Transcribe other information
14th [Page]At Dingwall the Seventeenth day of June one
thousand Seven hundred and fifty six years
This day conveened Sir Alexander Mackenzie of Coull
Alexander Mackenzie of Fairburn Roderick Mackenzie
of Redcastle George Mackenzie of Allangrange Alexander
Mackenzie of Dachmaluack and Alexander Mackenzie
eldest Baillie of Dingwall a Quorum of
the Committee appointed by Act of the Commissioners
of Supply mett at Tain on the first day of May
last for Settling and Adjusting the Valuation Book
of the shire of Ross off which Committee Redcastle
was elected Preses
The said Committee having revised the within valuation
Book of the shire of Ross as Dinstinguished in the Severall and
Distinct parochins thereof Amounting the valuation of the
whole Shire to Seventy five thousand two hundred and
thirty nine pounds ten shillings and three pennies Scots
money as Contained in the thirteen preceeding pages Having
Compared the same with the Valuation Book last
made up on the Nineteenth day of October JaivijC and
Forty two years [1742] with the Alterations that happened since
Syne by Sale or otherways & the Applications made there
anent to the Commissioners of Supply The said Committee
do unanimously Declare and Ascertain this present
Book to be Authentick and to be the Standard of the
whole Valuation of this shire of Ross in time coming,
and in terms of the ordinance of the saids Commissioners
appoint this Book to be prefixt to the Records of the proceedings
of the Commissioners to be made out by the
Clerk who is to give out in Consequence of the saids Comissioners
Minute in May last Extracts to all Demanding
the Samen at a Fee of five shillings Str [Sterling] and
[signed] Colin Mackenzie
[Page] 15
at the same time the Commitee Reserve Access to a...
persons Concerned to Apply the Commissioners for a...
Rectification as Accords, The above Calcul. [Calculation] being al...
Errors Excepted and the Committee in the meantime Discharge
the present Collector to levy Cess from Sir Lewis
Mackenzie of Scatwell for the sum of one hundred and
Ninety nine pounds of valued Rent formerly Petitioned
anent in the parish of Loggie and Urquhart and that
untill the next General Meeting of the Commissioners
of Supply that the Merits of Scatwells application
thereanent may be Considered and Judged of by the
said General meeting of the Commissioners and in testimony
of the Promisses These are Subscribed by the
Preses and Committee as are the whole pages here of
date and place first above mentioned and appoint
and ordain the Clerk to deliver to the present Collector the
Differrent Applications made for alterations (Signed).
Roderick Mackenzie Alexander Mackenzie Alexander Mackenzie
George Mackenzie Alexander Mackenzie Extracted
from the principal Valuation Book of the said County
of Ross by me Clerk of supply of the said County Att
Dingwall the twenty Seventh day of Aprile One thousand
Seven hundred and Seventy one years, Upon this and the
fifteen preceeding pages.
Colin Mackenzie
£75,239 . 10.3
£75,043 . 10.3
Transcriber's notes
paper folder over at cornerTranscribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, Jean Mackenzie
Location information for this page.