillings] 9d. [pennies], the amount of the two sums in the Old Roll.
E106/31/5/29 Total valuation of Dunipace Parish, 1691 £3138.17.0 NOTE.—Decrease of 5s. [shillings] 3d. [pennies] upon New Roll accounted for as above. Total valuation of Dunipace Parish, 1831 £3138.11.9
E106/31/5/29 FALKIRK PARISH.
E106/31/5/29 Randyfoord £481.18.4 Oct. 1, 1805. Randyford Saltcoats, Mr Forbes' part Lord Dundas William Forbes of Callendar £62.15.0
E106/31/5/29 Randyford Saltcoats, belonging to Mr Callendar Lord Dundas John Callendar of Woodburn £37.5.0
E106/31/5/29 NOTE.—The amount in Roll 1691, quoted opposite, is made up to within 15s. [shillings] 2d. [pennies], by Lands disjoined in the Parish of Polmont, which see under Randyfoord.
E106/31/5/29 The Earl of Callender £4662.3.0 Oct. 4, 1799. John Aitkenhead Jaw, now Carron Company William Forbes of Callendar Carron Company £16.13.4
E106/31/5/29 Rottenstocks William Forbes of Callendar William Forbes of Callendar £30.6.8
E106/31/5/29 Beam William Forbes of Callendar Archibald Wishart, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] £20.0.0
E106/31/5/29 NOTE.—Upon 30th April, 1759, the above three parcels seem to have been disjoined from the Earl of Callender at £66. 13s. [shillings] 4d. [pennies], and although no subsequent disjunction thereof appears in the record, they stand, as above stated, in the Collector's Books from 1761 downwards ;
E106/31/5/29 and, upon 4th October, 1799, it was ordained on their application that the name of Carron Company should be annexed to the first parcel, instead of John Aitkenhead, in whose name it formerly stood in the Collector's Book ; and an increase of 6s. [shillings] 8d. [pennies] upon the cumulo disjoined in 1759, appears to have arisen in consequence of these private disjunctions.
E106/31/5/29 The Earl of Callender (continued) April 30, 1759 David Russel's part of Jaw Craig Lord Dundas Buchannan Carrick £43.6.8
E106/31/5/29 John Steel's part of Greenridge, formerly John Boyd's Lord Dundas George Carrick £50.0.0
E106/31/5/29 James Boyd's part of Greenridge Lord Dundas James Hamilton, Castlecarrie £33.6.8
E106/31/5/29 Andrew Russel's part of Greenridge Lord Dundas Andrew and Robert Russell £40.0.0
E106/31/5/29 John Boyd of Threaprig's part of Greenridge Lord Dundas William Forbes of Callendar £33.6.8
E106/31/5/29 Oct. 26, 1761. William Scott's part of Jaw Craig Lord Dundas William Scott of Jaw Craig £66.13.4
E106/31/5/29 George Thomson's part of Jaw Craig Lord Dundas William Forbes of Callendar £66.13.4
E106/31/5/29 Aug. 17, 1762 Thomas Gray's part of Jaw Craig Captain Alexander Shairp, R.N. [Royal Navy] The heirs of Andrew Easton £75.0.0
E106/31/5/29 Thomas Russel's part of Jaw Craig Lord Dundas James Thomson, Ockerdykes £75.0.0
E106/31/5/29 ___ Boyd, son of William Boyd of Parkhead's part of Jaw Craig Lord Dundas William Forbes of Callendar £16.13.4
E106/31/5/29 Oct. 2, 1775. Easter Stonerig, Alexander MacLarty William Forbes of Callendar William Forbes of Callendar £50.0.0
E106/31/5/29 Patrick Baird's part of Callendar William Forbes of Callendar Principal Baird and Captain Ferguson £200.0.0
E106/31/5/29 Bowhouse, Miln, Miln Lands, and others The Honourable John Charles Dundas, second surviving son of the Right Hon. [Honourable] Lawrence Lord Dundas William Marshall of Newhouse £70.6.9½
E106/31/5/29 Mar. 31, 1812 William Marshall's part of Over and Nether Mumrils The Duke of Hamilton, and Robert Bauchop, residing at Kinneil, liferenter William Marshall of Newhouse £188.3.7
E106/31/5/29 Beancross Heirs of Levison Douglas Stewart George Mitchell in Isle or Island £61.9.8½
E106/31/5/29 About two acres of Beancross, being lot third of Over and Nether Mumrils Duke of Hamilton, fiar, and Robert Bauchop, liferenter Mrs Dallas, Weedingshall £6.10.5
E106/31/5/29 Upper Mumrils, being lot fourth of Over and Nether Mumrils Duke of Hamilton, fiar, and Robert Bauchop, liferenter Robert Walker of Mumrils' heirs £192.16.8
E106/31/5/29 John Gray, Shieldhill, for lot fifth of Over and Nether Mumrils, being a proportion of Redding Muir set apart to the Earl of Errol, as effeiring to the said Lands of Mumrils and Beancross Duke of Hamilton, fiar, and Robert Bauchop, liferenter George Gray, Shielhill £13.19.6
E106/31/5/29 The Barony of Callendar remaining undivided William Forbes of Callendar William Forbes of Callendar £3311.16.4
E106/31/5/29 Langtoune £268.8.8 Jan. 1, 1817. Lord Dundas' part of Langton, Teinds and Pertinents Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £147.8.3 5/12
E106/31/5/29 Langton Park Teinds and Pertinents Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter £52.16.1 7/12
E106/31/5/29 Langton Farm, Mill, and Thirlage, with the Dog Kennel, and Ground around the same Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter £68.4.2
E106/31/5/29 NOTE.—By these disjunctions there is a loss upon New Roll of 1d. [penny]
E106/31/5/29 [Page] 28 [Page] 29
E106/31/5/29 Transcribed using format adopted for E106/31/5/3 & E106/31/5/5 (Bizzy) Annotations in green ink have not been transcribed. [James Boyd's part of do]: check do = "Greenridge", or "Greenridge, formerly John Boyd's"
E106/31/5/31 VALUATION ROLL, 1691. VALUATION ROLL, 1831.
E106/31/5/31 The Laird of Kerse £2264.0.8 Jan. 14, 1755 Lord Napier's part of Kerse, being Kersefield, Westfield, and Dykes Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £159.17.0
E106/31/5/31 Mr Dundas' part, possessed by Archibald Pickens Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £101.12.0
E106/31/5/31 Mr Dundas' part, possessed by David Hardie, elder Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £117.12.0
E106/31/5/31 Mr Dundas' part possessed by David Hardie, younger Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £157.10.0
E106/31/5/31 Mr Dundas' part, possessed by Robert Paterson Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £113.5.0
E106/31/5/31 The Inclosures by Mr Dundas himself Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £162.17.0
E106/31/5/31 West-thorn Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £200.0.0
E106/31/5/31 Cassel's and Ritchie's part of Middle-thorn Lord Dundas J. Stainton of Biggarshiels £93.6.0
E106/31/5/31 Mr Dundas' part, possessed by John Bow Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £114.14.0
E106/31/5/31 Mr Dundas' part, possessed by Alexander Simpson Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £114.14.0
E106/31/5/31 Mr Dundas' part, possessed by Peter Cowie Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £109.18.0
E106/31/5/31 Mr Dundas' part, possessed lately by Alexander Grinton and his wife Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £154.10.8
E106/31/5/31 Disjoined 3d Jan., and confirmed March 26, 1810 Dalgrain, Mr Ogilvie's part Thomas Learmonth of Lawrence Park The heirs of John Ogilvie of Gairdoch £21.1.3
E106/31/5/31 Dalgrain, Lord Dundas' part Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £118.13.9
E106/31/5/31 April 30, 1811 Newlands, part of Mitchell's Kerse, belonging to the Duke of Hamilton William Logan of Clarkstone Robert Walker of Mumrils £23.14.5
E106/31/5/31 Fouldubs, Mr Livingstone William Logan of Clarkstone Lord Dundas £115.19.4
E106/31/5/31 Maukinlees, James Greig and George White John Livingstone Learmonth of Parkhall Robert Walker of Mumrils £100.3.1
E106/31/5/31 Wester Newlands, Alexander Clark William Logan of Clarkstone Alexander Clark of Wester Newlands £102.15.10
E106/31/5/31 Mid Newlands Alexander Kincaid's part William Logan of Clarkstone Alexander Kincaid, tenant in Abbotsgrange £31.12.7
E106/31/5/31 Mid Newlands John Clark's part William Logan of Clarkstone John Clark, tenant in Reddoch £57.19.9
E106/31/5/31 Mid Newlands David Duncan's part William Logan of Clarkstone David Duncan, Newlands £31.12.7
E106/31/5/31 Easter Newlands John Paton William Logan of Clarkstone Robert Paterson £60.12.5
E106/31/5/31 Bantasken £232.2.8 June 3, 1730. William Boag's Houses in Falkirk, part of Mr Livingstone's, Bantaskine William Forbes of Callendar James Russell, writer in Falkirk £8.0.0
E106/31/5/31 Jan. 27, 1756. William Scott's two and a half acres of the Lands of Bantaskine William Forbes of Callendar William Scott and William Mungall £15.6.8
E106/31/5/31 Jan. 26, 1796. John Muirhead, maltman in Falkirk, his part of Bantaskine, as disjoined 14th March, 1758, now Mr Meeks William Forbes of Callendar Mr Meeks' heirs £10.0.0
E106/31/5/31 Bantaskine, still undivided William Forbes of Callendar T. C. Haggart, Union Canal Company, Thomas Aitken, J. Russel & H. Aitken, writers, Falkirk £98.16.0
E106/31/5/31 NOTE.—The Lands of Over Polmont, rated at £100, make up the sum in the Old Roll, which see in that Parish.
E106/31/5/31 William Brown of Seabegs £888.10.4 Sept. 30, 1729 Lochgreen and Sauchieridge Lord Dundas Andrew Speirs of Lochgreen, and John Speirs, Nottingham £100.0.0
E106/31/5/31 Aug. 21, 1759 Alexander Adams' Lands of Seabegs The Honourable George Heneage Lawrence Dundas William Lennie, teacher, Edinburgh £75.0.0
E106/31/5/31 William Brown of Seabegs (continued) Aug. 21, 1759 Charles Grinlay's Lands of Seabegs The Hon. [Honourable] George Heneage Lawrence Dundas Thomas Heugh of Gartcows £68.15.0
E106/31/5/31 Robert Ferguson's Lands of Seabegs The Hon. [Honourable] George Heneage Lawrence Dundas Robert Russell, merchant, Falkirk, and Thomas Boag, Laurieston £40.0.0
E106/31/5/31 July 2, 1739. Thomas Ferguson's Lands of Seabegs The Hon. [Honourable] George Heneage Lawrence Dundas Thomas Boag £40.0.0
E106/31/5/31 John Boyd's Lands of Seabegs Lord Dundas Agnes Munro, Carron £20.0.0
E106/31/5/31 Bonnyside John Strachan of Thornton John Strachan of Thornton £283.19.2
E106/31/5/31 Stark's part of Lands of Seabegs, Bonyhill Annabella Reid Annabella Reid £6.13.4
E106/31/5/31 Seabegs, undivided Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £254.2.10
E106/31/5/31 NOTE.—No disjunction of Bonnyside is to be found in the Record. In the Collector's Book for 1742, Bonnyside is entered at £290. 12s. [shillings] 6d. [pennies], and Seabegs at £254. 2s. [shillings] 10d. [pennies], being the undivided remainder of these Lands above noticed. In the Collector's Book for 1762, the valuation of Bonnyside is left blank, and John Stark for Bonnyhill is entered, but the valuation is left blank also ; and in the Collector's Book for 1768, both are entered as in the text.
E106/31/5/31 On 25th January, 1753, an application by John Stark of Bonnyhill, for a disjunction of his part of Bonnyside, was remitted to a Committee ; and, on 2d April, 1754, an application from William Henderson of Bonnyside was also remitted to a Committee, but no farther procedure seems to have taken place.
E106/31/5/31 James Scott in Seabegs £225.1.0 July 24, 1759 Mr Burns' part of Skipperton of Seabegs The Hon. [Honourable] George Heneage Lawrence Dundas Major-General Straton of Underwood, and Robert Russel, merchant, Falkirk £70.0.0
E106/31/5/31 William Speirs' part The Hon. [Honourable] George Heneage Lawrence Dundas Andrew Speirs of Lochgreen £20.0.0
E106/31/5/31 William Scott's part The Hon. [Honourable] George Heneage Lawrence Dundas J. Finlay £10.0.0
E106/31/5/31 Feb. 26, 1772 Those parts of Woodend acquired by Robert Mackell from William Scott The Hon. [Honourable] George Heneage Lawrence Dundas Major-General Straton £31.5.0
E106/31/5/31 Disjoined 9th and confirmed 26th March 1810. Mr Graham for Whiteox Park part of Woodend The Hon. [Honourable] George Heneage Lawrence Dundas Major-General Straton £7.1.9
E106/31/5/31 Mr Scott for remainder of Woodend The Hon. [Honourable] George Heneage Lawrence Dundas John Scott of Woodend £86.18.3
E106/31/5/31 NOTE.—There is an increase of 4s. [shillings] upon this disjunction in 1810.
E106/31/5/31 John Muirhead for Tippet Craig and Skipperton £145.15.5 Oct. 5, 1736. Tippet Craig belonging to John Muirhead Lord Dundas William Forbes of Callendar £50.0.0
E106/31/5/31 Feb. 26, 1772. That part of Underwood of Seabegs acquired by Robert Mackell from William Scott. Lord Dundas Major-General Straton £30.0.0
E106/31/5/31 The remaining part of William Scott's said part of Underwood of Seabegs Lord Dundas Rev. [Reverend] William Taylor, Perth £17.17.8
E106/31/5/31 Disjoined 9th and confirmed 26th March 1810. John Scott for Thorn, being part of Alexander Adams' half of Underwood of Seabegs Lord Dundas John Scott of Underwood £15.8.11
E106/31/5/31 Mr Graham for the remainder of said Lands Lord Dundas Major-General Straton £32.8.9
E106/31/5/31 NOTE.—There is a loss of 1d. [pence] upon these disjunctions.
E106/31/5/31 Alexander White £80.1.0 Dambhead Lord Dundas Thomas Marshall of Bowtrees £80.1.0
E106/31/5/31 NOTE.—This appears to have been rated at £81. 1s. [shilling], in Collector's Book,
E106/31/5/31 Transcribed using format adopted for E106/31/5/3 & E106/31/5/5 (Bizzy) Annotations in green and red ink have not been transcribed.
E106/31/5/31 [Page] 30 [Page] 31 H
E106/31/5/33 from 1761 downwards -- but it is only £80. 1s. [shilling] in the Book for 1746, which is considered the most correct of those extant.
E106/31/5/33 John Scott £129.0.0 Bonnywater Bridgend John Strachan of Thornton The heirs of Peter Henderson, merchant in Newfoundland, and John Strachan of Thornton £129.0.0
E106/31/5/33 Robert Gilmore £172.13.4 Mar. 4, 1783 John Anderson's part of Forrester's quarter of Seabegs Lord Dundas Robert Russel, merchant, Falkirk £35.19.6
E106/31/5/33 Robert Wyse's part of Forrester's quarter of Seabegs Lord Dundas John Mitchell, tanner, St Ninians £35.19.6
E106/31/5/33 Robert Speirs' part of Forrester's quarter of Seabegs Lord Dundas Andrew Speirs of Lochgreen £32.7.8
E106/31/5/33 John Gilmore's part of Forrester's quarter of Seabegs Lord Dundas Major-General Staton £32.7.7
E106/31/5/33 John Liddle's part of Forrester's quarter of Seabegs Lord Dundas William Liddle £14.7.3
E106/31/5/33 John Wilson's part of Forrester's quarter of Seabegs Lord Dundas Robert Russel, merchant, Falkirk £21.11.9
E106/31/5/33 NOTE. -- There is a loss of 1d. [pence] upon these disjunctions.
E106/31/5/33 William Moorhead £50.0.0 Drum Lord Dundas Thomas Russel, Drum, ½; William Scott, Jaw Craig, ½ £50.0.0
E106/31/5/33 Quarrel £251.14.1 June 7, 1785 Captain Napier's part Mungall, held of Sir Thomas Dundas Lord Dundas J. Stainton £59.1.4
E106/31/5/33 Mr Ramsay's part Mungall, held of Sir Thomas Dundas Lord Dundas J. Stainton £56.16.3
E106/31/5/33 Disjoined 7th June, 1785, and confirmed 26th Jan., 1796 Mr Meeks' feu of Mr Ramsay Lord Dundas G. Meek's heirs £5.18.7
E106/31/5/33 June 7, 1785 Mr Sword's feu of Mr Ramsay Lord Dundas Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Sword £9.15.3
E106/31/5/33 Mr Mitchel's feu of Mr Ramsay Lord Dundas Thomas Livingstone Mitchell of Mungall Miln £8.11.4
E106/31/5/33 Carron Company's part Mungall, held under Mr Forbes Lord Dundas Carron Company £2.2.1
E106/31/5/33 Mr Ramsay for Provost Andrew Lord Dundas J. Stainton £0.16.9
E106/31/5/33 Mr Ramsay for Provost Andrew Lord Dundas J. Stainton £0.6.7
E106/31/5/33 Mr Callender's heirs Lord Dundas J. Stainton £23.15.9
E106/31/5/33 Mr Mitchell, his part Lord Dundas Thomas Livingstone Mitchell, Mungall Miln £20.10.7
E106/31/5/33 Andrew Ritchie's heirs Lord Dundas James Ritchie, Guildy Butts £38.19.7
E106/31/5/33 Alexander Sword's part Mungall Lord Dundas Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Sword £22.0.0
E106/31/5/33 Hon. [Honourable] Captain Napier's part of Alexander Sword's Lands Lord Dundas J. Stainton £3.0.0
E106/31/5/33 Ellrig £300.0.0 June 27, 1774 That part of Ellrig possessed by H. Coubrough Andrew Stein of Wester Greenyards John Bread Ralston of Ellrig £150.0.0
E106/31/5/33 Professor Hunter's half, including Croftandie, which was disjoined 5th March, 1731, at £75 John N. Forman, W.S. [Writer to the Signet], fiar, and John Forman, W.S. [Writer to the Signet], liferenter Carron Company £150.0.0
E106/31/5/33 James Callender of Burn £26.4.2 Burnhouse William Forbes of Callendar James Fulton of Burnhouse £26.4.2
E106/31/5/33 Abbotshaugh £516.10.2 April 30, 1811 Carron Bank part of Abbotshaugh Lord Dundas Carron Company £68.12.10
E106/31/5/33 Abbotshaugh, Mungall, and Fullershaugh, Mr Ogilvie Lord Dundas Henry Stainton, London £447.17.4
E106/31/5/33 Dorrator £297.2.4 Oct. 6, 1772 Sir Lawrence Dundas' part Dorrator Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £82.10.0
E106/31/5/33 Seafield, being D. Ramsay's part of Dorrator Lord Dundas William Forbes of Callendar £80.0.0
E106/31/5/33 Major Chalmers' property, Lands thereof Lord Dundas Johnh Baird and Feuars of Camelon £78.0.0
E106/31/5/33 The Feus belonging to James Williamson, James Baird, Margaret Dobbie, Thomas Baird, James Buckie, Alexander Buckie, William Dobbie, John Gallaway, James Allan, Samuel Graham, George Renny, Thomas Gentle, John Dobbie, Andrew Leishman, and Thomas Smith, all in Camelon Lord Dundas The Feuars of Camelon £32.0.0
E106/31/5/33 Glenfuir Lord Dundas The Union Canal Copmjany, and James Russel & Henry Aitken, writers, Falkirk £24.12.4
E106/31/5/33 Powmiln £53.13.9 Feb. 9, 1707 James Watt's part of Powmiln and Lyon Thom William Forbes of Callendar Annabella Reid £10.0.0
E106/31/5/33 Alexander Watt's part of Powmill and Lyon Thom William Forbes of Callendar William Forbes of Callendar £5.0.0
E106/31/5/33 Ninian Wyse's part of Powmill and Lyon Thom William Forbes of Callendar Edward McKenzie £5.3.4
E106/31/5/33 Mar. 7, 1740 John Taylor's Houses and Tenements in Falkirk, purchased from D. Walker William Forbes of Callendar Agnes and Elizabeth Cook & Robert Walker's heirs £5.0.0
E106/31/5/33 Feb. 14, 1747 David Watt's Tenements in Falkirk part of do. purchased by him from Thomas Brown William Forbes of Callendar Agnes and Elizabeth Cook £5.0.0
E106/31/5/33 Jan. 26, 1796 John Muirhead's part of do., as disjoined to him 14th March, 1758, afterwards to Mr Meek William Forbes of Callendar G. Meek's heirs £5.0.0
E106/31/5/33 Remainder of Powmill undivided William Forbes of Calllendar Edward Mackenzie, carter, Marchfield £18.10.5
E106/31/5/33 NOTE. -- The disjunction of these Lands appears somewhat differently in the Collector's Books from 1746 downwards. The three first sums do not seem to be entered there at all, but the name of a James Kincaid appears for £7, and the undivided valuation is stated at £31.19.9 from 1762 downwards.
E106/31/5/33 Sir Alexander Livingston for Dalderse £375.16.0
E106/31/5/33 David Oswald £728.0.0 Jan. 29, 1782 Yonder Haugh James Kincaid's heirs James Kincaid's heirs £89.1.2
E106/31/5/33 Ladymill Farm John Callender of Woodburn John Callender of Woodburn £83.14.4
E106/31/5/33 Disjoined 15th Sept., & confirmed October 2, 1827 Powflatt, and Farm of Haugh, including that part thereof feued to James Paterson, as the whole are described in a feu disposition therof by William Glen, in favour of John Ogilvie, dated March 12, 1787 Henry Home Drummond of Blair-Drummond, fiar, and William Moray Stirling of Ardoch, liferenter Henry Stainton, London £273.18.11
E106/31/5/33 [Page] 32 FALKIRK PARISH -- (CONTINUED.) [Page] 33 FALKIRK PARISH -- (CONTINUED.)
E106/31/5/33 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed. On page 33, entries for Powmiln, lands with disjunction dates Feb. 14, 1747 and Jan. 26, 1796: unsure what the "do" references pertain to - mods to check.
E106/31/5/35 Sir Alexander Livingston for Dalderse, and David Oswald (continued) Disjoined 15th Sept., & confirmed October 2, 1827 Those parts of Dalderse and of the Kirklands thereof, with the Fishings, Teinds, and Pertinents, as the same are described in a feu disposition thereof, granted by the said William Glen to the said John Ogilvie, dated 25th, and registered in the Books of Council and Session, 26th May, 1785 Henry Home Drummond of Blair-Drummond, fiar, and William Moray Stirling of Ardoch, liferenter Henry Stainton, London £102.0.0
E106/31/5/35 1 acre, 1 rood, and 17 ells, or thereby, of the Lands of Dalderse, feued by the said William Glen to Thomas Bain, mason at Bainsford, conform to feu contract between them, dated 21st January 1786 Archibald Glen, residing in Glasgow Thomas Bain, farmer, Drumbowie £5.0.0
E106/31/5/35 Those parts of Dalderse, feued by the said William Glen to John Paterson of Fisheracre, as the same are bounded and described in a feu contract between them, dated 29th March, 1788 Archibald Glen, residing in Glasgow John Bowie, residing in Bristol £2.0.0
E106/31/5/35 3 roods, and 3½ falls, or thereby, of Dalderse, feued by the said William Glen to William Wyse, distiller, Cobblebrae, conform to feu contract between them, dated 3d November, 1797 Archibald Glen, residing in Glasgow David Wyse, surgeon, and George Sheriff, Dalders £3.0.0
E106/31/5/35 7 acres, 1 rood, 1 fall, and 17 ells, of Dalderse, feued by the said William Glen to William Wyse, conform to feu contract between them, dated 16th February, 1782 Archibald Glen, residing in Glasgow John Bowie, residing in Bristol £20.0.0
E106/31/5/35 11 acres, 1 fall, and 9 ells, of Dalderse, feued by the said William Glen to Alexander Kincaid, tenant, Abbotshaugh, conform to feu contract between them, dated 16th February, 1782 Archibald Glen, residing in Glasgow John Kincaid, farmer, Dalderse £32.0.0
E106/31/5/35 18 acres, 2 roods, and 27½ falls, or thereby, of Dalderse, feued by the said William Glen to Thomas Kincaid, farmer at Newlands, conform to feu contract between them, dated 17th November, 1784 Archibald Glen, residing in Glasgow Alexander Kincaid, farmer, Orchardhead £50.10.0
E106/31/5/35 Sir Alexander Livingston for Dalderse, and David Oswald (continued) Disjoined 15th Sept., & confirmed October 2, 1827 That piece of the Lands of Forganhall, containing falls, or thereby, feued by the said William Glen to James Liddle, residing at Bankside, Margaret Glen his spouse, and James Liddle their son, conform to feu disposition in their favour, dated 26th March, 1799 Archibald Glen, residing in Glasgow James Liddle of St Petersburgh £1.0.0
E106/31/5/35 That piece of Ground with the Houses thereon, part of Forganhall, as described in a feu disposition, of date 28th Jan., 1805, granted by the said William Glen to said James Liddle of Bankside designed, as then in Russia Archibald Glen, residing in Glasgow James Liddle of St Petersburgh £2.0.0
E106/31/5/35 The remainder of said Lands feued to James Russel, writer, Falkirk, by feu charter, dated 10th and 15th April, 1823, as therein described Archibald Glen, residing in Glasgow The Trustees of William Glen of Forganhall £22.10.0
E106/31/5/35 MR GREIG'S LOT.
