Land tax rolls for Roxburghshire, volume 01

Page Proprietor and land Valuation Transcribe other information
E106/29/1/1 Jedburgh Parochin
E106/29/1/1 The forsed lands in and about Jedburgh being of valued rent £3064.0.0
E106/29/1/1 The Earle of Buckeleugh for his lands in Longtoun £220.0.0
E106/29/1/1 The Earle of Lothian for the barronie of Farionhisst 1534 lib
E106/29/1/1 Item for the teind of the easter mainss of hundaly 104 lib £1638.0.0
E106/29/1/1 James Haswell for the milnes of Jedburgh, teind of Castlewood-feild hyndhousefeild and bongate Crofts £800.0.0
E106/29/1/1 John Skougall for the teind of Jedburgh side £275.0.0
E106/29/1/1 Jean Turnbull for the teinds of nether wolls and Haiden peill £40.0.0
E106/29/1/1 Lord Lauthians tennents in Langton £164.0.0
E106/29/1/1 Dand bell and Janet Mather for nether wolls and hauden peil £410.0.0
E106/29/1/1 James Haswell for his lands of over woll and ulstonne £520.0.0
E106/29/1/1 Mr James Mather for the teinds of Lantown £666.13.4
E106/29/1/1 Mr James for his owne rent £133.13.4
E106/29/1/1 Mr James Mather for the aires of John Masey in Langtoun £258.0.0
E106/29/1/1 James Mather yongeir in Langtoune £197.6.8
E106/29/1/1 Lord Cranstowne £40.0.0
E106/29/1/1 John Porteous in Langtowne £26.0.0
E106/29/1/1 William Douglas for Timpenden £418.0.0
E106/29/1/1 Robert Ker of Crailing hall £2728.0.0
E106/29/1/1 Payable as followes
E106/29/1/1 John Davidsone for 500 lib. rent []
E106/29/1/1 William Scott 233 lib. 6s. 0 d.
E106/29/1/1 Header: L-706/29/1
E106/29/1/3 lib [pounds] ss [shillings] ds [pence]
E106/29/1/3 Isobell Murray £600.0.0
E106/29/1/3 The tennents of Overcrailing
E106/29/1/3 Teinds of the west maines of Hundalie £104.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Patrick Home of Polwart £666.13.4
E106/29/1/3 Mr William More for Rennistowne £200.0.0
E106/29/1/3 James Davidsone for his part of Camistowne £466.13.4
E106/29/1/3 Birnirigg £66.13.4
E106/29/1/3 James Mader in Ulstowne £25.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Robert and Isobell Davidsones £26.0.0
E106/29/1/3 John Douglas Thr [there] £400.0.0
E106/29/1/3 William Douglas ther[?] £400.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Gillistongues £66.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Heidfalds £40.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Rattinraw £40.0.0
E106/29/1/3 The Laird of Edzstown £2311.0.0
E106/29/1/3 The Marquess of Douglass -- £560.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Item for the teind of Swinnie -- £66.0.0
E106/29/1/3 [sub total] £626.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Lady Mangerstowne for towresfeild £852.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Item the teind of the towre £100.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Her Rent in Cassillowine £800.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Harthill elder £1133.6.8
E106/29/1/3 Thomas Rutherfoord called of the towrs in Skraisburgh £66.13.4
E106/29/1/3 Bronndon Lands £400.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Issobell Ainslie for bankend £666.13.4
E106/29/1/3 The Laird of Bunjedburgh £4000.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Castltoun Paroch lib [pounds] ss[shillings] ds [pence]
E106/29/1/3 The Countess of Buckcleugh [liv?] of rent in Castletoun £2110.0.0
E106/29/1/3 More for her £60.0.0 rent [thal?]
