Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Hopkirk Paroch | Lib[pounds] ss[shillings] ds[pence] |
Gilbert Elliot of Stobit his total rent in Hopkirk paroch is £4722.0.0 | |
In Cassil towere £160.0.0 | |
In Cavers paroch £3433.0.0 | £10226.13.4 |
In Abbat Rowll £63.0.0 | |
In Kirktowne paroch - £1130.0.0 | |
The rent in paroch left by his mother £666.13.4 | |
Traquair tennanty | £409.0.0 |
Langward | £104.0.0 |
George Sheill there | £52.0.0 |
Walter Scott of Kirknow | £78.0.0 |
Adam Turnbull inn Eister Swanshell | £60.13.4 |
Adam Turnbull in wester Swanshell | £32.0.0 |
The Earle of Lothian for Simpithill | £300.0.0 |
William Elliot of Harwood | £433.6.8 |
Edward Loraine of Appitside | £300.0.0 |
Adam Turnbull for his part of Haerone | £40.0.0 |
The Heiress for the uther pt [part] Hewoss | £171.0.0 |
Andrew Scott in the weimes | £200.0.0 |
James Turnbull of West lies | £66.13.4 |
The Lord Cranstoune | £1666.13.4 |
Hownam Paroch | Lib[shillings] ss[shillings] ds[pence] |
The Tennents of the Grainge belonging to Gaitshaw | £158.0.0 |
Thomas Ker portioner of Howname | £126.13.4 |
Janet Ker or Michaell Mahurlie | £190.0.0 |
Robert Davidsones Easter of heatherlands 15E lib and 36lib for the teind of hervieside in Morebatle Summa of both is 1-94 | |
payd as followes | |
Be Henry Davidsone | £94.16.0 |
The Relicts part. [part] is | £99.4.0 |
Andrew pringle portioner there | £158.0.0 |
John Robsone portioner of Hownam | £70.0.0 |
Andrew Ker of Chatto his rent in Hownam paroch is 1273lib 6ss 8ds | £3409.13.4 |
In Roxburgh £1493.6.0 | |
In Morebottle £643.0.0 | |
Sir Walter Riddell rent in Hownam | £3382.0.0 |
paroch £1610.0.0 | |
In Morbottle £1773.0.0 | |
Sir Walter Rentein Lilslie pareshope | £1629.0.0 |
Bonjed[ad] for philip | £400.0.0 |
Beirhope | £400.0.0 |
John Rutherfoord of Bankend | £84.0.0 |
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