E106/31/5/35 Jan. 29, 1782 John Johnstone, Grahamsmuir Alexander Macfarlane of Thornhill Alexander Macfarlane of Thornhill £86.2.0
E106/31/5/35 James Thomson's Alexander Macfarlane of Thornhill Alexander Macfarlane of Thornhill £17.13.4
E106/31/5/35 John Rankine's Alexander Macfarlane of Thornhill Alexander Macfarlane of Thornhill £33.4.3
E106/31/5/35 June 3, 1806 Mr McAllum's part Middlefield John Ferrier Hamilton of West Port Alexander Macfarlane of Thornhill £16.18.0
E106/31/5/35 John Callender's part Middlefield John Ferrier Hamilton of West Port John Callender of Woodburn £21.14.6
E106/31/5/35 Alexander Callender's part Middlefield John Ferrier Hamilton of West Port Alexander Balloch of Middlefield £113.9.6
E106/31/5/35 June 1, 1742 John Wyse's part of James Knox's Feu William Forbes of Callendar Thomas Aitken, jun. [junior], writer, Falkirk £14.0.0
E106/31/5/35 June 4, 1799 How Muir, Dr [Doctor] Meek's part of James Knox's Feu William Forbes of Callendar G. Meek's heirs £20.0.0
E106/31/5/35 July 9, 1799 Robert Smith's part of John Knox's Feu William Forbes of Callendar Robert Smith, merchant, Falkirk £20.0.0
E106/31/5/35 Remainder of Knox's Feu William Forbes of Callendar Thomas Duncanson, J. Ure, and Robert Scott, baker, Falkirk £74.0.0
E106/31/5/35 John Burn in Larbert £80.18.0 April 30, 1798 Thomas Henderson's part of John Burns, Larbert, as disjoined 13th November, 1739 William Forbes of Callendar James Henderson £4.0.0
E106/31/5/35 Robert Wilson's part of James Burns, Larbert William Forbes of Callendar Edmund Hardie £6.13.4
E106/31/5/35 Henry Nimmo's part of John Burns, Larbert William Forbes of Callendar Alexander Munro, writer, Falkirk £8.0.0
E106/31/5/35 Dr [Doctor] Meek William Forbes of Callendar G. Meek's heirs £3.12.0
E106/31/5/35 [Page] 34 FALKIRK PARISH -- (CONTINUED.) [Page] 35 FALKIRK PARISH -- (CONTINUED.)
E106/31/5/35 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed.
E106/31/5/37 John Burn in Larbert (continued) April 30, 1798 James Kincaid, William Mungall, Alexander Neilson, Alexander Smith, and Alexander Henderson, for the remainder William Forbes of Callendar James O'Neil, John Young, James Hodge, James Cowie, William Wardrobe's heirs, William Simpson, Thomas Gaff, James Henderson, Alexander Munro, Mrs James Simpson, Thomas Duncanson for Edward Hardie, Neilson's heirs, A. Shearer, and others £58.12.8
E106/31/5/37 John Sword £80.10.7 Feb. 14, 1747 John Hopkin's Feu William Forbes of Callendar John Russel, Dalgreen £13.6.8
E106/31/5/37 Jan. 26, 1796 John Muirhead's part, as disjoined 14th March, 1758, now Dr [Doctor] Meek William Forbes of Callendar G. Meek's heirs £8.0.0
E106/31/5/37 Sept. 30, 1800 Watershaugh Park, Dr [Doctor] Meek William Forbes of Callendar G. Meek's heirs £5.0.0
E106/31/5/37 Remainder of Thomas Henderson's, as disjoined 13th November, 1739 William Forbes of Callendar John Aitkin's heirs £3.0.0
E106/31/5/37 James Kincaid his part William Forbes of Callendar Thomas Heugh of Gartcows £9.6.8
E106/31/5/37 NOTE. -- NO disjunction of this appears in the Record. It seems, however, to have been stated separately in the Collector's Book from 1746 downwards.
E106/31/5/37 The remainder of John Sword's Feu William Forbes of Callendar Annabella Reid, Alexander Hamilton's heirs, James Brock's heirs, Trustees of John Aitken and others £41.17.3
E106/31/5/37 George Livingstone £64.8.6 June 30, 1742 Robert Wilson's part of George Livingstone William Forbes of Callendar Robert Walker, Bothkenar £5.6.8
E106/31/5/37 June 11, 1799 Mr Ramsay's part William Forbes of Callendar Alexander Ramsay, Kersehill £11.0.0
E106/31/5/37 Remainder of George Livingstone William Forbes of Callendar E. and M. Provan, J. Ure, James Walker, J. Stark, J. Gardner, and others £48.1.10
E106/31/5/37 Lewis Monteath £53.13.8 Oct. 13, 1769 A half acre contiguous to Henry Nimmo's part of James Burns, acquired by him from Alexander Kenowie William Forbes of Callendar Alexander Munro, writer, Falkirk £3.0.0
E106/31/5/37 June 11, 1799 Mr Ramsay's part of Grahamsmuir William Forbes of Callendar Alexander Ramsay £14.9.0
E106/31/5/37 Edward Mackenzie's part William Forbes of Callendar J. Rankine and A. Marshall £4.16.0
E106/31/5/37 Mr Hunter for the remainder of Lewis Monteath William Forbes of Callendar Rev. [Reverend] Dr [Doctor] £31.8.8
E106/31/5/37 Wastquarter £542.17.2 Nov. 13, 1739 Thomas Henderson's Houses and Lands in town of Falkirk, purchased from William Coubrough, part of Westquarter Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert Mrs Paddon and Mrs White, William Forbes of Callendar, Alexander Munro, writer, Falkirk, and Robert Weir £22.0.0
E106/31/5/37 Wastquarter (continued) Jan. 27, 1756 Two acres of Land of Westquarter belonging to William Scott, as heir of his father James Scott, mason, Parkfoot Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert William Scott, mason, Parkfoot, and Robert Scott, baker, Falkirk £16.0.0
E106/31/5/37 Jan. 28, 1783 James Kincaid's Lands of Boddom, Houses, Yards, and Pertinents, part of Westquarter Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert The Trustees of John Lorn £24.0.0
E106/31/5/37 Christian Hardie's laigh Shop, Houses, and Pertinents, part of Westquarter Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert The heirs of Thomas Mungall, Falkirk £4.0.0
E106/31/5/37 Her four acres of Land in Wetlands, with whole Head-rigs, and Pertinents Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert G. Meek's heirs and Isabella Sword £22.0.0
E106/31/5/37 William Hodge's five acres of Land, part of Westquarter Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert James Hodge, baker, Falkirk £42.0.0
E106/31/5/37 His Houses and Pertinents Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert James Hodge, baker, Falkirk £4.0.0
E106/31/5/37 Jan. 26, 1796 Mr Meek's part of Westquarter, acquired from McKie's heirs Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert G. Meek's heirs £16.0.0
E106/31/5/37 Mr Meek's part of Westquarter, acquired from John Russel Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert G. Meek's heirs £4.0.0
E106/31/5/37 Feb. 7, 1803 William Whyte's part of Westquarter, Feus in and about Falkirk, being part of the Subjects formerly belonging to Robert Simpson Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert William Booth, gardener, Falkirk £38.0.0
E106/31/5/37 April 30, 1816 William Gibb's Land in Kirkcows, part of Westquarter, now Mr Heugh of Gartcows Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert Thomas Heugh of Gartcows £24.7.4
E106/31/5/37 Feus of Westquarter, in Falkirk Parish, undivided Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert Thomas Johnstone, Falkirk, and various other Proprietors of Houses, &c, in the Town of Falkirk £89.11.6
E106/31/5/37 NOTE. -- By a disjunction, 2d October, 1775, the Property Lands of Westquarter were ascertained to be £163.10.10, The Feuars of Westquarter, in Polmont Barony £73.7.6, And the Feuars of Westquarter in Falkirk £305.18.10 [Total] £542.17.2. The two first of these sums being in Polmont Parish will be found there; and the above disjunctions, with the undivided remainder, make up the sum allocated to the Feus in Falkirk; and the three, as above, make up the valuation in the Old Roll.
E106/31/5/37 Normand Livingstone £114.18.0 Jan. 26, 1796 Dr [Doctor] Meek for John Muirhead's part of Norman Livingstone, as disjoined 14th March, 1758 William Forbes of Callendar G. Meek's heirs £14.0.0
E106/31/5/37 Dr [Doctor] Meek for House in Falkirk, and acre of Land on north side of Randygate William Forbes of Callendar G. Meek's heirs and W. Simpson, nurseryman £12.0.0
E106/31/5/37 Remains of Norman Livingston, Mr Hunter William Forbes of Callendar Thomas Taylor's Trustees, the Rev. [Reverend] Dr [Doctor] Belfrage, and John Kincaid £88.14.2
E106/31/5/37 NOTE. -- There is a loss of 3s. [shillings] 10d. [pence] upon this disjunction.
E106/31/5/37 [Page] 36 FALKIRK PARISH -- (CONTINUED.) [Page] 37 FALKIRK PARISH -- (CONTINUED.)
E106/31/5/37 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed.
E106/31/5/39 James Johnstone £32.4.2 Jan. 26, 1796 Mr Meek's part of Thomas Burns and John Johnstone, acquired from James Horn William Forbes of Callendar George Meek's heirs £2.0.0
E106/31/5/39 £80.10.7 Mr Meek's part of Thomas Burns and John Johnstone, acquired from Francis Watson William Forbes of Callendar George Meek's heirs £2.0.0
E106/31/5/39 April 30, 1796 These Two Parks on the west side of the Lands of Gartcows, sometime possessed by Thomas Graham William Forbes of Callendar Thomas Heugh of Gartcows £40.0.0
E106/31/5/39 April 30, 1830 James and Thomas Nimmo for Lands at Westburn Bridge, north of highway Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter, Baronet James and Thomas Nimmo, tanners, Falkirk £14.16.8
E106/31/5/39 Thomas Aitken for Lands at the Braehead Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter, Baronet Thomas Aitken, messenger, Falkirk £2.6.8
E106/31/5/39 Adam Gentles for Lands south side of the Westburn Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter, Baronet Adam Tentles, carrier, Falkirk £13.6.8
E106/31/5/39 John Burns for Lands north side of the Westburn Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter, Baronet and William Forbes of Callendar John Burns, writer, Falkirk £38.4.2
E106/31/5/39 NOTE. -- There is a loss of 7 d. [pence] upon these last disjunctions, in consequence of the cumulo having been taken at £68.14.2, instead of £68.14.9
E106/31/5/39 John Burn Elder £33.6.8 John Burn Elder William Forbes of Callendar William Black, John More, James Balderstone's heirs, A. Monteath, &c £33.6.8
E106/31/5/39 John Hunter £33.6.8 John Hunter William Forbes of Callendar The Trustees of James Henderson, writer, Falkirk £33.6.8
E106/31/5/39 Agnes Alexander £35.10.4 Mrs Burn & Son for Agnes Alexander William Forbes of Callendar John Thomson, tenant, Carronflatts, Dr [Doctor] Belfrage Meeting-house, -- Gray's heirs, and others £35.10.4
E106/31/5/39 James Dundie £24.0.0 James Dinwoodie William Forbes of Callendar John Crichton, Alexander Boyd, writer, and others £24.0.0
E106/31/5/39 George Johnstone £33.6.8 James Dalrymple, merchant William Forbes of Callendar Robert Balloch, flesher, Falkirk £33.6.8
E106/31/5/39 NOTE. -- This has been rated in the Collector's Book at £35.6.8 from 1746 downwards
E106/31/5/39 John Gairdner £12.0.0 John or Alexander Gardener William Forbes of Callendar Daniel McNie, barber, Falkirk £12.0.0
E106/31/5/39 Castlecarry £429.9.10 Sept. 30, 1729 Castlecarry The Hon. [Honourable] and Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Lawrence Dundas Lord Dundas £429.9.10
E106/31/5/39 James Meikle £135.18.0 May 1, 1826 Maryflatts Duke of Hamilton Lord Dundas £130.10.3
E106/31/5/39 Mumerals Duke of Hamilton The heirs of Robert Walker
E106/31/5/39 Pathpark Duke of Hamilton Sir Thomas Livingstone
E106/31/5/39 Bowhousehall Duke of Hamilton ----- Mitchell
E106/31/5/39 NOTE. -- By these disjunctions the valuation is made £5.7.9 less than the Old Roll, the difference being added to the valuation of Hill of Polmont, which see in that Parish under Duke of Hamilton and John Hart, in Redding of Old Roll.
E106/31/5/39 Total valuation of Falkirk Parish, 1691 £13935.13.9 NOTE. -- The parishes of Falkirk and Polmont being united in the Old Roll, the total valuation in 1691 far exceeds the valuation in 1831, but the difference is accounted for as above. Total valuation of Falkirk Parish, 1831 £13211.8.8
E106/31/5/39 The Marquis of Montrose £887.8.8 The Marquis of Montrose The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose £887.8.8
E106/31/5/39 The Viscount of Kilsyth £360.15.4 The Viscount of Kilsyth The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose £360.15.4
E106/31/5/39 CULCREUCH.
E106/31/5/39 The Laird of Cullcreuch £727.3.7 June 1, 1779 [See Other Information] Alexander Graham Speirs of Culcreuch Alexander Graham Speirs of Culcreuch £410.2.0
E106/31/5/39 [Page] 38 FALKIRK PARISH -- (CONTINUED.) [Page] 39 FINTRY PARISH. [On Page 39, the following 1831 Lands are listed for The Laird of Cullcreuch:] Garden, Orchard, Avenue, Flencil, Byrehill, Ground about Mansion-House, Drum-dreen, Yardhead, & Burnparks, possessed by Mrs Napier; Mill and Mill Lands, possessed by Robert Key; part of Gonnachan, possessed by James Morrison; part of Clachan, possessed by Francis Paterson; Northmuir, Craiginmuir, Foggeyhill, and Moresfauld, possessed by James Din; Westertown, possessed by William Gilfillan; Down and Teath Fauld and others, possessed by John Ewing; Crosstree, possessed by Andrew MacGilchrist; Eastertown, possessed by James MacGilchrist; Millichen & Drumganow Park, possessed by David Key; Tamdarrow, possessed by James Cowan; part of Damdarrow, possessed by John Cunningham; part of Gatefoot, possessed by Alexander Key; part of Gonnachan, possessed by John Graham. Drumillan and Bogpark, posssessed by Robert Key; Jaw and Southmuir, possessed by John and Andrew Ewings; Kilwinan, possessed by John Paul; part of Gonnachan, separate from the Cot-house, possessed by Andrew Ewing; part of Gonnachan, exclusive of the Cot-house, possessed by John Cowan; part of Gonnachan, sometime possessed by Alexander Cunningham, now by Andrew Din; Land possessed, with Lint Mill, by Andrew Din; part of Clachan, possessed by John & Alexander Ainslie; part of Clachan, possessed by William Baird, deceased; part of Clachan, possessed by John Gilfillan; part of Gonnachan and Dalgonnachan, possessed by William McGilchrist, exclusive of the Houses; Wester Kilwinan, possessed by Andrew
E106/31/5/39 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed. On Page 38, in the entry for James Meikle, the lands of Maryflatts, Mumerals, Pathpark, and Bowhousehall are combined for a total Valued Rent of £130.10.3.
E106/31/5/41 The Laird of Cullcreuch (continued) Archibald Speirs of Elderslie, liferenter, and A.G. Speirs, fiar Alexander Graham Speirs of Culcreuch £317.1.7
E106/31/5/41 Total valuation of Fintry Parish, 1691 £1975.7.7 Total valuation of Fintry Parish, 1831 £1975.7.7
E106/31/5/41 Redhall, his own rent, and a part of Scots Craigs Tiends £157.6.0 Aug. 5, 1701 Redhall, two parts of Scots Craigs Tiends John Ferrier Hamilton of West Port Barbara Seton of Touch £6.1.10
E106/31/5/41 Redhall's other Lands John Ferrier Hamilton of West Port Barbara Seton of Touch £151.4.10
E106/31/5/41 NOTE. -- There is an increase of 8d. [pence] upon the valuation by this disjunction.
E106/31/5/41 The Laird of Leckie £111.4.4 Leckie Charles Alexander Moir of Leckie Charles Alexander Moir of Leckie £1111.4.4
E106/31/5/41 The Laird of Boquhan £827.5.5 Boquhan Henry Fletcher Campbell of Boquhan Henry Fletcher of Boquhan £817.5.5
E106/31/5/41 The Lands of Killbeg and Dalbraine £437.10.0 April 2, 1754 Culbeg and Dalbraine Charles Alexander Moir of Leckie Charles Alexander Moir of Leckie £437.10.0
E106/31/5/41 Kilmoir, pertaining to David Forrester and James Richardson £333.2.10 Aug. 5, 1701 Wester Culmore Charles Alexander Moir Charles Alexander Moir £124.1.5
E106/31/5/41 Easter Culmore John Young Forrester John Young Forrester £124.1.5
E106/31/5/41 Dec. 6, 1798 Bankhead and Creoch David Graham of Meiklewood David Graham of Meiklewood £65.0.0
E106/31/5/41 Mosshead David Graham of Meiklewood William Downie £20.0.0
E106/31/5/41 Spittleton of Boquhan £48.0.0 Spittalton of Boquhan Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert David Graham of Meiklewood £48.0.0
E106/31/5/41 The Lord Elphinstone's rent £37.17.0 April 30, 1777 That part of the Town and Lands of Courthill, formerly possessed by John MItchell, and disponed in 1760 by David Graham of Meiklewood to Sir James Campbell The Countess of Strathmore James Eidington of Gargunnock £16.8.10
E106/31/5/41 The remainder of these Lands The Countess of Strathmore David Graham of Meiklewood £21.8.2
E106/31/5/41 The Laird of Gargunnock £863.18.8 April 30, 1777 The Lands of Woodyet, disponed by Sir James Campbell to Mr Graham of Meiklewood in 1760 James Eidington of Gargunnock David Graham of Meiklewood £56.14.0
E106/31/5/41 The remainder of the Lands of Gargunnock James Eidington of Gargunnock James Eidington of Gargunnock £807.4.8
E106/31/5/41 NOTE. -- Upon 1st May, 1753, the valuation of Gargunnock appears to have been divided into two parts, £437.18.8 being allocated to certain Lands said to have been acquired by Francis and Andrew Fletchers from Sir James Livingstone, and £426 to certain others said to have been acquired from him by Lieut. [Lieutenant] James and Islay Campbell; but the whole property and superiority has been re-united under the present proprietor.
E106/31/5/41 Meiklewood £181.0.0 April 30, 1777 The Lands of Orchard, as possessed by James Adam, excepting the sides disponed by Mr Graham of Meiklewood to Sir James Campbell in 1760 The Earl of Mar James Eidington of Gargunnock £9.2.6
E106/31/5/41 The Lands of Middlethird, possessed by Adam and John Mitchell, and another small part by Mr Graham himself The Earl of Mar James Eidington of Gargunnock £19.9.2
E106/31/5/41 [Page] 40 FINTRY PARISH -- (CONTINUED.) [On Page 40, the following 1831 Lands are listed for The Laird of Cullcreuch:] Buchanan; Porterland and Corneil's possession, by Andrew Paul, exclusive of the Houses; part of Gonnachan, possessed by Janet MacLaren, widow of J. Neilson, without the Cothouse; part of Gonnachan, possessed by David Moir and John Renny, without Houses; part of Gonnachan, possessed by John Wilson; Croftenshill, possessed by Daniel MacNie; Crofthead, possessed by James Cowan; part of Crofthead, lately possessed by W. Din, now by David Waters, exclusive of the House; Burnhouse and Bogpark possessed by Andrew Din and John Paul; Planted-brae, possessed by Mr Speirs; Oakpark, and Land there enclosed with it, possessed by Mr Speirs GARGUNNOCK PARISH. [Page] 41 GARGUNNOCK PARISH -- (CONTINUED.)
E106/31/5/41 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed.
E106/31/5/42 Meiklewood (continued) April 30, 1777 Those parts of the Lands of Stablegreen, possessed by John Graham and John Macfarlane's widow; and that part thereof, enclosed and possessed by Mr Graham himself, at back of John Graham's house The Earl of Mar James Eidington of Gargunnock £11.13.6
E106/31/5/42 The remainder of Meiklewood David Graham of Meiklewood David Graham of Meiklewood £140.14.10
E106/31/5/42 NOTE. -- Meiklewood is stated in Collector's Books, from 1746 downwards, at £181.1.2
E106/31/5/42 Kippdarroch, his own rent, and a part of Scots Craigs Tiends £109.2.0 Aug. 5, 1701 Kepdarroch's three parts of Scots Craigs Tiends The heirs of Francis Simpson of Plean Charles Alexander Moir of Leckie, and James Eidington of Gargunnock £9.2.10
E106/31/5/42 His other Lands The heirs of Francis Simpson of Plean Charles Alexander Moir of Leckie, and James Eidington of Gargunnock £100.0.0
E106/31/5/42 NOTE. -- There is an increase of 10d. [pence] by this disjunction. These Lands stand in the Collector's Book, from 1783 downwards, separately, thus -- Leckie's part of Kepdarroch ... £89.0.0 -- Mr Gourlay's part ... £20.2.10 But no disjunction appears in the Record. An application from Mr Moir for that purpose having been remitted to a Committee, on 7th June, 1791, no farther procedure seems to have taken place.
E106/31/5/42 Total valuation of Gargunnock Parish, 1691 £4096.6.3 NOTE. -- Increase upon New Roll of 1s. [shilling] 6d. [pence], accounted for as above. Total valuation of Gargunnock Parish, 1831 £4096.7.9
E106/31/5/42 John Buchanan of Meikle Carbeth £130.4.7 United July 10, 1696 Meikle Carbeth and Alexander Dins John Buchanan of Carbeth John Buchanan of Carbeth £194.13.1
E106/31/5/42 Alexander Duine £64.8.6
E106/31/5/42 The Laird of Houston £353.18.4 July 28, 1715 Balglas Robert Dunmore Napier of Ballikinraine Robert Dunmore Napier of Ballikinraine £350.0.0
E106/31/5/42 NOTE. -- £3.18.4 is lost here, which, by the act of disjunction, should have been gained on Provanstone, in Balfron Parish, but this is not the case, for by the disjunction of
E106/31/5/42 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed. Two brackets in the Dates of Disjunction column indicated that the 1691 Lands of John Buchanan of Meikle Carbeth and Alexander Duine were united July 10, 1696 to form the 1831 Lands Meikle Carbeth and Alexander Dins. Therefore, what starts as two entries, becomes one entry for 1831 valuation purposes.
E106/31/5/43 The Laird of Houston (continued) Mr Speirs' Lands in Fintry Parish, Provanstone, which by the Act of the Commissioners, 1st June, 1779, is added to the second lot thereof, is stated only at £93. 8s. [shillings] 7d. [pennies], which was the sum in Old Roll, 1691, whereas, in terms of this disjunction, it ought to have been £97. 6s. [shillings] 11d. [pennies]
E106/31/5/43 In Collector's Book since 1746, and in Roll 1802, Provanstone, in Balfron, is stated £97. 4s. [shillings] 11d. [pennies], and Balglas, in Killearn, is also continued at £353. 18s. [shillings] 4d. [pennies], which is erroneous.
E106/31/5/43 Branshogle £283.0.4 June 24, 1727 Culvachan, Easter and Wester Claylands, Rowantree and Auchlane, and Little Haugh benorth the water of Endrick, parts of Branshogle The Hon. [Honourable] George Ralph Abercromby, younger of Tullibody Robert Dunmore Napier £123.0.0
E106/31/5/43 Branshogle, part of The Hon. [Honourable] George Ralph Abercromby, younger of Tullibody Thomas Bryce Buchanan of Boquhan £116.0.4
E106/31/5/43 June 3, 1730 Machar, part of The Hon. [Honourable] George Ralph Abercromby, younger of Tullibody Sir Archibald Edmonstone £44.0.0
E106/31/5/43 The Laird of Duntreath £301.3.7 Duntreath Sir Archibald Edmonstone Sir Archibald Edmonstone £301.3.7
E106/31/5/43 Killearn £328.11.4 kILLEARN John Blackburn of Killearn John Blackburn of Killearn £328.11.4
E106/31/5/43 Croy Leckie £93.19.4 Croyleckie The heirs of the Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Gavin Gibb John Blackburn of Killearn £93.19.4
E106/31/5/43 Lord Napier £320.9.1 Lord Napier Major Buchanan of Arnprior; the Duke of Montrose, fiar; J. Campbell Douglas, liferenter, and John Blackburn John Blackburn of Killearn £320.9.1
E106/31/5/43 James Buchanan of Ballochroine £107.7.6 Ballochron Alexander Littlejohn, writer, Stirling William Edmond, tenant in Drummore £107.7.6
E106/31/5/43 Walter Buchanan for Carstoune £48.6.4 Carston Duke of Montrose William Finlay £48.6.4
E106/31/5/43 The said Walter for Gilliestone £53.13.8 Gilliestone Duke of Montrose, and Jean Macdonald Buchanan William Finlay £53.13.8
E106/31/5/43 The Lands of Croy Cunningham £109.10.6 Croy Cunningham John Blackburn of Killearn John Blackburn of Killearn £109.10.6
E106/31/5/43 Ballikinraine £136.17.10 Ballikinraine Thomas Dunmore Robert Dunmore Napier £136.17.10
E106/31/5/43 The Lands of Middle Glenboig £100.8.0 April 2, 1754 Five-merk Land of Glenboigs, Cunningham. NOTE-The object of this date is to identify the Lands of Glenboig, Cunningham, with Middle Glenboig, and the lands are said to be reted in the Cess Books at £100 only; but they have been uniformly rated both before and since at £100.8s. [shillings] in Collector's Book. John McLeroy of Glenboig John McLeroy £100.8.0
E106/31/5/43 [Page]43 Killearn Parish - (Continued)
E106/31/5/43 Hi Lostinthemess, Pages are coming along nicely, just a few wee things I can still see here. Do should be fully transcribed so that it is searchable And first names are expanded without the abbreviation. So its just Archibald etc, no need for brackets. If you could please expand the s and d to s. [shillings] d. [pennies] Due to the amount of info in the top line I have split it over two lines. We sometimes dont have enough character spaces available to put it all into one. But that is the only reason we would ever split it up. It takes a bit of time to get used to all our correct formats and standards, but it will just 'click' Kind Regards Nora
E106/31/5/43A PARISH of KILLEARN.
