Number | Proprietors | Lands | Valuation Sub | Valuation |
Houstounhead Twenty five pounds ten shillings and a penny two twelfths of a penny | £ | |||
Meikletree park Twelve pounds nineteen shillings and eleven pence | £12.19.11 | |||
Wallies Thirty two pounds One shilling and ten pence seven twelfths of a penny | £ | |||
Meadfoot Fourty eight pounds seven shillings and a penny ten twelfths of a penny | £ | |||
Pirretholm Ninety pounds thirteen shillings and five pence | £90.13.5 | |||
South mains Fourty nine pounds Seventeen shillings and four pence four twelfths of a penny | £ | |||
Robert Yard Sixty two pounds nine shillings and two pence nine twelfths of a penny | £ | |||
Burntmailing and Waterlee fourty eight pounds seven shillings and a penny ten twelfths of a penny | £ | |||
Easter and Mid Barfillans Twenty nine pounds three shillings and five pence | £29.3.5 | |||
Wraesand (------) Loft Fourty one pounds eighteen shillings and six pence two twelfths of a penny | £ | |||
Mill of Houstoun Mill lands Burnbrae and flat parts compretion(-----) therein Newton of Houstoun Ninety nine pounds two shillings and seven pence nine twelfths of a penny | £ | |||
Croplee fourty one pounds six shillings and a penny two twelfths of a penny | £ | |||
Meadowpark four pounds four shillings and seven pence four twelfths of a penny | £ | |||
Hallcraigs Eight pounds one shilling and two pence two twelfths | £8.1.2 | |||
West Barfillan Five pounds four shillings and nine pence two twelfths of a penny | £ | |||
Old Toun of Houstoun Nine pounds two shillings | ||||
and ten pence nine twelfths of a penny | £9.10..10.9/12 | |||
Coalhouse and yard One pound and a penny nine twelfths of a penny | £ | |||
Hallcraig park, Hall craig firrs and Bogg Maggies park (-----) Avenue Goose butt Milnhouse park Langdale park North Meadowpark Sheep park Sauch(----) and firr park Ninety five pounds fourteen shillings and a penny ten twelfths of a penny | £ | |||
And the feuduty of Camebo thirteen shillings and five pence | £0.13.5 | |||
The Commissioners of Supply by their Decreet bearing date the sixth day of January One thousand seven hundred and eighty six years proceeding upon the petition of James Maxwell Esq of Williamwood Appointed and Ordained the Valuation of the Twenty shilling land of Williamwood part of the land of Bogton and of the four merk land of Bogton belonging in property to Maxwell and ...... Pagan and in Superiority to the said James Maxwell of Williamwood to be stated in the Cessbooks of the County at One hundred and | ||||
ninety pounds two shillings and fourpence of Valuation And appointed that Valuation to be subtracted from the said James Maxwells Cumulo valuation in the Cess books | £190.2.4 |
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John Maxwell Clerk
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