Number | Proprietors | Lands | Valuation Sub | Valuation |
Easter Walton sometime belonging to John Gilmour and these parts of Easter Walton and the meadow on the southside of the Burn called Glanderston meadow sometime possessed by the said Alexander Wilson One hundred and sixteen pounds eight shillings and nine pence | £116.8.9 | |||
And by the same Decreet found that the article stated in the Cess books thus - The old feuers of Brunshiels One hundred and thirteen pounds six shillings and eight pence should be more fully stated thus Viz(-). | £113.6.8 | |||
The lands called Monkland and certain parts of Boreland belonging to William Craig - these parts of Weetlands belonging to John How - these parts of Borelands sometime belonging to John Hare now to Alexander Spier as heir of Allan Spier John How and John Barbour Junr [Junior] including the part called Byreflat - these parts of Weetlands called Ferehouse Gateside and Bult meadow and certain parts of Borelands which sometime belonged in property to the deceased John Boreland now to John Barbour Junr [Junior] | ||||
One hundred and thirteen pounds six shillings and eight pence | £113.6.8 | |||
And by the same Decreet found that (-----)lands of Newton belonging in property to the said Archibald Spiers Esq including therein that part of the lands of Barskivan lying on the southside of the new Turnpike road leading Westward from the Town of Paisley to Elderslie acquired in (-----) from the Earl of Dundonald stand rated at present in the Cess books at the sum of One hundred and six pounhds thirteen shillings and four pence - Appointed and Ordained the said part of Barskivan belonging to Mr | £106.13.4 | |||
Spiers to be hencefurth rated in the Cess books at the sum of Five pounds one shilling and seven pence Scots | £5.1.7 | |||
And the said lands of Newton belonging to Mr Spiers to be rated at the sum of One hundred and one pounds eleven shillings and nine pence Scots | £101.11.9 | |||
£106.13.4 | ||||
And by the same Decreet Appointed and ordained (---)lands of Ramothshiels and part of Blackburn which presently stand rated in the Cessbooks at Sixty one pounds one shilling (-----)hence furth rated therein as followsw Viz(-) | £61.1.0 | |||
Ramothshiels Thirty four pounds two shillings and nine pence One half penny | £ | |||
And the part of Blackburn possessed by James Grant Twenty six pounds eighteen shillings and two pennies one half pence | £ | |||
£61.1.0 | ||||
And by the same Decreet Appointed and ordained the following parts of the property | ||||
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[page 72]John Maxwell Clerk
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John Maxwell Clerk
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