E106/30/1/1 |
Parish of Ettrick |
E106/30/1/1 |
Alexander Hay of Drummelziers lands |
E106/30/1/1 |
Kiskinhope & Wardlawrig, Seven hundred & thirty three pounds six shillings & eight pennies Scots money |
£733.6.8 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Muckraw, Seven hundred and thirty three pounds Six shillings and eight pennies Scots money |
£733.6.8 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Chapelhope & Langbank, Seven hundred and thirty three pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£733.6.8 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Summerhope, Two hundred and forty four pounds eight shillings and ten pennies |
£244.8.10 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Sum of gross valuation, Two thousand four hundred & forty four pounds eight shillings and ten pennies |
£2444.8.10 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Deduce, Feu duty, Twenty six pounds thirteen Shillings and four pennies |
£26.13.4 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Item, Stipend, One hundred pounds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Sum of deductions, One hundred & twenty six pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£126.13.4 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Remains of neat valuation, Two thousand three hundred & seventeen pounds fifteen shillings and six pennies |
£2317.15.6 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Walter Williamson of Cardronas lands |
E106/30/1/1 |
Cossershill & Brokhoperig, alias Espinhope & Brokhope, seven hundred and thirty three pounds six shillings and eight pennies scots |
£733.6.8 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Braidgarhill & Pottburn, Seven hundred and thirty three pounds six shillings & eight pennies |
£733.6.8 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Sum of gross valuation, One thousand four hundred and Sixty six pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£1466.13.4 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Deduce, Feu duty, Thirteen pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£13.13.4 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Item, Stipend, Sixty six pounds thirteen Shillings and four pennies |
£66.13.4 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Sum of deductions, Eighty pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£80.6.8 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Remains of neat valuation, One thousand three hundred and eighty six pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£1386.6.8 |
E106/30/1/1 |
Carried Over |
£3704.2.2 |
E106/30/1/1 |
[Page] 1
Valuation Book of the County of Selkirk compiled from
sundry copies of the Original Valuation Book of that County and
the secteriant Books and proceedings of the Commissioners of Supply
Anno 1785
[signed] Adam Ogilvie |
E106/30/1/3 |
Ettrick Parish Brought forward |
£3704.2.2 |
E106/30/1/3 |
The Honble. [Honourable] Lord Napier's lands |
E106/30/1/3 |
Thirlestain Stock and Teind, Eight hundred and thirty three pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£833.6.8 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Ramseycleugh Stock & T [Teind], Six hundred and Sixty six pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£666.13.4 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Craighill St: & T: [Stock & Teind], One hundred and Sixty six pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£166.13.4 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Scabcleugh or Stobcleugh St: & T: [Stock & Teind], Three hundred and fifty three pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£353.6.8 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Over Kirkhope St: & T: [Stock & Teind], Five hundred and thirty three pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£533.6.8 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Sum of Gross valuation, Two thousand five hundred and fifty three pounds six shillings & eight pennies Scots |
£2553.6.8 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Deduce Feu duty, Twenty six pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£26.13.4 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Item Stipend, One hundred and thirty three pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£133.6.8 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Sum of deductions, One hundred and sixty pounds |
£160.0.0 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Remains of neat valuation, Two thousand three hundred and ninety three pounds six shillings & eight pennies Scots |
£2393.6.8 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Thomas McMillan of Shorthopes lands |
E106/30/1/3 |
Over Dalgliesh, Five hundred and eighty six pounds nineteen shillings and two pennies |
£586.19.2 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Nether Dalgliesh, Three hundred and forty two pounds seven shillings and ten pennies |
£342.7.10 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Shorthope, Three hundred and eighty seven pounds nineteen shillings and eight pennies |
£387.19.8 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Feu duty formerly payable to the Earl of Mar, Ten pounds |
£10.0.0 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Sum of neat valuation, One thousand three hundred and twenty seven pounds six shillings and eight pennies Scots |
£1327.6.8 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Alexander Robertson of Ettrick houses lands |
E106/30/1/3 |
Ettrick house or Ettrick hall, of neat valuation, Four hundred and four pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£404.13.4 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Robert Ballantyne of Fawhopes lands |
E106/30/1/3 |
Fawhope, of neat valuation, Five hundred and twenty six pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£526.13.4 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Carried forward |
£8356.2.2 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Ettrick Parish Brought forward |
£8356.2.2 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Charles Scott of Woolls lands |
E106/30/1/3 |
Midgehope, of neat valuation, Five hundred and sixty one pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£561.6.8 |
E106/30/1/3 |
John Rutherfoord of Edgerstons lands |
E106/30/1/3 |
Glenkerry, of Neat valuation, Five hundred and sixty one pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£561.6.8 |
E106/30/1/3 |
His Grace the Duke of Buccleughs lands |
E106/30/1/3 |