E106/29/1/3 John Scott of Gorrinberrie his rent £1600.0.0
E106/29/1/3 John Douglass in Castltoune £420.0.0
E106/29/1/3 John Douglass for his Lands in Kirktoune £200.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Lancellot Armstrong in Whythaut £400.0.0
E106/29/1/3 William Elliot of Dunlilerpies £400.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Archibald Elliot in Midlesteed £36.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Robert Elliot of Laristoune £1334.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Margaret Elliot of Redheugh £500.0.0
E106/29/1/3 Kirktoun Paroch
E106/29/1/3 Thomas Turnbull of Tofts in Kirktoune paroch is £300.0.0 £402.0.0
E106/29/1/3 In Minto paroch 102
E106/29/1/3 George Gladstaines of Dod his rent £700.0.0
E106/29/1/3 [page] 2 [page] 3
E106/29/1/5 Cavers Paroch lib [pounds] ss [shillings] ds [pence]
E106/29/1/5 The Earle of Traquair £214.0.0
E106/29/1/5 Lord Cranstowne £1850.0.0
E106/29/1/5 Thomas Turnbull of Fans £104.0.0
E106/29/1/5 The Laird of Glaidstaines £1240.0.0
E106/29/1/5 Callssondhill £266.13.4
E106/29/1/5 Gowdilands £400.0.0
E106/29/1/5 Agnes Douglas the Shereffs sister £180.0.0
E106/29/1/5 George Scott of Dockcleugh £140.0.0
E106/29/1/5 The Sherreff in Cavers £5344.0.0
E106/29/1/5 In Kirktoune £4480.0.0
E106/29/1/5 Also be the Sheriff for Lady [?] farnington & [others?] £360.0.0
E106/29/1/5 [sub total] £7124.0.0
E106/29/1/5 The Sherreff for Whitonrigg[?] £195.0.0
E106/29/1/5 Hawick Paroch
E106/29/1/5 The Earle of Queensberries rent wi[t]hin the parochin of Hawick extends to £5424.16.8
E106/29/1/5 Item the Lands redeemed by him from Slalwast[?] is £716.4.0
E106/29/1/5 Summa totality of Queensberries rent redeemed lands and all included it £6140.0.0
E106/29/1/5 The £6140.0.0 rent is to be divided as followes and payable by the persons following
E106/29/1/5 lib [pounds] ss [shillings] ds [pence]
E106/29/1/5 Imp [Impremis] by the Earle of Queensberrie himself for the Milne and Customes £1080.0.0
E106/29/1/5 Item the Duhomes £120.0.0
E106/29/1/5 Item the weems £133.6.8
E106/29/1/5 Mr Robert Cunninghame for the crofts of land £20.0.0
E106/29/1/5 Item the east mains £1120.0.0
E106/29/1/5 [sub total] £2473.6.8
E106/29/1/5 Walter Scott of Gandilands for the land laitly acquired by him from [Kirk ustins?] £1760.0.0
E106/29/1/5 Braidhaugh for Hairot £866.13.4
E106/29/1/5 John Glaidstaines of whit law for flex £133.6.8
E106/29/1/5 William Scott of [Horslichit?] for ivines[?] from Acoth haugh and Shaws possest be him £304.3.4
E106/29/1/5 The west mains of Hawick possest and wadsett by Mr Robert Cuninghame & William Roncastle James Laying and Walter Scott at the west porte £450.0.0
E106/29/1/5 John Elliot Halnashes brother for buradlies £216.0.0
E106/29/1/5 The Countess of buccltleugh her rent in Hawick Paroch is £5811.3.4
E106/29/1/5 Item for totsrew[?] holl £133.6.8
E106/29/1/5 Item in Cavers[?] paroch [?och] Mangertone £260.0.0
E106/29/1/5 Item in Wilton Paroch £2440.0.0
E106/29/1/5 [sub total] £13737.10.0
E106/29/1/5 Sir William Scott for Eldrigg £500.0.0
E106/29/1/5 Grandilands £565.13.4
E106/29/1/5 Robert Scott of Glack £100.0.0
E106/29/1/5 Walter Scott of Slamhaugh £110.0.0
E106/29/1/5 [page] 4 [page] 5
E106/29/1/7 lib[pounds] ss[shillings] ds[pence]
E106/29/1/7 Braidhaugh or the present tennent of falsnash £684.0.0
E106/29/1/7 John Armstrong for William Scott of hartwood mire £433.6.8
E106/29/1/7 John Riddell in Minslie £100.0.0
E106/29/1/7 James Chisholme of Packhill £200.0.0
E106/29/1/7 John Glaidstaine off Whitelaw £266.13.4
E106/29/1/7 Walter Scott of Chamberlain newtoun in Hawick priory £266.13.4
E106/29/1/7 Item in Hassendein £1378.4.4
E106/29/1/7 [sub total] £1644.13.4
E106/29/1/7 Walter Scott of Hill[hlilunds?] £66.13.4
E106/29/1/7 Mr Robert Cunninghame £66.13.4