E106/31/5/43A Lands entered as Lord Napier cumulo O.V.R. [Old Valued Rent] £320.9.1
E106/31/5/43A This entry is taken to represent the old valued rent of lands of Asquemoir-Buchanan of Arnprior (File 1315).
E106/31/5/43A Drumquhairnes and Nether Rinray - Duke of Montrose (File 189)
E106/31/5/43A Drumtian - Colquhoun Killermont (File 1382).
E106/31/5/43A Each of the above is a five merkland and it is proposed to split up the cumulo old valued rent accordingly.
E106/31/5/43A [Page] 43a
E106/31/5/45 KILLEARN PARISH [Page 44]
E106/31/5/45 James McAine 93.8.7 Wester Glenboig John Fullarton Elphinstone Robert Dunmore Napier 93.8.7
E106/31/5/45 Thomas Buchanan of Boquhan 109.10.6 February 22, 1799 Boquhan Richard Taylor, advocate Thomas Bryce Buchanan of Boquhan 54.15.3
E106/31/5/45 Parkhall, part of Boquhan Richard Taylor, advocate John Bryce,spirit dealer, Glasgow 54.15.3
E106/31/5/45 The Lands of Lecher 41.1.6 Lechar Duke of Montrose George Wilson at Hurlet 41.1.6
E106/31/5/45 The Barrony of Mugdock 60.4.8 Mugdoc Duke of Montrose George Wilson at Hurlet 60.4.8
E106/31/5/45 The Viscount of Kilsyth 107.7.6 Kilsyth's Lands, now called Easter Glenboig Robert Balfour, Stirling, fiar, and Thomas Balfour, liferenter A.G.Speirs of Culcreuch 107.7.6
E106/31/5/45 Total Valuation of Killearn Parish, 1691 2839.13.4 Note:- The decrease upon New Roll of £3.18s [Shillings] 4d [Pennies] accounted for as above Total valuation of Killearn Parish, 1831 2843.11.8
E106/31/5/45 The Marquis of Montrose 994.9.7 April 3, 1799 Montrose Lands The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose 423.13.8
E106/31/5/45 Keystone and Millngavie Archibald Douglas of Mains Archibald Douglas of Mains 105.1.9
E106/31/5/45 Kessantown, ⅞ parts of The Duke of Montrose John Campbell Colquhoun of Killermont 72.12.4
E106/31/5/45 Kessantown, ⅛ part of The Duke of Montrose Daniel Carse of Chapelton 10.7.8
E106/31/5/45 Barrochan The Duke of Montrose James Weir of Barrochan 31.0.10
E106/31/5/45 Barloch The Duke of Montrose John Douglas, writer in Gllasgow 35.0.0
E106/31/5/45 Disjoined 7th February and confirmed 30th April, 1803 Dougalston and Wester Clober The Duke of Montrose James Glasford of Dougalston 263.6.8
E106/31/5/45 Lands acquired from Mr Graham of Dougalston The Duke of Montrose James Glasford of Dougalston 53.6.8
E106/31/5/45 Temple, John Balloch 20.2.8 Temple, John Balloch John B. Gracie, W.S The Duke of Montrose 20.2.8
E106/31/5/45 Total valuation of Kilpatrick Parish, 1691 1014.12.3 Total valuation of Kilpatrick Parish, 1831 1014.12.3
E106/31/5/45 KILSYTH PARISH [Page 45]
E106/31/5/45 The Viscount of Kilsyth 3328.10.0 September 5, 1786 Inchterff James Trecothick, London Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 117.13.5
E106/31/5/45 Inchwood James trecothick, London Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 117.13.5
E106/31/5/45 Nether Inch James Trecothick, London Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 58.16.8
E106/31/5/45 Inchlees James Trecothick, London Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 29.8.4
E106/31/5/45 Guinzie, James Mason Barlow Trecothick, London Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 29.8.4
E106/31/5/45 Guinzie, James Mason James Trecothick Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 90.7.0
E106/31/5/45 Guinzie, possessed by Alexander Finlay Barlow Trecothick Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 29.8.4
E106/31/5/45 Guinzie Burn, Alexander Fergus Barlow Trecothick Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 90.7.0
E106/31/5/45 Guinzie Mill, James Miller Barlow Trecothick Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 8.4.7
E106/31/5/45 Craigroot Barlow Trecothick Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 15.1.2
E106/31/5/45 Oldplace Barlow Trecothick Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 31.10.4
E106/31/5/45 Parkhead Barlow Trecothick Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 15.1.2
E106/31/5/45 Dikehead Barlow Trecothick Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 8.4.7
E106/31/5/45 Shankfoot Barlow Trecothick Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 29.8.4
E106/31/5/45 Cairnbog Barllow Trecothick Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 63.4.3
E106/31/5/45 Westside Barlow Trecothick Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 63.4.3
E106/31/5/45 Torrance, tha part called Burnhead The heirs of Captain Daniel McIntosh, late of the 42d regiment Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 58.16.8
E106/31/5/45 Torrance, that part called Corry The Heirs of Captain DAniel McIntosh, late of the 42d regiment Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 29.8.4
E106/31/5/45 Deer Park The heirs of Captain Daniel McIntosh, late of the 42d regiment Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 39.0.11
E106/31/5/45 Town of Kilsyth for Haugh Acres The heirs of Matthew Wright, writer, Edinburgh Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 58.16.8
E106/31/5/45 Brigend, Walter Hamilton Barlow trecothick, London Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 8.4.7
E106/31/5/45 Ballmalloch The heirs of Captain Daniel McIntosh Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 134.9.6
E106/31/5/45 Gateside Barlow Trecothick Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 16.9.2
E106/31/5/45 Smiddyhill The heirs of Captain Daniel McIntosh Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 69.13.10
E106/31/5/45 Boghouse The heirs of Captain Daniel McIntosh Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 69.13.10
E106/31/5/45 Balcastle Lawrence Craigie, junior, merchant in Glasgow, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 117.16.4
E106/31/5/45 Castlegray The heirs of Captain Daniel McIntosh Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 15.1.2
E106/31/5/45 Brae The heirs of Matthew Wright, writer, Edinburgh Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 33.5.4
E106/31/5/45 Arnbrae The heirs of Matthew Wright, writer, Edinburgh Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 66.17.9
E106/31/5/45 Drumbreck, Robert Anderson The heirs of Matthew Wight, writer, Edinburgh Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 69.6.9
E106/31/5/45 Drumbreck, John Anderson The heirs of Matthew Wright, writer, Edinburgh Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 36.1.5
E106/31/5/45 Drumbreck, Peter Anderson The heirs of Matthew Wright, writer, Edinburgh Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 72.9.9
E106/31/5/45 DRumbreck, James Ralstone The heirs of Matthew Wright,writer, Edinburgh Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 13.6.2
E106/31/5/45 Gavil, William Rankine Lawrence Craigie, junior, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 117.13.6
E106/31/5/45 Gavil, James Rankine Lawrence Craigie, junior, liferenter, and Sir A.Edmonstone, fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 117.13.5
E106/31/5/45 Overgavil Lawrence Craigie, junior liferenterm and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 58.16.9
E106/31/5/45 THE EAST BARONY
E106/31/5/45 Town of Kilsyth Mains Barr, Barwood and Barrland Fauld, for a town and a half, or six parts valuation Neil Benjamin Edinstone, London, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone,fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 181.3.2
E106/31/5/45 Drumtrocher John James Davidson, W.S., liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet 90.11.7
E106/31/5/47 The Viscount of Kilsyth (continued)........... September 5, 1786 Colzeam.............. Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar....... Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Bart........... £120.15.6
E106/31/5/47 - Neilson and Garrel Mill John James Davidson, Writer to the Signet, liferenter, and Sir A.Edmonstone, fiar........ Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Bartonet £90.11.7
E106/31/5/47 - Riskend John James Davidson, Writer to the Signet, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar......... Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet £30.3.10
E106/31/5/47 - Cragston John James Davidson, Writer to the Signet, liferenter and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar.... Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet £30.3.10
E106/31/5/47 - Woodend John James Davidson, Writer to the Signet, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar........ Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet £30.3.10
E106/31/5/47 - Tagston and Corrymyre Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet....... Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet.... £90.11.7
E106/31/5/47 - Burnhouse Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet £30.3.10
E106/31/5/47 - Auchenvalley Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet £30.3.11
E106/31/5/47 - Auchenrevock Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet.... Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet and James Bow £120.15.5
E106/31/5/47 - Tomfin Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet..... Sir Archibald Edmonstone £60.7.9
E106/31/5/47 - Auchincloch, exclusive of Vassals Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet.... Sir Archibald Edmonstone £120.15.5
E106/31/5/47 - Colzeambae, Shawend, and Gateside....... John James Davidson, Writer to the Signet, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar....... Sir Archibald Edmonstone £135.17.5
E106/31/5/47 - Townhead, Peter Marshall... Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar...... John Marshall, Townhead.... £75.9.8
E106/31/5/47 - Ruchhill, Alexander Lang Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar..... William Archibald Cadell of Banton £30.3.10
E106/31/5/47 - Barrmoss or Barrmealing... Sir Archibald Edmonstone Sir Archibarld Edmonstone £30.3.11
E106/31/5/47 - Kirkland, Kelvnhead, John Graham's part of Auchinclosh, and Alexander Wilson's Lands....... Sir Archibald Edmonstone William Archibald Cadell of Banton, John Graham, and ----- Hay........ £30.3.11
E106/31/5/47 Auchincloich.......... £241.11.0 February 22, 1799. The Lands of Tamraer..... Walter Ferrier, Writer to the Signet...... Carron Company....... £120.15.5
E106/31/5/47 - Patrick's Lands.... Robert Warden of Park-hill....... John corbet..... £40.5.8
E106/31/5/47 - Auchincloch...... Walter Ferrier, Writer to the Signet.......... John Grahm, William Miller, and P. Bow..... £50.6.10
E106/31/5/47 - The Lands of Kelvinhead.... Robert Warden of Park-hill............. William Archibald Cadell of Banton.... £30.3.10
E106/31/5/47 Bantone......... £241.11.0 Banton...... William Archibald Cadell of Banton...... William Archibald Cadell of Banton £241.11.0
E106/31/5/47 James Rankine....... £24.8.0 William Rankine of Gavil Sir Archibald Edmonstone William Rankine of Bog-side...... £24.3.0
E106/31/5/47 That part of Dundaff in the Parish....... £80.10.0 Dundaff......... The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose, James Goodwin, Alexander Walker, and Archibald Smart £80.10.0
E106/31/5/47 Broich Stock and Teind....... £372.16.10 May 4, 1708. Broich, John Harvie's part.... Buchanan Leckie of Broich William Galbraith of Black-house........... £55.15.0
E106/31/5/47 June 1, 1751 Knowhead, hethertown, & [and] Badluskan, parts of Broich Buchanan Leckie of Broich William Key of Wright's Park £125.0.0
E106/31/5/47 - James Edmonstone's part of Broich Buchanan Leckie of Broich Buchanan Leckie of Broich £192.1.0
E106/31/5/47 Arnmanuell Stock & [and] Teind £452.17.8 December 1, 1731 Ladylands, part of Arnmanuel W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore.... David Erskine of Cardross £65.16.8
E106/31/5/47 October 2, 1827 Drum, part of Arnmanuel..... Archibald Lyle of Drum....... Archibald Lyle of Drum....... £114.4.63/4 [three farthings]
E106/31/5/47 - Remainder of Arnmanuel.... W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore........ W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore........... £272.16.51/4 [farthing]
E106/31/5/47 Blairgots and Blairfechans £173.10.6 July 25, 1771 Blairgorts Alexander Downie of Blairgorts Alexander Downie of Blairgorts £95.12.0
E106/31/5/47 - Blairfechans James Stirling of Garden...... James Stirling of Garden.... £77.18.0
E106/31/5/47 Glentirran £605.15.1 August 24th, 1787 Glentirran, General Campbell's part H.F. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £307.11.0
E106/31/5/47 - Crawfordston, let to John Graham H.F. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £121.7.10
E106/31/5/47 - Cubbiestone Parks, let to Mr. Campbell H.F. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £44.5.10
E106/31/5/47 - Westertown, and Easter Broadleys H.F. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £74. 7 8
E106/31/5/47 - Laurieston, let to Thomas Moir and William Morrison, and a Park let to them... H.C. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £34.12.11
E106/31/5/47 - Hardfauld, to W. Paterson H.F. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £14.1.1
E106/31/5/47 - Feu to do........ H.F. Campbell of Boquhan John Forsyth..... £1.17.9
E106/31/5/47 - Feu to James Harvie H.F. Campbell of Boquhan Andrew Leckie, tenant in Garrick....... £1.17.9
E106/31/5/47 - School-house and Yard H.F. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £1.17.9
E106/31/5/47 - Muir, let to James Harvie... H.F. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £3.15.6
E106/31/5/47 William Leckie of Dachars £333.6.8 February 22, 1779 Dunnimerg, part of Dasher W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore........ Willliam Key of Wright's Park £13.6.8
E106/31/5/47 - Kirkhill, Alexander Graham......... W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore....... David Graham, Writer to the Signet, Kippen.... £28.0.0
E106/31/5/47 April 30, 1816 Forthside, Mr. Galbraith........ William Galbraith of Blackhouse........ William Galbraith of Blackhouse....... £20.0.0
E106/31/5/47 - Dashers, Gartmore........ H.F. Campbell of Boquhan and John Graham H.C. Campbell of Boquhan and John Graham £272.0.0
E106/31/5/47 Buchlivy, both Stock and Teind........... £799.2.4 February 22, 1799 Buchlyvie, Gartmores.......... Robert Cunningham Bontine of Ardoch, liferenter; W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore, fiar....... W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore........ £669 11.3
E106/31/5/47 - Oxhill............ Thomas Risk, fiar.............. Thomas Risk....... £25.0.0
E106/31/5/47 - Spittal and Waulkmill...... Moses Buchanan and Duncan Ker......... Moses Buchanan and Duncan Ker......... £20.16.8
E106/31/5/47 - Wester Ballemenoch............ Robert Cunningham Bontine of Ardoch, liferenter; and W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore, fiar.......... Duncan MacGregor, Callander........... £22.18.4
E106/31/5/47 - Acremuskin........... Robert Cunningham Bontine of Ardoch, liferenter; and W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore, fiar............ Joseph Morrison's heirs......... £8.6.8
E106/31/5/47 - Kilmollen............ Robert Cunningham Bontine of Ardoch, liferenter; and W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore, fiar............ Robert MacLuckie's heirs £4.3.4
E106/31/5/47 HEADER: 271 - 14 - 9 890 114 - 4 30 3 - 1 Page 46 KILSYTH PARISH - (Continued.) Brackets from Colzeam lands to Tagston and Corrymyre lands with F. 974: marked in the right-hand margin. At Burnhouse lands and Auchenvalley lands Sec.F 974 (F.2011) marked in the right-hand margin. At Auchenrevock lands Es. Auchenrevock £91.19.2 (F 2011) marked in left-hand margin. At Tomfin lands and Auchincloch lands, bracketed in right-hand margin F. 1316. At Colzeambae, Shawend and Gateside lands, bracketed in right-hand margin (F.974) and £1411. 11 marked in pencil. From Townhead lands to Kirkland lands, bracketed and marked in the right-hand margin F. 974. At Lands of Tamraer, F.720 and 1644 marked in right-hand margin. East of Tamraer £60..8/Sc. (F.1644) Remainder of F.1644 £60..8/- (F.720) marked in the left-hand margin. At Patrick's Lands, 79295 marked in pencil in the right-hand margin. At Auchincloch Lands, (F.1643) marked in the right-hand margin. At The Lands of Kelvinhead, 79295 marked in pencil in right-hand margin. NOTE.- The valuation is increased 9d. [pence] by this disjunction. is written in the column 'Lands'. At Banton Lands, (F.720) is marked in the right-hand margin. At William Rankine of Gavil Lands, is marked (F.974) in the right-hand margin. At Dundaff Lands, (F.189) is marked in the right-hand margin. Total valuation of Kilsyth Parish, 1691........... £3916.5.0. NOTE.- Increase of 9d. [pence] on New Roll, accounted for as above. Total valuation of Kilsyth Parish, 1831......... £3916.5.9. NOTE.- In the Old Roll, as certified to Exchequer, the total valuation of this Parish, by an erroneous summation, is said to be £3916.8s.[shillings] 2d. [pence]. Continuation of transcription from page 46 to page 47 Page 47. KIPPEN PARISH From Broich Lands to James Edmonstone's part of Broich, linked by brackets and marked (F.1096) in the right-hand margin. At Ladylands, part of Arnmanuel, bracketed and written in red ink in column for 'Superiors' - Duke of Montrose Superion of [W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore] (See Montrose Search). At Drum part of Arnmanuel Lands, (F1046) 1176 marked in right-hand margin. At Remainder of Arnmanuel Lands, (F1176) marked in right-hand margin. At Blairgorts Lands, (F.876) marked in right-hand margin. At Blairfechans Lands, F.876. marked in right-hand margin. Below Blairfechans Lands.. NOTE.- Sixpence lost. - The Minute states the cumulo to be £173.10s. [shillings] only - hence the deficiency. From Glentirran Lands to Muir Lands F(1398) marked in the right-hand margin. At William Leckie of Dachars, space beneath the name marked with a cross in pencil. At Kirkhill Lands, (F.1176) marked in right-hand margin. At Forthside Lands, (F.2486) marked in right-hand margin. At Dashers Lands, (F.1398) marked in right-hand margin. At Buchlyvie, Gartmores Lands, (F.1176) marked in right-hand margin. At Oxhill Lands, (F2488) marked in right-hand margin. At Spittal and Waulkmill Lands, (F. 9124) marked in right-hand margin. From Wester Ballemenoch Lands to Kilmollen Lands, bracketed and F.1176 marked in right-hand margin. Footer at bottom of page: M.
E106/31/5/49 Buchlivy, both Stock and Teind (continued)... Feb 22 1799 John Campbell's feu Robert Cunningham Bontine of Ardoch, liferenter and W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore, fiar Dowan Campbell 4.3.4
E106/31/5/49 Feb 22 1799 Carrick's feu Robert Cunningham Bontine of Ardoch, liferenter, and W. C. C. Graham of Gartmore, fiar -- Carrick 4.3.4
E106/31/5/49 May 1 1753 Wester Culbowie W. C. C. Graham of Gartmore W. C. C. Graham of Gartmore 41.13.4
E106/31/5/49 The Laird of Carden 322.2.4 Garden James Stirling of Garden James Stirling of Garden 322.2.4
E106/31/5/49 Robert Gourlay for Little Carse 80.10.7 Little Kerse William Galbraith of Blackhouse William Galbraith of Blackhouse 80.10.7
E106/31/5/49 Total Valuation of Kippen Parish, 1691 3140.2.0 Note - Increase upon New Roll of £1. 13s. 5d., accounted for as above Total Valuation of Kippen Parish, 1831 3141.15.5
E106/31/5/49 Larbert Parish
E106/31/5/49 Woodside 285.5.6 Dec 6 1798 Hamilton Farm, Alexander Glen's part of Woodside David Russel of Woodside David Russel of Woodside 75.0.0
E106/31/5/49 Dec 6 1798 Lantown and Bottom, James Bruce's part of Woodside David Russel of Woodside Mary Elizabeth Bruce of Kinnaird 34.0.0
E106/31/5/49 Dec 6 1798 The remainder of Woodside David Russel of Woodside David Russel of Woodside 176.5.6
E106/31/5/49 The Fewars of Lairbert 273.1..7 Apr 30 1819 The Lands of Larbert called Mount Riddel The Duke of Hamilton Sir Gilbert Stirling of Larbert 252.2.11 1/2
E106/31/5/49 The Fewars of Lairbert (continued) Nov 19 1819 The Acres of Land belonging to Mr Stainton or Carron Company, including the Area of the Houses and Canal The Duke of Hamilton Carron Company 5.0.1 1/2
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of Houses and Yard belonging to Mr Stainton or Carron Company The Duke of Hamilton Carron Company 0.2.0
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of Ground and Houses belonging to George Ure The Duke of Hamilton George Ure 0.17.0 1/2
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Another Ground and Houses belonging to George Ure The Duke of Hamilton George Ure 0.2.7 1/2
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of Andrew Higgins' House and Land The Duke of Hamliton Andrew Higgins 1.5.6
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of John Muirhead's, Jun., House and Land The Duke of Hamilton John Muirhead 0.6.11 1/2
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of Wm. Bow's Tenement and Yard The Duke of Hamilton William Bow 0.8.9 1/2
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of Elizabeth Inglis' Tenement and Yard The Duke of Hamilton Elizabeth Inglis 0.4.10 1/2
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of Robert Wallace's Tenement and Yard The Duke of Hamilton Robert Wallace 0.2.2 1/2
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of John Malcom's Houses and Land The Duke of Hamilton John Malcom 1.12.6 1/4
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of John Oswald's Houses and Land The Duke of Hamilton John Oswald 0.11.7 3/4
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of John Muirhead's Houses and Land The Duke of Hamilton John Muirhead 0.15.0 1/2
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of Elizabeth Smith's Tenement and Yard The Duke of Hamilton Elizabeth Smith 0.8.4 1/4
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of Marion Macpherson's Tenement and Yard The Duke of Hamilton Marion Macpherson 1.4.10 1/4
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of Alexander Cherry's Lands The Duke of Hamilton Alexander Cherry 1.0.11 3/4
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of John Gilchrist's Tenement and Yard The Duke of Hamilton John Gilchrist 0.8.6 3/4
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of Betty Buchanan's Tenement and Yard The Duke of Hamilton Betty Buchanan 0.7.3 1/2
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of Ann Miller's Tenement and Yard The Duke of Hamilton Ann Miller 0.8.0
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of James Stewart's Houses and Lands The Duke of Hamilton ---- Fulton 0.18.1 1/4
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of James Gilchrist's do. Houses and Lands The Duke of Hamilton James Gilchrist 1.1.3 1/2
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of James Bruce's Tenement and Yard, west end The Duke of Hamilton James Bruce 0.8.10
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of James Bruce's Tenement, of his other yard, east end The Duke of Hamilton James Bruce 0.16.10 1/2
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of James Gillespie's Tenement and Yard The Duke of Hamilton James Gillespie 0.6.10 1/2
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of Walter Potter's Houses and Land The Duke of Hamilton Walter Potter 1.9.2 3/4
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of Janet Ure's Tenement and Yard The Duke of Hamilton Janet Ure 0.2.7 1/2
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of Alexander Ure's Tenement and Yard The Duke of Hamilton Alexander Ure 0.4.10 3/4
E106/31/5/49 Nov 19 1819 Area of William Ure's Tenement and Yard The Duke of Hamilton William Ure 0.2.7 1/2
E106/31/5/49 NOTE.- The valuation is increased 1d. by these disjunctions.
E106/31/5/49 Fewers of Broomage. 277.13.10 Dec 13 1798 William Cadell's part of Broomage Supposed the Earl of Errol William Archibald Cadell of Banton 67.11.3
E106/31/5/49 Dec 13 1798 John Strachan's part of Broomage now Mr Russell supposed the Earl of Errol David Russel of Woodside 25.0.0
E106/31/5/49 Dec 13 1798 Alexander Brown, Sen. his 1/3 of Broomage Supposed the Earl of Errol The heirs of Dr Robertson of Carronvale 92.11.4
E106/31/5/49 Dec 13 1798 Alexander Brown, Jun. his 1/3 of Broomage supposed the Earl of Errol William Forbes of Callendar 92.11.4
E106/31/5/49 NOTE.- The valuation is increased 1d. by these disjunctions.