Feu duties formerly payable out of the following lands to the Earlof Haddington vizt. Out of Thirlestain, Ramsaycleugh, Craighill, Scabcleugh, & over Kirkhope, Twenty six pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£26.13.4 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Cossershill, Brokehoperig, Braidgarhill and Potburn, Thirteen pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£13.13.4 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Dalgliesh's Shorthope & Ettrich house, Five pounds |
£5.0.0 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Fawhope, Six pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£6.13.4 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Midgehope and Glenkerry, Ten pounds and Thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£10.13.4 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Sum of these feu duties, Sixty two pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£62.13.4 |
E106/30/1/3 |
East side of Buccleugh Stock & teind, One thousand one hundred & forty four pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£1144.13.4 |
E106/30/1/3 |
West side of Buccleugh St: & T: [Stock & Teind], Nine hundred and fifteen pounds seventeen shillings and four pennies |
£915.17.4 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Anelshope St: & T: [Stock & Teind], Five hundred and forty pounds |
£540.0.0 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Teinds of Tushilaw, Cornlaw and Caerabank, One hundred and twenty pounds |
£120.0.0 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Sum of Gross valuation Two thousand seven hundred & twenty pounds ten shillings & eight pennies |
£2720.10.8 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Deduce Feu duty, Stipends etc, One hundred and eighty six pounds six shillings |
£186.6.0 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Remains of neat valuation, Two thousand five hundred and thirty four pounds four shillings and eight pennies |
£2534.4.8 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Three quarters of Winterburgh or Newburgh now called Corselee, of Stock one thousand two hundred & sixty six pounds ten shillings |
£1266.10.0 |
E106/30/1/3 |
The other quarter of Winterburgh and Teinds of the whole six hundred and forty four pounds three shillings & four pennies |
£644.3.4 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Deephope and Mountcommon, Three hundred and fifty six pounds ten shillings |
£356.10.0 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Sum of neat valuation of His Graces lands in Ettrick, Four thousand eight hundred and sixty four pounds one shilling and four pennies |
£4864.1.4 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Carried Over |
£14342.16.10 |
E106/30/1/3 |
Ettrick Parish Brought forward |
£3704.2.2 |
E106/30/1/3 |
[Page] 2 [signed] Adam Ogilvie
[Page] 3 [signed] Adam Ogilvie |
E106/30/1/5 |
Ettrick Parish Brought Over |
£14342.16.10 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Mrs. Anderson of Tushielaws lands |
E106/30/1/5 |
Tushielaw, Cornlaw and Cachabank of neat valuation, One thousand Six hundred and fifteen pounds six shillings & eight pennies |
£1615.6.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Total valuation of Ettrick Parish, Fifteen thousand nine hundred & fifty eight pounds three shillings & six pennies Scots money |
£15958.3.6 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Parish of Yarrow |
E106/30/1/5 |
His Grace the Duke of Buccleughs lands |
E106/30/1/5 |
Nether Deloraine Stock and Teind, Eight hundred and fifty four pounds six shillings Scots |
£854.6.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Wester Deloraine St: & T: [Stock & Teind], One thousand & forty nine pounds |
£1049.0.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Outer Huntly St: & T: [Stock & Teind], Three hundred and thirteen pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£313.6.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Over & Nether Eldinhope St: & T: [Stock & Teind], Nine hundred & two pounds |
£902.0.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Eldinhopeknow St: & T [Stock & Teind], Three hundred and sixty six pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£366.13.4 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Eltrieve St: & T [Stock & Teind], One thousand one hundred & eleven pounds ten shillings |
£1111.10.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
West Side of Mountbenger St: & T [Stock & Teind], One thousand one hundred and twenty pounds |
£1120.0.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
East Side of Mountbenger St: & T: [Stock & Teind], Nine hundred and forty seven pounds |
£947.0.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Catslackburn St: & T: [Stock & Teind], Eight hundred and seventy eight pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£878.13.4 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Catslacknow St: & T: [Stock & Teind], Three hundred and thirty two pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£332.13.4 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Shootinglees Allerhouse and Glengaber Stock & Teind, one thousand pounds |
£1000.0.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Blackgrain and Whithope St: and T: [Stock and Teind], One thousand three hundred and forty one pounds six shillings & eight pennies |
£1341.6.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Ladhope St: & T: [Stock & Teind], Two hundred and ninety three pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£293.6.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Tinnes St: & T: [Stock & Teind], One thousand two hundred pounds |
£1200.0.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Peil and Hathorn St: & T: [Stock & Teind], Six hundred pounds |
£600.0.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
The Teinds of the following lands |
E106/30/1/5 |
Of Bowerhope & Corsecleugh, Ninety pounds Six shillings |
£90.6.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Of half of Easter Kirkhope, Twenty pounds |
£20.0.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Of Gilmenscleugh Sixty six pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£66.13.4 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Of Hyndhope Thirty three pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£33.6.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Of Redfordgreen and Drycleughsheils Twenty eight pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£28.13.4 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Carried forward |