E106/29/1/7 The Particals of Hawick £97.16.8
E106/29/1/7 Wiltoun Paroch
E106/29/1/7 Gideon Scott his rent there is £814.0.0
E106/29/1/7 In Hassenden £600.0.0
E106/29/1/7 [sub total] £1414.0.0
E106/29/1/7 Andrew Elliot falnash £360.0.0
E106/29/1/7 Hars[?] woodmire £26.0.0
E106/29/1/7 Walter Scott of Glacik £130.0.0
E106/29/1/7 lib[pounds] ss[shillings ds[pence]
E106/29/1/7 Robert Langlands of that ilk £953.0.0 thrf [thereof] with £89.0.0 sometime pertaining to Margaret Donaldsone makes in all £992.0.0
E106/29/1/7 Robert Scott in Wester Heap £448.0.0
E106/29/1/7 James Scott of Whytehaugh £200.0.0
E106/29/1/7 Hassendean Paroch
E106/29/1/7 Countess of Buckeleugh her Ladyshs [Ladyships] rent thrf [thereof[ £1561.0.0
E106/29/1/7 Thomas Turnbull in Hassendean £52.0.0
E106/29/1/7 The Earle of Roxburgh £550.0.0
E106/29/1/7 John Turnbull of Knoia £227.0.0
E106/29/1/7 Be Margaret Turnbull relict of Allan and James Scott of Quhitslaid [Whitslaid?] equally betwixt thm [them] for £414.0.0
E106/29/1/7 William Scott of Horsliehill £637.0.0
E106/29/1/7 Robert Scott of Dunkstowne £66.13.4
E106/29/1/7 Gavin Turnbull of Clarilaw £273.0.0
E106/29/1/7 Castleside for Newtowne £156.0.0
E106/29/1/7 Breirie yards 260 £260.0.0
E106/29/1/7 Mr William Turnbull for Hornsholl £100.0.0
E106/29/1/7 Walter Scott of Catshaick £52.0.0
E106/29/1/7 Robert Scott of Burnheid £156.0.0
E106/29/1/7 [page] 6 Nota Halnashes rent in Hawick paroch was £1400.0.0 wheroff there is £715.0.0 reedeemid by Queensberrie for him and now included in Queensberries rent in Hawick paroch so the reall rent that Halnesh is to pay cess for is £684.0.0 with £716.0.0 makes up the forsaid soume of £1400.0.0 [page] 7
E106/29/1/9 lib[pounds] s[shilings] ds[pence]
E106/29/1/9 Walter Scott of Burnfoott £312.0.0
E106/29/1/9 William Scott of Gallalaw £156.0.0
E106/29/1/9 Thomas Scott of tohtsflead[?] for Strictshaws £214.0.0
E106/29/1/9 Lyfrenter of Boonraw £200.00
E106/29/1/9 Marie Scott lyfrenter of Condhouse £40.0.0
E106/29/1/9 Mr Alexander forrest £66.13.4
E106/29/1/9 Archibald Scott liferenter of Stowslie £91.0.0
E106/29/1/9 Abbatronll Paroch
E106/29/1/9 The total rent of the Parochin of Abbatrowll Stobis and Sir Thomas Ker being excepted extends to the soume of 1528 lib
E106/29/1/9 Payable as follows
E106/29/1/9 Be Thomas Turnbull called Clark £794.13.4
E106/29/1/9 Mr James Ker minister £433.6.6
E106/29/1/9 Thomas Scott in Nether bunchester £180.0.0
E106/29/1/9 By aidhaugh £80.0.0
E106/29/1/9 Adam Turnbull in Roull £70.0.0
E106/29/1/9 Janet Rutherfoord £70.0.0
E106/29/1/9 Oxnam Paroch
E106/29/1/9 The Earle of Roxburgh rent is £3226.13.4
E106/29/1/9 The Earle of Lothians rent in thy [that] [Paroch?] extends to £8101.0.0
E106/29/1/9 Payable by the Persones following
E106/29/1/9 David Sharp payes for £2933.6.8
E106/29/1/9 William Lalle payes for his part of swinside £266.13.4
E106/29/1/9 Andrew Ker for his prt [part] of £233.13.4
E106/29/1/9 Adam Bell in Rickilttoune £233.13.4
E106/29/1/9 Allexander Steivenson the [there] £233.13.4
E106/29/1/9 Be Swinside tounfoot £500.0.0
E106/29/1/9 Be John and Thomas Kerr £1000.0.0
E106/29/1/9 Be the ten pound Land of newbigging £500.0.0
E106/29/1/9 The Barronie of Dolphing £1866.13.4
E106/29/1/9 The teind of Overtounne £133.6.8
E106/29/1/9 Andrew Ainslie George Pyll John [V]obbn Mathew Robsone Bessie [D]inslie for the tein pillands £100.0.0
E106/29/1/9 James Morray of overtoune £1333.6.8
E106/29/1/9 John Ainslie for heckey £60.0.0
E106/29/1/9 Bon jedburgh for [E]narhertoune £440.0.0
E106/29/1/9 [page] 8 [page] 9
E106/29/1/11 Hopkirk Paroch Lib[pounds] ss[shillings] ds[pence]
E106/29/1/11 Gilbert Elliot of Stobit his total rent in Hopkirk paroch is £4722.0.0
E106/29/1/11 In Cassil towere £160.0.0
E106/29/1/11 In Cavers paroch £3433.0.0 £10226.13.4
E106/29/1/11 In Abbat Rowll £63.0.0
