
Description of Property Valuation Sub 2 Present Proprietors Valuation Sub Valuation
Temple, Brought forward, £3756.4.6
James Dewar of Vogrie, for William Campbell's lands of Stobs James Dewar of Vogrie £287.0.0}
James Dewar of Vogrie, for Tocksidehole, a quarter of Tocksidehill and Nether Tockside, part of Rosebery James Dewar of Vogrie £152.5.6} £439.5.6
John Balfour, for the lands of Braidwood and Hirst, £204.0.0. Divided thus,—
Those parts of the lands of Braidwood and Hirst, belonging in property to Robert Dundas of Arniston, (the Right Honourable William Dundas, superior) £47.16.7
For that part of the lands of Braidwood called Pleahaugh, also belonging to him in property and superiority £2.17.10
£50.14.5 Robert Dundas of Arniston, Lord Chief Baron £50.14.5
For the remaining parts of Braidwood and Hirst, belonging to Robert Hepburn, (the Right Hon. [Honourable] William Dundas, superior) £153.5.7 Robert Hepburn, Part of Rosebery. £153.5.7
Per decreet, 30th April 1813. Agrees, £204.0.0
Total Temple Parish. £4399.10.0
No. 31. Herriot Parish. SCOTS MONEY.
Ph. [Parish] Herriot
Lands of Heriot OVR [Old Valued Rent] Scots £759.4.7
Divided : - Scots
Farm of Raeshaw (Trs [Trustees] of Thomas McDougal) £122.2.7
Farm of Heriot Town &c (Charles Cossor) £164.14.4
Farm of Shoestance (William Matheson) £149.11.5
Lands of Heriot Mill &c (Earl of Stair £322.16.3 £759.4.7
x Sir William Dalrymple, for the rest of the barony £759.4.7 Sir John H. Dalrymple, Bart. [Baronet] £759.4.7 x
Agrees, £1285.10.0
George Adinston of Carcant, for one-half of Corsehope £161.0.0
George Adinston of Carcant, for the other half of Corsehope, purchased from Mr Cranston, as after stated £161.0.0
George Adinston of Carcant, for Hallheriot £152.0.0
George Adinston of Carcant, for Carcant £132.0.0
£606.0.0 Thomas Adinston of Carcant £606.0.0
The Viscount of Primrose, for lands of Blackhope The Earl of Rosebery £300.0.0
George Cranston of Dewar, for the other half of Corsehope, now sold to Mr Adinston of Carcant, as before stated £161.0.0 Stated before to Mr Adinston.
George Cranston of Dewar, for his lands of Dewar £258.0.0 Thomas Cranstoun of Dewar, W. S. [Writer to the Signet] £258.0.0
Crookston, for lands of Kirklandhill John Borthwick of Crookston £146.10.0
Falahill, Mr Mitchelson, William Tait Heirs of William Tait £207.10.0
Total Heriot Parish, £2803.10.0

Transcribe other information

[page] 102
Rectified Valuation Roll 1814, Continued.
N.B. The Barony of Rosebery and Tockside, stated in Roll 1702, £1300.0.0, are included in the foregoing division.
N.B. Agrees with Rolls 1702, 1726, 1738, and 1811.
[page] 103
Rectified Valuation Roll 1814, Continued.
[page] 103A
Sir William Dalrymple [note] See app. p. [appendix page] 34.
N.B. Agrees with Rolls 1702, 1726, 1738, and 1811.
D d

Transcriber's notes

Notes in green ink have not been transcribed
Transcriber's notes for E106/22/7/103A - "the background image has been transcribed on the previous page". That is this page and it is identical, so the original page is obscured by the handwritten note in both images and so is NOT transcribed anywhere.
[Note in red ink - last line of Description of Property] Lord Stair Superior [Superior is underlined]. See notes of Search in F.1314.

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