£12548.15.4 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Yarrow Parish continued |
E106/30/1/5 |
Duke of Buccleughs Valuation Brought forward |
£12548.15.4 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Of Shaws Baillielees and Helmburn One hundred pounds eight shillings |
£100.8.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Of Inner Huntly, Fourteen pounds six shillings |
£14.6.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Of Birke Twenty two pounds |
£22.0.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Of Wester Fauldshope, Kirkhope, Newhouse, Singlee, Berrybush and Deephope & Mountcommon, Two hundred & two pounds twelve shillings & eight pennies |
£202.12.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Sum of the gross valuation of these lands and teinds Twelve thousand eight hundred and eighty eight pounds two shillings |
£12888.2.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Deduce Feu duty Stipend Eight hundred and eighty six pounds fourteen shillings |
£886.14.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Remains being the neat Valuation of the above lands and teinds, Twelve thousand and one pounds eight shillings Scotts money |
£12001.8.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Kirkstead, Five hundred and fifty four pounds eight shillings and four pennies |
£554.8.4 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Over Dryhope, Two hundred and eighty one pounds three shillings and four pennies |
£281.3.4 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Dryhope and Wardlaw Eight hundred and eighty pounds eighteen shillings and four pennies |
£880.18.4 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Sum being the gross valuation of these Articles, one thousand seven hundred and sixteen pounds ten shillings |
£1716.10.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Deduce Stipend, Fourteen pounds twelve shillings and eight pennies |
£14.12.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Remains being the neat valuation of these three Articles, One thousand seven hundred & one pounds seventeen shillings & four pennies |
£1701.17.4 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Dewchan & Mill Stock and Teind of neat valuation Eight hundred and seven pounds six shillings & eight pennies |
£807.6.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Quarter of Kershope formerly belonging to Lundhope one hundred and nineteen pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£119.13.4 |
E106/30/1/5 |
The other Quarter of Kershope, One hundred and ninety three pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£193.6.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Gilmenscleugh and a quarter of Fawoodsheills Eight hundred and twenty nine pounds ten shillings |
£829.10.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Kirkhope and Mill Nine hundred and thirteen pounds four shillings and eight pennies |
£913.4.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Singlee, Six hundred and seventy seven pounds |
£677.0.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Hawfoord Five hundred & five pounds six shillings & eight pennies |
£505.6.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Wester Fauldshope, Four hundred and eighteen pounds Six shillings and eight pennies |
£418.6.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Berrybush, Two hundred & twenty seven pounds eighteen shillings |
£227.18.0 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Newhouse, Eight hundred eighty two pounds sixteen shillings and eight pennies |
£882.16.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Sum of the Dukes neat Valuation in Yarrow parish Nineteen thousand two hundred & seventy seven pounds fourteen shillings & eight pennies Scots |
£19277.14.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
Carried Over |
£19277.14.8 |
E106/30/1/5 |
[Page] 4 [signed] Adam Ogilvie
[Page] 5 [signed] Adam Ogilvie |
E106/30/1/7 |
Yarrow Parish Brought Over |
£19277.14.8 |
E106/30/1/7 |
The Right Hone. [Honourable] The Earl of Traquairs lands |
E106/30/1/7 |
Part of Craig of Douglas sometime liferented by George Ballantyne Four hundred and forty three pounds eleven shillings and eight pennies of neat valuation |
£443.11.8 |
E106/30/1/7 |
The remainder of Craig of Douglas liferented by Andrew Douglas, Four hundred and forty three pounds eleven shillings & eight pennies |
£443.11.8 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Part of Blackhouse sometime liferented by Patrick Murray Four hundred & forty three pounds eleven shillings & eight pennies |
£443.11.8 |
E106/30/1/7 |
The remainder of Blackhouse liferented by Robert Scott Four hundred and forty three pounds eleven shillings & eight pennies |
£443.11.8 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Wester Ploraw, One hundred pounds six shillings |
£109.6.0 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Birks or Evillance, Three hundred & twenty pounds |
£320.0.0 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Ploraw, Two hundred and fifty seven pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£257.13.4 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Sum of neat valuation, Two thousand four hundred & sixty one pounds six shillings Scots |
£2461.6.0 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Col. [Colonel] William Russell of Ashisteels lands |
E106/30/1/7 |
Ashisteel, Of neat valuation, Four hundred and sixty six pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£466.13.4 |
E106/30/1/7 |
The Right Hone. [Honourable] Lord Elibanks Lands |
E106/30/1/7 |
East half of Elibank Four hundred and seventy five pounds eight shillings and eight pennies |
£475.8.8 |
E106/30/1/7 |
West half of Elibank, Four hundred and seventy five pounds eight shillings and eight pennies |
£475.8.8 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Sum of neat valuation, Nine hundred and fifty pounds seventeen shillings & four pennies Scots |
£950.17.4 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Walter Williamson of Cardrona's lands |
E106/30/1/7 |
Fawnburnhead or Glenpott, Four hundred and ninety five pounds six shillings and eight pennies of neat valuation |
£495.6.8 |
E106/30/1/7 |
The Hone. [Honourable] Lord Napiers land |
E106/30/1/7 |
Bowerhope and Corscleugh, Nine hundred and sixty seven pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies of neat valuation |
£967.13.4 |
E106/30/1/7 |
James Lauder of Carrolsides lands |
E106/30/1/7 |