E106/29/1/11 In Kirktowne paroch - £1130.0.0
E106/29/1/11 The rent in paroch left by his mother £666.13.4
E106/29/1/11 Traquair tennanty £409.0.0
E106/29/1/11 Langward £104.0.0
E106/29/1/11 George Sheill there £52.0.0
E106/29/1/11 Walter Scott of Kirknow £78.0.0
E106/29/1/11 Adam Turnbull inn Eister Swanshell £60.13.4
E106/29/1/11 Adam Turnbull in wester Swanshell £32.0.0
E106/29/1/11 The Earle of Lothian for Simpithill £300.0.0
E106/29/1/11 William Elliot of Harwood £433.6.8
E106/29/1/11 Edward Loraine of Appitside £300.0.0
E106/29/1/11 Adam Turnbull for his part of Haerone £40.0.0
E106/29/1/11 The Heiress for the uther pt [part] Hewoss £171.0.0
E106/29/1/11 Andrew Scott in the weimes £200.0.0
E106/29/1/11 James Turnbull of West lies £66.13.4
E106/29/1/11 The Lord Cranstoune £1666.13.4
E106/29/1/11 Hownam Paroch Lib[shillings] ss[shillings] ds[pence]
E106/29/1/11 The Tennents of the Grainge belonging to Gaitshaw £158.0.0
E106/29/1/11 Thomas Ker portioner of Howname £126.13.4
E106/29/1/11 Janet Ker or Michaell Mahurlie £190.0.0
E106/29/1/11 Robert Davidsones Easter of heatherlands 15E lib and 36lib for the teind of hervieside in Morebatle Summa of both is 1-94
E106/29/1/11 payd as followes
E106/29/1/11 Be Henry Davidsone £94.16.0
E106/29/1/11 The Relicts part. [part] is £99.4.0
E106/29/1/11 Andrew pringle portioner there £158.0.0
E106/29/1/11 John Robsone portioner of Hownam £70.0.0
E106/29/1/11 Andrew Ker of Chatto his rent in Hownam paroch is 1273lib 6ss 8ds £3409.13.4
E106/29/1/11 In Roxburgh £1493.6.0
E106/29/1/11 In Morebottle £643.0.0
E106/29/1/11 Sir Walter Riddell rent in Hownam £3382.0.0
E106/29/1/11 paroch £1610.0.0
E106/29/1/11 In Morbottle £1773.0.0
E106/29/1/11 Sir Walter Rentein Lilslie pareshope £1629.0.0
E106/29/1/11 Bonjed[ad] for philip £400.0.0
E106/29/1/11 Beirhope £400.0.0
E106/29/1/11 John Rutherfoord of Bankend £84.0.0
E106/29/1/11 [page] 10 [page] 11
E106/29/1/13 Hownam paroch
E106/29/1/13 lib[pounds] ss[shillings] ds[pence]
E106/29/1/13 John Rutherford of Kaiphope £500.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Walter Rutherford of Kaiphope £400.0.0
E106/29/1/13 The Earle of Roxburgh £1669.0.0
E106/29/1/13 The Laid of Hunthill totall rent in that paroch is £3533.6.0
E106/29/1/13 Hunthill rent
E106/29/1/13 payable as followeth be the persons following viz.
E106/29/1/13 Chatto £36.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Be William Scott £12.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Thomas Rutherford £12.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Andrew Riddell £12.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Mr. James Bell £36.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Mr. Thomas Abernehe £12.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Easter side £26.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Edillysleuse £13.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Castle milne £4.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Linhouse £2.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Haiphope milne £3.6.4
E106/29/1/13 John Bunsholme ffihe
E106/29/1/13 Half of Sharplaw paye £6.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Elder Riddell for 1/2 uther halse
E106/29/1/13 Crailing Paroch
E106/29/1/13 Lib[[pounds] ss[shillings] ds[pence]
E106/29/1/13 The Earle of Lothian rent in that paroch is £3842.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Payable as follows
E106/29/1/13 lib ps ds
E106/29/1/13 Browne £41.13.9
E106/29/1/13 Be Adam Riddell £11.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Be the tennenty of Nether Nysbet £69.15.0
E106/29/1/13 Be the tennenty of over Nisbet £39.0.0
E106/29/1/13 The Lord Cranstowne £6167.0.0
E106/29/1/13 John Rutherfoord of Leidhaugh £360.0.0
E106/29/1/13 William Haswell £96.0.0
E106/29/1/13 Mynto Paroch
