
Proprietor and land Valuation
Badernock parioch
The Laird of Bardowie £405.14.4
Bankell £106.0.2
Bankeir £98.0.2
The Laird of Keir £204.4.8
The marques of montrois £679.5.4
John Campbell of dowan £20.2.8
james Stirling £71.8.4
Templewinning £16.2.2
Borrowstoune £72.9.6
The Laird of Ballbie £7.0.0
Allan Logan £64.8.4
Summa of this parioch is £1744.15.8
Strablaine parioch
john Craig of Cuilt £62.0.0
The barronie of duntreath £724.19.3
The barronie of mugdock £812.16.10
Walter Stirling of Ballaggane £89.7.9
Laird of Glorat £166.2.2
Ballagan qch [which] formerlie perteaned to Glorat, Ballagans owne rent not being compted heirwith £110.16.10
Archibald Edmonstounes rent £131.3.5
archibald Waire £48.6.4
Blarquhoise Cuninghame £194.14.3
Walter Stewart Proveist of dumbartane £74.0.10
Summa of this parioch is £2414.6.10
Killearne parioch
Branshogle £283.0.4
The Laird of duntreath £301.3.7
Killearne £328.11.4
Croy Leckie £93.19.4
Lord napeir £320.9.1
James Buchanan of Ballachroine £107.7.6
john Buchanan of meikle Carbeth £130.4.7
Alexander duine £64.8.6
Walter Buchanan for Carstoune £48.6.4
The said Walter for Gilliestoune £53.13.8
The Lands of Croy Cunynghame £109.10.6
Ballikinraine £136.17.10
The Laird of Houstoune £353.18.4
james mckeune £93.8.7
The viscount of Killsyth £107.7.6
Thomas Buchanan of Boquhane £109.10.6
The Lands of midle Glenboig £100.8.0
The lands of Lecher £41.1.6
The barronie of mugdock £60.4.8
Summa of this parioch is £2843.11.8
Drymen parioch
The Earle of monteath £976.9.11
The Laird of drimakeill £555.12.2
William Govean and mr james Craig £596.19.0
john Buchanan of Duchlass £15.0.0
William mcfarland of Badievow £10.0.0
john Buchanan of Craigievairne £123.6.0
john Buchanan of Easter Ballatt £92.9.0
Wester Ballatt £86.16.0
Walter Gow for park of drumquhassell £30.0.0
The Laird of Glenegeis £68.3.0
The Lands of drumdash £24.3.0
john Buchanan of Ballfunning £30.0.0
Thomas Buchanan £26.13.4
James Bachope £40.0.0
James Buchanan £96.12.8
trembeg £77.8.0
Bryce Blair of Finnick £119.18.0
Thomas Stevine £[64.0.0]
[john mcilquham] £21.1.0
john Ewing £16.2.0
john Logan of litle Camrone £43.12.8
Edward Buchanan of Spittall £75.16.6
margaret Buchanan £40.5.4
Temple Ballatt £21.9.6
john Grahame of duchrey £166.8.6
offerance £105.6.0
The Fewares of Cashlie £241.11.9
Ballwill £268.8.8
john mclauchlane of auchintroig £171.17.4
The lands of Garchell £186.0.8
Walter leckie of easter mye £208.6.6
Wester and midle myes £108.5.0
The lands of Kepculloch £64.8.0
Williame Buchanan of Gartochorane £32.4.0
The lands of Connachrae £40.5.4
Edward Cunynghame of Finnick £198.16.8
The said Edward for Camrounes woodsett £21.9.6
Summa of this parioch is £5065.18.[-]

Transcribe other information

[Page] 4

[Both pages signed]
Francis Napeir

Transcriber's notes

Where value amounts are illegible in right hand margin, they have been obtained from Valuation Roll entries in Volume 5.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Littlejohn01