
1691 Land 1691 Valued rent Dates of disjunction 1831 Lands 1831 Superiors 1831 Proprietors 1831 Valued rent
The Viscount of Kilsyth (continued)........... September 5, 1786 Colzeam.............. Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar....... Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Bart........... £120.15.6
- Neilson and Garrel Mill John James Davidson, Writer to the Signet, liferenter, and Sir A.Edmonstone, fiar........ Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Bartonet £90.11.7
- Riskend John James Davidson, Writer to the Signet, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar......... Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet £30.3.10
- Cragston John James Davidson, Writer to the Signet, liferenter and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar.... Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet £30.3.10
- Woodend John James Davidson, Writer to the Signet, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar........ Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet £30.3.10
- Tagston and Corrymyre Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet....... Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet.... £90.11.7
- Burnhouse Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet £30.3.10
- Auchenvalley Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet £30.3.11
- Auchenrevock Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet.... Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet and James Bow £120.15.5
- Tomfin Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet..... Sir Archibald Edmonstone £60.7.9
- Auchincloch, exclusive of Vassals Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, Baronet.... Sir Archibald Edmonstone £120.15.5
- Colzeambae, Shawend, and Gateside....... John James Davidson, Writer to the Signet, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar....... Sir Archibald Edmonstone £135.17.5
- Townhead, Peter Marshall... Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar...... John Marshall, Townhead.... £75.9.8
- Ruchhill, Alexander Lang Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, liferenter, and Sir A. Edmonstone, fiar..... William Archibald Cadell of Banton £30.3.10
- Barrmoss or Barrmealing... Sir Archibald Edmonstone Sir Archibarld Edmonstone £30.3.11
- Kirkland, Kelvnhead, John Graham's part of Auchinclosh, and Alexander Wilson's Lands....... Sir Archibald Edmonstone William Archibald Cadell of Banton, John Graham, and ----- Hay........ £30.3.11
Auchincloich.......... £241.11.0 February 22, 1799. The Lands of Tamraer..... Walter Ferrier, Writer to the Signet...... Carron Company....... £120.15.5
- Patrick's Lands.... Robert Warden of Park-hill....... John corbet..... £40.5.8
- Auchincloch...... Walter Ferrier, Writer to the Signet.......... John Grahm, William Miller, and P. Bow..... £50.6.10
- The Lands of Kelvinhead.... Robert Warden of Park-hill............. William Archibald Cadell of Banton.... £30.3.10
Bantone......... £241.11.0 Banton...... William Archibald Cadell of Banton...... William Archibald Cadell of Banton £241.11.0
James Rankine....... £24.8.0 William Rankine of Gavil Sir Archibald Edmonstone William Rankine of Bog-side...... £24.3.0
That part of Dundaff in the Parish....... £80.10.0 Dundaff......... The Duke of Montrose The Duke of Montrose, James Goodwin, Alexander Walker, and Archibald Smart £80.10.0
Broich Stock and Teind....... £372.16.10 May 4, 1708. Broich, John Harvie's part.... Buchanan Leckie of Broich William Galbraith of Black-house........... £55.15.0
June 1, 1751 Knowhead, hethertown, & [and] Badluskan, parts of Broich Buchanan Leckie of Broich William Key of Wright's Park £125.0.0
- James Edmonstone's part of Broich Buchanan Leckie of Broich Buchanan Leckie of Broich £192.1.0
Arnmanuell Stock & [and] Teind £452.17.8 December 1, 1731 Ladylands, part of Arnmanuel W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore.... David Erskine of Cardross £65.16.8
October 2, 1827 Drum, part of Arnmanuel..... Archibald Lyle of Drum....... Archibald Lyle of Drum....... £114.4.63/4 [three farthings]
- Remainder of Arnmanuel.... W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore........ W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore........... £272.16.51/4 [farthing]
Blairgots and Blairfechans £173.10.6 July 25, 1771 Blairgorts Alexander Downie of Blairgorts Alexander Downie of Blairgorts £95.12.0
- Blairfechans James Stirling of Garden...... James Stirling of Garden.... £77.18.0
Glentirran £605.15.1 August 24th, 1787 Glentirran, General Campbell's part H.F. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £307.11.0
- Crawfordston, let to John Graham H.F. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £121.7.10
- Cubbiestone Parks, let to Mr. Campbell H.F. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £44.5.10
- Westertown, and Easter Broadleys H.F. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £74. 7 8
- Laurieston, let to Thomas Moir and William Morrison, and a Park let to them... H.C. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £34.12.11
- Hardfauld, to W. Paterson H.F. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £14.1.1
- Feu to do........ H.F. Campbell of Boquhan John Forsyth..... £1.17.9
- Feu to James Harvie H.F. Campbell of Boquhan Andrew Leckie, tenant in Garrick....... £1.17.9
- School-house and Yard H.F. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £1.17.9
- Muir, let to James Harvie... H.F. Campbell of Boquhan H.F. Campbell of Boquhan £3.15.6
William Leckie of Dachars £333.6.8 February 22, 1779 Dunnimerg, part of Dasher W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore........ Willliam Key of Wright's Park £13.6.8
- Kirkhill, Alexander Graham......... W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore....... David Graham, Writer to the Signet, Kippen.... £28.0.0
April 30, 1816 Forthside, Mr. Galbraith........ William Galbraith of Blackhouse........ William Galbraith of Blackhouse....... £20.0.0
- Dashers, Gartmore........ H.F. Campbell of Boquhan and John Graham H.C. Campbell of Boquhan and John Graham £272.0.0
Buchlivy, both Stock and Teind........... £799.2.4 February 22, 1799 Buchlyvie, Gartmores.......... Robert Cunningham Bontine of Ardoch, liferenter; W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore, fiar....... W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore........ £669 11.3
- Oxhill............ Thomas Risk, fiar.............. Thomas Risk....... £25.0.0
- Spittal and Waulkmill...... Moses Buchanan and Duncan Ker......... Moses Buchanan and Duncan Ker......... £20.16.8
- Wester Ballemenoch............ Robert Cunningham Bontine of Ardoch, liferenter; and W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore, fiar.......... Duncan MacGregor, Callander........... £22.18.4
- Acremuskin........... Robert Cunningham Bontine of Ardoch, liferenter; and W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore, fiar............ Joseph Morrison's heirs......... £8.6.8
- Kilmollen............ Robert Cunningham Bontine of Ardoch, liferenter; and W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore, fiar............ Robert MacLuckie's heirs £4.3.4