Redfordgreen and Drycleughsheils, Of neat valuation, One hundred and sixty nine [pounds] six shillings and eight pennies |
£169.6.8 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Sir Gilbert Elliot of Mintos lands |
E106/30/1/7 |
Langhope of Stock, Five hundred and forty eight pounds eight shillings and four pennies |
£548.8.4 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Teinds of Langhope, Thirty three pounds |
£33.0.0 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Sum of neat valuation of Langhope Stock & Teind, Five hundred & eighty one pounds eight shillings and four pennies Scots |
£581.8.4 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Carried forward |
£25370.6.4 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Yarrow parish Brought forward |
£25370.6.4 |
E106/30/1/7 |
John Johnstone of Alvas lands |
E106/30/1/7 |
Hangingshaw Stock & teind, Nine hundred & twenty pounds |
£920.0.0 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Lewinshope and Scadarig St: & T: [Stock & Teind], 0ne thousand Six hundred pounds |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Sum of gross valuation, Two thousand five hundred and twenty pounds |
£2520.0.0 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Deduce Feu duty, One hundred pounds ten shillings |
£100.10.0 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Item Stipend, Two hundred pounds |
£200.0.0 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Sum of deductions, Three hundred pounds ten shillings |
£300.10.0 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Remains of neat valuation of these lands, Two thusand two hundred & nineteen pounds ten shillings |
£2219.10.0 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Wester Kershope of neat valuation, Three hundred & twenty five pounds |
£325.0.0 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Sundhope, Four hundred and fifty four pounds eight shillings and eight pennies |
£454.8.8 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Hollandrig and Sandbed of Sundhope, sixty pounds eight shillings and two pennies |
£60.8.2 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Sundhopehead, One hundred and twenty three pounds sixteen shillings and six pennies |
£123.16.6 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Shaws, Four hundred and twenty seven pounds three shillings & six pennies |
£427.3.6 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Baillielees, Four hundred & ten pounds eleven shillings & eight pennies |
£410.11.8 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Helenburn, Four hundred and twenty seven pounds three shillings and six pennies |
£427.3.6 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Sum of neat valuations of Mr. Johnstones lands above were mentioned Four thousand four hundred and forty eight pounds two shillings Scots |
£4448.2.0 |
E106/30/1/7 |
James Cunninghame of Hyndhopes lands |
E106/30/1/7 |
Hyndhope of neat valuation, Three hundred and seventeen pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£317.13.4 |
E106/30/1/7 |
James Mercer of Scotsbanks lands |
E106/30/1/7 |
Dodhead or Scotsbank, Four hundred and fifty two pounds ten shillings and eight pennies |
£452.10.8 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Teinds of Dodhead, thirty pounds fourteen shillings |
£30.14.0 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Sum of neat valuation of these lands and Teinds, Four hundred and eighty three pounds four shillings & eight pennies |
£483.4.8 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Walter Scott of Hardens lands |
E106/30/1/7 |
Whithillbrae, Three hundred and fifteen pounds seventeen shillings and six pennies |
£315.17.6 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Hitlarburn, Three hundred and fifteen pounds seventeen shillings and six pennies |
£315.17.6 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Inner Huntly, One hundred & twenty six pounds eight shillings and four pennies Scotts |
£126.8.4 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Sum of neat valuation, seven hundred and fifty eight pounds three shillings and four pennies Scotts |
£758.3.4 |
E106/30/1/7 |
Total valuation of Yarrow parish, Thirty one thousand three hundred and seventy seven pounds nine shillings and eight pennies Scots money |
£31377.9.8 |
E106/30/1/7 |
[Page] 6 [signed] Adam Ogilvie
[Page] 7 [signed] Adam Ogilvie |
E106/30/1/9 |
Part of the Parish of Selkirk |
E106/30/1/9 |
His Grace The Duke of Buccleugh lands |
E106/30/1/9 |
Faside alias Foulshiels of Stock, Four hundred and eighty pounds |
£480.0.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Fastheugh of Stock, Five hundred pounds |
£500.0.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
New-wark of Stock, Three hundred pounds |
£300.0.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Old-wark of Stock, One hundred andforty three pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£143.6.8 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Carterhaugh of Stock, Four hundred & twenty pounds |
£420.0.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Newwark mill of Stock, Two hundred pounds |
£200.0.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Sum of gross valuation, Two thousand & forty three pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£2043.6.8 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Deduce Feu duty, One hundred and fifty four pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£154.13.4 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Remains of neat valuation, One thousand eight hundred & eighty eight pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£1888.13.4 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Tiends of the above lands purchased from the Duke if Roxburgh, Four hundred and forty five pounds six shillings & eight pennies |
£445.6.8 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Easter Fauldshope Four hundred and seventeen pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£417.6.8 |
E106/30/1/9 |
South Bowhill Three hundred & seven pounds & eight shillings |
£307.8.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
North Bowhill Four hundred and five pounds |
£405.0.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Yair and Mill One thousand and four hundred & nine pounds six shillings & eight pennies |
£1409.6.8 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Sum of neat valuation of his Graces lands in Selkirk Parish, Four thousand eight hundred & seventy three pounds one shilling & four pennies Scotts |