E106/29/1/13 The Laird of Mynto £2006.13.4
E106/29/1/13 Gilbert Elliot £660.0.0
E106/29/1/13 [page] 12 [page] 13
E106/29/1/15 Ancrum Paroch lib[pounds ss[shillings] ds[pence]
E106/29/1/15 The Earle of Lothians rent ye [there] is £2888.0.0
E106/29/1/15 The ffewary of Nether Ancrum £944.0.0
E106/29/1/15 Robert Bennet of Chesters £1460.0.0
E106/29/1/15 Gideon wauchop for primside £766.13.4
E106/29/1/15 John Scott of Newburgh £130.0.0
E106/29/1/15 The Relict of umquill David Davidsone £156.0.0
E106/29/1/15 John Turnbull of Standhill £120.0.0
E106/29/1/15 John Buckholme of belshivud £200.0.0
E106/29/1/15 The Earle of Roxburgh £1970.0.0
E106/29/1/15 Bedrule
E106/29/1/15 The Laird of Newtoune £853.0.0
E106/29/1/15 Thomas Rutherford of whythouse has now in his possession of rent £340.0.0
E106/29/1/15 Laird Storie £18.0.0
E106/29/1/15 William Miller £27.0.0
E106/29/1/15 The Earle of Traquair 780lib rent of this 780lib Thomas Rutherfoord of whitehouse has lately purchast from his Lops [Lordship]
E106/29/1/15 The rest remaines upon the Earle of Traquair 636lib
E106/29/1/15 Be Andrew and James beshin rankyte
E106/29/1/15 lib[pound] ss[shillings] ds[pence]
E106/29/1/15 Thomas Rutherfoord whyehouse part £144.0.0
E106/29/1/15 The Earle of Traquair part £636.0.0
E106/29/1/15 Eckfoord Paroch
E106/29/1/15 The relict of unquill George pringle of Newhall £168.0.0
E106/29/1/15 William Young of Spittolland £100.0.0
E106/29/1/15 Robert Hall of Haughhead £200.0.0
E106/29/1/15 The Earle of Buckcleughs rent parosh 3598lib payable as follows
E106/29/1/15 By John Scott Chamberland to the Countess of weemes for £2598.0.0
E106/29/1/15 John Glaidstaines of whytlaw in behalfe of the Countess of buckclough for the teind of Eckfoord £1000.0.0
E106/29/1/15 Laird of Corbit for 400lib Item in Notables for the teind 600lib Inde £1000.0.0
E106/29/1/15 Jean Turnbull payes 60lib rent
E106/29/1/15 Jean Turnbull for Murocleny £280.0.0
E106/29/1/15 The relict of John Davidsone called of the Know £120.0.0
E106/29/1/15 Robert Dalgleis of the burne £96.0.0
E106/29/1/15 Patrick Heirone relict her rent in Eckford 28lib ffor oxnamside in Morbattle 195lib vide ffor the teind of Oxnamesyde 56lib £279.0.0
E106/29/1/15 Robert Pringle of Sharpelaw £98.0.0
E106/29/1/15 [page] 14 [page] 15
E106/29/1/17 Mr Robert Martein £21.0.0
E106/29/1/17 Earle of Roxburgh his Lordpo. [Lordship] rent in that parochin and the vassally being excepted is £8083.6.8
E106/29/1/17 The vassally part of the rent is £450.0.0
E106/29/1/17 The names of the vassally rent follows vid
E106/29/1/17 David Young in Cavertowne 100lib 0ss 0ds
E106/29/1/17 David Young in Cessford 100.4.8
E106/29/1/17 William Pringle 100.4.8
E106/29/1/17 William Young in Cavertoune 6613.4.0
E106/29/1/17 Robert dagleish of the barns 330.8.0
E106/29/1/17 Robert Ker hew 502.10.0
E106/29/1/17 Suden paroche
E106/29/1/17 Lord Cranstowne £1000.0.0
E106/29/1/17 Lady Minto £200.0.0
E106/29/1/17 The Marquess of Douglas his Lefe rent £366.13.4
E106/29/1/17 Payable as followes
E106/29/1/17 Thomas Laidlaw in behalfe of the Marquess of Douglass 133lib 14ss 0d
E106/29/1/17 Rest on Graden for Cess rent 400lib
E106/29/1/17 Presbetry of Selkirk
E106/29/1/17 Melross Paroch lib[pounds] ss[shillings] ds[pence]
E106/29/1/17 Newtoun 360lib )
E106/29/1/17 Lord Cardrous teind 200 lib ) vide £560.0.0
E106/29/1/17 Eisdoum £240.0.0
E106/29/1/17 Newsleid £612.0.0
E106/29/1/17 Gathomside and west house £600.0.0
E106/29/1/17 Nota Vlindlie payes 128lib yroff [thereof] Darnick £522.0.0
E106/29/1/17 Bridgend £89.0.0
E106/29/1/17 Melross £426.0.0
E106/29/1/17 Lord Elibank his rent now belongs to Mr. John Scott of Langshaw and his father and is £1948.0.0
E106/29/1/17 Brekholme £757.13.9
E106/29/1/17 William Law £647.13.9
E106/29/1/17 Halkburne £1079.11.0
E106/29/1/17 Appletree leaves £433.13.9