E106/31/5/49 Kinnaird's rent, with the Lord Louthian's 561.5.1 Aug 6 1782 Carron Company in the place of James Bow, for Cuttyfield;John Thomson for Gateside; and Thomas Muirhead for Backo'dikes Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird 123.0.0
E106/31/5/49 Kippen Parish - (Continued.) Note. - By these disjunctions the valuation is increased £1. 13s. 11d., which arises from a mistake in the disjunction, 22d February, 1799, where the cumulo to be divided seems to have been erroneously made £759. 2s. 11d., in place of £757. 9s., the valuation of Buchlyvie, in the Old Roll, being .... £799 2 4. [Fewars of Broomage] Title to Superioritys. Charter of Resign'n. Confu?? by The Comm'rs for the Duke of Hamilton in favor of the Earl of Errol dated 10 June 1823 / sasine 29th Mar. 1845. Deduct Culbowie, as disjoined 1st May, 1753... 41 13 4. Which seems to have been held to be only £40. ________ £757 9 0
E106/31/5/51 Kinnairds rent, with the Lord Louthian's (contd.) Aug 6, 1782 Thomas Leishman in place of Agnes Kidston and Son, of Powlees Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird 33.11.7
E106/31/5/51 Aug 6, 1782 Thomas Morrison in place of James Dick Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird 13.2.0
E106/31/5/51 Aug 6, 1782 Elizabeth Mitchell, Cottar Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird 0.11.11
E106/31/5/51 Aug 6, 1782 Robert Brown in place of Alexander Hendry Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird 13.19.9
E106/31/5/51 - James Baad in Moss-side Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £14.14.8
E106/31/5/51 - John Muir, and John Smith for Hill Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £26.19.11
E106/31/5/51 - John Dick's widow in Lonehead Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £27.15.0
E106/31/5/51 - William Cunningham in Rottenraw Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £20.11.11
E106/31/5/51 - John Monteath in Paddockdub Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £8.9.11
E106/31/5/51 - John Melvin in place of James Melvin Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £13.11.0
E106/31/5/51 - William MacDougal for Widow Jaffray Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £11.7.9
E106/31/5/51 - John Neilson in Burnshot Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £34.10.6
E106/31/5/51 - James Gilmour in place of Alexander Bayne Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £4.12.9
E106/31/5/51 - W. Henderson in Whins Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £4.14.0
E106/31/5/51 - John Monteath in Thornylone Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £5.13.0
E106/31/5/51 - James Smart in Marchfield Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £4.o8.5
E106/31/5/51 - James Allan's widow in Brakenknows Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £3.13.7
E106/31/5/51 - James Freeland for William MacAlpin Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £3.12.5
E106/31/5/51 - Jean Neilson for Walter Neilson, cottar Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £0.16.2
E106/31/5/51 - James MacIlfriesh for Filshockbog Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £0.16.2
E106/31/5/51 - Adam MacQueen, cottar Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £0.10.9
E106/31/5/51 - The Sheep Park Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £10.4.10
E106/31/5/51 - West or Forecroft Park Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £14.11.2
E106/31/5/51 - North Avenue Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £4.15.6
E106/31/5/51 - Pond Park Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £9.9.10
E106/31/5/51 - Long Avenue and Thorn Park Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £21.1.10
E106/31/5/51 - Park be-East the Cowlone, the Sandyford Park, the Two Bank Parks, and Grass among the East Bank of Ash Planting Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £30.6.0
E106/31/5/51 - The Gardener's Park Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £8.12.6
E106/31/5/51 - The Burn Park Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £33.19.10
E106/31/5/51 - The French Park Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £17.6.2
E106/31/5/51 - The Forecroft and Scabbed Fold, taken off James Baad's possession Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £30.3.3
E106/31/5/51 - Andrew Jamesons's Feu, and part of Bents acquired from James Wilson Major Dundas of Carron Hall Major Dundas of Carron Hall £9.11.0
E106/31/5/51 Sir William Bruce of Stonehouse £639.5.0 December 13, 1798 The Barony of Stenhouse, Carron Company's part William Forbes of Callendar Carron Company £344.13.3
E106/31/5/51 Sir William Bruce of Stonehouse (continued) December 13, 1798. Dibbit's Meadow &[and] Inches, Alexander Glen's part do... William Forbes of Callendar David Russel of Woodside £4.10.0
E106/31/5/51 April 30, 1824 Those parts of the Lands of Stenhouse known by the names of Stenhousemuir, formerly possessed by the deceased Alexander Callander, and now by Alexander Balloch, with the Lands adjoining thereto, now occupied by the said Alexander Balloch,
E106/31/5/51 April 30, 1824 [continuation] and his subtenants; that part of the Farm of Muirhead, part of the said Lands of Stenhouse, formerly possessed by Widow MacIlfrish; that part of the Farm of Chapeltown south of the stance of the old farm house of Chapelburn,
E106/31/5/51 April 30,1824 [continuation] as sometime possessed by James Eason; the Lands formerly possessed in lease by Duncan Graham, all formerly let in lease to the foresaid Alexander Callander, and now possessed by the foresaid Alexander Balloch and his subtenants;
E106/31/5/51 April 30, 1824 [continuation] the Lands of Inches, as formerly possessed by James Kincaid, now by James Eason; Bog Park & [and] Bridewell Park, possessed y John Neilson; Broomloan Park possessed by John MacKenzie William Forbes of Callendar Sir Michael Bruce of Stenhouse £117.15.31/2 [halfpenny]
E106/31/5/51 - The remainder of the foresaid Lands of Stenhouse William Forbes of Callendar Sir Michael Bruce of Stenhous £172.6.51/2 [halfpenny]
E106/31/5/51 Quarrel, for his former rent, and Crawnest £587.18.2 July 31, 1799 Windyedge, part of Quarrel Major Dundas Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird £11.13.0
E106/31/5/51 April 30, 1829 The Lands of Crawnest Major Dundas Carron Company £30.12.4
E106/31/5/51 - The Lands of Skaithmuir Major Dundas Major Dundas £104.5.8
E106/31/5/51 - The Lands of Quarrol [Quarrel], now called Carron-Hall David Erskine of Cardross Major Dundas £441.7.2
E106/31/5/51 Total valuation of Larbert Parish, 1691 £2624.9.2 NOTE.- Increase upon New Roll accounted for as above. Total valuation of Larbert Parish, 1831 £2624.9.4
E106/31/5/51 Larbert Parish (Continued) IN MR BRUCE'S OWN POSSESSION From John Muir, and John Smith for Hill down to Andrew Jamesson's Fue, and part of Bents acquired from James Wilson, bracketed in right-hand margin and marked F.1544. At the Barony of Stenhouse Carron Company's part, F.1459 is marked in the right-hand margin. Page 51. LARBERT PARISH - (Continued.) At Dibbit's Meadow & Inches Lands, F.1459. is marked in the right-hand margin. At Lands of Stenhouse and The remainder of the foresaid Lands of Stenhouse, bracketed and marked F.1459. in the right-hand margin. From the Lands of Windyedge down to The Lands of Skaithmuir, bracketed and marked F.976 in the right-hand margin. At the Lands of Quarrol, is marked F.1429. in the right-hand margin. Footer: the bottom of the page is marked with the letter N
E106/31/5/51 On page 51 of Larbert Parish, at Dibbit's Meadow & Inches Lands, Alexander Glen's part is marked with a ditto which does not seem to be related to an original statement. In the original record, at the Disjunction column dated April 30, 1824, under the column Lands, I have been obliged to sub-divide the transcription of 'Those parts of the Lands of Stenhouse' into several smaller transcriptions as the detail of the different Lands involved is too long for the space provided for transcription.
E106/31/5/53 LECROPT PARISH [Page 52]
E106/31/5/53 The Laird of Keir 250.0.0 Netherton Archibald Stirling of Keir Archibald Stirling of Keir 250.0.0
E106/31/5/53 William Row of Innerallan 200.0.0 Innerallan Archibald Stirling of Keir Archibald Stirling of Keir 200.0.0
E106/31/5/53 Total valuation of Lecropt Parish, 1691 450.0.0 Total valuation of Lecropt Parish, 1831 450.0.0
E106/31/5/53 LOGIE PARISH
E106/31/5/53 Fewars of Corntown 215.16.0 January 9, 1711 Alexander Kemp's part of Corntown James Noble, collector of excise, Stirling James Noble, collector of excise, Stirling 16.14.0
E106/31/5/53 April 24, 1746 James Robertson's part of Corntown., formerly Watson Frances Flyn and the heirs of Helen Munro Frances Flyn and the heirs of Helen Munro 34.9.8
E106/31/5/53 April 12, 1771 Alexander Galloway's part of Corntown Henry Stainton, London Catherine Stewart or Logan St Ninians 34.9.8
E106/31/5/53 June 27, 1774 Alexander Bryce's part of Corntown John Robertson, Miln of Ogilvie John Robertson, Miln of Ogilvie 34.9.8
E106/31/5/53 James Paterson's part of Corntown Lord Abercromby William Taylor, Crieff 16.9.0
E106/31/5/53 August 22, 1774 John Kemp's part of Corntown John Forman, W.S. Helen Murdoch, John Buchanan, and Doctor Stirling's heirs 45.0.0
E106/31/5/53 January 9, 1711 John Don's part of Corntown W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Catherine Stewart or Logan Adadm Bennet, and James Wingate 16.14.0
E106/31/5/53 September 15, 1804 ½ of James Pearson's part of Corntown John Buchananm junior, Corntown John Buchanan, junior, Corntown 8.7.0
E106/31/5/53 ½ of James Pearson's part of Corntown John Buchanan, junior, Corntown John Buchanan, junior, Corntown 8.7.0
E106/31/5/53 Note;- 16s lost here in consequence of the cumulo in the disjunction of 1711, and others posterior, being held to be £215 only.
E106/31/5/53 Teinds of Corntown 171.10.0 April 12, 1771 Teinds of Galloway's Lands Henry Stainton, London Catherine Stewart or Logan 28.0.0
E106/31/5/53 Teinds for ½ of Robertsons do. Frances Flyn and the heirs of Helen Munro Frances Flyn and the heirs of Helen Munro 14.0.0
E106/31/5/53 Teinds of Alexander Bryce's do John Robertson, Miln of Ogilvie John Robertson, Miln of Ogilvie 28.0.0
E106/31/5/53 LOGIE PARISH (Continued) [Page 58]
E106/31/5/53 Teinds of Corntown (continued) April 12, 1771 Teinds of ½ of Robertsons Lands Frances Flyn and the heirs of Helen Munro Frances Flyn and the heirs of Helen Munro 14.0.0
E106/31/5/53 September 15, 1804 Teinds of ½ of Pearson's Lands John Buchanan, junior, Corntown John Buchanan, junior, Corntown 6.5.0
E106/31/5/53 Teinds of the other ½ of Corntown John Buchanan, junior, Corntown John Buchanan, junior, Corntown 6.5.0
E106/31/5/53 Teinds of Alexander Kemp's Lands James Nobe, collector of excise James Nobe, collector of excise 12.10.0
E106/31/5/53 Teinds of William Don's Lands W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Helen Stewart of Logan, Adam Bennet, and James Wingate 12.10.0
E106/31/5/53 Teinds of John Kemp's Lands Supposed the Proprietors Helen Murdoch, John Buchanan, and Doctor Stirling's heirs 36.0.0
E106/31/5/53 Teinds of James Paterson's Lands Lord Abercromby William Taylor, Crieff 14.0.0
E106/31/5/53 Note- No disjunction of the four last parcels is to be found in the Record, but they appear, as stated above, in the Collector's Book from 1761 downwards.
E106/31/5/53 Ashentrool and Calhaime 107.5.0 September 12, 1774 ½ of Ashentrool and Cauldhame Archibald Stirling of Keir Archibald Stirling of Keir 53.12.6
E106/31/5/53 Remaining half of Ashentrool and Cauldhame JohnMonteath and Robert Dundas John Monteath of Cauldhamem and Robert Dundas of Blair 53.12.6
E106/31/5/53 The Barony of Aithray 1088.9.4 June 27, 1774 Conneyhill Lord Abercromby James Edmond of Conneyhill 103.0.0
E106/31/5/53 Hungry Kerse John Alexander Henderson James Wingate, Stirling 22.1.0
E106/31/5/53 January 23,1799 Blackdub The Right Honorable James Abercromby, Chief Baron of Exchequer in Scotland Lord Abercromby 54.8.5
E106/31/5/53 Westertown John Alexander Henderson John Alexander Henderson 217.13.11
E106/31/5/53 April 3, 1799 William Robertson's, Mrs Robert Haldane's, James Forman's, and Alexander Bryce's possessions of the Lands of Aithrey, and James Bryce's and James Kessan's Feu Lord Abercromby Lord Abercromby & Feuars 316.4.10⅕
E106/31/5/53 William Tower's possession in Hill of Aithrey, and John Robertson's Spittal Lord Abercromby Lord Abercromby & Feuars 12.18.5⅖
E106/31/5/53 The remainder of the Barony of Aithrey The Right Honorable James Abercromby, Chief Baron of Exchequer in Scotland Lord Abercromby 362.2.8
E106/31/5/53 Total valuation of Logie parish, 1691 1583.0.4 Note- Decrease upon New Roll of 16s.,[shillings] accounted for as above Total valuation of Logie Parish, 1831 1582.4.4
E106/31/5/53 There is a handwritten note in green ink on the Ashentrool and Calhaime line I haven't transcribed this line as I wasn't sure whether I should or not. Linda
E106/31/5/55 The Lord Ross Barony £848.8.10 June 27, 1774 Mr MacLeod's Property Lands of Muiravonside Alexander MacLeod of Muiravonside Alexander MacLeod of Muiravonside £201.12.0
E106/31/5/55 The Lands of Patrick Calder of Redfoord Alexander MacLeod of Muiravonside The heirs of William Calder of Redford £214.5.6
E106/31/5/55 The Lands of Andrew Dick of Compstoun John Jameson, Prussia street, Dublin Alexander McGibbon, Queensferry £96.9.4
E106/31/5/55 The Lands of Sybastean Henderson John Jamieson Prussia Street, Dublin Alexander Ross, London £96.9.4
E106/31/5/55 The Lands of John Calder of Hill John Jamieson Prussia Street, Dublin William Calder of Hill £72.2.6
E106/31/5/55 The Lands of James Taylor of Woodside John Jamieson Prussia Street, Dublin Alexander McGibbon, Queensferry £56.18.6
E106/31/5/55 The Lands of Patrick Brown of Woodside John Jamieson Prussia Street, Dublin Alexander McGibbon, Queensferry £34.4.8
E106/31/5/55 The Lands of John Benny of Cockshill for himself, and as in place of James Shaw John Jamieson Prussia Street, Dublin The heirs of William Calder of Redford £28.11.10
E106/31/5/55 The Lands of Henry Taylor James Dalgleish of Reddoch Alexander Walker of Candyhead £19.7.0
E106/31/5/55 The Lands of Jean Miller, portioner of Cockshill, and John Benny, her husband John Jamieson Prussia Street, Dublin The heirs of William Calder of Redford £15.19.0
E106/31/5/55 The Lands of John Reid and Alexander Brown, in right of their wives, heiresses portioners of Henry Reid Alexander McLeod of Muiravonside William Wilson and Alexander Brown, Candyhead £12.9.0
E106/31/5/55 Balmbraich £848.8.10 June 5, 1792 John Marshall's half of Wester Ballenbreich, commonly called Boxton, or Bogstown Joseph Dawson, Manager for Carron Company John Marshall, Bogston £55.16.10
E106/31/5/55 Janet Adam's half of Wester Ballenbreich, formerly Dick of Compston Joseph Dawson, Manager for Carron Company John Hardy, Bogston £55.16.10
E106/31/5/55 Windy-yetts, William Gray's part Joseph Dawson, Manager for Carron Company William Gray of Windy-yett £55.16.10
E106/31/5/55 Windy-yetts, Thomas Robertson's part Joseph Dawson, Manager for Carron Company William Gray of Windy-yett £55.16.10
E106/31/5/55 Kenmuir or Kaemuir, belonging to William Bryce of Hillhead and William Calder of Redford Joseph Dawson, Manager for Carron Company The heirs of William Calder of Redford £78.3.6
E106/31/5/55 Wester Hillhead, William Bryce Joseph Dawson, Manager for Carron Company William Boyd of Wester Hillhead £52.2.2
E106/31/5/55 Easter Hillhead and Shielrig Joseph Dawson, Manager for Carron Company The heirs of William Calder of Redford £51.6.4
E106/31/5/55 Easter Hillhead and Shielrig belonging to the heirs of William Kerr, Linlithgow John Forbes, Ensign and Lieutanant in the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, liferenter; and William Forbes of Callendar, fiar William Forrester, Newleys £7.7.2
E106/31/5/55 That part of Easter Hillhead and Shielrig formerly belonging to William Morrison, afterwards to the heirs of the said W.Kerr John Forbes, Ensign and Lieutenant in the Coldstream Regiment of Footguards, liferenter; and William Forbes of Callendar, fiar The Kirk Session of Muiravonside £11.7.6
E106/31/5/55 Balmbraich Barony (contd.) June 5, 1792 Jean and William Bryce's part of Easter Hillhead and Shielrig John Forbes, Ensign and Lieutenant in the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, liferenter; and William Forbes of Callendar, fiar Cornelius Bryce and the heirs of William Calder of Redford £8.2.6
E106/31/5/55 Their part of Blackstone John Forbes, Ensign and Lieutenant in the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, liferenter; and William Forbes of Callendar, fiar Cornelius Bryce and the heirs of William Calder of Redford £39.2.0
E106/31/5/55 Bogoknows, formerly belonging to James Benny, now to Patrick Benny John Forbes, Ensign and Lieutenant in the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, liferenter; and William Forbes of Callendar, fiar David Carrick Buchanan of Drumpelzier £11.19.8
E106/31/5/55 The Forty-penny Land of Fogger Mountain, John Brock John Forbes, Ensign and Lieutenant in the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, liferenter; and William Forbes of Callendar, fiar The trustees of Robert Brock £13.0.0
E106/31/5/55 Bridgehill, formerly belonging to James Shaw John Forbes, Ensign and Lieutenant in the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, liferenter; and William Forbes of Callendar, fiar William Robert, Bridgehill £16.19.8
E106/31/5/55 The Six-shilling and eight-penny Land of the Lands of Bridgend, alias Easter Hillend, and the Ten-shilling Land of the Lands of John Forbes, Ensign and Lieutenant in the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, liferenter; and William Forbes of Callendar, fiar James Black of Hillend £65.3.6
E106/31/5/55 The Crossrig in Haining, formerly James Black, now John Kincaid of Gartcows James Russell and Henry Aitken, writers, Falkirk John Hay, Carron £12.0.0
E106/31/5/55 Bogo, comprehending Bogobrae, and the Lands of Bogohaugh, Patrick Waddel John Forbes, liferenter; and William Forbes of Callendar, fiar David Carrick Buchanan of Drumpelzier £55.16.10
E106/31/5/55 The Fourteen-shilling three-penny halfpenny Land of North Bankhead, formerly belonging to William Black James Russel and Henry Aitken, writers, Falkirk David Carrick Buchanan of Drumpelzier and James Anderson, Bankhead £55.16.10
E106/31/5/55 John Cromar and John Andrew's part of Blackstone William Forbes of Callendar Cornelius Bryce of Blackston £19.12.7
E106/31/5/55 William Calder's part of Blackstone formerly John Gibbieson's William Forbes of Callendar William Calder of Redford's heirs £19.12.7
E106/31/5/55 Said William Calder's part of Easter Ballenbriech,with the Lint Mill thereof,formerly Thomas Burns, thereafter Dugald MacCulloch William Forbes of Callendar William Calder of Redford's heirs £8.7.8
E106/31/5/55 The Four-shilling and five penny Land of Beedyke, belonging to John Andrew William Forbes of Callendar William Boyd of Hillhead and James Russel, writer, Falkirk £16.15.8
E106/31/5/55 The Mill and Mill Lands of Ballenbreich or Haining Mill William Forbes of Callendar William Forbes of Callendar £50.6.8
E106/31/5/55 NOTE - Twopence is lost upon these disjunctions Following The Fourteen-shilling three halfpenny Land of North Bankhead........ .........NOTE.- Mr Forbes claims the Superiority of this land and the above parcels of £12
E106/31/5/55 Continuation of entry The Six-shilling and eight-penny Land of the Lands of Bridgend, alias Easter Hillend, and the Ten-shilling Land of the Lands of Bridgend, alias Wester Hillend, now belonging to James Black
E106/31/5/57 Thomas Andrew £70.1.3 June 5, 1792 The Lands of Muirside, formerly Patrick Grinton, afterwards Walter Gibson John Forbes, liferenter; and William forbes of Callendar, fiar Katherine Wilsone of Greenknowe £70.1.3
E106/31/5/57 Mr Thomas Rigg £471.1.10
E106/31/5/57 Patrick Calder £99.5.9
E106/31/5/57 Jailles Crariurd £19.3.4
E106/31/5/57 Isaac Baird £70.1.3
E106/31/5/57 James Gray £52.1.8
E106/31/5/57 Alexander Crawfurd £28.17.6
E106/31/5/57 Lawrence Faupe £10.14.7
E106/31/5/57 David Tennant £4.0.6
E106/31/5/57 Alexander Mairshall £140.2.5
E106/31/5/57 Thomas Robertsone £19.6.6
E106/31/5/57 Nov 2, 1762 Blackridge, part of Mauelfoulis and Manuelmiln, acquired from James Baird by Patrick Taylor William Forbes of Callendar and Walter Ferrier, W.S. Major James Bogle, Edinburgh, and James Russel, writer, Falkirk £33.6.8
E106/31/5/57 April 30, 1791 Mr Baird of Manuelmiln for his Lands Walter Ferrier, W.S. John Baird of Manuelmiln £170.5.10
E106/31/5/57 April 30, 1791 Mr Dick of Compston for 1/3 of Compston The City of Edinburgh John Dick of Compston £33.1.9
E106/31/5/57 April 30, 1791 Mr Dick of Compston for High Croft The City of Edinburgh (still midsuperiors - Corporation - no casualties eligible) John Dick of Compston £15.6.6
E106/31/5/57 April 30, 1791 Alexander Smith for part of Crownerland The Successors of John Kidd T. Young, Three-miletown £45.7.0
E106/31/5/57 April 30,1791 Alexander marshall's heirs for part of Crownerland The Successors f John Kidd John Baird of Manuelmiln £30.2.3
E106/31/5/57 April 30, 1791 Alexander Simpson for Cairniemount Supposed William Forbes of Callendar William Simpson, Cairniemount £6.0.0
E106/31/5/57 April 30, 1791 Compston, 2/3 Mr Lockart's City of Edinburgh (still midsuperiors - Corporation - no casualties eligible) Alexander McLeod of Muiravonside £66.3.6
E106/31/5/57 April 30, 1791 Bowhouse, part of Manuelfoulis The Successors of John Kidd Alexander McLeod of Muiravonside £70.1.3
E106/31/5/57 April 30, 1791 Easter Bowhouse The Successors of John Kidd or John Baird of Manuelmiln Alexander McLeod of Muiravonside £33.6.8
E106/31/5/57 April 30, 1791 Newmiln, and Lands of south side of Compston City of Edinburgh (still midsuperiors - Corporation - no casualties eligible) Alexander McLeod of Muiravonside £101.6.4
E106/31/5/57 April 30, 1791 New Parks City of Edinburgh (still midsuperiors - Corporation - no casualties eligible) Alexander McLeod of Muiravonside £14.9.6
E106/31/5/57 June 5, 1792 Alexander Andrew for his parts of the 16s.8d. Land of Nether Gillandersland John Forbes, liferenter, and William Forbes of Callendar, fiar Katherine Wilsone of Greenknowe £29.1.3
E106/31/5/57 June 5, 1792 James Andrew and Alexander Baird for their parts of Nether Gillandersland, sometimes called Over Gillandersland William Forbes of Callendar Katherine Wilsone of Greensknowe £18.0.0
E106/31/5/57 June 5, 1792 Thomas Baird's heirs for their part of Nether Gillandersland William Forbes of Callendar Thomas Baird, Quarrelhead £8.0.0
E106/31/5/57 June 5, 1792 Andrew Yule for his part of Nether Gillandersland William Forbes of Callander Helen Phaup £4.0.0
E106/31/5/57 June 5, 1792 The two parts of Gillandersland belonging to Henry Gillies and William Phaup John Forbes, liferenter, and William Forbes of Callendar, fiar William Forbes of Callendar and David Broom (£12.1.1 (Henry Gillies) in 1828 [?]) £52.2.2
E106/31/5/57 June 5, 1792 Thomas Livingstone of Parkhall's part of Maddiston and nether Gillandersland W.C.Learmonth of Craigend John Learmonth of Parkhall £25.6.0
E106/31/5/57 June 5, 1792 The Town and Lands of Manuelrig in the Barony of Haining belonging to Thomas Livingstone of Parkhall [note 1] W.C.Learmonth of Craigend John Learmonth of Parkhall £15.2.9
E106/31/5/57 June 5, 1792 The remainder of his Lands, part of Manuelfoulis, &c,.as those were ascertained 30th April, 1791 [note 2] W.C.Learnmouth of Craigend John Learnmouth of Parkhall £218.16.9
E106/31/5/57 June 5, 1792 William Phaup's part of Maddiston and others William Forbes of Callendar T.M.Phaup, Cape of Good Hope £14.15.3
E106/31/5/57 June 5, 1792 The remainder of Mr Phaup's part of Maddiston and Crownerland, as those were ascertained 30th April, 1791 [note 3] Lord Dundas T.M.Phaup, Cape of Good Hope £14.11.6
E106/31/5/57 The Earl of Callendar £1028.14.1 March 6, 1705 Whyterigg, Mr Livingstone of Parkhall John Livingstone Learmonth of Parkhall W.C.Learmonth of Craigend £100.0.0
E106/31/5/57 March 6, 1705 The remainder of Almond Barony William Forbes of Callendar William Forbes of Callendar £928.14.1
E106/31/5/57 Parkhall £161.1.0 Feb 15, 1814 North Parkford and South Parkford, or Davidston, part of Maddiston John Livingstone Learmonth of Parkhall John Connal, hair dresser, Edinburgh £7.12.4
E106/31/5/57 Feb 15, 1814 The remainder of Mr Livingtone's Lands of Parkhall [note 4] John Livingstone Learmonth of Parkhall John Livingstone Learmonth of Parkhall £152.19.7
E106/31/5/57 Note: Mr Forbes claims the superiority of the above two parcels, but Mr Learnmouth stands enrolled upon both Note: Mr Livingstone of Parkhall's Lands, part of Manuelfoulis, &c., were found by the procedure, 30th April, 1791, to be £259.5s.6d; and in an application by Mr Forbes of Callendar for fixing the valuation of the Lands, of which he was superior, the above two sums of £25.6s and £15.2s.9d. were stated separately, without its being mentioned of what cumulo they formed part; and they are, therefore, held to be part of this valuation, as fixed in 1791, and the difference is now stated to him at £218.16s.9d Note: By the procedure in 1791, on the application of Mr Lockart of Muiravonside, Mr Phaup's valuation was ascertained to be £29.6s.9d, and in other respects the observations made on Mr Livingstone's Lands, as above, apply to Mr Phaup's also. It has not been found practicable to apply particularly these last disjunctions to the several heads in the Old Roll,which have been placed opposite, although the amount of both corresponds to within 2d., which is lost upon the disjunctions. From 1742 to 1762 an entry appears in the Collector's Book of £919.7s.8d. under the name of "Manuelfoulis and Manuelmiln, &c." while none of the above names or sums standing in the Old Roll are entered therein, except the second being £99.5s.4d. under the head of Compston. From 1762 till 1791, the sum of £886.1s being the balance after the £33.6s. for Blackridge was disjoined, appears under the same title, and Compston is still continued; but after 1791 the foregoing disjunctions appear, and Compston disappears. The presumption, therefore is, that the above items in the Roll 1691 were disjunctions of certain lands or baronies called Manuelfoulis and Manuelmill, &c., of which no evidence can be found, the Record going back only to 1693 Note 4: It is impossible to say whether the £7.12s.4d. above disjoined, forms part of Parkhall £161.1s., or of Whyterigg £100., disjoined from the Earl of Callendar in 1705, the disjunction being craved from a cumulo of £261.1s.11d. comprising both these sums. 9s.1d. is lost, which arises from the disjunction being made from the sum in the Collector's Book where Mr Livingstone's valuation, from 1746 downwards, has been continued at £260.11s.11d, in place of £261.1s., which it ought to be from the Old Roll, and the disjunction of Whyterigg in 1705
E106/31/5/59 from 1746 downwards, has been continued at £260.11.11, in place of £261. 1s. [shilling], which it ought to be from the Old Roll, and the disjunction of Whyterigg in 1705.
