
Lands Proprietor Valuation
Parish of Dollas and Altyre
Barony of Altyre George Cumming of Altyre £676.13.0
Succoth Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun £41.1.5
Torvinner Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun £21.3.1
Altaquhurn Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun £17.16.9
Bellanrils &c Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun £101.14.10
Auchness Robert Gordon Esqr. £45.1.3
Lenoth &c. Robert Gordon Esqr. £74.16.7
Halton &c. Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun Bart. [Baronet] £92.17.9
Westerkirktoun &c. Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun Bart. [Baronet] £27.13.5
Miln & Miln lands of Dollas Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun Bart. [Baronet] £37.17.1
Torchastle Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun Bart. [Baronet] £65.6.9
Easter & Wester Craigends Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun Bart. [Baronet] £36.9.0
Blackhills &c. Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun Bart. [Baronet] - £130.19.9 £130.19.9
Edinveal Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun Bart. [Baronet] £39.2.0
Remichie Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun Bart. [Baronet] £19.8.0
Bellachraggon Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun Bart. [Baronet] £32.6.0
Reninrier Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun Bart. [Baronet] £35.2.0
Easter Kellas James Earl of Fife £116.19.4
Craigmiln James Grant of Knochando £64.10.0
Wester Kellas Earl of fife £154.14.0
Mittle Branchel James Grant of Knochandon £64.10.6
Miekle Branchel James Grant of Knochandon £172.18.0
Coldmyre formerly a part of the Barony of Altyre George Cumming of Altyre £50.0.0
Little Phorp George Cumming of altyre £41.18.6
Bishoprick of Moray. The Collector of the Bishop Rents £1400.0.0
The Parson of Duffus Mr Alexander Murray £200.0.0
The Parson of Dyke & Moy Mr Robert Dunbar £50.0.0
The Parson of Urquhart mr James Spencer £50.0.0

Transcribe other information

[page] 8

This and the Seven Preceeding Pages Contains
an Exact Coppy of the Cess and valuation Books
of the County of Elgin and Forres Conform to
which Cess & all Publick burdens are Paid

[signed] John Duff JP [Justice of the Peace]

Attested also by its Commrs [Commissioners]
of Supply of the county of Elgin & Forres.

Joseph Dunbar
Allexander Tulloch

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Bizzy- Moderator, RobinLady