£4873.1.4 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Walter Scott of Hardens lands |
E106/30/1/9 |
The two Oakwoods and Mill of neat valuation, Eight hundred and eighty three pounds eighteen shillings & eight pennies |
£883.18.3 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Adam Ogilvie of Hartwoodmyres's lands |
E106/30/1/9 |
Hartwoodmyres, Four hundred and fifty eight pounds ten shillings of neat valuation |
£458.10.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
George Pott of Todridge's lands |
E106/30/1/9 |
Todridge of neat valuation, Five hundred and seventy six pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£576.6.8 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Charles Scott of Woolls Lands |
E106/30/1/9 |
Broadmeadows, Four hundred and seventy pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£470.13.4 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Shaw Two hundred & four pounds three shillings & four pennies |
£204.3.4 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Sum of neat valuation, Six hundred & Seventy four pounds sixteen shillings & eight pennies |
£674.16.8 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Carried forward |
£7466.13.4 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Selkirk Parish Brought forward |
£7466.13.4 |
E106/30/1/9 |
John Murray of Philliphaughs lands |
E106/30/1/9 |
Nether Town of Philliphaugh, Four hundred and forty nine pounds two shillings |
£449.2.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Proportion of tiend duty effeiring thereto six pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£6.6.8 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Upper Town of Philiphaugh, Nine hundred and Sixty seven pounds eleven shillings & four pennies |
£967.11.4 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Proportion of Teind duty effeiring thereto Thirteen pounds Thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£13.13.4 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Sum of neat valuation, One thousand four hundred & thirty six pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£1436.13.4 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Gilbert Innes of Stows lands |
E106/30/1/9 |
Williamhope, Four hundred pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies of neat valuation |
£400.13.4 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Burgh of Selkirks lands |
E106/30/1/9 |
Lands of Selkirk whereof Mr. Douglas of Douglas is superior (called Marques lands), seven hundred and six pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£706.13.4 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Feu duty payable thereof to Mr. Douglas, Thirty four pounds |
£34.0.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Two husband lands Eighty pounds |
£80.0.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Heatherlie and Batts, Two hundred and thirty two pounds ten shillings |
£232.10.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Sum of neat valuations, One thousand & fifty three pounds three shillings & four pennies |
£1053.3.4 |
E106/30/1/9 |
John Pringle of Cliftons lands |
E106/30/1/9 |
Haining, One thousand four hundred and forty one pounds three shillings and four pennies |
£1441.3.4 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Teinds thereof purchased to the extent of One hundred pounds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Hartwoodburn, Two hundred and eight pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£208.6.8 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Howden, Two hundred & eighteen pounds |
£218.0.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Sum of neat valuation, One thousand nine hundred & Sixty seven pounds ten shillings |
£1967.10.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Thomas Curror of Brownmoors lands |
E106/30/1/9 |
Brownmuir of neat valuation Two hundred and eight pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£208.6.8 |
E106/30/1/9 |
Carried Over |
£12533.0.0 |
E106/30/1/9 |
[Page] 8 [signed] Adam Ogilvie
[Page] 9 [signed] Adam Ogilvie |
E106/30/1/11 |
Selkirk parish Brought Over |
£12533.0.0 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Andrew Plummer of Middlesteads lands |
E106/30/1/11 |
Middlestead, Five hundred and thirty six pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£536.6.8 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Sunderland and Sunderland hall, Six hundred & seven pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£607.6.8 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Sum of neat valuation, One thousand one hundred and forty three pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£1143.13.4 |
E106/30/1/11 |
The Heirs of the late Earl of Wigton |
E106/30/1/11 |
Feu duty of half of Sunderland and Sunderland hall, Ten pounds thirteen shilliings and four pennies Scots |
£10.13.4 |
E106/30/1/11 |
His Grace The Duke of Roxburgh |
E106/30/1/11 |
Teinds of that part of Selkirk parish which is within the County of Selkirk after deducing stipend, One thousand five hundred and twenty two pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies of neat valuation |
£1522.13.4 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Deduce the following Teinds Sold to the different heritors vizt. Teinds of Faside, Fastheugh, Newwark, Oldwark, Carterhaugh and Newwark Mill sold to the Duke of Buccleugh, Four hundred and forty five pounds six Shillings and eight pennies |
£445.6.8 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Half teinds of Haining sold to Mr. Pringle of Clifton, One hundred pounds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Teind duty formerly payable by Mr. Murray of Philiphaugh, Twenty pounds |
£20.0.0 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Sum of deductions, Five hundred and sixty five pounds Six shillings and eight pennies |
£565.6.8 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Remains being the Duke of Roxburghs neat valuation for unpurchased teinds, Nine hundred & fifty seven pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£957.6.8 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Total Valuation of that part of Selkirk parish which is within the County of Selkirk, Fourteen thousand six hundred and forty four pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£14644.13.4 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Part of the Parish of Innerleithen |
E106/30/1/11 |
Thomas Ballantyne of Holilees Lands |
E106/30/1/11 |