E106/31/5/59 Total valuation of Muiravonside Parish, 1691 £3975.7.1 NOTE. -- Decrease upon New Roll of 9x. [shillings] 5d. [pence] accounted for as above. Total valuation of Muiravonside Parish, 1831 £3974.17.8
E106/31/5/59 The Duke of Hamilton £753.14.8 Oct. 2, 1775 One-half of Powdrake, or Forrester's Saltcottes, held of Duke Hamilton in fee, and Mr Easton in liferent The Duke of Hamilton John Hardie, Powdrake £133.6.8
E106/31/5/59 John Heart in Reading £44.2.4 The other half of Powdrake, held by Mr Easton in liferent, & Sir James Campbell in fee Supposed John Russel, Powdrake John Russel, Powdrake £133.6.8
E106/31/5/59 April 30, 1784 Battock, and that part of Wallacerig, which belonged to John Hamilton of Bangour Hon. [Honourable] Sir Robert Laurence Dundas Thomas Learmonth £114.0.0
E106/31/5/59 Gilston, or the Syde Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £50.0.0
E106/31/5/59 April 24, 1746 Craigs and Roughall The Duke of Hamilton William Marshall and --- Robertson £14.0.0
E106/31/5/59 NOTE. -- From the Collector's Book this appears to have been divided some time between 1769 and 1783 into two sums, £9.6.8 and £4.13.4, but there is no disjunction on Record.
E106/31/5/59 John Gaff in Redding The Duke of Hamilton James Gaff £8.5.0
E106/31/5/59 William Gray in Redding The Duke of Hamilton Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter £2.15.0
E106/31/5/59 Hugh Gray in Redding Sir Thomas Livingstone Robert Warden of Parkhill £5.10.0
E106/31/5/59 James Wilson of Burnbrae The Duke of Hamilton William Logan of Clarkston £4.13.4
E106/31/5/59 Richard Burn of Burnbrae The Duke of Hamilton William Logan of Clarkston £4.0.0
E106/31/5/59 James Walker in Weedings The Duke of Hamilton Janet Russel Dallas £16.10.0
E106/31/5/59 John Johnstone in Weedings Sir Thomas Livinstone Hugh Learmonth £5.14.8
E106/31/5/59 James Gaff in Weedings Sir Thomas Livingstone Sir Thomas Livingstone £22.4.4
E106/31/5/59 Thomas Gaff in Weedings Sir Thomas Livinstone Sir Thomas Livingstone £22.4.4
E106/31/5/59 June 7, 1803 Robert Hart's Dale The Duke of Hamilton Robert Warden of Parkhill £21.0.0
E106/31/5/59 Meadowbank, being the remainder of Patrick Hart's Lands Sir Thomas Livinstone and the Duke of Hamilton William Johnstone of Middlerig £39.12.4
E106/31/5/59 NOTE. -- Mr. L.D. Stewart was enrolled upon the whole of this sum, and his heir has conveyed it and other Superiorities to his Grace, but Sir Thomas Livinstone claims part of it.
E106/31/5/59 The Duke of Hamilton and John Heart in Reading (continued) May 1, 1826 Hill of Polmont The Duke of Hamilton The Duke of Hamilton £192.15.5
E106/31/5/59 Part of Polmont The Duke of Hamilton William Logan of Clarkstone £13.7.4
E106/31/5/59 NOTE. -- The disjunctions amount to £5.8.1 more than the corresponding valuations in the Old Roll; £5.7.9 of that sum being, by the disjunction of 1st May, 1826, added to Hill of Polmont, and of that date taken from Lands in Falkirk Parish, standing in Old Roll under the name of James Meikle, which see, and 4d. [pence] having been gained on the previous disjunctions.
E106/31/5/59 Clerkstoune £64.8.0 Clarkstone The Duke of Hamilton William Logan of Clarkstone £64.8.0
E106/31/5/59 Kersiebank £100.11.0 June 5, 1792 Kersiebank John Forman, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] John James Eiston of Kersiebank £71.3.9
E106/31/5/59 Nether Polmont, or Polmont Park John Forman, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] The Representatives of Mary Speirs £29.7.9
E106/31/5/59 NOTE. -- The New Roll is increased by 6d. [pence] by this disjunction, owing to the cumulo having been held to be £100.11.6, as it is stated in the Collector's Book from 1746 downwards.
E106/31/5/59 Little Carse £80.10.0 Little Kerse Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £80.10.0
E106/31/5/59 Henry Hardy in Whiteside £80.0.0 June 1, 1751 Mr Bennet's part of Whiteside The Duke of Hamilton Eliza Bennet and the heirs of Margaret Bennet of Whiteside £48.6.0
E106/31/5/59 Henry Hardie's part (Crossgatehead) The Duke of Hamilton Eliza Bennet and the heirs of Margaret Bennet of Whiteside £8.1.8
E106/31/5/59 Mar. 31, 1812 George Scrimzeour's part of Whiteside The Duke of Hamilton George Scrimzeour £21.2.8
E106/31/5/59 Miss Sarah Lowrie's part The Duke of Hamilton Sarah Lowrie £3.0.4
E106/31/5/59 NOTE. -- Upon these disjunctions an increase of 10s. [shillings] 8d. [pence] appears. The minute of disjunction states the cumulo at £80.10.8, and such seems to have been the amount in the Collector's Books, from which, and not the Roll 1691, the sum has been taken. In Roll 1802, Mr Bennet's is stated at £48.6.1, and Richardson's part, being the sums disjoined in 1812, is £24.0.3 only.
E106/31/5/59 Bangoure £321.12.0 June 27, 1774 These four oxgates of Land, in the Barony of Polmont, called Little Gilston, with Houses and Pertinents, excepting Windyedge & Stoneye, and that oxgate of Land of Dalratho Houses and Pertinents, and these two oxgates of Land of Carronflatts, or Cairnflatts, in the Barony of Abbotshaugh, formerly John Hamilton's part of Bangour Hon. [Honourable] Sir Robert Laurence Dundas Lord Dundas £200.2.8
E106/31/5/59 NOTE. -- There appears to be a mistake here. In a former disjunction of these Lands, 26th September, 1733, they are stated to be £200.8.2, so that 5s. [shillings] 6d. [pence] is thus lost. In 1774 it is the identity of the Lands only which appears to have been the object intended by the application.
E106/31/5/59 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed.
E106/31/5/61 Bangoure (continued) Sept. 26, 1733 Patrick Bennet's part, Bangour, called Whyteside The Duke of Hamilton Elizabeth Bennet and the heirs of Margaret Bennet of Whiteside £107.4.1
E106/31/5/61 Disjoined 26th Sept. 1733, & confirmed 30th April, 1784 Windyedge and Stoneye Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £14.0.0
E106/31/5/61 NOTE. -- In Roll 1802 the first of the above sums is £200, the second £107. 7s. [shillings], and the third £14.8.2, making 3s. [shillings] 2d. [pence] more than the Old Roll; and the disjunctions now inserted are 5s. [shillings] 3d. [pence] less than the Old Roll
E106/31/5/61 Milnhall £161.1.0 April 30, 1784 Mr Schaw's part of Milnhall called Depute Meadow Lord Dundas J.J. Eiston of Kersiebank £6.5.0
E106/31/5/61 Milnhall Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £154.16.0
E106/31/5/61 Parkend £22.0.0 Parkend The Duke of Hamilton Robert Warden of Parkhill £22.0.0
E106/31/5/61 Thomas Boig, Reading £21.16.1 Mr Dalgleish, Reading The Duke of Hamilton Henry Cockburn £21.16.1
E106/31/5/61 John Gordon, Reading £24.3.3 May 1, 1821 Garvin Park, Mr Warden John Forman, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] Robert Warden of Parkhill £12.1.8
E106/31/5/61 The remainder of the Lands called Auchincarnie, Mr Eiston of Kersiebank John Forman, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] John James Eiston £12.1.7
E106/31/5/61 James White, in Reading £28.3.3 James White, Weedings The Duke of Hamilton Janet Russel Dallas £28.3.3
E106/31/5/61 Randyfoord £481.18.4 Feb. 26, 1732 Randiefoord, David Robertson's part Candie, The Duke of Hamilton Alexander Robertson, Candie £28.19.10
E106/31/5/61 July 11, 1735 South Scot's Flats, Andrew Gibb's part of Candie The Duke of Hamilton James Smith £45.1.9
E106/31/5/61 James Cassel's and James Gibb's part of Candie The Duke of Hamilton James Miln £116.18.3
E106/31/5/61 Bailie Bowie's part The Duke of Hamilton Peter Lorn £33.6.8
E106/31/5/61 Robert Johnstone's part Hon. [Honourable] Charles A. Murray Robert Johnstone of Overton £156.16.8
E106/31/5/61 NOTE. -- No disjunction of the three last parcels is to be found in the Record, but they stand separate in the Collector's Book for 1737 and downwards, the first of the three being also separate, Cassel's part at £58.18.9, and James Gibb's at £57.19.6, till 1783, when they appear in one sum as above. The amount in the Old Roll, quoted opposite, is made up to the within 15s. [shillings] 2d. [pence] by lands in the Parish of Falkirk, disjoined 1st October, 1805, which see.
E106/31/5/61 Monteath Saltcoats £246.11.9 Monteath Saltcoats Hon. [Honourable] Charles A. Murray Alexander Miln, Grangemouth £246.11.9
E106/31/5/61 Middlerig £60.18.10 Middlerigg John Forman, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] William Johnston of Middlerig £60.18.10
E106/31/5/61 Alexander Meikle £66.13.2 Pansteads Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £66.13.2
E106/31/5/61 Bearcrofts £448.0.0 June 8, 1773 Sir Lawrence Dundas's part Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £224.0.0
E106/31/5/61 William Hodge's Feu, acquired by his deceased father Lord Dundas John Jodge, Oldwalls £112.0.0
E106/31/5/61 William Hodge's Feu, purchased from Thomas Watt Lord Dundas John Hodge, Oldwalls £56.0.0
E106/31/5/61 John Watt's part Lord Dundas Thomas Watt £56.0.0
E106/31/5/61 Grahams Saltcoats £252.0.10 Oct. 2, 1775 One-half of Græmes Saltcoats, belonging in property to William Russel Lord Duncan Alexander Robertson, Candie £126.0.5
E106/31/5/61 Remainder of do., John Hay's part of do Unknown Andrew Russel, Stirling £126.0.5
E106/31/5/61 NOTE. -- In Roll 1802, and in the Collector's Books from 1746 downwards, the first of these is stated at £126.5.2, and the second at £126.5.0
E106/31/5/61 Hook £350.16.4 Oct. 5, 1736 Priestacre, part of Heuck Lord Duncan Alexander Robertson £3.7.2
E106/31/5/61 Jan. 19, 1736 Heuck, Mr Haldane's part Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £108.0.0
E106/31/5/61 Oswald Saltcoats, Mr. Haldane's part Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £156.2.4
E106/31/5/61 Nov. 28, 1744 Heuck Waterdykeland, and Thomas Croft part of Patrick Simpson of Oxgangs Land of Heuck and Oswald Saltcoats, purchased by D. Robertson Lord Duncan Jane Roberts, widow of Alexander McDonald, banker, Callendar £41.13.4
E106/31/5/61 Patrick Simpson's remaining parts thereof Lord Duncan Peter Lorn £41.13.4
E106/31/5/61 Bantasken £232.2.8 Oct. 2, 1775 Gilbert Lowrie's part or Over Polmont The Duke of Hamilton William Davidson of Polmont £100.0.0
E106/31/5/61 NOTE. -- The other Lands making up the sum of £232.2.8 as the valuation of Bantaskine in Roll 1691, will be found in the Parish of Falkirk under that title.
E106/31/5/61 Gavin Mairshall £354.6.6 Arthur Reid's part Reddock Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £354.6.6
E106/31/5/61 James Alexander, elder £161.1.0 James Alexander's, elder, part Reddoch James Dalgleish of Reddoch James Dalgleish of Reddoch £161.1.0
E106/31/5/61 James Alexander, younger £257.14.0 Oct. 2, 1775 Captain Livingstone's half of the Lands in Reddoch which sometime belonged to James Alexander, younger James Dalgleish of Reddoch James Dalgleish of Reddoch £128.17.0
E106/31/5/61 Oct. 2, 1827 Easter Reddoch, Mr Dalgleish James Dalgleish of Reddoch James Dalgleish of Reddoch £120.17.0
E106/31/5/61 Nether Smallburn James Dalgleish of Reddoch Dr [Doctor] Thomas Walker, fiar; and John Thomson, Inneravon, liferenter £8.0.0
E106/31/5/61 Mr George Shaw £193.5.6 Holeflatt part of Reddoch Dr [Doctor] Thomas Walker, fiar; and John Thomson of Inneravon, liferenter Dr [Doctor] Thomas Walker £193.5.6
E106/31/5/61 Abbots Grange £1234.16.0 Sept. 5, 1811 One-half of the Lands of Abbotsgrange, belonging to G.H. Drummond Sir Henry Jardine of Harwood, liferenter John George Home Drummond of Abbotsgrange £617.8.0
E106/31/5/61 One-half of the Lands of Abbotsgrange, belonging to John George Home Drummond John George Home Drummond of Abbotsgrange John George Home Drummond of Abbotsgrange £617.8.0
E106/31/5/61 Wast Quarter £542.17.2 Oct. 2, 1775 The Property Lands of Westquarter Sir Thomas Livingstone Sir Thomas Livingstone £163.10.10
E106/31/5/61 Mar. 5, 1816 James Warrock's Feu of Westquarter Sir Thomas Livingstone Robert Warden of Parkhill £20.4.3
E106/31/5/61 April 30, 1816 John Deepie's Feu of Westquarter, possessed in 1774 by James Gaff Sir Thomas Livingstone Robert Warden of Parkhill £18.5.2
E106/31/5/61 [Page] 60 POLMONT PARISH -- (CONTINUED.) [Page] 60 POLMONT PARISH -- (CONTINUED.)
E106/31/5/61 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed, with one exception: on page 60, in the list of land parcels in Randyfoord, the handwritten note "(Duke of Hamilton)?" has been placed immediately below Honourable Charles A. Murray's name for Robert Johnstone's part. Regarding the second parcel of land listed for Grahams Saltcoats on page 61: unsure what the two "do" references pertain to for John Hay's part - mods to check.
E106/31/5/63 VALUATION ROLL, 1691. VALUATION ROLL, 1831.
E106/31/5/63 Wast Quarter (continued) Nov. 4, 1816. William Allan's Feu of Westquarter Sir Thomas Livingstone Sir Thomas Livingstone £3.10.7
E106/31/5/63 Thomas Simpson's Feu of Westquarter Sir Thomas Livingstone Janet Russel Dallas £29.19.5
E106/31/5/63 Houses and Yards in Redding, undivided Sir Thomas Livingstone Robert Rankine, Elizabeth Anderson, and Widow Hart £1.8.1
E106/31/5/63 NOTE.—These five last sums make up £73. 7s. [shillings] 6d. [pennies], the valuation of Westquarter Feus in Polmont, as ascertained 2d October, 1775.
E106/31/5/63 See Note under Westquarter in Falkirk, under which name will also be found the Lands which make up the sum stated here in the Old Roll.
E106/31/5/63 Total valuation of Polmont Parish, 1691 £6585.3.8 NOTE.—The Parishes of Falkirk and Polmont being united in the Old Roll, and now separated, it has been found necessary, in shewing the disjunctions of certain Lands, parts of which lie in each of these Parishes, to insert in the Old Roll in both, the whole cumulo from which the disjunctions have been made. Total valuation of Polmont Parish, 1831 £6052.1.0
E106/31/5/63 The total valuation appearing in 1691, therefore, far exceeds the valuation of 1831 ; but the amount of the two Parishes in 1831, being £19,263. 9s. [shillings] 8d. [pennies], with 9s. [shillings] 7d. [pennies] lost upon the several disjunctions in both, as accounted for in the notes, makes up £19,263. 19s. [shillings] 3d. [pennies], the valuation in 1691, although, by an erroneous summation in the Old Roll, it is there stated to be £19,264. 13s. [shillings]
E106/31/5/63 The Laird of Sauchy, for Sauchy and Coltenhove £2162.11.0 May 22, 1747. Northird, acquired in Superiority by Colonel Cochrane Lord Dundas John Thomson of Northird £32.12.0
E106/31/5/63 Dec. 6, 1798. Greathill, acquired in Superiority by Colonel Cochrane Lord Dundas William R. Ramsay of Barnton £33.4.0
E106/31/5/63 Peatbriggs, acquired in Superiority by Colonel Cochrane Lord Dundas James Andrew of Craigend £33.4.0
E106/31/5/63 May 8, 1753. John Kerr's Feu at Buckieburn William R. Ramsay of Barnton John Galbraith Glasgow, and William Balloch's heirs £64.17.8
E106/31/5/63 Little Sauchie William R. Ramsay of Barnton William R. Ramsay of Barnton £124.12.4
E106/31/5/63 Robert Jamieson's Feu William R. Ramsay of Barnton William Jamieson £23.10.2
E106/31/5/63 David Balloch's Feu William R. Ramsay of Barnton William Balloch's heirs £54.1.6
E106/31/5/63 William Cowan's Feu William R. Ramsay of Barnton James Andrew of Craigend £51.0.10
E106/31/5/63 NOTE.—In Collector's Book from 1769 downwards, and in Roll 1802, this is stated as £51. 10s. [shillings]
E106/31/5/63 Easter and Wester Berryhills William R. Ramsay of Barnton John Buchanan £53.17.2
E106/31/5/63 The Laird of Sauchy, for Sauchy and Coltenhove (continued) July 3, 1764. Boigside, possessed by David Rae W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £18.15.6
E106/31/5/63 Miln and Miln Lands of Sauchie W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £155.11.5
E106/31/5/63 The Lands next the Miln, possessed by John Reid W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £17.12.10
E106/31/5/63 The Lands possessed by Widow Miller, for Hollowstown and Stonfauldhill W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £58.16.0
E106/31/5/63 Barnetside, possessed by David Adam W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £51.14.3
E106/31/5/63 Herdhill, possessed by William Reid W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £3.17.9
E106/31/5/63 Dunside, Burn, and Tethfauld, possessed by John Jaffray W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £65.13.5
E106/31/5/63 Muirpark, possessed by George Liddell W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £41.11.7
E106/31/5/63 Pardully, possessed by William Manuel W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £9.8.5
E106/31/5/63 Five-shilling Farm, possessed by James Thomson W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £9.16.5
E106/31/5/63 Whitehill, possessed by James Reid W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £9.16.5
E106/31/5/63 Faulds, possessed by William Clark W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £8.9.9
E106/31/5/63 Loanfoot, possessed by James Seton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £51.6.3
E106/31/5/63 The Park possessed by Mr Cheap W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £326.1.4
E106/31/5/63 NOTE.—A different division of the fourteen sums immediately preceding appears in the Collector's Book, from 1783 downwards. The amount in both is the same, £828. 11s. [shillings] 4d. [pennies], being for the Lands of Sauchie ; and it seems to have arisen from the sum stated here as possessed by Mr Cheap, being apportioned upon the different tenants, in place of being in his own possession ; but nothing of that sort is in the Record, and must have been done by the Collector at the time.
E106/31/5/63 Garly Craig and Weather Law, possessed by George Liddell W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £57.15.0
E106/31/5/63 Newbigging, possessed by William Johnston W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £42.7.3
E106/31/5/63 Bottom, possessed by James Lapslie W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £41.0.3
E106/31/5/63 That part of the Lands of Touchgorum, possessed by William Cowan W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £49.5.3
E106/31/5/63 That part of the Lands of Touchgorum, possessed by William Thomson W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £33.5.3
E106/31/5/63 That part of the Lands of Touchgorum, possessed by William Lapslie W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £37.17.3
E106/31/5/63 That part of the Lands of Touchgorum, possessed by John Risk W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £71.3.0
E106/31/5/63 That part of the Lands of Hatton possessed by William Thomson W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £80.0.0
E106/31/5/63 That part of the Lands of Hatton possessed by John Cowan W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £99.14.0
E106/31/5/63 Middlethird, partly possessed by John Richardson, elder W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £62.16.4
E106/31/5/63 Middlethird, possessed by John Miller W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton
E106/31/5/63 Middlethird, possessed by John Richardson, younger W. R. Ramsay of Barnton W. R. Ramsay of Barnton £20.19.2
E106/31/5/63 [Page] 62 [Page] 63 Q
E106/31/5/63 deleted - this page is available for transcription - Bizzy Moderator Transcribed using format adopted for E106/31/5/3 & E106/31/5/5 (Bizzy) Annotations in green ink have not been transcribed. [Note - Proprietors. Robert Rankine]: there is an ink mark in the space before 'and' . Unsure if this is real and e.g a 1/2? Note - Valued Rent - the 2nd last entry is blank/missing
E106/31/5/65 The Laird of Sauchy for Sauchy and Coltenhove (continued) July 3, 1764 Bankhead, possessed by John Thomson W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £30.9.3
E106/31/5/65 July 3, 1764 Craigend, possessed by James Thomson W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £47.14.8
E106/31/5/65 July 3, 1764 Miln and Lands of Coltenhoof, possessed by John Davie W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £105.0.0
E106/31/5/65 NOTE. -- By these last disjunctions the valuation is increased 1s. [shillings] 4d. [pence]
E106/31/5/65 The Laird of Touch £1200.0.0 Dec. 2, 1755 Touchmallard, held of Polmaise Alexander Murray, second son in life of the deceased William Murray of Touchadam Barbara Seton of Touch £66.13.4
E106/31/5/65 Feb. 20, 1758 Those parts of the Lands of Touch, disponed by Mr and Mrs Seton to Mr Walter Stewart, advocate Remainder of Touch Barbara Seton of Touch Barbara Seton of Touch £438.10.2
E106/31/5/65 Remainder of Touch Barbara Seton of Touch Barbara Seton of Touch £694.16.6
E106/31/5/65 Alexander Stirling of Redhall £26.13.0 Feb. 20, 1758 Easter Arns of Redhall, disponed by Mr and Mrs Seton to Mr Stewart Barbara Seton of Touch Barbara Seton of Touch £26.13.4
E106/31/5/65 NOTE. -- By the minute of dusjunction the valuation of these Lands is increased by 4d. [pence]
E106/31/5/65 The Laird of Auchinbowie £933.6.0 Disjoined 6th Oct., 1795, & confirmed 26th January 1796. The Manorplace of Auchenbowie, with the Yards and Orchyards Parks of Auchenbowie, Eastermoss-side, Easter half of Westertown, Guildyfauld & Westerwood, Firpark, Barside, Forecroft, and Woodfauld; the Mains, possessed by Mrs Colquhoun, with Mills, Woods, &c.... David Munro Binning of Softlaw, liferenter; and Alexander Binning, his second son, fiar Sophia Hoome of Auchenbowie £466.13.4
E106/31/5/65 June 24, 1811 The two northmost Inclosures of the Farm of Gartincle Robert Lowis of West Plean Robert Lowis of West Plean £47.8.3
E106/31/5/65 The remainder of Mrs Lowis' half of the Lands of Auchenbowie, as disjoined 6th October, 1795 Robert Lowis of West Plean Robert Lowis of West Plean £419.5.1
E106/31/5/65 NOTE. -- The valuation is increased 8d. [pence] upon these disjunctions; the first disjunction having been made from a cumulo of £933. 6s. [shillings] 8d. [pence], at which sum the valuation was rated in the Collector's Book, although, in the Roll 1691, it is stated at the above sum of £933. 6s. [shillings]
E106/31/5/65 The Laird of Bannockburn £1433.6.0 May 15, 1759 Braehead and others, of which Mr Watson was Proprietor, and Mr Potter, Supervisor W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Alexander Wilson, Bannockburn £153.3.0
E106/31/5/65 Snabhead, William Anderson W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £33.6.8
E106/31/5/65 May 15, 1764 Sinks W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £56.0.0
E106/31/5/65 Hillhead and Herdsbrae W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Archibald Smart and William Smith £56.0.0
E106/31/5/65 Brownshill W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Frances Flyn and the heirs of Helen Munro £23.11.9
E106/31/5/65 The Laird of Bannockburn (continued) May 15, 1764 Howgate W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £13.10.0
E106/31/5/65 Gateside W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Alexander Drummond £18.0.0
E106/31/5/65 Eastertown W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Frances Flyn and the heirs of Helen Munro £53.0.0
E106/31/5/65 James Liddell's part, Milnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton James Anderson £5.12.2
E106/31/5/65 Walkerhill W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £27.15.8
E106/31/5/65 Quakerfield W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Alexander Glen's feuars £10.0.0
E106/31/5/65 Murrayfield W.R. Ramsay of Barnton John Robin and sub-fassals £61.6.0
E106/31/5/65 David Drummond's part, Benthead W.R. Ramsay of Barnton William Gillespie £6.0.0
E106/31/5/65 William Drummond's part, Benthead W.R. Ramsay of Barnton William Gillespie £6.0.0
E106/31/5/65 Alexander Drummond's part, Benthead W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Alexander Drummond £6.15.0
E106/31/5/65 James Paterson's part, Benthead W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Mary Paterson £6.15.0
E106/31/5/65 May 20, 1766 James Allan's Feu at Milntown W.R. Ramsay of Barnton William Wright £3.0.0
E106/31/5/65 Alexander Cowan's Feu at Craigford W.R. Ramsay of Barnton John and Thomas Baird £9.0.0
E106/31/5/65 James Lawry's Feu at Muirside W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Dr [Doctor] Patrick Muschet of Birkhill £7.10.0
E106/31/5/65 Walter Stevenson's heirs' Feu at Muiralehouse W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Alexander Johnston £6.0.0
E106/31/5/65 James Walker's Feu at Muiralehouse W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Alexander Johnston £3.0.0
E106/31/5/65 Alexander Brown's Feu at Muiralehouse W.R. Ramsay of Barnton William Scott's heirs £6.0.0
E106/31/5/65 David Brown's Feu at Bogend W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Alexander Johnston £6.13.4
E106/31/5/65 Edward Rae's heirs' Feu at Newmarket W.R. Ramsay of Barnton John Miller Smith £2.0.0
E106/31/5/65 William Lockhart's Feu at Newmarket W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Rev. [Reverend] William Raeburn £1.10.0
E106/31/5/65 William Strong's Feu at Newmarket W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Thomas and Peter Eason £2.0.0
E106/31/5/65 William Anderson, John Henderson, and Robert MacCully, their Feus W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Rev. [Reverend] William Raeburn and John Muirhead £3.0.0
E106/31/5/65 John Ewing's heirs' Feu at Nether Bannockburn W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Alexander Wilson £6.0.0
E106/31/5/65 The Lands of Lurg W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £12.0.0
E106/31/5/65 Taite's Lands W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £10.0.0
E106/31/5/65 William Campbell's Lands W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £9.0.0
E106/31/5/65 Muirocks W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £6.0.0
E106/31/5/65 Skeock Barbara Seaton of Touch Barbara Seaton of Touch, and John Burn Murdoch of Coldoch, liferenter; and James McGibbon Burn, fiar £295.0.0
E106/31/5/65 NOTE. -- Under this sum of £295. is included Blackhill and Gartclush, sold by the late Mr Seton to Mr MacGibbon of Greenyards, and the following entry has appeared in the Collector's Book since 1783, although there is no disjunction on the Record. Skeock........£188.15.0 Skeockhall........£28.0.0 Gartclush........£40.12.6 Blackhill........£40.12.6 [Total] £295.0.0
E106/31/5/65 Mar. 25, 1773 The Farm of Coalheugh, possessed by D. Miller W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £25.5.0
E106/31/5/65 Moss-side, by David Adam and Buchanan, his sub-tenant W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £15.14.7
E106/31/5/65 Footagreen and Riehead by J. Robertson W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £71.10.0
E106/31/5/65 Broom, by Thomas Macfarlane and Adam Cowan W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £13.15.0
E106/31/5/65 Brigland, by William Crawford W.R. Ramsay of Barnton William Crawford £6.11.4
E106/31/5/65 Miln and Miln Lands of Milton, by James Bald W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £51.3.5
E106/31/5/65 The Farm in Milton possessed by James Liddell W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £20.10.4
E106/31/5/65 Lands at the Lint Mill, by John Christie W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £2.10.0
E106/31/5/65 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed.
