
1691 Land 1691 Valued rent Dates of disjunction 1831 Lands 1831 Superiors 1831 Proprietors 1831 Valued rent
William Wordie, messr. [messenger] (contd.) [continued] Remainder of William Wordie William Murray of Touchadam The Trustees of William Archibald, Parkmill £11.7.4
John Wordie, commissar clerk £40.5.0 July 12, 1772 John Wordie of Cambusbarron William Murray of Touchadam William Murdoch of Williamfield £40.0.0
NOTE. -- The 5s. [shillings] lost here seems to have been laid on certain parts of the Lands of Torbrex, disjoined along with this, of this date.
Christian Baird's Land £21.9.0 Christian Baird's Lands John Murray of Wester Livilands John Murray of Wester Livilands £21.9.0
Earl of Mar's Feu and Tack duty £124.0.0 Sept. 13, 1727 Mar's Feu duty John Burn, Murdoch of Coldoch, liferenter; and John McGibbon Burn, fiar John Burn, Murdoch of Coldoch, liferenter; and John McGibbon Burn, fiar £24.15.10
Disjoined 4th Jan. and confirmed 30th April, 1803 Tiends of the Lands of Carbrook, otherwise Carbroke Henry Stainton, London Henry Stainton, London £30.5.0
Remains undivided of Mar's Tiend duty John Burn, Murdoch of Coldoch, liferenter; and John McGibbon Burn, fiar John Burn, Murdoch of Coldoch, liferenter; and John McGibbon Burn, fiar £68.19.2
Carbrock £64.15.0 Carbroke Henry Stainton, London The Earl of Dunmore £64.15.0
Cowiebank £43.13.9 Oct. 25, 1733 John Crawford's part of Cowiebank William Murray of Touchadam Janet Clark, spouse of William Kerr, tenant, Cowie; and Margaret Clark, spouse of Thomas Alexander, at Longkerse £10.18.6
William Adam's part of Cowiebank William Murray of Touchadam Janet Clark, spouse of William Kerr, tenant, Cowie; and Margaret Clark, spouse of Thomas Alexander, at Longkerse £10.18.6
Henry Kidstone's part of Cowiebank William Murray of Touchadam Janet Clark, spouse of William Kerr, tenant, Cowie; and Margaret Clark, spouse of Thomas Alexander, at Longkerse £10.18.6
Alexander McAllan's part of Cowiebank William Murray of Touchadam Andrew Buchanan, wright, Polmaise £10.18.6
NOTE. -- This disjunction is dated at Saint Ninians, and the Minute has never been signed. -- 3d. [pence] is gained.
Marion Bachop £26.16.10 Marion Bachop Unknown Unknown £26.16.10
NOTE. -- These lands are not known, and no Cess has been paid for time immemorial.
George Robin £20.0.0 May 15, 1764 The Lands of Old, feued to John Robin, now James Murray's W.R. Ramsay of Barnton John Henderson £20.0.0
Gooscroft £26.13.4 Goosecroft Robert Steuart of Steuarthall William Glas, merchant, Stirling £26.13.4
Claycroft £26.13.4 Claycroft Robert Steuart of Steuarthall John Murray of Wester Livilands, and Robert Gillies, Stirling £26.13.4
Thomas Bachop and Christopher Russal £20.0.0 Miss Wingate, Thomas Bachop, and Christopher Russel William Murray of Touchadam Dr [Doctor] Patrick Muschet of Birkhill £20.0.0
Blairgibb £30.0.0 Blairgibb John Graham Crawford, Edinburgh John Graham Crawford Edinburgh £20.0.0
Walter Cowan for Busbie's Orchyard £10.0.0 Busbie's Orchard Muschet of Birkhill Allan's Hospital, Stirling £10.0.0
Forrester's Land in Batterflatt £24.0.0 Forrester's Batterflat William Murray of Touchadam John Davie £24.0.0
Hendrie's Muirton £196.13.0 Muirtown, Cowane's Hospital James Erskine of Aberdona, fiar; and William Tytler, liferenter Coeane's Hospital, Stirling, and William Bain of Easter Livilands £236.13.4
Muirtown, Miss Gallaway James Erskine of Aberdona, fiar; and William Tytler, liferenter The Trustees of Jean Gallaway of Borrowmeadow £75.0.0
NOTE. -- No disjunction appears on Record, but they are stated separately, as above, in Collector's Book, from 1783, downwards. --The valuation is increased 4d. [pence]
Shiphaugh £233.6.8 Shiphaugh William Bain of Easter Livilands Cowane's Hospital, Stirling £233.6.8
Mr Charles Bennet £100.0.0 Easter Livilands William Bain of Easter Livilands William Bain of Easter Livilands £100.0.0
Alexander Cunningham £8.0.0 Cunningham William Murray of Touchadam William Murdoch of Williamsfield £8.0.0
David Niccoll £8.6.8 David Nicoll, Ladylands The Earl of Mar The Trustees of Jean Gallaway of Borrowmeadow £8.6.8
Robert Johnston in Cambusbarron £20.0.0 March 5, 1771 Alexander Blair's part of James MacNair's ½ of Robert Johnstone's Lands William Murray of Touchadam The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn of Annfield £3.6.8
Andrew Cowan's part thereof William Murray of Touchadam The heirs of Alexander Littlejohn of Annfield £6.13.4
Thomas Monteath for remainder of Chapelcroft William Murray of Touchadam Dr [Doctor] Patrick Muschet of Birkhill £10.0.0
The heirs of Mr David Adamson £26.16.10 Dowan's Lands, belonging to Andrew Cowan William Murray of Touchadam Dr [Doctor] Patrick Muschet of Birkhill £26.16.10

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