
Description of Property Valuation Sub 2 Present Proprietors Valuation Sub Valuation
No. 28. Falla Parish. SCOTS MONEY.
Thomas Hamilton, for the lands of Falla Sir John Hamilton Dalrymple, Bart. [Baronet] £674.0.0
No. 29. Borthwick Parish. SCOTS MONEY.
William Turnbull, for lands and barony of Currie, £640.0.0. Divided thus,—
R. Walter Brown, for lands of Currie £403.0.0 Walter Brown of Currie £403.0.0
James Dewar of Vogrie, for remainder, as under £237.0.0 As after stated.
Agrees, £640.0.0
Crookston, for Cakemuir-hill £80.10.0
Crookston, for Cowberry-hill, as after stated £80.10.0
Part of Borthwick, as after stated £87.2.3
£248.2.3 John Borthwick of Crookston £248.2.3
Lord Arniston, including east side of Esperton and Hanspight £1310.0.0
The lands of Shank £386.0.0
The estate of Harvieston, £670.4.8
Mr James Dalrymple. Divided thus,—
Lord Arniston, for Bogend, Pirnhall, and the west part of Harvieston, (Robert Dundas, W.S. [Writer to the Signet] superior) £211.10.4 £211.10.4
£1907.10.4 Robert Dundas of Arniston, Lord Chief Baron £1907.10.4
Vogrie, for part of Harvieston, as after stated £332.8.9
Mr Cranstoun, part of Harvieston, as under £126.5.7
Agrees, £670.4.8
Borthwick Parish carried forward, £2558.12.7

Transcribe other information

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Rectified Valuation Roll 1814, Continued.
N. B. Agrees with Rolls 1702, 1738, and 1811,—but £0.0.6 more in the Rolls 1726, 1727, 1728, 1729, and 1730, which must be a mistake in copying.
C c

Transcriber's notes

R denotes that the Cess or Land-Tax is Redeemed
Notes in green ink have not been transcribed

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