
Proprietor and land Valuation
Jedburgh Parochin lib.ss.ds
The forsed lands in and about Jedburgh being of valued rent £3064.0.0
The Earle of Buckeleugh for his lands in Longtoun £220.0.0
The Earle of Lothian for the barronie of Farionhisst 1534 lib
Item for the teind of the easter mainss of hundaly 104 lib £1638.0.0
James Haswell for the milnes of Jedburgh, teind of Castlewood-feild hyndhousefeild and bongate Crofts £800.0.0
John Skougall for the teind of Jedburgh side £275.0.0
Jean Turnbull for the teinds of nether wolls and Haiden peill £40.0.0
Lord Lauthians tennents in Langton £164.0.0
Dand bell and Janet Mather for nether wolls and hauden peil £410.0.0
James Haswell for his lands of over woll and ulstonne £520.0.0
Mr James Mather for the teinds of Lantown £666.13.4
Mr James for his owne rent £133.13.4
Mr James Mather for the aires of John Masey in Langtoun £258.0.0
James Mather yongeir in Langtoune £197.6.8
Lord Cranstowne £40.0.0
John Porteous in Langtowne £26.0.0
William Douglas for Timpenden £418.0.0
Robert Ker of Crailing hall £2728.0.0
Payable as followes
John Davidsone for 500 lib. rent []
William Scott 233 lib. 6s. 0 d.

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Andrew Armstrong, Dauvit- Moderator, Jerry James