E106/31/5/67 The Laird of Bannockburn (continued) Mar. 25, 1773 The Miln and Miln Lands of Skeock, possessed by John Anderson W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £64.18.6
E106/31/5/67 The Braehead, part of the Miln Lands possessed by James Murray W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £0.10.0
E106/31/5/67 The Cat Craig Farm, possessed by William Hutton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £36.10.0
E106/31/5/67 Lochrig at Newmercate, by Margaret Walker W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £9.16.6
E106/31/5/67 Lands at Newmercate, possessed by John McLellan W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £8.13.8
E106/31/5/67 North Green Cornhills Park, possessed by Charles Macdonald W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £14.14.10
E106/31/5/67 South Green Cornhills Park, possessed by John Robb W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £14.14.10
E106/31/5/67 Back of Muir, possessed by Charles McDonald and John Kerr W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £67.18.8
E106/31/5/67 Inclosures, Gardens, Orchards, and others, possessed by David Paterson himself W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £61.17.11
E106/31/5/67 April 30, 1803 John Robin, for an Inclosure of Newlands W.R. Ramsay of Barnton Robert Robin, tenant, Balquhidderock £11.2.3
E106/31/5/67 John Callander's heirs, for 6¼ Acres acquired from John Miller W.R. Ramsay of Barnton John Miller, smith, Newmarket £11.2.3
E106/31/5/67 Easter Greenyards £507.1.0 Oct. 6, 1772 Easter Greenyards J. Burn Murdoch of Coldoch, liferenter; and James McGibbon Burn, fiar J. Burn Murdoch of Coldoch, liferenter; and James McGibbon Burn, fiar £457.1.5
E106/31/5/67 Ingram's Crook William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £50.0.0
E106/31/5/67 NOTE. -- 5d. [pence] is gained upon this disjunction, which arises from the cumulo having been taken from the Collector's Book, where it is inserted as above, disjoined long prior to this date.
E106/31/5/67 Wester Greenyards £199.3.0 Wester Greenyards Andrew Stein of Wester Greenyards Andrew Stein of Wester Greenyards £199.3.0
E106/31/5/67 Cookspow £53.13.9 Cookspow James Erskine of Aberdona, fiar; and William Tytler, liferenter William Murray of Touchadam £53.13.9
E106/31/5/67 The Laird of Alva's half of Bandeath £187.15.4 Bandeath James Erskine of Aberdona, fiar; and William Tytler, liferenter Lord Abercromby and William Murray of Touchadam £187.15.4
E106/31/5/67 John Row's half of Bandeath £187.15.4 Bandeath James Erskine of Aberdona, fiar; and William Tytler, liferenter Lord Abercromby £187.15.4
E106/31/5/67 Robert Johnston in Bannockburn £12.0.0 Robert Johnstone W.R. Ramsay of Barnton John Wilson, Bannockburn £12.0.0
E106/31/5/67 Frosk £966.7.0 April 2, 1754 Throsk James Cunningham of Balgonie James Cunningham of Balgonie £734.7.0
E106/31/5/67 Popletrees The Earl of Mar James Cunningham of Balgonie £232.0.0
E106/31/5/67 The Laird of Carnock £3211.12.10 June 21, 1748 Lady Houston's ⅓ of Carnock, Plean, and Draziell Michael R. Stewart Nicholson of Carnock Michael R. Stewart Nicholson of Carnock £1087.4.4
E106/31/5/67 June 1, 1750 Captain Haldane's part Carnock, Plean, and Draziell The Earl of Dunmore The Earl of Dunmore £1085.4.10
E106/31/5/67 That part of Carnock, Plean, and Draziell sold to the family of Bannockburn by Sir James Dunbar The Earl of Dunmore W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £16.0.0
E106/31/5/67 Aug. 6, 1765 Westown of Plean, possessed by Michael Downie Robert Lowis of West Plean Robert Lowis of West Plean £65.9.6
E106/31/5/67 Common Hill, by John Buchanan Robert Lowis of West Plean Robert Lowis of West Plean £29.2.0
E106/31/5/67 Stankgreen, by John Rob David Russel of Woodside The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean £10.8.2
E106/31/5/67 Plean Muir, by David Harley Robert Lowis of West Plean Robert Lowis of West Plean £17.5.6
E106/31/5/67 Duries Hill, by James Russel Robert Lowis of West Plean Robert Lowis of West Plean £61.16.9
E106/31/5/67 That part of Duries Hill, possessed by James and Robert Mitchells Robert Lowis of West Plean Robert Lowis of West Plean £112.15.3
E106/31/5/67 That part of Duries Hill possessed by John Paul Robert Lowis of West Plean Robert Lowis of West Plean £80.18.9
E106/31/5/67 Wood-cock-faulds, by John Liddell The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean £40.0.3
E106/31/5/67 Craigmead, by Robert Paterson The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean £33.12.10
E106/31/5/67 Muir Mealling, by Andrew Gray The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean £26.7.4
E106/31/5/67 Muircroft, by Thomas Cowan The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean £7.5.6
E106/31/5/67 Aiken's Glen, by Robert Gillespie The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean £32.14.83
E106/31/5/67 Scons, by Thomas Meiklehose The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean £32.14.8
E106/31/5/67 Oct. 1, 1804 Those parts of Cushenquarter, called Broomelands, Pankell, Whitehill, and Shielhill, lying on the west of the road from Falkirk to Stirling The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean £95.12.0
E106/31/5/67 Those parts of the Farm of Touchhill, on the west of said road David Russel of Woodside The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean £27.9.11
E106/31/5/67 April 30, 1808 The Lands of Touchhill, east of the turnpike road, acquired by Mr James Thompson from Mr Campbell David Russell of Woodside The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean £51.12.4
E106/31/5/67 Those parts of Cushenquarter acquired by him from Mr Campbell Henry Stainton, London The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean
E106/31/5/67 Those parts of Cushenquarter retained by Mr Campbell Henry Stainton, London The Earl of Dunmore £127.4.6
E106/31/5/67 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed.
E106/31/5/69 The Laird of Carnock, and Laird of Newton's Tiends (continued) April 30, 1813 Garwinny, Colonel Simpson's part David Russel of Woodside The Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean £8.3.9
E106/31/5/69 Garwhinny, Mr Lowis' part David Russel of Woodside Robert Lowis of West Plean £20.0.0
E106/31/5/69 June 5, 1792 Mr Glen's part of Carnock or Plean The Earl of Dunmore The Earl of Dunmore, William Johnston, and J. Stewart £51.0.0
E106/31/5/69 John Rob's part of Carnock or Plean The Earl of Dunmore William and Margaret Rob £51.0.0
E106/31/5/69 The Laird of Powhouse £392.12.11 Powhouse Stewart Marjoribanks The Earl of Dunmore £446.5.8
E106/31/5/69 Powmiln £53.12.9
E106/31/5/69 The Lands of Southfield £250.0.0 Southfield Spittal's Hospital, Stirling Spittal's Hospital, Stirling £250.0.0
E106/31/5/69 Laird of Carden for Wester Polmaise £333.11.1 Wester Polmaise or Steuarthall Robert Steuart of Steuarthall Robert Steuart of Steuarthall £333.11.1
E106/31/5/69 The Lands of Bolfornought £222.4.5 Bolfornought The Earl of Mar Robert Steuart of Steuarthall £222.4.5
E106/31/5/69 The Lands of Taylortown £375.16.10 Dec. 7, 1756 Taylortown John Campbell Haggart of Bantaskine Allan's Hospital, Stirling £375.16.10
E106/31/5/69 Janet Jamieson in Bannockburn £5.0.0 May 15, 1764 Janet Jameson, Blackfieldmyre, now John Gillespie W.R. Ramsay of Barnton W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £5.0.0
E106/31/5/69 The Laird of Polmaise for his own proper rent £3010.5.4 Sept. 11, 1695 Standing Stones William Murray of Touchadam Margaret Littlejohn and John Wright £8.0.0
E106/31/5/69 John Lockhart, smith £12.0.0 June 1, 1742 James Richardson's part of John Buchanan's part of Torbrex William Murray of Touchadam Margaret & Janet Crawford £16.13.4
E106/31/5/69 April 7, 1759 Those parts of Torbrex purchased by John Wordie of Cambusbarron, from James Wordie of Torbrex William Murray of Touchadam William Murdoch £16.0.0
E106/31/5/69 Remains of James Wordie's part William Murray of Touchadam John Wright of Torbrex £79.8.7
E106/31/5/69 April 30, 1768 John Mackillop's part of John and Robert Johnstone's part Torbrex William Murray of Touchadam William Murdoch £10.15.4
E106/31/5/69 Archibald Murdoch's part of John and Robert Johnstone's part Torbrex William Murray of Touchadam William Murdoch £12.11.4
E106/31/5/69 Nov. 8, 1799 That Park of Land, consisting of about 10 acres, and the moss acre of the Lands of Torbrex, belonging to Mr Neilson William Murray of Touchadam The Trustees of Michael Miller £24.15.0
E106/31/5/69 These Tenements, Yard, and Park of Land, consisting of about 8 acres, on the west and south of the village of Saint Ninians, acquired by James Miller from James Neilson William Murray of Touchadam Alexander Buchanan, St. Ninians £6.15.8
E106/31/5/69 NOTE.-- These Lands of Torbrex were, on 11th September, 1695, disjoined from Polmaise at £166.13s. [shillings] 4d. [pence], and, by this disjunction, appear to be increased 5s. [shillings] 11d. [pence]. At a disjunction, 12th July, 1772, they seem to have been thrown into a cumulo with the Lands valued in Old Roll, £40. 5s. [shillings], in name of John Wordie, commissary clerk; and, at that disjunction, the Lands last mentioned are only disjoined at £40. This accounts for 5s. [shillings] of the difference
E106/31/5/69 The Laird of Polmaise for his own proper rent, and John Lockhart, smith (contd.) [continued] Oct. 6, 1772 Murray's Wood-head, possessed by Thomas Gibson and Archibald Thomson William Murray of Touchadam £29.7.1
E106/31/5/69 Wester Shielbrae, by Thomas Davie William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £24.10.9
E106/31/5/69 Easter Shielbrae, by Alexander Jaffray William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £24.10.9
E106/31/5/69 Drumshogle, by Thomas Touch William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £24.17.9
E106/31/5/69 Over Castlehill, by Andrew Wingate William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £26.8.8
E106/31/5/69 Glasfierie, by James Junkine William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £10.10.4
E106/31/5/69 Woodside, possessed by John Archibald William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £19.5.6
E106/31/5/69 Woodhead and Thornyhill, by Alexander Jamieson William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £23.19.0
E106/31/5/69 Brownshill, by John Johnstone William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £11.6.9
E106/31/5/69 Nether Castlehill, by Alexander Murray William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £21.16.8
E106/31/5/69 Murrayshall Farm, by Mrs Wilson William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £46.12.0
E106/31/5/69 Wellsteal, by James Ferguson William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £28.1.0
E106/31/5/69 Graysteal, by Robert Taylor William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £28.10.4
E106/31/5/69 New Park, by William Archibald William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £17.10.9
E106/31/5/69 New Park, by Robert Taylor William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £18.8.3
E106/31/5/69 New Park, by James Crawford William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £20.17.8
E106/31/5/69 Parkmiln and Miln Lands, by John Archibald William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £45.3.0
E106/31/5/69 Caldom Hill, by Archibald Marshall, tanner William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £36.16.0
E106/31/5/69 Haggs, Barnsdale, Easter and Wester Cocksithills, by John Wordie William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £50.16.7
E106/31/5/69 Bearside, by Helen Jarvie William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £14.10.5
E106/31/5/69 Bearside, by John Davie William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £11.13.3
E106/31/5/69 Barend and Slates, by John Watson and Robert Downie William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £22.15.7
E106/31/5/69 New Park, by Andrew MacCully William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £13.3.2
E106/31/5/69 Broomy Knows and Middlehill, by Andrew Adam William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £26.6.3
E106/31/5/69 Gateside, by Alexander Ure William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £14.14.7
E106/31/5/69 Kipmad, by Patrick Stevenson and Nicol Bryce William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £227.18.0
E106/31/5/69 Cambusbarron Miln & Miln Lands, by James Neilson William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £21.0.7
E106/31/5/69 Bridgend of Touchadam, by William Liddell William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £2.9.10
E106/31/5/69 Part of Barnsdale, possessed by Archibald Marshall, tanner William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £2.12.4
E106/31/5/69 The Under Miller's Park at Parkmiln by William telford William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £3.6.7
E106/31/5/69 Touchadam Muir, by Thomas Davie and Alexander Jaffray William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £44.6.3
E106/31/5/69 COWIE BARONY.
E106/31/5/69 Westertown of Cowie, possessed by Henry Murdoch William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam £31.6.6
E106/31/5/69 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed. On page 68, the record for The Laird of Powhouse has the following note handwritten underneath Stewart Marjoribanks' name: "Crown Charter, _____[?] Term 1814"
E106/31/5/71 The Laird of Polmaise for his own proper rent, and J.Lockhart, smith (contd.) 6 Oct 1772 Westertown, by William Murray William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 37.19. 7
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Westertown, possessed by Robert Adam William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 32.15. 0
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Newmills, by William Aikman William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 13.10.4
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Newmills by Andrew Mitchell William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 13.10.4
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Hilton, by Alexander Henry William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 54.18.6
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Hilton by Robert Blair William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 45.11.4
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Eastertown, by Robert Watt William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 27.14.4
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Eastertown, by James Arthur William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 27.14.4
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Scotstown, by William Watt William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 28.1.1
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Puddingford, by Alexander Eason William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 5.5.1
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Scotstown, by Alexander Macdougal William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 28.1.0
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Longtath, by Joseph Henderson William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 19.5.6
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Broomhill, possessed by John Christie William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 11.19. 8
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Standhill, by William Murray William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 7.6.0
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Todhols, by Alexander M'Lay William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 16.17.8
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Bellstane, by Thomas MacLuckie William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 26.6.3
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Ling, by Joseph Russell William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 13.3.1
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Murraysfield, by John Ure William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 8.15.4
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Farm of Balquhidrock, possessed by John Robin William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 71.5.9
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Karsemiln, Miln Lands, &c., possessed by John Lamb William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 115.14.0
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 The Hole, by Henry Edmond William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 54.6.11
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Broomrig, by Robert Wingate William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 61.7.0
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Orchyeard, by John Kirkwood William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 70.2.5
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Orchyeard, by James Hill William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 74.1.0
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Corsepatrick, by James Macfarlane William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 92.0.6
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Milnhall, by William Gillespie William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 78.17.7
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Dikes Mealing, by Alexander Watt William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 36.1.4
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Upper Johnston, by Robert Lowis William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 67.6.7
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Middle Johnston, by James Macfarlane William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 40.12.9
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Nether do. by Mr Robert Lowis William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 72.11.10
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Risk and Ribbald, by Alex Watt William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 137.6.10
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 New Mealing, by Alexander Gallaway William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 29.4.2
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Lochincurr, so far as possessed by John Monteath William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 2.18.5
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Hills of Balquhidrock, possessed by Andrew MacGowan William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 22.15.0
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Nether Park of Lochincur, possessed by Archibald Marshall William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 31.11.0
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Backcroft, Haypark, Wellcroft, and Bennyscroft,possessed by Archibald Marshall William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 91.17.6
E106/31/5/71 The Laird of Polmaise for his own proper rent, and J. Lockhart, smith (contd.) 6 Oct 1772 Utter Park at Lochincur, possessed by John Monteath William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 28.18.6
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Sheep Park there, by John Monteath in 1771 William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 28.18.6
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Berryhill in Cowie, in Mr Murray's own possession William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 31.11.0
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Middle Park at Powmaise, in Balquhidrock Barony, in Mr Murray's own possession William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 19.8.0
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Utter Park there, in Mr Murray's own possession William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 35.15.5
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Cornquarter there in Mr Murray's own piossession William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 39.5.7
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Horseward, in Mr Murray's own possession William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 10.1.6
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Meadow and Langwalk, in Mr Murray's own possession William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 78.17.6
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Orchyeard, Gardens, and Calfward, in Mr Murray's own possession William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 17.19.3
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Part of Hills of Balquhidrock, possessed by John Sawers William Murray of Touchadam William Murray of Touchadam 9.12.11
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 The Ground of the Big Tenement and Yeard at Saint Ninians William Murray of Touchadam Alexander Rennie, tenant, Canglor 0.8.8
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 The Houses and Yards adjoining thereto, the Ground whereof feued to Archibald Marshall William Murray of Touchadam William Jaffray and others 1.3.0
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 The Ground of the House and Yeard there, feued to Walter Dougal William Murray of Touchadam John Dougal, weaver, Saint Ninians 0.2.9
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 The Ground of the Cott Houses and Yeards at the laigh Bridge over Bannockburn water, on the road to Powmaise William Murray of Touchadam Thomas Smart, John Wilson, and others 0.8.8
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 The part of Broomrig, feued to Mr Potter of Easter Livilands William Murray of Touchadam William Bain of Easter Livilands 2.12.6
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 The part of the Hills of Balquhidrock, feued to James Murray of Murrayfield William Murray of Touchadam Alexander Wilson, Bannockburn 4.7.8
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 The Weaving Lands, feued to Mr Gallaway of Borrowmeadow William Murray of Touchadam The Trustees of Jean Gallaway 1.15.0
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 The two acres of Land at the Parkside, feued to John Campbell William Murray of Touchadam Thomas Davie 3.10.1
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 The acre in Batterflatt, feued to John Campbell William Murray of Touchadam Thomas Davie 3.10.1
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 The two acres near the Parkside, formerly Ann Moitr's, now Robert Fulton's William Murray of Touchadam Thomas Davie 3.10.1
E106/31/5/71 6 Oct 1772 Dambside, or Dambends, now belonging to Mr Bryce, disjoined since 1698 William Murray of Touchadam John Murdoch, Clayhills 26.13.10
E106/31/5/73 The Laird of Polmaise for his own proper rent, and J. Lockhart, smith (contd.) Oct. 6, 1772 Clayhills, now belonging to Mr Bryce, disjoined since 1698 William Murray of Touchadam John Murdoch, Clayhills £12.0.0
E106/31/5/73 The heirs of William Watson in Cambusbarron £6.0.0 William Watson's heirs, near Cambusbarron William Murray of Touchadam The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn of Annfield £6.0.0
E106/31/5/73 James Greenock, smith in St Ninians £18.0.0 John Greenock, Saint Ninians William Murray of Touchadam John Sawers, writer, Stirling £18.0.0
E106/31/5/73 The Lands of Canglour £710.18.0 Disjoined 10th Oct. 1707, and confirmed 5th Sept. 1786. The Viscount of Kilsyth's part of the Lands and Tiends of Canglor Dr Robert Graham, Professor of Botony in the University of Edinburgh Alexander Smith of Canglor £119.18.11
E106/31/5/73 John Wingate's part of the Lands and Tiends of Canglor Michael Rowand of Linthouse, banker in Glasgow W.R. Ramsay of Barnton, Agnes Kid, and John Hodge £133.6.8
E106/31/5/73 John Willison of Lochend's part of the Lands and Tiends of Canglor Dr. Robert Graham Alexander Smith of Canglor £133.6.8
E106/31/5/73 William Henry's part of the Lands and Tiends of Canglor Dr. Robert Graham George Rae, Hallquarter; and heirs of William Rae £66.13.4
E106/31/5/73 Thomas Miller's part of the Lands and Tiends of Canglor Dr. Robert Graham Thomas Miller, Myres £33.6.8
E106/31/5/73 Walter Smith's part of the Lands and Tiends of Canglor Dr. Robert Graham Alexander Smith of Canglor £25.0.0
E106/31/5/73 James Morrison's part of the Lands and Tiends of Canglor Michael Rowand W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £44.8.11
E106/31/5/73 Alexander Wallace for Miln Lands therof Michael Rowand W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £11.0.0
E106/31/5/73 John Stewart's part Dr. Robert Graham James Andrew of Craigend £22.4.6
E106/31/5/73 John Duncan's part MIchael Rowand James Andrew of Craigend £22.4.6
E106/31/5/73 John Duncan's part Michael Rowand James Andrew of Craigend £22.4.6
E106/31/5/73 William Paterson's part Michael Rowand W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £33.6.8
E106/31/5/73 Thomas Lamb's part Michael Rowand W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £50..0.0
E106/31/5/73 John Crawford's part Michael Rowand W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £16.13.4
E106/31/5/73 The Lands of Canglour and the Tiends of Canglor (continued) Dec. 18, 1798 ¾ of the Lands of Craigquarter in Canglor, and Tiends thereof, belonging to Mr Ramsay Michael Rowand W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £25.0.0
E106/31/5/73 ¼ of the Lands of Craigquarter in Canglor, and Tiends thereof, belonging to John Richardson Michael Rowand John Richardson £8.6.8
E106/31/5/73 ¼ of Hallquarter and Tiends of Canglor, belonging to Mr Ramsay Michael Rowand W.R. Ramsay of Barnton £33.6.8
E106/31/5/73 ¼ of Hallquarter and Tiends of Canglor, belonging to James Balloch Michael Rowand James Balloch £33.6.8
E106/31/5/73 NOTE. -- 2s. [shillings] 2d. [pence] is gained here, owing to the cumulo of the Lands of Canglor having been taken at £711, instead of £710. 18s. [shillings], and 2d. [pence] being gained on the disjunctions.