E106/29/1/17 Threepwood £362.13.9
E106/29/1/17 Laidopinniry £331.13.9
E106/29/1/17 Gallasheill £368.3.9
E106/29/1/17 Colmshlie 829lib )
E106/29/1/17 Newtowne milne 29lib ) £853.0.0
E106/29/1/17 Non plews £293.6.8
E106/29/1/17 John Fish in westerhouse bires £625.6.8
E106/29/1/17 Elinshawes £400.0.0
E106/29/1/17 [page[ 16 [page] 17
E106/29/1/19 lib[pounds] ss[shillings] ds[pence]
E106/29/1/19 Hester langles £401.0.0
E106/29/1/19 William h...tick and the Relict of Hugh bell of Easter langlee between them £297.10.0
E106/29/1/19 Blainslie £1319.0.0
E106/29/1/19 Danzeatoune £27.0.0
E106/29/1/19 The Earle of Haddingtoune: James Lithgow rent being excepted in £6983.0.0
E106/29/1/19 James Lithgow £500.0.0
E106/29/1/19 Lilslie Paroch
E106/29/1/19 Andrew Turnbull of Bewlie £367.0.0
E106/29/1/19 The Laird of Haining and his mother payable byJames Small and Andrew Robsone 8lib more 3s 10d £390.0.0
E106/29/1/19 Walter Riddell prt. [part] for Bewlie the heritory of Rapperlaw there rent is 1199lib 10s 10d payabe at follows £273.0.0
E106/29/1/19 Be James Midlemest £416.0.0
E106/29/1/19 Walter Turnbull of Rapparlaw £110.10.0
E106/29/1/19 Adam Daviesone £101.0.0
E106/29/1/19 Andrew Daviesone £65.0.0
E106/29/1/19 Mr. William Turnbull £104.0.0
E106/29/1/19 David davidsone of Newlands £200.0.0
E106/29/1/19 lib[pounds] ss[shillings] ds[pence]
E106/29/1/19 John Turnbull of firthe £200.0.0
E106/29/1/19 Thomas Scott of whitstead £156.0.0
E106/29/1/19 Andrew Scott of Hermistowne £130.0.0
E106/29/1/19 William Johnstowne for his part of hermistowne £130.0.0
E106/29/1/19 Walter Scott of fatheilles £200.0.0
E106/29/1/19 The Rent of cringilles 156lib wheereoff William Ormistoune prt. [part] is £104.0.0
E106/29/1/19 John Riddell for his part of Cringelly £52.0.0
E106/29/1/19 Mr. Andrew Duncansone for greatlawes £104.0.0
E106/29/1/19 ffreirshaw £285.13.4
E106/29/1/19 Walter Scott of Chappell £668.0.0
E106/29/1/19 The fewary of Lilslie Andrew Riddell being includine the Lampe £1283.0.0
E106/29/1/19 The Fewary part 800lib wt. [without] Andrew Riddells part it 483lib
E106/29/1/19 Item Andrew Riddell part of Lilslie £60.0.0
E106/29/1/19 Allexander Emde £10.0.0
E106/29/1/19 The Earle of Roxburgh £1257.13.9
E106/29/1/19 The Earle of Haddingtowne £13.6.8
E106/29/1/19 Selkirk in Tiviotdale
E106/29/1/19 Andrew Ker of Massondew or whester morehall £281.0.0
E106/29/1/19 James Ker of whitemoore £392.13.9
E106/29/1/19 [page] 18 [page] 19
E106/29/1/21 The Marquess of Douglass 7lib 13 rent in this paroch Nota howbeit it be not set downe yet there is no such rent in any persons possessions
E106/29/1/21 William Browne of over firowit £36.0.0
E106/29/1/21 The Earle of Roxburgh £260.3.4
E106/29/1/21 Lindeane Paroch
E106/29/1/21 Robert Ker of fudoneside his rent for that paroche is 800lib whereoff payed be Robert Ker himself £700.0.0
E106/29/1/21 ffaddunsides mother life rent of £100.0.0
E106/29/1/21 Richard Lermont teins rent £366.13.4
E106/29/1/21 The Relict and aires of Sunderland hall their rent is 486lib payable as follows viz The Tennents of Sunderland Hall £280.0.0
E106/29/1/21 James Ewart for £200.0.0
E106/29/1/21 John Ker of Bridge heugh £300.0.0
E106/29/1/21 Thomas Whight in Caldsheills £75.0.0
E106/29/1/21 Robert Ker in Sunderland hall £108.0.0
E106/29/1/21 The Earle of Roxburgh £27.3.4
E106/29/1/21 Ashkirk Paroche
E106/29/1/21 Whitslead £586.0.0
E106/29/1/21 Sintoune £946.0.0
E106/29/1/21 Robert Scott of Heap £348.0.0
E106/29/1/21 John Scott of Clerklands £180.0.0
E106/29/1/21 William Scott of headshaw £1028.0.0
E106/29/1/21 Robert Scott of Burnfoot £400.0.0
E106/29/1/21 John Scott of wooll £533.6.8
E106/29/1/21 Thomas Scot of westessensyd £540.0.0
E106/29/1/21 ffrancis Scott of Castillside £160.0.0
E106/29/1/21 The Goodwife of braidlie £160.0.0
E106/29/1/21 Robert Scott of Sherliswood £260.0.0