Gatehopeknow or Gatehopegrain, Two hundred and eighty nine pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£289.6.8 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Sithope, Three hundred and fifty pounds |
£350.0.0 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Holilee, Four hundred pounds |
£400.0.0 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Sum of neat valuation, One thousand and thirty nine pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£1039.6.8 |
E106/30/1/11 |
The Right Honble. [Honourable] The Earl of Traquairs lands |
E106/30/1/11 |
Viccarage teinds of Holilee, Seventy nine pounds sixteen shillings and eight pennies of neat valuation |
£79.16.8 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Gilbert Innes of Stows Lands |
E106/30/1/11 |
Thornilee, Three hundred and eighty seven pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£387.13.4 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Viccarage teinds thereof purchased from Lord Traquair, Eighty pounds three shillings and four pennies |
£80.3.4 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Sum of neat valuation, Four hundred and Sixty Seven pounds sixteen shillings and eight pennies |
£467.16.8 |
E106/30/1/11 |
William Ballantyne of Priesthopes lands |
E106/30/1/11 |
Priesthope of neat valuation Two hundred and fifty four pounds |
£254.0.0 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Total valuation of that part of Innerleithen parish which is within the County of Selkirk, One thousand eight hundred and forty one pounds Scots money |
£1841.0.0 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Part of the Parish of Galasheils |
E106/30/1/11 |
Hugh Scott of Gala's lands |
E106/30/1/11 |
Galasheils, Three thousand Six hundred and ten pounds eighteen shillings and four pennies |
£3610.18.4 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Blindlee, Eight hundred and Sixty pounds |
£860.0.0 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Sum of neat valuation, Four thousand four hundred and seventy pounds eighteen shillings and four pennies |
£4470.18.4 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Mark Pringle of Fairnilies lands |
E106/30/1/11 |
Fairnilie, Nine hundred and twenty nine pounds Six shillings and four pennies |
£929.6.4 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Rink, Four hundred and ninety one pounds two shillings |
£491.2.0 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Sum of neat valuation, One thousand four hundred and twenty pounds eight shillings and four pennies |
£1420.8.4 |
E106/30/1/11 |
Total valuation of that part of Galasheils parish which is within the County of Selkirk, Five thousand eight hundred and ninety one pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£5891.6.8 |
E106/30/1/11 |
[Page] 10 [signed] Adam Ogilvie
[Page] 11 [signed] Adam Ogilvie |
E106/30/1/13 |
Part of the Parish of Roberton |
E106/30/1/13 |
His Grace The Duke of Buccleugh's lands |
E106/30/1/13 |
Bellenden, Three hundred and six pounds |
£306.0.0 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Craich, Midshaw and Whinnycleugh, Six hundred and sixty six pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£666.13.4 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Tiends of Roberton Howcleugh and Hoscotes, Thirty three pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£33.6.8 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Teinds of Philip, Sixty pounds |
£60.0.0 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Sum of neat valuation, one thousand one hundred and Sixty six pounds |
£1066.0.0 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Adam Scott of Galalaws lands |
E106/30/1/13 |
Roberton, of Stock, One hundred pounds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Walter Scott of Howcleugh's lands |
E106/30/1/13 |
Howcleugh of Stock, One hundred and thirty three pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£133.6.8 |
E106/30/1/13 |
John Grieve of Hoscote's lands |
E106/30/1/13 |
Hoscotes of Stock, Two hundred pounds |
£200.0.0 |
E106/30/1/13 |
William Chisholme of Chisholme's lands |
E106/30/1/13 |
Philip of Stock, Four hundred pounds |
£400.0.0 |
E106/30/1/13 |
John Elliot of Borthwichbraes lands |
E106/30/1/13 |
Part of Borthwichbrae and West side of Howcleugh liferented by Thomas Scott, Four hundred and forty nine pounds eight shillings and four pennies |
£449.8.4 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Proportion of the feu duty formerly payable to Lord Borthwick offeiring thereto, Four pounds fourteen shillings and seven pennies |
£4.14.7 |
E106/30/1/13 |
The remainder of Borthwickbrae and West side of Howcleugh, Five hundred pounds eleven shillings and eight pennies |
£500.11.8 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Proportion of the said feu duty effeiring thereto, Five pounds five shillings and five pennies |
£5.5.5 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Wester Alemoor, Three hundred and eight pounds three shillings and four pennies |
£308.3.4 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Sum of neat valuation, One thousand two hundred and sixty eight pounds three shillings & four pennies |
£1268.3.4 |
E106/30/1/13 |
John Pringle of Clifton lands |
E106/30/1/13 |
Easter Alemoor, Three hundred and eight pounds three shillings and four pennies neat valuation |
£308.3.4 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Total valuation of that part of Roberton parish which is within the County of Selkirk, Three thousand four hundred and seventy five pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies Scots money |
£3475.13.4 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Part of the Parish of Stow |
E106/30/1/13 |
James Pringle of Torwoodlees lands |
E106/30/1/13 |
Cadenlee and Laidlawsteel Stock and Teind, Seven hundred and eighty pounds |
£780.0.0 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Crosslee Stock & Teind, Two hundred and thirty three pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£233.6.8 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Torwoodlee and pertinents St: & T: [Stock & Teind], Eight hundred & thirty six pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£836.13.4 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Newmills St: & T: [Stock & Teind], Ninety pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£90.13.4 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Sum of gross valuation, One thousand nine hundred & forty pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£1940.13.4 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Deduce Feu duty, Eighty one pounds five shillings |