E106/31/5/73 John Clerk, Litster at St Ninians £18.0.0 William Clerk, Saint Ninians William Murray of Touchadam Relief Congregation and Alexander Forrester £18.0.0
E106/31/5/73 John Wordy, smith, St Ninians £4.0.0 John Wordie, Saint Ninians William Murray of Touchadam William Jaffray, Stirling £4.0.0
E106/31/5/73 David Wordy and Andrew Wilson, St Ninians £4.0.0 David Wordie and Andrew Wilson William Murray of Touchadam Mary Kyle; Thomas Bryson, watchmaker, Edinburgh, and others, heirs of ----- Gillespie £4.0.0
E106/31/5/73 James Wingate, carrier at Bannockburn Bridge £18.0.0 John Wingate, Bannockburn William Murray of Touchadam John Wilson, Bannockburn £18.0.0
E106/31/5/73 William Shirray of Birkhill £22.0.0 March 5, 1771 Birkhill William Murray of Touchadam Dr [Doctor] Patrick Muschet £22.0.0
E106/31/5/73 John Hill, showmaker at Bannockburn £6.0.0 John Hill, near Bannockburn William Murray of Touchadam William Callander and ----- Denovan £6.0.0
E106/31/5/73 Mr. John Wordie of Whytehill £60.0.0 Whitehill Spittal's Hospital, Stirling Marion and Rachel Erskine of Christianbank £60.0.0
E106/31/5/73 John Forrest of Thirty Acres £133.6.8 Thirty Acres William Murray of Touchadam William Turnbull of Forthbank £133.6.8
E106/31/5/73 Queenshaugh £116.17.11 Queenshaugh William Bain of Easter Livilands William Bains of Easter Livilands £116.17.11
E106/31/5/73 Craigforth £1120.0.0 April 30, 1764 Those parts of Craigforth, possessed by Hugh Mitchell, called Kames; John Stevenson's House, Yard,
E106/31/5/73 [Page] 72 SAINT NINIANS PARISH -- (CONTINUED) [Page] 73 SAINT NINIANS PARISH -- (CONTINUED) [Regarding Clayhills, now belonging to Mr. Bryce] NOTE. -- This disjunction appears to have been made upon a principle altogether erroneous. By an act of the Commissioners, dated 11th September, 1695, John Murray of Touchadam's valuation is ascertained to be as stated in the Old Roll ... £3010.5.4 and of the same date the Lands of Torbrex, belonging to John Wordie, are ascertained to be, £166.13.4 and the two acres of Land, and Houses thereon, at the Standing Stones, pertaining to the heirs of John Ure, to be .... £8.0.0 [sub-total] £174.13.4 which are disjoined and deducted from Mr Murray's valuation, leaving for his Lands ... £2835.12.0 and by the same Act the valuation of "John Lockhart, smith," in Old Roll, is added thereto, being £12.0.0 Thus increasing Mr Murray's valuation to ... £2847.12.0 By the disjunction, in 1772, this sum is taken as the cumulo, and from it there is deducted, in the first plaace, certain Feus, there called the Later Feus, being those under the name of Mr Potter, James Murray, Mr Galloway, John Campbell, and Robert Fulton, amounting to ... £17.13.11 and also Dambends and Clayhills, amounting to ... £38.13.10 [sub-total] £56.7.9 Thus leaving a cumulo, to be divided by the disjunction in 1772, of ... £2791.4.3 while, in point of fact, Dambends and Clayhills stood previously disjoined in the Old Roll, 1691 -- the former under the name of "the Heirs of Hendry Mitchell, smith," at ... £26.13.4 and the latter under the name of "John Thomson, taylor," at ... £12.0.0 [sub-total] £38.13.4 and they, therefore, formed no part of the above sum of £2847.12s. [shillings], the whole of which, after deducting £17.13s. [shillings] 11d. [pence] only, ought to have been apportioned upon the several sums disjoined in 1772; and Dambends and Clayhills should not be inserted in this disjunction at all, and the valuation here given to them is not in fact that attached to the said Lands, which will be found under their proper heads of "the Heirs of Hendry Mitchell, smith," and "John Thom- son, taylor," in the Old Roll, and the amount thereof, as stated in the above disjunction, is valuation which still be- longs to Mr Murray, and should still be apportioned upon what are, strictly speaking, his Property Lands. 4s. [shillings] 1d. [pence] is lost upon these disjunctions.
E106/31/5/73 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed. Beginning on page 72 with "Alexander Wallace for Miln Lands thereof", this transcriber is unsure if subsequent entries on the page refer to the Miln Lands of the Lands and Tiends of Canglor, or simply to Miln Lands. That is, John Stewart's part maybe be John Stewart's part of the Lands and Tiends of Canglor, or it might be John Stewart's part of Miln Lands thereof.
E106/31/5/75 Craigforth (continued) and Waterside Grass; John Lowrie, Mealing, lately possessed by David Ferguson, and Wester Clayflite Park; William Fisher, Langside; Alexander Bald, Craig, Craigside, Ronners and Avenue, &c., and 5 Grass Inclosures; Peter Forrester, 3 acres not named; William Mackillop, Farm at Raplochburn, and Meadow and Farm in Raploch J.H. Callender of Craigforth J.H. Callander of Craigforth £560.8.0
E106/31/5/75 April 30, 1764 Remainder of Craigforth J.H. Callander of Craigforth J.H. Callander of Craigforth £559.12.0
E106/31/5/75 NOTE. -- On 26th September, 1774, two different disjunctions of these Lands appear to have been made for political purposes, part of the Commissioners having withdrawn from the meeting, and made a different disjunction from the majority; but neither seems to have ever been acted on.
E106/31/5/75 Leslies, Cambusbarron, £214.14.11 Nov. 8, 1694 John Greenock's part of Leslies, Cambusbarron The Earl of Mar The Society of Propagating Christian Knowledge £52.7.2
E106/31/5/75 Janet Brown and heirs of James Stivenson The Earl of Mar John Graham Crawford, Edinburgh £8.9.3
E106/31/5/75 NOTE. -- This added to Blairgibb, of this date.
E106/31/5/75 Duncan Watson's part, Woodend The Earl of Mar John Graham Crawford, Edinburgh £39.5.9
E106/31/5/75 Janet White's part Woodend Hayford The Earl of Mar John Wright of Torbrex £8.7.9
E106/31/5/75 David Liddle's part The Earl of Mar John Thomson of Northird £9.10.3
E106/31/5/75 John Gillespie's part The Earl of Mar ----- Ure, Saint Ninians £2.10.0
E106/31/5/75 Robert Stivenson's The Earl of Mar Unknown £1.17.0
E106/31/5/75 No Cess paid for many years
E106/31/5/75 Mar. 5, 1771 Alexander Blair's part of William Cowan's Lands in Cambusbarron The Earl of Mar The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn of Annfield £29.9.0
E106/31/5/75 Alexander Hill's part of William Cowan's Lands in Cambusbarron The Earl of Mar The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn of Annfield £9.16.5
E106/31/5/75 John Wordie's part of Lands in Cambusbarron The Earl of Mar The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn of Annfield £43.2.0
E106/31/5/75 Alexander Hill's part of Lands in Cambusbarron The Earl of Mar The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn of Annfield £10.0.0
E106/31/5/75 Alexander Forrester £107.7.4 Shorts, Cambusbarron Cowane's Hospital, Stirling Cowane's Hospital, Stirling £107.7.4
E106/31/5/75 Charles Ferguson £26.16.10 Aug. 22, 1774 These 15 acres of the Lands of Dryfield of Cambusbarron, in that part thereof called Kinning Knows Andrew Stein of Wester Greenyards Dr [Doctor] Patrick Muschet of Birkhill £53.13.8
E106/31/5/75 James Willieson £39.4.0 April 22, 1762 Archibald Stewart of Glassingall's part of James Willison's Lands William Murray of Touchadam John Davie, Batterflatt £4.0.0
E106/31/5/75 John McLaren, Gardener at Steuarthall, his part John Murray of Wester Livilands John Murray of Wester Livilands £16.16.0
E106/31/5/75 Thomas Muirhead's part Supposed the Earl of Mar The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn of Annfield £10.0.0
E106/31/5/75 James Willieson (continued) John Ure's part John Murray of Wester Livilands John Murray of Wester Livilands £8.8.0
E106/31/5/75 Benniescroft £80.0.0 Bennie's Croft William Murray of Touchadam Allan's Hospital, Stirling £80.0.0
E106/31/5/75 Montrose Feuars of Dundaff £300.0.0 June 24, 1727 William Bow's 10s. [shilling] Land of Kernock The Duke of Montrose William Bow of Smallburn £12.10.0
E106/31/5/75 John and James Dick's 10s. [shillings] Land of Kernock, and 5s. [shilling] Land, called the Lord's Waird The Duke of Montrose David Foyer of Bogside £18.15.0
E106/31/5/75 Thomas Liddle's 10s. [shilling] Land of Kernock The Duke of Montrose William Bow of Smallburn £12.10.0
E106/31/5/75 James Buchanan's 10s. [shilling] Land of Kernock The Duke of Montrose William Bow of Smallburn £12.10.0
E106/31/5/75 John Water's 10s. [shilling] Land of Kernock The Duke of Montrose Alexander McGregor, writer, Glasgow £12.10.0
E106/31/5/75 John Din's 10s. [shilling] Land of Kernock The Duke of Montrose Alexander McGregor, writer, Glasgow £12.10.0
E106/31/5/75 Thomas Adam's 10s. [shilling] Land of Kernock The Duke of Montrose Alexander McGregor, writer, Glasgow £12.10.0
E106/31/5/75 John Liddle's 10s. [shilling] Land of Kernock The Duke of Montrose Alexander McGregor, writer, Glasgow £12.10.0
E106/31/5/75 The 20s. [shilling] Land thereof, and Greencrook and Randyfoord, being a 10s. [shilling] Land, belonging to Andrew Dick of Kirkamuir The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose £37.10.0
E106/31/5/75 Gabriel Napier's Wester Craigannet, being a 40s. [shilling] Land The Duke of Montrose John Napier Forrester of Wester Craigannet £50.0.0
E106/31/5/75 The 40s. [shilling] Land of Northside, belonging to John Forrest, Alexander Bryce, James Balloch, and John Rae The Duke of Montrose The Trustees of General Stewart of Annat £50.0.0
E106/31/5/75 June 4, 1799 David Motherwell's part of the 15s. [shilling] Land of Easter Craigannet and Waterside The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn of Annfield ----- Motherwell, or Stewart, Paisley £18.15.0
E106/31/5/75 William Liddle's part The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn of Annfield John Liddle £12.10.0
E106/31/5/75 John Din's heirs part The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn of Annfield David Dun, flesher in Glasgow £25.0.0
E106/31/5/75 Cringets £80.10.0 Oct. 6, 1772 Easter Cringate, and Hill and Muir of Earlshill The Duke of Montrose for Cringate, and William Murray of Touchadam for Earlshill Alexander McGregor, writer, Glasgow £32.4.3
E106/31/5/75 Wester Cringate The Duke of Montrose for Cringate, and William Murray of Touchadam for Earlshill The Duke of Montrose £48.6.4
E106/31/5/75 NOTE. -- The valuation is increased by 7d. [pence] by this disjunction, owing to the cumulo having been held to be £80. 10s. [shillings] 7d. [pence]
E106/31/5/75 Craigengelt £161.1.0 Craigingelt The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn of Annfield John Dick, Stirling £161.1.0
E106/31/5/75 Earl of Callander's part of Dundaff £128.16.11 Dec. 6, 1798 Southside The Duke of Montrose Thomas Walker and Archibald Wishart £103.1.7
E106/31/5/75 The Herding, belonging to D. Motherwell The Duke of Montrose --- Motherwell, or Stewart £25.15.4
E106/31/5/75 William Wordie, messr. [messenger] £13.12.9 April 22, 1762 John MacLaren's part of William Wordie, messr. [messenger], his Lands William Murray of Touchadam John Murray of Wester Livilands £2.5.5
E106/31/5/75 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed. In the "Proprietors" column for the Land of "Short, Cambusbarron", red writing says "20 casualties enigible".
E106/31/5/77 William Wordie, messr. [messenger] (contd.) [continued] Remainder of William Wordie William Murray of Touchadam The Trustees of William Archibald, Parkmill £11.7.4
E106/31/5/77 John Wordie, commissar clerk £40.5.0 July 12, 1772 John Wordie of Cambusbarron William Murray of Touchadam William Murdoch of Williamfield £40.0.0
E106/31/5/77 NOTE. -- The 5s. [shillings] lost here seems to have been laid on certain parts of the Lands of Torbrex, disjoined along with this, of this date.
E106/31/5/77 Christian Baird's Land £21.9.0 Christian Baird's Lands John Murray of Wester Livilands John Murray of Wester Livilands £21.9.0
E106/31/5/77 Earl of Mar's Feu and Tack duty £124.0.0 Sept. 13, 1727 Mar's Feu duty John Burn, Murdoch of Coldoch, liferenter; and John McGibbon Burn, fiar John Burn, Murdoch of Coldoch, liferenter; and John McGibbon Burn, fiar £24.15.10
E106/31/5/77 Disjoined 4th Jan. and confirmed 30th April, 1803 Tiends of the Lands of Carbrook, otherwise Carbroke Henry Stainton, London Henry Stainton, London £30.5.0
E106/31/5/77 Remains undivided of Mar's Tiend duty John Burn, Murdoch of Coldoch, liferenter; and John McGibbon Burn, fiar John Burn, Murdoch of Coldoch, liferenter; and John McGibbon Burn, fiar £68.19.2
E106/31/5/77 Carbrock £64.15.0 Carbroke Henry Stainton, London The Earl of Dunmore £64.15.0
E106/31/5/77 Cowiebank £43.13.9 Oct. 25, 1733 John Crawford's part of Cowiebank William Murray of Touchadam Janet Clark, spouse of William Kerr, tenant, Cowie; and Margaret Clark, spouse of Thomas Alexander, at Longkerse £10.18.6
E106/31/5/77 William Adam's part of Cowiebank William Murray of Touchadam Janet Clark, spouse of William Kerr, tenant, Cowie; and Margaret Clark, spouse of Thomas Alexander, at Longkerse £10.18.6
E106/31/5/77 Henry Kidstone's part of Cowiebank William Murray of Touchadam Janet Clark, spouse of William Kerr, tenant, Cowie; and Margaret Clark, spouse of Thomas Alexander, at Longkerse £10.18.6
E106/31/5/77 Alexander McAllan's part of Cowiebank William Murray of Touchadam Andrew Buchanan, wright, Polmaise £10.18.6
E106/31/5/77 NOTE. -- This disjunction is dated at Saint Ninians, and the Minute has never been signed. -- 3d. [pence] is gained.
E106/31/5/77 Marion Bachop £26.16.10 Marion Bachop Unknown Unknown £26.16.10
E106/31/5/77 NOTE. -- These lands are not known, and no Cess has been paid for time immemorial.
E106/31/5/77 George Robin £20.0.0 May 15, 1764 The Lands of Old, feued to John Robin, now James Murray's W.R. Ramsay of Barnton John Henderson £20.0.0
E106/31/5/77 Gooscroft £26.13.4 Goosecroft Robert Steuart of Steuarthall William Glas, merchant, Stirling £26.13.4
E106/31/5/77 Claycroft £26.13.4 Claycroft Robert Steuart of Steuarthall John Murray of Wester Livilands, and Robert Gillies, Stirling £26.13.4
E106/31/5/77 Thomas Bachop and Christopher Russal £20.0.0 Miss Wingate, Thomas Bachop, and Christopher Russel William Murray of Touchadam Dr [Doctor] Patrick Muschet of Birkhill £20.0.0
E106/31/5/77 Blairgibb £30.0.0 Blairgibb John Graham Crawford, Edinburgh John Graham Crawford Edinburgh £20.0.0
E106/31/5/77 Walter Cowan for Busbie's Orchyard £10.0.0 Busbie's Orchard Muschet of Birkhill Allan's Hospital, Stirling £10.0.0
E106/31/5/77 Forrester's Land in Batterflatt £24.0.0 Forrester's Batterflat William Murray of Touchadam John Davie £24.0.0
E106/31/5/77 Hendrie's Muirton £196.13.0 Muirtown, Cowane's Hospital James Erskine of Aberdona, fiar; and William Tytler, liferenter Coeane's Hospital, Stirling, and William Bain of Easter Livilands £236.13.4
E106/31/5/77 Muirtown, Miss Gallaway James Erskine of Aberdona, fiar; and William Tytler, liferenter The Trustees of Jean Gallaway of Borrowmeadow £75.0.0
E106/31/5/77 NOTE. -- No disjunction appears on Record, but they are stated separately, as above, in Collector's Book, from 1783, downwards. --The valuation is increased 4d. [pence]
E106/31/5/77 Shiphaugh £233.6.8 Shiphaugh William Bain of Easter Livilands Cowane's Hospital, Stirling £233.6.8
E106/31/5/77 Mr Charles Bennet £100.0.0 Easter Livilands William Bain of Easter Livilands William Bain of Easter Livilands £100.0.0
E106/31/5/77 Alexander Cunningham £8.0.0 Cunningham William Murray of Touchadam William Murdoch of Williamsfield £8.0.0
E106/31/5/77 David Niccoll £8.6.8 David Nicoll, Ladylands The Earl of Mar The Trustees of Jean Gallaway of Borrowmeadow £8.6.8
E106/31/5/77 Robert Johnston in Cambusbarron £20.0.0 March 5, 1771 Alexander Blair's part of James MacNair's ½ of Robert Johnstone's Lands William Murray of Touchadam The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn of Annfield £3.6.8
E106/31/5/77 Andrew Cowan's part thereof William Murray of Touchadam The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn of Annfield £6.13.4
E106/31/5/77 Thomas Monteath for remainder of Chapelcroft William Murray of Touchadam Dr [Doctor] Patrick Muschet of Birkhill £10.0.0
E106/31/5/77 The heirs of Mr David Adamson £26.16.10 Dowan's Lands, belonging to Andrew Cowan William Murray of Touchadam Dr [Doctor] Patrick Muschet of Birkhill £26.16.10
E106/31/5/77 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed.
E106/31/5/79 John Thomson, taylor £12.0.0 April 9, 1732 Clayhills, John Liddle's part William Murray of Touchadam John Murdoch, Clayhills £2.0.0
E106/31/5/79 Clayhills, John Gillespie's part William Murray of Touchadam John Murdoch, Clayhills £10.0.0
E106/31/5/79 The heirs of Hendry Mitchell, smith £26.13.4 Dambends William Murray of Touchadam John Murdoch, Clayhills £26.13.4
E106/31/5/79 James Abercromby, wright at St Ninians £14.0.0 John Abercromby William Murray of Touchadam James Edmond, Coneyhill, and Robert Rennie's heirs and their vassals £14.0.0
E106/31/5/79 NOTE. -- This, in Collector's Book, now divided into James Edmond -- £4.0.0 James Marshall's part -- £10.0.0 [Total] £14.0.0
E106/31/5/79 John Wordie, at Bannockburn Bridge £4.0.0 John Wordie, Bannockburn Bridge William Murray of Touchadam Henry McGowan £4.0.0
E106/31/5/79 Wester Livilands £234.15.5 June 14, 1700 Bisset Lands and Meadow Lands Robert Steuart of Steuarthall for Meadow Lands, William Murray of Touchadam for Bisset Lands John Murray of Wester Livilands, and the Town of Stirling's Feuars £83.5.2
E106/31/5/79 June 27, 1774 That part of Wester Livilands held of Scrimzeour and Tealing John Murray of Wester Livilands John Murray of Wester Livilands £93.15.2
E106/31/5/79 Remains of Wester Livilands John Murray of Wester Livilands John Murray of Wester Livilands £57.15.1
E106/31/5/79 NOTE. -- In a disjunction of Mr Murray of Polmaise's Lands, 6th October, 1772, Bisset Lands, belonging to the Town of Stirling and Mr Rind of Wester Livilands, is said to be £80, and in Collector's Book, from 1746, downwards, Bisset Lands, belonging to the Town of Stirling, is stated at £30, and Livilands is stated at £204. 15s. [shillings] 5d. [pence], without noticing the above disjunctions.
E106/31/5/79 The heirs of John Neilson £53.13.4 July 29, 1740 That part of Kirkland of St Ninians, being Andrew Neilson's Houses and Yard in St Ninians, purchased from James Dun by John Wordie of Cambusbarron William Murray of Touchadam William Murdoch of Williamsfield £10.0.0
E106/31/5/79 Robert Menzies William Murray of Touchadam Archibald Smart £20.0.0
E106/31/5/79 June 1, 1751 James Gillespie's part William Murray of Touchadam Jean Ure £1.0.0
E106/31/5/79 April 30, 1823 John and David Malcolm's part William Murray of Touchadam John Forman, W.S. [Writer to the Signet], and David Malcom £7.7.0
E106/31/5/79 Robert Aikman's part William Murray of Touchadam Robert Aikman, Newhouse £3.9.2
E106/31/5/79 James Chrystal's part William Murray of Touchadam William Murdoch £3.0.6
E106/31/5/79 William Syme's part William Murray of Touchadam The heirs of William Syme £3.12.0
E106/31/5/79 John Murray's part William Murray of Touchadam John Murray of Wester Livilands £1.9.8
E106/31/5/79 John Gillespie, Newhouse, his part William Murray of Touchadam John Gillespie £1.13.6
E106/31/5/79 The heirs of John Neilson (continued) April 30, 1823 John Wilson's part, now Alexander Buchanan's part William Murray of Touchadam The Trustees of Alexander Buchanan £1.13.6
E106/31/5/79 Margaret Square's part William Murray of Touchadam Margaret Square £0.8.0
E106/31/5/79 John Stevenson £26.13.4 Knockhill, afterwards Runceman's Batterflatt William Murray of Touchadam Dr Patrick Muschet of Birkhill £26.13.4
E106/31/5/79 Total valuation of St Ninians Parish, 1691 £20860.15.7 NOTE. -- Decrease of 4s. [shillings] 4d. [pence] upon New Roll, accounted for as above. Total valuation of St Ninians Parish, 1831 £20860.11.3
E106/31/5/79 John Forrest £110.19.3 March 5, 1731 Hillhead, part of Bankhead, formerly Mr Hastie William Galbraith, writer, Stirling, liferenter William Hastie, Pirnie Lodge £36.19.9
E106/31/5/79 May 14, 1731 William Young of Summerhouse's part of Hillhead John N. Forman, W.S. [Writer to the Signet], fiar; and John Forman, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] liferenter William Storie, writer, Falkirk £24.13.2
E106/31/5/79 Robert Auld, Balmitchell's part of Hillhead William Burn Callander of Westertown William Storie, writer, Falkirk £24.13.2
E106/31/5/79 James Waddel, Glasgow's part of Hillhead The Hon. [Honourable] John Charles Dundas John Bread Ralston of Ellrig £24.13.2
E106/31/5/79 John Shaw £55.9.7 Feb. 23, 1737 That part of Easter Greenhill called Garneylees Alexander McFarlane of Thornhill David Carrick Buchanan of Drumpelzier £18.9.10
E106/31/5/79 Greenhill, formerly J. Shaw William Burn of Callander of Westertown Thomas Russel of Greenhill £36.19.9
E106/31/5/79 William Tennant £94.17.2 June 7, 1791 Wester Burnhead, or Whiteknow of Burnhead Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter, Bart Patrick Rankine of Burnhead £30.0.0
E106/31/5/79 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed.
E106/31/5/81 William Tennant (continued). June 7, 1791 Drumkee, John Tennant, Easter Burnhead William Galbraith, writer, Stirling, liferenter Thomas Carrick of Burnhouse £64.17.2
E106/31/5/81 David Young £55.9.8 June 7, 1791 Arnloss, a part of, some time James Young Henry Aitken, writer, Falkirk George Waugh of Loanrig £55.9.8
E106/31/5/81 James Shaw £138.12.2 June 7, 1791 Henry Robert Baddicur's part of Dalquhairn Henry Aitken William Robert, Brighill; Robert Forrester, Badcur; and Robert Thom, Cooperfield £23.0.0
E106/31/5/81 John Storie, the Lands of Lochouse, part of Dalquhairn Henry Aitken Thomas Carrick of Burnhouse £46.4.0
E106/31/5/81 Dalquhairn Henry Aitken William Shaw of Trees, and David Carrick Buchanan of Drumpelzier
E106/31/5/81 NOTE. -- 2d. [pence] is lost by this disjunction, the cumulo disjoined being taken from the Collector's Book, there stated at £138. 12s. [shillings] only.
E106/31/5/81 Thomas Fleming £89.19.2 June 7, 1791 Rashiehill Dr Thomas Walker, fiar; and John Thomson at Inneravon, liferenter George Waddel, Grangemouth, and Thomas Carrick of Burnhouse £112.8.9
E106/31/5/81 George Neil £22.9.0
E106/31/5/81 NOTE. -- 7d. [pence] gained, the sum of £112. 8s. [shillings] 9d. [pence] appearing in Collector's Book, from 1737 downwards.
E106/31/5/81 John Rankine, North-house £77.8.2 North-house, part of Balmulzier Henry Aitken John Rankine, Falkirk, and George Waugh of North-house £77.8.2
E106/31/5/81 John Taylor £39.2.8 June 7, 1791 Wester Holehouse or Barns Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter, Bart Cornelius Bryce, Charles Tinker, ----- Johnston, and Thomas Carrick £41.2.0
E106/31/5/81 Easter Holehouse to the South, or South-east Holehouse, formerly George Waddel's William A. Caddel of Banton Cornelius Bryce, Charles Tinker, ----- Johnston, and Thomas Carrick £41.2.0
E106/31/5/81 NOTE. -- 2s. [shillings] 9d. [pence] lost, the two sums of £41. 2s. [shillings] appearing in Collector's Book as above.
E106/31/5/81 Peter Russell £39.7.0 June 7, 1791 Whin, Patrick Salmond, some time Patrick Russell Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter, Bart Thomas Carrick and Hugh Reid £39.7.0
E106/31/5/81 James Taylor £46.19.4 June 7, 1791 North-east Holehouse, or Easter Holehouse to the North W.C. Learmonth of Craigend George Waugh of Holehouse £46.19.4
E106/31/5/81 Andrew Clawson £46.19.4 June 7, 1791 West Holehouse, Andrew Clawson, called North-west Holehouse, or West Holehouse W.C. Learmonth ----- Marshall, manufacturer, Glasgow £40.12.2
E106/31/5/81 NOTE. -- £6. 7s. [shillings] 2d. [pence] is lost here, the sum in Collector's Book, from 1737, being £40. 12s. [shillings] 2d. [pence], which, and not the Old Roll, 1691, seems to have been the rule in 1791.
E106/31/5/81 John Rankine of South-house £95.7.10 June 7, 1791 South-house, part of Balmulzier W.C. Learmonth of Craigend William Waugh of South-house, and George Waddel, W.S. [Writer to the Signet], Moffat £95.17.10
E106/31/5/81 NOTE. -- 10s. [shillings] is gained here from the cause noticed in the preceding page.
E106/31/5/81 Robert Rankine £55.19.0 June 7, 1791 Middlerig Dr Thomas Walker, fiar; and John Thomson, liferenter Thomas Brown, Thomas Stark, and Thomas Carrick £55.19.0
E106/31/5/81 David Tennant £55.9.0 June 7, 1791 Wester Dykehead Dr Thomas Walker, fiar; and John Thomson, liferenter William Forrest in Forrest £55.9.8
E106/31/5/81 NOTE. -- 2d. [pence] lost from the cause above stated.