E106/29/1/21 The Duke of Lennox £18.0.0
E106/29/1/21 Langnewoun Paroch
E106/29/1/21 The haile rent of the Paroche of Longnewtoune belonging to the Earle of Lothian extends to £2533.6.6
E106/29/1/21 [page] 20 [page] 21
E106/29/1/23 Allasudden paroch
E106/29/1/23 Earle of Roxburgh £120.0.0
E106/29/1/23 Sr. [Sir] William Scott for Ellistoune £782.10.0
E106/29/1/23 Niccoll Cairnecroce of Calfellhill £168.0.0
E106/29/1/23 Mr. Andrew Duncansone minister £42.14.4
E106/29/1/23 patrick Riddell of St. Boswells £132.0.0
E106/29/1/23 Lord Cardross £208.1.8
E106/29/1/23 Andrew Kerr of Litledean £240.9.0
E106/29/1/23 The fewary of Alasudden their rents £2173.11.6
E106/29/1/23 The Earle of Haddingtoune his rent there £332.0.0
E106/29/1/23 Summa of the free rent of the paroche of Allesudden £4198.17.6
E106/29/1/23 Bowdon paroch
E106/29/1/23 The Earle of Roxburghs rent wihin Boudon paroche, The Kirklands of bewlie being included is 3913lib but the rent of the Kirklands of bewlie being 90lib and taken of this sowme and aded to Robert Ker of new halls rent, there will remain payable by The Lord Roxburgh for the rent of £4198.17.6
E106/29/1/23 The ffewars of Bowdon £868.0.0
E106/29/1/23 The over milne of bowdon £58.0.0
E106/29/1/23 The haile rent of the fewary of Midlim is 1085lib. Nota to tacke of 100 merck rent of this soume belonging partlie to Sir thomas Ker of Cavers, and partly to Greenheid, whilck 100 meerck it included wih the rent in other paroches and excluded herin. So there will remaine of rent comptable be the rest of the fewary £1018.6.8
E106/29/1/23 South preistoune £133.6.8
E106/29/1/23 North Preistoune £133.6.8
E106/29/1/23 Gawin Elliot for Midlum £266.13.4)
E106/29/1/23 Item be him in Ancrum £260.0.0) £526.13.4
E106/29/1/23 Robert Kerr of Newhall £280.0.0)
E106/29/1/23 Item for the Kirklands of bewlie £90.0.0) vide £370.0.0
E106/29/1/23 Kippilaw £229.0.0
E106/29/1/23 William Elliot of Langside £140.0.0
E106/29/1/23 Summa of the free rent of bowdon paroch is £7294.13.4
E106/29/1/23 [page] 22 [page] 23
E106/29/1/25 Kelso Paroche
E106/29/1/25 The Earle of Roxburgh £2209.0.0
E106/29/1/25 Massondew £420.0.0
E106/29/1/25 Millers of Kelso £1800.0.0
E106/29/1/25 Corne Customes £266.13.9
E106/29/1/25 Small Customes £133.6.8
E106/29/1/25 West broomlands £500.0.0
E106/29/1/25 Sir Andrew Ker of Greenheid his rent in Kelso paroch it £4343. 0.0)
E106/29/1/25 In Sproustoun paroch £673.0.0)
E106/29/1/25 In Yettam paroch £480.0.0) vide £6932.0.0
E106/29/1/25 In Morebatle £325.0.0)
E106/29/1/25 In Roxburgh £718.0.0)
E106/29/1/25 In Bowdon £170.0.0)
E106/29/1/25 In Selkirk £223.0.0)
E106/29/1/25 Sir Thomas Ker of Cavers his rent in Kelso paroch £2023.0.0)
E106/29/1/25 In Roxburgh £90.0.0)
E106/29/1/25 In Bowden £66.0.0)
E106/29/1/25 Ancrum £657.13.4) vide £5389.0.0
E106/29/1/25 Spedrone £1565.0.0)
E106/29/1/25 Jedburgh £333.6.8)
E106/29/1/25 Abbotroull £40.0.0)
E106/29/1/25 Ruartonland minndlimn £14.0.0)
E106/29/1/25 Countess of Roxburgh her rent in Kelso paroch £2311.0.0)
E106/29/1/25 In Smellom £390.0.0) vide £5767.13.4
E106/29/1/25 In Sproustoun £3066.0.0
E106/29/1/25 Allexander Don of Litle newtoune for easter broomlands £935.6.8)
E106/29/1/25 Brundoun lawes £400.0.0) vide £133.6.8
E106/29/1/25 Half of Gorbetts £500.0.0)
E106/29/1/25 Sproustoun Paroch
E106/29/1/25 The Countess of Cassills her Lands rent in the paroch £3802.0.0
E106/29/1/25 William Ker brother to Greenheid £912.13.0
E106/29/1/25 James Ker of whitemire £252.0.0
E106/29/1/25 Teinds of Hadden £360.0.0
E106/29/1/25 Walter Ker of broomlands £150.13.9
E106/29/1/25 Sir Thomas Ker of Redden £210.0.0
E106/29/1/25 Robert Ker of Midlemess walls £252.0.0
E106/29/1/25 Countess of weymes £1451.0.0
E106/29/1/25 Earle of Lothian £2014.13.0
E106/29/1/25 Earle of Roxburgh £1333.6.8
E106/29/1/25 [page] 24 [page] 25 The Presbytrie of Kelso
