
Proprietor & Land Valuation Valuation (Total)
By Act of the Commrs. [Commissioners] 29 Decr. [December] 1751 The Lands in the Parish of Glasfoord Viz. Torrences part being £918.5.0 Scots Value Rent is subdivided thus Viz.
Muirburn George Alston £132.15.2 ¹⁴⁄₈₃
Holl John Alston £63.4.4 ²⁶⁸⁄₅₈₁
Braehead John Alston £63.4.4 ²⁶⁸⁄₅₈₁
West Mains John Alston £25.5.8 ⁵⁷²⁄₅₈₁
Pahlet John Alston £12.12.10 ²⁸⁶⁄₅₈₁
Whitehill Janet Cullin £31.12.2 ¹³⁴⁄₅₈₁
Kikrstile James Holms £14.4.5 ⁴⁶⁷⁄₅₈₁
Knowhead James Hastie £61.12.9 ⁸⁷⁄₅₈₁
West Quarter James Millar £107.9.5 ¹⁷⁄₅₈₁
New-wark John Lawcock £53.14.8 ³⁴⁴⁄₅₈₁
HAgs John Marshall £26.17.4 ¹⁷²⁄₅₈₁
John Riddle portioner of Heads £44.5.0 ⁶⁰⁄₈₃
Gavin Semple portione of Heads £44.5.0 ⁶⁰⁄₈₃
David Wardrope portioner of Heads £22.2.6 ³⁰⁄₈₃
Hillside possest by Margaret Stevenson belonging to David Wardrope £25.5.8 ⁵⁷²⁄₅₈₁
Hillside possest by Archibald Burns belonging to David Wardrope £25.5.8 ⁵⁷²⁄₅₈₁
East Quarter John Hamilton £79.0.5 ³⁸⁵⁄₅₈₁
Pennie Land Robert Struthers £9.9.7 ⁵⁰⁸⁄₅₈₁
The Miln Mr Archibald Stewart £75.17.2 ⁵⁵⁴⁄₅₈₁
Total Sum £918.5.0
Mrs. Orrs Valuation in the Parish of Bothwell by Act of Commrs. [Commissioners] date 2nd. May 1758 Subdivided thus
George Aikman -- £17.3.2
Mr. Andrew Gray -- £7.15.0
Michael Potter -- £6.16.6 £31.12.8
By Act of the Commrs. [Commissioners] of Supply dated 31st Augt. [August] 1758 The Following Subdivisions are authorised Vizt.
John McGhies part of High Stonehall in Hamilton Paroch of Valuation £94.13.4 Subdivided thus
John McGhies for the half thereof -- £47.6.8
William Baird for his half -- £47.6.8 £94.13.4
Shawtonhill Old Valuation £199.0.0 Subdivided thus Vizt.
John Semple part -- £12.16.0
William Parks part -- £12.16.0
David Carwfords part -- £46.6.0
John Currs part -- £18.19.0
William Frams part -- £18.19.0
Alexander Allans part -- £22.6.0
William Hamilton's part -- £22.6.0
James Lawsons part -- £44.12.0 £199.0.0
Chapple town Old Valuation besides William Semples part £200.12.2 Subdivided thus Vizt
John Marshall Townheads part -- £98.8.10
John Semple portioner of leads his part -- £55.11.4 £55.11.4
Gavin Semples part -- £13.17.0
John Semple White Craig's part -- £9.9.0
John Semple Smiddie loans part -- £9.9.0
John Curs part -- £6.18.6
William Frams part -- £6.18.6 £200.12.2

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[Signed] Andrew Vere

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