E106/31/5/81 John Wastowne £17.17.2 June 7, 1791 Craigend of Holehouse William Archibald Caddel of Banton Robert Thom, Cooperfield £17.17.0
E106/31/5/81 NOTE. -- 2d. [pence] lost from the cause above stated.
E106/31/5/81 William Young £113.1.0 June 7, 1791 Somerhouse, part of Slamanan Muir William Archibald Caddel of Banton William Storie, writer, Falkirk £113.1.0
E106/31/5/81 Robert Boyd £34.16.0 June 7, 1791 ¹/₆ of Balcastle, Robert Boyd Henry Aitken John Waugh of Newmill £34.16.0
E106/31/5/81 Robert Arthur £34.16.0 June 7, 1791 William Arthur's (formerly Robert's) part of Balcastle Henry Aitken Alexander Taylor, Balcastle £23.4.0
E106/31/5/81 John Hay's part of Balcastle Henry Aitken John Hay, Balcastle £11.12.0
E106/31/5/81 Alexander Waddel £34.16.0 June 7, 1791 ¹/₆ of Balcastle, some time John Rankine, now John Inglis Henry Aitken David Liddle, Dennyloanhead, James Dobbie, and the heirs of John Livingston, writer, Edinburgh £34.16.0
E106/31/5/81 John Gibson £34.16.0 June 7, 1791 John Gibson's ¹/₆ of Balcastle Henry Aitken David Liddle, James Dobbie, and the heirs of John Livingston £34.16.0
E106/31/5/81 John Russall £34.16.0 Oct. 2, 1792 ¹/₆ of Balcastle, formerly John Russel, Todsbughts Robert Steuart of Steuarthall Thomas Carrick £34.16.0
E106/31/5/81 Alexander Arthur £34.16.0 Oct. 2, 1792 ¹/₆ of Balcastle, formerly James Arthur Robert Steuart of Steuarthall John Arthur £34.16.0
E106/31/5/81 James Boyd £55.9.8 Oct. 2, 1792 Easter Dykehead William Burn Callander of Westertown Thomas Carrick, Robert Johnston, Robert Rankin, and Robert Brown £55.9.7
E106/31/5/81 John Waugh £49.13.0 June 5, 1795 Lenhouse, John Waugh Alexander Macfarlane of Thornhill John Waugh of Newmill £40.0.0
E106/31/5/81 John Lightbodie £47.15.5
E106/31/5/81 James Mochrie £43.19.10 Arnloss, James Waugh Alexander Macfarlane of Thornhill John Waugh of Arnloss £77.8.1
E106/31/5/81 John Mungal £47.9.0 Mar. 31, 1812 Stoneridge Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter, Bart Robert Inglis, Linmill £45.8.1
E106/31/5/81 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed. Note to Moderators: Regarding my transcription of "H. Aitken, writer, Falkirk" into Henry Aitken, I didn't simply rely on the next entry down to guess that this H. Aitken was Henry Aitken. I did a search for any "Henry Aitken" on and found two other instances where Henry Aitken is identified as a writer in Falkirk. Likewise, D.C. Buchanan of Drumpelzier is elsewhere identified as David Carrick Buchanan of Drumpelzier, so I expanded his name.
E106/31/5/83 John Waugh, John Lightbodie, James Mochrie, and John Mungal (continued) Mar. 31, 1812 Fencilhead Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter, Bart Thomas Shanks, Fencilhead £23.4.1
E106/31/5/83 NOTE. -- [see Transcribe other information]
E106/31/5/83 William Pender £121.8.10 April 30, 1811 Burn, belonging to Robert Mungall Alexander McFarlane of Thornhill Robert Mungall, Bulliondale £40.9.7⅓
E106/31/5/83 Greensyke, William Baillie Alexander McFarlane of Thornhill William Baillie, Greensyke £40.9.7⅓
E106/31/5/83 Linmill, Robert Inglis Alexander McFarlane of Thornhill Robert Inglis of Linmill £40.9.7⅓
E106/31/5/83 James Pender £33.19.5 James Black, Linmill William Burn Callander of Westertown Robert Inglish, and John Waugh of Newmill £33.19.5
E106/31/5/83 Robert Russell £36.10.0 Robert Waddel, Bridgend William Burn Callander of Westertown James Morrison, Bridgend, and William Turner £36.10.0
E106/31/5/83 Andrew Mungal £20.11.9 Andrew Mungall and James Easton, Bulliondale Sir Michael Bruce of Stenhouse, Bart Robert Mungal, Bulliondale £30.17.7
E106/31/5/83 NOTE. -- These are entered in the Collector's Book in one sum, from 1746, downward.
E106/31/5/83 George Waddel £107.17.0 Balquhatston, George Waddel Sir Michael Bruce of Stenhouse, Bart George Waddel, W.S. [Writer to the Signet £107.17.0
E106/31/5/83 Peter Salmond £107.17.0 George Waddel and Peter Salmond, Balmitchell Sir Michael Bruce of Stenhouse, Bart George Waddel, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] and George Waddel, Binnyhill £107.17.0
E106/31/5/83 George Arthur £107.17.0 Patrick Salmond and John Inglis Sir Michael Bruce of Stenhouse, Bart Henry John Taylor, merchant. Gladgow; Robert Inglis at Partick; and George Waddel £107.17.0
E106/31/5/83 John Rankine £22.0.0 George, now John Rankine, Hillend Alexander McFarlane of Thornhill James Rankine of Hillend £22.0.0
E106/31/5/83 NOTE. -- In Roll 1802, and Collector's Book previous, this stated to be £22.9.4.
E106/31/5/83 John Aulde £55.9.8 April 30, 1831 South Balmitchell, part of John Auld and Patrick Salmond, Balmitchell Sir Michael Bruce of Stenhouse, Bart John Bread Ralston of Ellrig £33.2.6
E106/31/5/83 Wester Drumclair, part of John Auld and Patrick Salmond, Balmitchell Sir Michael Bruce of Stenhouse, Bart Henry John Taylor, merchant, Glasgow £22.7.2
E106/31/5/83 John Rankine in Castlehill £17.19.10 Castlehill Alexander Macfarlane of Thornhill George Rankine, Grangemouth £17.19.10
E106/31/5/83 The Earl of Callander £104.11.0 Earl of Callander £104.11.0
E106/31/5/83 James Tennant £55.9.0 April 30, 1831 North Balmitchell, part of Alexander Mitchell's Balmitchell John Livingstone Learmonth of Parkhall John Bread Ralston of Ellrig £32.7.4
E106/31/5/83 East Drumclair, part of Alexander Mitchell's Balmitchell John Livingstone Learmonth of Parkhill Thomas Carrick of Burnhouse £23.2.4
E106/31/5/83 NOTE. -- 8d. [pence] is gained upon this disjunction, owing to the cumulo having been taken at £55.9.8, at which sum it is rated in the Collector's Book, from 1737 downwards.
E106/31/5/83 Total valuation of Slamanan Parish, 1691 £2453.9.10 NOTE. -- Decrease upon New Roll of £8.15.5, accounted for as above. Total valuation of Slamanan Parish, 1831 £2444.14.5
E106/31/5/83 NOTE. -- The amount of the valuation of this Parish, as certified to Exchequer, is, by an erroneous summation, said to be £2454, but the manuscript is so much defaced that the shillings and pence are not legible.
E106/31/5/83 [Page] 82 SLAMANAN PARISH -- (CONTINUED.) [Included with Fencilhead entry] NOTE. -- In the Collector's Book for 1737, the sum stated in the Old Roll, under the name of John Mungal, appears entered in two sums, "Lenhouse, £19.9.0" "Agnes Gray, £28.0.0" [Total] £47.9.0 -- And James Mochrie is stated, in the same Book, at £40.12.2 only, in place of £43.19.10, as appears in the Roll, 1691. These separate entries are continued till 1761, when Mochrie and Agnes Gray appear entered in one sum of £68.12.2, which is continued down to 1812, when the disjunction of that date is made from that cumulo, and thereby a loss of £3.7.8 arises, being the deficiency under Mochrie. In 1769, the following entries appear in the Collector's Book: -- "Lenhouse," being the remainder of John Mungal, after deducting the £28 for Agnes Gray -- £19.9.0 John Waugh -- £24.16.10 Robert Ure, part of do. -- £24.16.10 [Sub-total] £49.13.8 And Patrick Walker, formerly Lightbodie -- £47.15.5 Making a cumulo of -- £116.18.1 But an increase of 8d. [pence] is thereby made upon John Waugh's valuation, which, in the Roll, 1691, is only £49.13.0. In 1783, the entry is "Lenhouse, John Waugh, Robert Ure, and Peter Walker," in one sum of £117.8.1, in place of £116.18.1, thus making an increase of 10s. [shillings] by an incorrect summation, and of 8d. [pence] upon the entry of John Waugh in 1769, already noticed, and, from this incorrect cumulo, the disjunction in 1795 has been made. As already remarked, there is a loss upon John Mochrie of ..... £3.7.8 From which, deduct the sum gained in 1783 as above ..... £0.10.8 And the result is a loss, upon the whole of these disjunctions, of ..... £2.17.0 [Page] 83 SLAMANAN PARISH -- (CONTINUED.) [Included with Earl of Callander entry] NOTE. -- No Cess has been paid for this for time immemorial. It is believed that the Lands to which this valuation is attached consisted of a Muir or Common, which was divided among the heritors of the parish, upon whom the valuation would have been apportioned, but which does not appear to have been done. -- In the Collector's Book for 1737, which is the oldest extant, the following Note appears upon the margin at this parish: -- "The Cess of the Earl of Lithgow's val. [valuation] added to the heretors' cess in this parioch."
E106/31/5/83 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed. Note to Moderators: I expanded "J. Livingstone Learmonth of Parkhill" to "John Livingstone" b/c I found three other entries on the website that fully showed "John Livingstone Learmonth of Parkhill".
E106/31/5/85 The Barrony of Duntreath £724.19.3 May 1, 1755 Cuilt, James Foyer Sir Archibald Edmonstone Sir Archibald Edmonstone £100.0.0
E106/31/5/85 Duntreath Mains, Woodend, Dumgoiock, Gardens and Dougal's Aiker, Miln and Land, Barnhill and Croftstable Sir Archibald Edmonstone Sir Archibald Edmonstone £307.19.0
E106/31/5/85 Harlehaven, Aughentall, Roseyeards, Shannon, Capponhill, Blargarmore, Blargarbeg, Blarhosh, Knowhead, Craigbrock, Drumdrunshan, the Hills, Ballewen and Spittal Sir Archibald Edmonstone Sir Archibald Edmonstone £317.0.3
E106/31/5/85 Archibald Edmonstone's rent £131.3.5 May 20, 1766 John Craig of Ballewan, his part of Archibald Edmonstone's rent The Duke of Montrose John Craig £65.11.8½
E106/31/5/85 James Lyle, Aralaven, his part of Archibald Edmonstone's rent John Campbell Douglas, Glasgow Sir Archibald Edmonstone, ³/₆; John Guthrie of Carbeth, ¹/₆; and --- Norval, ²/₆ £65.11.8½
E106/31/5/85 Walter Stirling of Ballaggan £89.7.9 Aug. 5, 1794 The Lands of Ballagan, comprehending Glorat's part of do Alexander Graham of Ballagan Alexander Graham of Ballagan £200.4.5
E106/31/5/85 NOTE. -- 2d. [pence] lost, the cumulo having been taken from the Collector's Book.
E106/31/5/85 Ballaggan, which formerly pertained to Glorat, Ballaggan's own not being compted herewith £110.16.10
E106/31/5/85 The Barrony of Mugdock £812.16.10 Aug. 5, 1794 The Lands of Leddrygreen Alexander Graham of Ballagan Robert Robison £90.0.0
E106/31/5/85 Drumbrock Alexander Graham of Ballagan James Smith of Craigend £65.13.4
E106/31/5/85 Kirkhouse Alexander Graham of Ballagan Robert Robison £20.0.0
E106/31/5/85 April 3, 1799 Mugdock Park The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose £47.0.0
E106/31/5/85 Quinloch The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose £68.0.0
E106/31/5/85 ⅛ of Carbeth The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose £12.0.2
E106/31/5/85 Craigallian The Duke of Montrose John Graham, Glasgow £75.0.0
E106/31/5/85 ¼ of Carbeth The Duke of Montrose John Graham, Glasgow £75.0.0
E106/31/5/85 ½ of Auchingillian, Widow Weir The Duke of Montrose Walter Aiken £37.10.0
E106/31/5/85 ¼ of Auchingillian, John Buchanan The Duke of Montrose --- Ronald £18.15.0
E106/31/5/85 ¼ of Auchingillian, James Provan The Duke of Montrose James Provan £18.15.0
E106/31/5/85 ½ of Carbeth, James McIndoe The Duke of Montrose John Guthrie of Carbeth £50.0.0
E106/31/5/85 ¼ of Carbeth, John McIndoe The Duke of Montrose James McIndoe £12.10.0
E106/31/5/85 Craigend, John Smith The Duke of Montrose James Smith of Craigend £10.0.0
E106/31/5/85 The Lands of Pitch, Isobel Ronald The Duke of Montrose James Smith of Craigend £25.0.0
E106/31/5/85 ½ of Westertown of Mugdock, James Graham The Duke of Montrose James Smith of Craigend £30.16.8
E106/31/5/85 ¼ of Westertown of Mugdock, John Bryce The Duke of Montrose James Smith of Craigend £15.8.4
E106/31/5/85 ¼ of Westertown of Mugdock, James Weir The Duke of Montrose James Weir, Barachan £15.8.4
E106/31/5/85 ½ of Middle Mugdock, James Shearer The Duke of Montrose James Shearer £30.16.8
E106/31/5/85 ¼ of MIddle Mugdock, Robert Pender and William McIlquham The Duke of Montrose Robert Pender and John Meiklewham £15.8.4
E106/31/5/85 ¼ of Middle Mugdock, John Brown The Duke of Montrose William Brown, writer Glasgow £15.8.4
E106/31/5/85 ⁷/₉ of Easter Mugdock, John Graham The Duke of Montrose --- Russel £47.19.3
E106/31/5/85 ²/₉ of Easter Mugdock, James Shearer's heirs The Duke of Montrose Robert Shearer, ½; and --- Russel, ½ £13.14.1
E106/31/5/85 Mildavie, James Robertson The Duke of Montrose James Smith of Craigend £6.0.0
E106/31/5/85 Feb 15, 1804 ⅔ of Edinkell, Robert Robison Alexander Graham of Ballagan --- Robison £40.0.0
E106/31/5/85 Lurg and Lurg Acre, Mrs Jean Luke Alexander Graham of Ballagan James Smith of Craigend £6.13.4
E106/31/5/85 John Craig of Cuilt £62.0.0 Cuilt Craig Walter Ferrier, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] John Craig £62.0.0
E106/31/5/85 Laird of Glorat £166.2.2 Law Kirkland Alexander Gartshore Stirling of Craigbarnet Alexander Gartshore Stirling of Craigbarnet £166.2.2
E106/31/5/85 Archibald Weir £48.6.4 Archibald Weir, Easter Ballewan The Duke of Montrose John Craig £48.6.4
E106/31/5/85 Blairquhoise Cunninghame £194.14.3 Blairwhish Cunningham The Duke of Montrose John Buchanan of Carbeth £194.14.3
E106/31/5/85 Walter Stewart, Provost of Dunbarton £74.0.10 Dunbarton Provostry The Duke of Montrose Unknown. -- (See Note.) £74.0.10
E106/31/5/85 Total valuation of Strathblane Parish, 1691 £2414.7.8 NOTE -- Decrease of 2d. [pence] upon New Roll, accounted for as above. Total valuation of Strathblane Parish, 1831 £2414.7.6
E106/31/5/85 [Page] 84 STRATHBLANE PARISH. [Page] 85 STRATHBLANE PARISH -- (CONTINUED.) [Included with Walter Stewart, Provost of Dunbarton entry] NOTE. -- No Cess has been paid for this for many years, and it has not been found practical precisely to ascertain any particular Land or Subject to which the valuation can be attached. According to the best information which has been got, the Duke of Montrose appears to have been Heritable Patron of the Provostry of the Collegiate Church at Dumbarton, to which Provostry, and Patrimony thereof, the tiends of the parishes of Fintry and Strathblane belonged; and it is supposed that his Grace, in that character, received certain tiend duty from the Heritors, which was the subject of valuation in the Cess Roll, like Mar's Tiend in Saint Ninians Parish, and others in the preceding pages; and that the Provost, who was appointed by his Grace, paid the Cess therefor; -- but when, by the augmentation of the stipend of the parish, the whole tiends were given to the Minister, they were withdrawn from the Duke, who, it is presumed, then ceased to pay the Cess for what was thus taken from him. -- The probability of the explanation now given, is considerably strengthened by the fact that the whole tiends were given to the Minister by the augmentation modified in 1793, and that no Cess has been paid since that year, while for that, and a considerable number of years previously, the Cess was regularly paid by a person of the name of McLeroy, a writer in Killearn, who was understood to have received it from different persons, but he having gone abroad, although inquiry was made, no information could ever be obtained, nor any papers belonging to him recovered, which could lead to the discovery of the lands or parties liable.
E106/31/5/85 Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed. Regarding the entry for Walter Stirling of Ballagan: unsure what the "do" pertains to - mods to check.
E106/31/5/87 ABSTRACT.
E106/31/5/87 VALUATION.
E106/31/5/87 PARISHES. 1691. 1831.
E106/31/5/87 AIRTH £8637.1.5 £8638.10.6
E106/31/5/87 ALVA £2032.0.4 £2032.0.4
E106/31/5/87 BALDERNOCK £1744.17.6 £1744.17.4
E106/31/5/87 BALFRON £2084.6.2 £2084.6.5
E106/31/5/87 BOTHKENAR £3533.15.3¼ £3533.16.0
E106/31/5/87 BUCHANAN £2745.18.8 £2745.18.8
E106/31/5/87 CAMPSIE £6437.0.2 £6437.0.8
E106/31/5/87 DENNY £2483.12.0 £2484.6.5½
E106/31/5/87 DRYMEN £5065.5.2 £5066.15.10
E106/31/5/87 DUNIPACE £3138.17.0 £3138.11.9
E106/31/5/87 FALKIRK. - [This Parish being joined with Polmont in the Old Roll, the old valuation of both Parishes is inserted under the column 1691, and only the valuation of Falkirk under 1831.] £19263.19.3 £13211.8.8
E106/31/5/87 FINTRAY £1975.7.7 £1975.7.7
E106/31/5/87 GARGUNNOCK £4096.6.3 £4096.7.9
E106/31/5/87 KILLEARN £2843.11.8 £2839.13.4
E106/31/5/87 KILPATRICK £1014.12.3 £1014.12.3
E106/31/5/87 KILSYTH £3916.5.0 £3916.5.9
E106/31/5/87 KIPPEN £3140.2.0 £3141.15.5
E106/31/5/87 LARBERT £2624.9.2 £2624.9.4
E106/31/5/87 LECROPT & LOGGIE. - [Undivided in Old Roll.] £2033.0.4 £450.0.0
E106/31/5/87 LOGIE. - [Old valuation included in Lecropt, as above.] £1582.4.4
E106/31/5/87 MUIRAVONSIDE £3975.7.1 £3974.17.8
E106/31/5/87 POLMONT. - [Old Valuation included in Falkirk, as above.] £6052.1.0
E106/31/5/87 SAINT NINIANS £20860.15.7 £20860.11.3
E106/31/5/87 SLAMANAN £2453.9.10 £2444.14.5
E106/31/5/87 STRATHBLANE £2414.7.8 £2414.7.6
E106/31/5/87 TOTAL VALUATION OF THE COUNTY £108514.7.4¼ £108505.0.2½
E106/31/5/87 Decrease upon the New Roll, accounted for as on the preceding pages £9.7.1¾
E106/31/5/87 [Total] £108514.7.4¼ £108514.7.4¼
E106/31/5/87 86 ERRATA. A large proportion of the following corrections has arisen from alterations that have taken place after printing those parts of the Roll wo which they relate. No alterations subsequent to the close of the year 1831 have been inserted. AIRTH PARISH. P. [Page] 4 - For "part of Rashiehills Tends of do.," read "Halls of Airth." ALVA. P. [Page] 5 - Under Superiors for "James Johnstone of Alva," read "Charles Kinnaird Johnstone, 5th son of J.R. Johnstone of Alva." BALDERNOCK. P. [Page] 7 - For "James," read "Archibald Stirling of Keir." Ibid. - For "John Graham Dalziell," read "John Graham Dalzel." BALFRON. P. [Page] 9 - For "Robert Hill, W.S., [Writer to Signet]" read "J.B. Gracie, W.S. [Writer to Signet]" Ibid. - For "£35.10s. [shillings] 1d, [penny]" read "£35.10s. [shillings] 2d, [pennies] BOTHKENAR. P. [Page] 10 - For "purchsed," read "purchased." P. [Page] 11 - Insert, at the top of the page under Valuation Roll, 1691, "The Laird of Newton (continued)." P. [Page] 14 - For "Alexander Littlejohn," read "The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn, writer, Stirling." CAMPSIE. Pp. [Pages] 15, 16, and 17 - For "James," read "Archibald Stirling of Keir." 16 - For "James Wright, writer, Stirling, liferenter," read "The heirs of Matthew Wright." DENNY. Pp. [Pages] 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 - For "The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral Charles Elphinstone Fleming," read "The Hon. [Honourable] Vice-Admiral Charles Fleming." P. [Page] 18 - For "Mrs Forrester or James Forrester, Bellshill, her sone," read "The Trustees of Mary McGre- gor or Colt, sometime spouse of the deceased James Forrester." Ibid. - Insert a "-" opposite the several Disjunctions on this page, to mark their being all of the date placed at the top of the page. P. [Page] 20, and top of p. [page] 21 - As the Dates of Disjunction of Fewars of South Herbertshire, and Earl of Wig- ton, for "April 30, 1816," read "June 8, 1773." P. [Page] 21 - For "£37.9s. [shillings] 6d. [pennies]" FALKIRK. P. [Page] 29 - For "heirs of Levison Douglas Stewart," read "The Duke of Hamilton." P. [Page] 29 - For "Mrs Dallas," read "Janet Russel Dallas, Weedingshall." Pp. [Pages] 29 and 30 - For "Robert Walker of Mumrills," read "The heirs of Robert Walker or Mumrills." P. [Page] 30 - For "Mr," read "Gorge Meek's heirs." P. [Page] 32 - As Superior of Carron Company's part Mungal for "do.," read "William Forbes of Callendar," who is also Superior of the five following parcels; and as Superior of Alexander Sword's part Mungal on the same page, for "do.," read "Lord Dundas." Ibid. - As Superior of Henry Stainton's part of Abbotshaugh, &c., after "do." insert "and William Forbes of Callendar." P. [Page] 35 For "Archibald Glen, residing in Glasgow," read "Henry Home Drummond of Blairdrummond, fiar; and William Moray Stirling of Ardoch, liferenter." GARGUNNOCK. P. [Page] 42 - For "Heirs," read "Trustees of Francis Simpson of Plean." KILLEARN. P. [Page] 43 - For "Alexander Littlejohn," read "The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn, writer, Stirling." P. [Page] 44 - Transpose the summations of the Old and New Roll at the end of the PArish, reading as the amount of the "old Roll, £2843.11s. [shillings] 8d., [pennies]" in place of "£2839.13s. [shillings] 4d.; [pennies]" and as the amount of "New Roll, £2839.13s. [shillings] 4d., [pennies]" in place of "£2843.11s. [shillings] 8d. [pennies]" KIPPEN. P. [Page] 47 - For "Feb. [February] 22, 1779," read "Feb. [February] 22, 1799." LARBERT. P. [Page] 48 - For "Mary Elizabeth," read "Mary Cumming Bruce of Kinnaird." LOGIE. P. [Page] 52 - For "John Forman, W.S., [Writer to the Signet]" read "John N. Forman, W.S., [Writer to the Signet] fiar; and John Forman, W.S., [Writer to the Signet] liferenter." P. [Page] 53 - As Prprietor of Westertown, after "John Alexander Henderson," insert "and Archibald Stirling of Keir." MUIRAVONSIDE. P. [Page] 55 - In the Note for "parcels," read "parcel." P. [Page] 56 - For "John," read "the heirs of John Baird of Manuelmiln." P. [Page] 57 - Insert, at the top of the page under Roll 1691, "Mr Thomas Rig, Patrick Calder, Jailles Crariurd, Isaac Baird, James Gray, Alexander Crawfurd, Laurence Faupe, David Tennent, Alexander Mairhsall, Alexander Crawfurd, Thomas Robertsone (continued)." Ibid. - After "William Forbes of Callendar," as Proprietor of the remainder of Almond Barony, insert "and John and James Russel." POLMONT. Pp. [Pages] 59 and 60 - For "John," read "John N. Forman, W.S., [Writer to the Signet] fiar; and John Forman, W.S., [Writer to the Signet] liferenter." P. [Page] 60 - In the last paragraph of the second Note, for "is made up to the within 15s. [shillings] 2d., [pennies]" read " is made up to within 15s. [shillings] 2d. [pennies]" P. [Page] 61 - For "£3.7s. [shillings] 2d., [pennies] read "£3.7s. [shillings] 4d. [pennies]" Ibid. - For "January 19, 1736," read "January 19, 1740." SAINT NINIANS. P. [Page] 67 - For "£10.8s. [shillings] 2d., [pennies]" read "£10.18s. [shillings] 2d. [pennies]" P. [Page] 69 - For "£28.10s. [shillings] 4d., [pennies]" read £18.10s. [shillings] 4d. [pennies]" P. [Page] 74 - For "£39.5s. [shillings] 9d., [pennies]" read £39.5s. [shillings] 5d. [pennies]" P. [Page] 76 - At the Disjunctions of Cowiebank, insert "-," to mark their being all of the same date. P. [Page] 78 - For "April," read "August 9, 1732."