E106/29/1/27 Yettam Paroch
E106/29/1/27 The haile rent of the paroch extends to 4496 lib 06s 8ds
E106/29/1/27 Payd as followes
E106/29/1/27 Gilbert Ker of Lochtoure £2763.0.0
E106/29/1/27 Lady Niddery £1737.0.0
E106/29/1/27 Lintowne Paroch
E106/29/1/27 The Laird of Lintowne his rent 2376 lib)
E106/29/1/27 More for teinds whilk wid Lady Corbett 80) £2278.13.4
E106/29/1/27 More 322lib 13s 9ds whilk now his brother)
E106/29/1/27 Lady Lintoune £1260.0.0
E106/29/1/27 Leard of Graden £880.0.0
E106/29/1/27 Andrew Ker for his part of Hoselaw £200.0.0
E106/29/1/27 Andrew Davidsone for his part thereoff £200.0.0
E106/29/1/27 Morbatle Paroch
E106/29/1/27 William Bennet of Grubet in Morbatle 643 lib o s 0d) £645.0.0
E106/29/1/27 Eckford 470.0.0)
E106/29/1/27 Ancrum £800.0.0) more £4174.0.0
E106/29/1/27 Yettam £2073.6.8)
E106/29/1/27 Margaret Elliot his mother in morbatle £1000.0.0) mile £1371.0.0
E106/29/1/27 Eckford £371.0.0)
E106/29/1/27 Andrew Ker of Chatto Morbatle £643.0.0)
E106/29/1/27 Hownam £1273.6.8)
E106/29/1/27 Roxburgh £1493.6.8) mide £5630.13.4
E106/29/1/27 Gaitsyde £350.0.0)
E106/29/1/27 How Corbethy £500.0.0)
E106/29/1/27 Earle of Roxburgh £3960.0.0)
E106/29/1/27 Mow John burne his rent in primesyd £80.0.0) £4040.0.0
E106/29/1/27 Robert Pringle part of Cliftoun £530.0.0
E106/29/1/27 James Pringle portioner there £150.13.4
E106/29/1/27 Mar. [Marquis?] Ker brother to Lintoune £193.6.8
E106/29/1/27 Lancellot Pringle and David Young £127.0.0
E106/29/1/27 William Lauries aires £94.0.0
E106/29/1/27 John Young of Woodsyde £105.6.8
E106/29/1/27 [page] 26 [page] 27
E106/29/1/29 Mr. William More £236.14.3
E106/29/1/29 gross his Mother £236.13.4
E106/29/1/29 Thomas Young of the myre £102.0.0
E106/29/1/29 Andrew Bell of Mow £2066.13.4
E106/29/1/29 Thomas Burne in Cliftoune £133.6.8
E106/29/1/29 Gilbert Burne there £133.6.8
E106/29/1/29 Gilbert Hume in Primeside £106.13.4
E106/29/1/29 Robert and William Dalgleishs there £48.6.8
E106/29/1/29 John Home of Easter crookitshawes £98.0.0
E106/29/1/29 Gilbert and Charles Burnet for Slathnet know £40.0.0
E106/29/1/29 William Donaldsone for both the ffownies deans £80.0.0
E106/29/1/29 William Davidsone padda pooll £10.0.0
E106/29/1/29 William Ker of Wester croockit shaws £98.0.0
E106/29/1/29 Lady Corbet £273.0.0
E106/29/1/29 Allexander Trotter for wideopen £333.6.8
E106/29/1/29 Richard Ker of the braes £40.0.0
E106/29/1/29 Thomas Ker in Morbatle £64.13.4
E106/29/1/29 Gaitshawes saill ment mylne in Morbentle and Hounam paroches £1486.0.0
E106/29/1/29 The Goodwife of deconshaw £168.0.0
E106/29/1/29 The aires of unquill patrick Herron in Morebatles £195.0.0)
E106/29/1/29 The teind in Oxnamside £56.0.0 indie) £279.0.0
E106/29/1/29 Eckfood £28.0.0)
E106/29/1/29 Roxburgh Paroch
E106/29/1/29 Ladie Lang £1362.0.0
E106/29/1/29 Laird of ffairningtoune £924.0.0
E106/29/1/29 Robert and Andrew Kerr there £50.0.0
E106/29/1/29 Andrew Ker for Sr. [Sir] Thomas Flex of fairnelie £666.13.4
E106/29/1/29 Laird Hog £100.0.0
E106/29/1/29 Laird Ker £166.13.4
E106/29/1/29 The south heritory of Stockstruther £120.0.0
E106/29/1/29 The Earle of Roxburgh £4413.0.0
E106/29/1/29 Mackerstoun Parosh
E106/29/1/29 The Lady Mackerstoune and David Gribrat her spouse £900.0.0
E106/29/1/29 The Earl of Roxburgh £2527.0.0
E106/29/1/29 Thomas McDougall of Stodrigg £858.0.0
E106/29/1/29 James Mortoune Mt. [Mount] barter house £200.0.0
E106/29/1/29 William McDougall called Laird £144.0.0
E106/29/1/29 William Glaidstaines £144.0.0
E106/29/1/29 William Jacckstone £48.0.0
E106/29/1/29 The aires of burgtl Capitan Mc Dougall to be payed as follows viz
E106/29/1/29 Be James Milne in Smitain £933.6.8
E106/29/1/29 John Charterhouse for west mowdein £533.6.8
E106/29/1/29 John Lewhouse for mayire house £400.0.0
E106/29/1/29 [page] 28 [page] 29