£81.5.0 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Item, Stipend, Seventy three pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£73.6.8 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Sum of deductions, One hundred & fifty four pounds eleven shillings & eight pennies |
£154.11.8 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Remains of neat valuation, One thousand seven hundred & eighty six pounds one shilling & eight pennies |
£1786.1.8 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Cadenhead, Six hundred and twenty eight pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£628.6.8 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Half of the Teinds thereof formerly payable to the then proprietor of Torwoodlee, Fifty five pounds |
£55.0.0 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Trinlyknows, Five hundred pounds eight pennies |
£500.0.8 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Windydoors, Five hundred and seventeen pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£517.6.8 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Sum of neat valuation, Three thousand four hundred & eighty six pounds fifteen shillings & eight pennies |
£3486.15.8 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Alexander Pringle of Whitebanks lands |
E106/30/1/13 |
Whitebank and Bashamill, including Thornhole of neat valuation, six hundred & sixty nine pounds ten shillings & three pennies |
£669.10.3 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Gilbert Innes of Stows lands |
E106/30/1/13 |
Blackhaugh, Four hundred and two pounds five shillings and seven pennies |
£402.5.7 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Knoros, One hundred and forty four pounds seventeen shillings and six pennies |
£144.17.6 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Sum of neat valuation, Five hundred and forty seven pounds three shillings & one penny |
£547.3.1 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Sir James Pringle of Stitchells lands |
E106/30/1/13 |
Newhall,of neat Valuation, Two hundred and six pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£206.13.4 |
E106/30/1/13 |
Total valuation of that part of the parish of Stow which is within the County of Selkirk, Four thousand nine hundred & ten pounds two shillings & four pennies Scotts money |
£4910.2.4 |
E106/30/1/13 |
[Page] 12 [signed] Adam Ogilvie
[Page] 13 [signed] Adam Ogilvie |
E106/30/1/15 |
Part of the Parish of Askirk |
E106/30/1/15 |
John Scott of Sinton's lands |
E106/30/1/15 |
Sinton and Mill, of neat valuation, One thousand Six hundred pounds |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/30/1/15 |
James Lauder of Carrolside's lands |
E106/30/1/15 |
Whitslaid, of neat valuation, Two hundred and Sixty Six pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£266.13.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Total valuation of that part of the parish of Askirk which is within the County of Selkirk, One thousand eight hundred and sixty six pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies Scots money |
£1866.13.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Part of the Parish of Peebles |
E106/30/1/15 |
James Hay of Haystons lands |
E106/30/1/15 |
Easter Glensax, of neat valuation, Three hundred and forty two pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£342.13.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Valuation of part of the Parish of Peebles which is within the County of Selkirk, Three hundred and forty two pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£342.13.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Abstract |
E106/30/1/15 |
Parish of Ettrick, Fifteen thousand nine hundred and fifty eight pounds three shillings and six pennies |
£15958.3.6 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Parish of Yarrow, Thirty one thousand three hundred and seventy seven pounds nine shillings and eight pennies |
£31377.9.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Part of the Parish of Selkirk, Fourteen thousand six hundred and forty four pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£14644.13.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Part of the Parish of Innerleithen, One thousand eight hundred and forty one pounds |
£1841.0.0 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Part of the Parish of Galasheils, Five thousand eight hundred and ninety one pounds six shillings and eight pennies |
£5891.6.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Part of the Parish of Roberton, Three thousand four hundred and seventy five pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£3475.13.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Part of the Parish of Stow, Four thousand nine hundred and ten pounds two shillings and four pennies |
£4910.2.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Part of the Parish of Askirk, One thousand eight hundred and sixty six pounds thirteen shillings & four pennies |
£1866.13.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Part of the Parish of Peebles, Three hundred and forty two pounds thirteen shillings and four pennies |
£342.13.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Sum of neat Valuation of the Whole County of Selkirk, Eighty thousand Three hundred and seven pounds fifteen shillings & six pennies Scots money |
£80307.15.6 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Abstract of the whole Showing each heritors' whole valuation in one view Being the rule for proportioning the Land tax and other public burdens among the Land holders of the County in all time, coming subject never the less to future disjunctions Etc. |
E106/30/1/15 |
1 Duke of Buccleugh's valuation in Ettrick parish, Vide p.3 |
£4864.1.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
-- Duke of Buccleugh's valuation in Yarrow parish p.5 |
£19277.14.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
-- Duke of Buccleugh's valuation in Selkirk parish p.8 |
£4873.1.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
-- Duke of Buccleugh's valuation in Roberton parish p.12 |
£1066.0.0 |
E106/30/1/15 |
[Sub Total] |
£30080.17.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
2 Hugh Scott of Galas valuation in Galasheils parish p.11 |
£4470.18.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
3 John Johnstone of Alvas lands in Yarrow parish p.7 |
£4448.2.0 |
E106/30/1/15 |
4 James Pringle of Torwoodlees Lands in Stow parish p.13 |
