
Proprietor and land Valuation
Cavers Paroch lib [pounds] ss [shillings] ds [pence]
The Earle of Traquair £214.0.0
Lord Cranstowne £1850.0.0
Thomas Turnbull of Fans £104.0.0
The Laird of Glaidstaines £1240.0.0
Callssondhill £266.13.4
Gowdilands £400.0.0
Agnes Douglas the Shereffs sister £180.0.0
George Scott of Dockcleugh £140.0.0
The Sherreff in Cavers £5344.0.0
In Kirktoune £4480.0.0
Also be the Sheriff for Lady [?] farnington & [others?] £360.0.0
[sub total] £7124.0.0
The Sherreff for Whitonrigg[?] £195.0.0
Hawick Paroch
The Earle of Queensberries rent wi[t]hin the parochin of Hawick extends to £5424.16.8
Item the Lands redeemed by him from Slalwast[?] is £716.4.0
Summa totality of Queensberries rent redeemed lands and all included it £6140.0.0
The £6140.0.0 rent is to be divided as followes and payable by the persons following
lib [pounds] ss [shillings] ds [pence]
Imp [Impremis] by the Earle of Queensberrie himself for the Milne and Customes £1080.0.0
Item the Duhomes £120.0.0
Item the weems £133.6.8
Mr Robert Cunninghame for the crofts of land £20.0.0
Item the east mains £1120.0.0
[sub total] £2473.6.8
Walter Scott of Gandilands for the land laitly acquired by him from [Kirk ustins?] £1760.0.0
Braidhaugh for Hairot £866.13.4
John Glaidstaines of whit law for flex £133.6.8
William Scott of [Horslichit?] for ivines[?] from Acoth haugh and Shaws possest be him £304.3.4
The west mains of Hawick possest and wadsett by Mr Robert Cuninghame & William Roncastle James Laying and Walter Scott at the west porte £450.0.0
John Elliot Halnashes brother for buradlies £216.0.0
The Countess of buccltleugh her rent in Hawick Paroch is £5811.3.4
Item for totsrew[?] holl £133.6.8
Item in Cavers[?] paroch [?och] Mangertone £260.0.0
Item in Wilton Paroch £2440.0.0
[sub total] £13737.10.0
Sir William Scott for Eldrigg £500.0.0
Grandilands £565.13.4
Robert Scott of Glack £100.0.0
Walter Scott of Slamhaugh £110.0.0

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