
Description of Property Valuation Sub 2 Present Proprietors Valuation Sub Valuation
Ph [Parish] West Calder. Lands of Muirhousedykes O.V.R. [Old Valued Rent] Scots. £160.0.0
Divided thus:- Scots
Part belonging to John Graham including Kirkhill, Westburn, Back of Moss Harkhead X £123.10.0
X Divided as below
Part belonging to Thomas Balfour comprehending Drumaben, Badleith - part of Muirhousedyes share of Woodburn £37.0.0 £160.0.0
Division of above £123. 10/- Scots
Part of Muirhousedykes including Kirkhill standing in name of John Graham:-
Muirhousedykes Farm £54.6.10
Westburn £18.10.6
Back of Moss £11.2.4
Glebe & Small Fields about Muirhousedykes north of Scollaburn £17.5.9
Parkhead £12.7.0
Total of Dr [Doctor] Thomas Logan £113.12.5
Kirkhill belonging to John Robertson £9.17.7

Land tax transcription

Of West Calder - Lands of Muirhousedykes OVR Scots £ 160.10.0
Divided Thus: -
Part belonging to John Graham including Scots
Kirkhill, Westburn, Back of Moss Harkhead £ *123.10.0 (see below)
*divided as below
Part belonging to Tho. Balfour comprehending
Drumaben, Badleith - part of Muirhousedyes
share of Woodburn (F.9079) * 34 - - £ 160.10.0

Division of above (lbs) 123.10/. Scots
Part of Muirhousedykes including Kirkhill standing in name of
John Graham: -
Muirhousedykes Farm £ 54.6.10
Westburn 18.10.6
Back of Moss 11.2.4
Glebe & Small Fields about Muirhousedykes north of 17.5.9
Parkhead 12.7.0
Total of Dr. Tho. Logan (F.9079) 113.12.5
Kirkhill belonging to John Robertson 9.17.7
£ 123.10.0

Transcribe other information

[page] 75B

Part belonging to John Graham including Kirkhill, Westburn, Back of Moss Harkhead [note] (see below)

Transcriber's notes

annotations in green ink not transcribed

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Bizzy- Moderator, Catherine Muir