£3486.15.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
5 Lord Napiers lands in Ettrick parish p.2 |
£2393.6.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
-- Lord Napiers lands in Yarrow parish p.6 |
£967.13.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
[Sub Total] |
£3361.0.0 |
E106/30/1/15 |
6 Earl of Traquaires lands in Yarrow parish p.6 |
£2461.6.0 |
E106/30/1/15 |
-- Earl of Traquaires lands in Innerleithen parish p.11 |
£79.16.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
[Sub Total] |
£2541.2.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
7 Alexander Hay of Drummelziers lands in Ettrick parish p.1 |
£2317.15.6 |
E106/30/1/15 |
8 John Pringle of Cliftons lands in Selkirk parish p.9 |
£1967.10.0 |
E106/30/1/15 |
-- John Pringle of Cliftons lands in Roberton parish p.12 |
£308.3.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
[Sub Total] |
£2275.13.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
9 Walter Williamson of Cardronas lands in Ettrick parish p.1 |
£1386.6.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
-- Walter Williamson of Cardronas lands in Yarrow parish p.6 |
£495.6.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
[Sub Total |
£1881.13.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
10 Walter Scott of Hardens lands in Yarrow parish p.7 |
£758.3.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
-- Walter Scott of Hardens lands in Selkirk parish p. 8 |
£883.18.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
[Sub Total] |
£1642.2.0 |
E106/30/1/15 |
11 Mrs. Anderson of Tushilaws lands in Ettrick parish p.4 |
£1615.6.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
12 John Scott of Sintons lands in Askirk parish p.14 |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/30/1/15 |
13 John Murray of Philiphaughs lands in Selkirk parish p.9 |
£1436.13.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
14 Mark Pringle of Fairnilies lands in Galasheils parish p.11 |
£1420.8.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
15 Gilbert Innes of Stows lands in Stow parish p.13 |
£547.3.1 |
E106/30/1/15 |
-- Gilbert Innes of Stows lands in Innerleithen parish p. 11 |
£467.16.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
-- Gilbert Innes of Stows lands in Selkirk parish p.9 |
£400.13.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
[Sub Total] |
£1415.13.1 |
E106/30/1/15 |
16 Thomas McMillan of Shorthopes lands in Ettrick parish p.2 |
£1327.6.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
17 John Elliot of Borthwickbraes lands in Roberton parish p.12 |
£1268.3.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
18 Charles Scott of Woolls lands in Ettrick parish p.3 |
£561.6.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
-- Charles Scott of Woolls lands in Selkirk parish p.8 |
£674.16.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
[Sub Total] |
£1236.3.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
19 Andrew Plummer of Middlesteads lands in Selkirk parish p. 10 |
£1143.13.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
20 Burgh of Selkirk lands in Selkirk parish p.9 |
£1053.3.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
21 Thomas Ballantyne of Holilees lands in Innerleithen parish p.11 |
£1039.6.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
22 Duke of Roxburgh for Teinds of Selkirk parish p.10 |
£957.6.8 |
E106/30/1/15 |
23 Lord Elibanks lands in Yarrow parish p.6 |
£950.17.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
24 Alexander Pringle of Whitebanks lands in Stow parish p. 13 |
£669.10.3 |
E106/30/1/15 |
25 Sir Gilbert Elliot of Mintos lands in Yarrow parish p.6 |
£581.8.4 |
E106/30/1/15 |
Carried Over |
£74221.0.10 |
E106/30/1/15 |
[Page] 14 [signed] Adam Ogilvie
[Page] 15 [signed] Adam Ogilvie |
E106/30/1/16 |
No. Abstract Brought Over |
£74221.0.10 |
E106/30/1/16 |
26 George Pott of Todridge's lands in Selkirk parish p.8 |
£576.5.8 |
E106/30/1/16 |
27 John Rutherford of Edgerstones lands in Ettrick parish p.3 |
£561.6.8 |
E106/30/1/16 |
28 Robert Ballantyne of Phawhopes lands in Ettrick ph. [parish] p.2 |
£526.13.4 |
E106/30/1/16 |
29 James Mercer of Scotsbank's lands in Yarrow parish p.7 |
£483.4.8 |
E106/30/1/16 |
30 William Russell of Ashisteels lands in Yarrow parish p.6 |
£466.13.4 |
E106/30/1/16 |
31 Adam Ogilvie of Hartwoodmyres's lands in Selkirk parish p.8 |
£458.10.0 |
E106/30/1/16 |
32 James Lauder of Carrolsides lands in Askirk parish p.14 |
£266.13.4 |
E106/30/1/16 |
James Lauder of Carrolsides lands in Yarrow parish p.6 |
£169.6.8 |
£436.0.0 |
E106/30/1/16 |
33 Alexander Robertson of Ettrick houses lands in Ettrick parish p.2 |
£404.13.4 |
E106/30/1/16 |
34 William Chisholm of Chisholms lands in in Roberton parish p.12 |
£400.0.0 |
E106/30/1/16 |
35 James Hay of Haystons lands in Peebles parish p.14 |
£342.13.4 |
E106/30/1/16 |
36 James Cunninghame of Hyndhopes lands in Yarrow parish p.7 |
£317.13.4 |
E106/30/1/16 |
37 William Ballantyne of Priesthopes lands in Innerleithen parish p.11 |
£254.0.0 |
E106/30/1/16 |
38 Thomas Curror of Brownmuirs lands in Selkirk parish p.9 |
£208.6.8 |
E106/30/1/16 |
39 Sir James Pringle of Stitchells lands in Stow parish p.13 |
£206.13.4 |
E106/30/1/16 |
40 John Grieve of Hosecotes lands in Roberton parish p. 12 |
£200.0.0 |
E106/30/1/16 |
41 Walter Scott of Howcleughs lands in Roberton parish p.12 |
£133.6.8 |
E106/30/1/16 |
42 Adam Scott of Galalaws lands in Roberton parish p.12 |
£100.0.0 |
E106/30/1/16 |
43 Earl of Wigtons heirs in Selkirk parish p.10 |
£10.13.4 |
E106/30/1/16 |
Total valuation of the Shire of Selkirk as before p.14 |
£80307.15.6 |
E106/30/1/16 |
[page] 16
Selkirk 29th April 1786
The foregoing Valuation Book prepared and made up in terms of an Ana
lysis which was approven of at a general meeting upon 6th October
last having been considered by a general meeting of the Commissioners
of Supply of the County of Selkirk conveened this day. The Meeting
unanimously Approve of the same Appoint it to be recorded
in their Books and Appoint their Collector to lodge this copy with
the proper Officer in Exchequer and to collect the Land Tax and other
publick burdens conform thereto in all time coming. In witness
whereof the Preeses of this meeting has subscribed this docquet
and each of the fifteen preceeding pages and each of the other
Commissioners present has likewise subcribed this docquet.
Thomas Ballantyne Adam Ogilvie Preses
Thomas Curror, William Pringle
Charles Scott
Andrew Plummss
Andrew Henderson Junr. [Junior]
James Mercer
Robert Ballantyne |