Transcribe other information

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Page 46
KILSYTH PARISH - (Continued.)
Brackets from Colzeam lands to Tagston and Corrymyre lands with F. 974: marked in the right-hand margin.
At Burnhouse lands and Auchenvalley lands Sec.F 974 (F.2011) marked in the right-hand margin.
At Auchenrevock lands Es. Auchenrevock £91.19.2 (F 2011) marked in left-hand margin.
At Tomfin lands and Auchincloch lands, bracketed in right-hand margin F. 1316.
At Colzeambae, Shawend and Gateside lands, bracketed in right-hand margin (F.974) and £1411. 11 marked in pencil.
From Townhead lands to Kirkland lands, bracketed and marked in the right-hand margin F. 974.
At Lands of Tamraer, F.720 and 1644 marked in right-hand margin.
East of Tamraer £60..8/Sc. (F.1644) Remainder of F.1644 £60..8/- (F.720) marked in the left-hand margin.
At Patrick's Lands, 79295 marked in pencil in the right-hand margin.
At Auchincloch Lands, (F.1643) marked in the right-hand margin.
At The Lands of Kelvinhead, 79295 marked in pencil in right-hand margin.
NOTE.- The valuation is increased 9d. [pence] by this disjunction. is written in the column 'Lands'.
At Banton Lands, (F.720) is marked in the right-hand margin.
At William Rankine of Gavil Lands, is marked (F.974) in the right-hand margin.
At Dundaff Lands, (F.189) is marked in the right-hand margin.

Total valuation of Kilsyth Parish, 1691........... £3916.5.0. NOTE.- Increase of 9d. [pence] on New Roll, accounted for as above. Total valuation of Kilsyth Parish, 1831......... £3916.5.9.
NOTE.- In the Old Roll, as certified to Exchequer, the total valuation of this Parish, by an erroneous summation, is said to be £3916.8s.[shillings] 2d. [pence].

Continuation of transcription from page 46 to page 47
Page 47.
From Broich Lands to James Edmonstone's part of Broich, linked by brackets and marked (F.1096) in the right-hand margin.
At Ladylands, part of Arnmanuel, bracketed and written in red ink in column for 'Superiors' - Duke of Montrose Superion of [W.C.C. Graham of Gartmore] (See Montrose Search).
At Drum part of Arnmanuel Lands, (F1046) 1176 marked in right-hand margin.
At Remainder of Arnmanuel Lands, (F1176) marked in right-hand margin.
At Blairgorts Lands, (F.876) marked in right-hand margin.
At Blairfechans Lands, F.876. marked in right-hand margin.
Below Blairfechans Lands.. NOTE.- Sixpence lost. - The Minute states the cumulo to be £173.10s. [shillings] only - hence the deficiency.
From Glentirran Lands to Muir Lands F(1398) marked in the right-hand margin.
At William Leckie of Dachars, space beneath the name marked with a cross in pencil.
At Kirkhill Lands, (F.1176) marked in right-hand margin.
At Forthside Lands, (F.2486) marked in right-hand margin.
At Dashers Lands, (F.1398) marked in right-hand margin.
At Buchlyvie, Gartmores Lands, (F.1176) marked in right-hand margin.
At Oxhill Lands, (F2488) marked in right-hand margin.
At Spittal and Waulkmill Lands, (F. 9124) marked in right-hand margin.
From Wester Ballemenoch Lands to Kilmollen Lands, bracketed and F.1176 marked in right-hand margin.
Footer at bottom of page: M.

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Miss Lomond