
1691 Land 1691 Valued rent Dates of disjunction 1831 Lands 1831 Superiors 1831 Proprietors 1831 Valued rent
from 1761 downwards -- but it is only £80. 1s. [shilling] in the Book for 1746, which is considered the most correct of those extant.
John Scott £129.0.0 Bonnywater Bridgend John Strachan of Thornton The heirs of Peter Henderson, merchant in Newfoundland, and John Strachan of Thornton £129.0.0
Robert Gilmore £172.13.4 Mar. 4, 1783 John Anderson's part of Forrester's quarter of Seabegs Lord Dundas Robert Russel, merchant, Falkirk £35.19.6
Robert Wyse's part of Forrester's quarter of Seabegs Lord Dundas John Mitchell, tanner, St Ninians £35.19.6
Robert Speirs' part of Forrester's quarter of Seabegs Lord Dundas Andrew Speirs of Lochgreen £32.7.8
John Gilmore's part of Forrester's quarter of Seabegs Lord Dundas Major-General Staton £32.7.7
John Liddle's part of Forrester's quarter of Seabegs Lord Dundas William Liddle £14.7.3
John Wilson's part of Forrester's quarter of Seabegs Lord Dundas Robert Russel, merchant, Falkirk £21.11.9
NOTE. -- There is a loss of 1d. [pence] upon these disjunctions.
William Moorhead £50.0.0 Drum Lord Dundas Thomas Russel, Drum, ½; William Scott, Jaw Craig, ½ £50.0.0
Quarrel £251.14.1 June 7, 1785 Captain Napier's part Mungall, held of Sir Thomas Dundas Lord Dundas J. Stainton £59.1.4
Mr Ramsay's part Mungall, held of Sir Thomas Dundas Lord Dundas J. Stainton £56.16.3
Disjoined 7th June, 1785, and confirmed 26th Jan., 1796 Mr Meeks' feu of Mr Ramsay Lord Dundas G. Meek's heirs £5.18.7
June 7, 1785 Mr Sword's feu of Mr Ramsay Lord Dundas Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Sword £9.15.3
Mr Mitchel's feu of Mr Ramsay Lord Dundas Thomas Livingstone Mitchell of Mungall Miln £8.11.4
Carron Company's part Mungall, held under Mr Forbes Lord Dundas Carron Company £2.2.1
Mr Ramsay for Provost Andrew Lord Dundas J. Stainton £0.16.9
Mr Ramsay for Provost Andrew Lord Dundas J. Stainton £0.6.7
Mr Callender's heirs Lord Dundas J. Stainton £23.15.9
Mr Mitchell, his part Lord Dundas Thomas Livingstone Mitchell, Mungall Miln £20.10.7
Andrew Ritchie's heirs Lord Dundas James Ritchie, Guildy Butts £38.19.7
Alexander Sword's part Mungall Lord Dundas Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Sword £22.0.0
Hon. [Honourable] Captain Napier's part of Alexander Sword's Lands Lord Dundas J. Stainton £3.0.0
Ellrig £300.0.0 June 27, 1774 That part of Ellrig possessed by H. Coubrough Andrew Stein of Wester Greenyards John Bread Ralston of Ellrig £150.0.0
Professor Hunter's half, including Croftandie, which was disjoined 5th March, 1731, at £75 John N. Forman, W.S. [Writer to the Signet], fiar, and John Forman, W.S. [Writer to the Signet], liferenter Carron Company £150.0.0
James Callender of Burn £26.4.2 Burnhouse William Forbes of Callendar James Fulton of Burnhouse £26.4.2
Abbotshaugh £516.10.2 April 30, 1811 Carron Bank part of Abbotshaugh Lord Dundas Carron Company £68.12.10
Abbotshaugh, Mungall, and Fullershaugh, Mr Ogilvie Lord Dundas Henry Stainton, London £447.17.4
Dorrator £297.2.4 Oct. 6, 1772 Sir Lawrence Dundas' part Dorrator Lord Dundas Lord Dundas £82.10.0
Seafield, being D. Ramsay's part of Dorrator Lord Dundas William Forbes of Callendar £80.0.0
Major Chalmers' property, Lands thereof Lord Dundas Johnh Baird and Feuars of Camelon £78.0.0
The Feus belonging to James Williamson, James Baird, Margaret Dobbie, Thomas Baird, James Buckie, Alexander Buckie, William Dobbie, John Gallaway, James Allan, Samuel Graham, George Renny, Thomas Gentle, John Dobbie, Andrew Leishman, and Thomas Smith, all in Camelon Lord Dundas The Feuars of Camelon £32.0.0
Glenfuir Lord Dundas The Union Canal Copmjany, and James Russel & Henry Aitken, writers, Falkirk £24.12.4
Powmiln £53.13.9 Feb. 9, 1707 James Watt's part of Powmiln and Lyon Thom William Forbes of Callendar Annabella Reid £10.0.0
Alexander Watt's part of Powmill and Lyon Thom William Forbes of Callendar William Forbes of Callendar £5.0.0
Ninian Wyse's part of Powmill and Lyon Thom William Forbes of Callendar Edward McKenzie £5.3.4
Mar. 7, 1740 John Taylor's Houses and Tenements in Falkirk, purchased from D. Walker William Forbes of Callendar Agnes and Elizabeth Cook & Robert Walker's heirs £5.0.0
Feb. 14, 1747 David Watt's Tenements in Falkirk part of do. purchased by him from Thomas Brown William Forbes of Callendar Agnes and Elizabeth Cook £5.0.0
Jan. 26, 1796 John Muirhead's part of do., as disjoined to him 14th March, 1758, afterwards to Mr Meek William Forbes of Callendar G. Meek's heirs £5.0.0
Remainder of Powmill undivided William Forbes of Calllendar Edward Mackenzie, carter, Marchfield £18.10.5
NOTE. -- The disjunction of these Lands appears somewhat differently in the Collector's Books from 1746 downwards. The three first sums do not seem to be entered there at all, but the name of a James Kincaid appears for £7, and the undivided valuation is stated at £31.19.9 from 1762 downwards.
Sir Alexander Livingston for Dalderse £375.16.0
David Oswald £728.0.0 Jan. 29, 1782 Yonder Haugh James Kincaid's heirs James Kincaid's heirs £89.1.2
Ladymill Farm John Callender of Woodburn John Callender of Woodburn £83.14.4
Disjoined 15th Sept., & confirmed October 2, 1827 Powflatt, and Farm of Haugh, including that part thereof feued to James Paterson, as the whole are described in a feu disposition therof by William Glen, in favour of John Ogilvie, dated March 12, 1787 Henry Home Drummond of Blair-Drummond, fiar, and William Moray Stirling of Ardoch, liferenter Henry Stainton, London £273.18.11

Transcribe other information

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Transcriber's notes

Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed.

On page 33, entries for Powmiln, lands with disjunction dates Feb. 14, 1747 and Jan. 26, 1796: unsure what the "do" references pertain to - mods to check.

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