
Proprietor & Land Valuation Valuation (Total)
By Act of the Commissioners of Supply dated 12 May 1749 The Lands if Inchnock Valued at £333.6.8 is thus subdivided
Christian Hay -- £111.2.2 ⅔
Rebecca Hay -- £111.2.2 ⅔
John -- £111.2.2 ⅔ £333.6.8
By Act of the Coors. [Commissioners dated 20 May 1749 The lands of Neilsland Valued at £205.16.0 is subdivided thus
David Marshall Part -- £171.10.0
John Bryson's part -- £34.6.0 £205.16.0
By Act of the Coomrs. Commissioners dated 20 May 1749 John Brysons part of Drumloch Valuation £68.0.0 subdiv. [Subdivided] thus
John Bryson's part -- £34.0.0
John Naismith's part -- £34.0.0 £68.0.0
By Act of the Commrs. [Commissioners] dated 7 May 1740 The Lands of Faskine Valued at £307.0.0 subdivided thus
William Robertson for Nuech & Sandycrosft -- £61.0.0
Gartnes for fryat shaw & Scarhole -- £17.0.0
Thomas Wilson for Moss Neuck -- £5.17.0
Munkland for Bairds Maillin -- £14.0.0
Gray for Crawoods -- £30.0.0
James Gardiner for his part -- £179.3.0 £307.0.0
By Act of the Commrs [Commissioners] dated 1st June 1749 Wishaws Bankhead in Shotts parish of Valuation £22.0.0. Subdivided thus
Wishaws part -- £14.14.0
John Meeks part -- £7.6.0 £22.0.0
By Act of the Commrs. [Commissioners] dated 7 November 1750 The Lannds of Rouchhill of Valuation £110.0.0 Garroch £130.0.0 Subdivided thus
Allan Dreghorn for Rouchill -- £110.0.0
Allan Dreghorn for ⅔ of Garrioch -- £86.13.4 -- £196.13.4
Thomas Dunmoor for ⅓ of Garrock -- £43.6.8 £240.0.0
By Act of the Commrs. [Commissioners] dated 13 Septemr. [September] 1751. The lands in the parish of Calder belonging to Archibald Roberton Your. [Younger] of Bedlay and thers are thus stated & Subdivided
Gartferry now Robertonhall Archibald Roberton -- £120.0.0
John Muirs part of Gartferry -- £60.0.0 £180.0.0
Archibald Roberton for the 4th part of Johnston formerly Aitkins -- £82.10.0
Archibald Roberton for ¾ pts [parts] of the oyr [other] parts of Johnston -- £185.12.6
Robert Spreul for ¼ of said ¾ Parts -- £61.17.6 £330.0.0
Archibald Robertons half of Drumcavell -- £13.10.0
James Grays ½ thereof -- £13.10.0 £27.0.0
Archibald Roberton for part of the lands of Chryston formerly Mr James Roberton £48.1.8

Transcribe other information

[Page] 44
[Page] 45

[Signed] Andrew Vere

[Margin Notes]
Inchnock & Gain subdivided N. [North] Munkland Vide p [page] 19
Nuts Land Subdivided Hamilton Vide p [page] 4
J.B. part of Drumloch subdivided vide p. [page] 3 Glasford
Faskine subdivided Munkland
Wishaws Bankhead Shotts Parish Subdivided vide p [page] 21
Rouchhill & Garroch in Parish of Barrony Subdivided Vide p [page] 12
Gartferry Vide p [page] 15
Johnston Vide p [page] 16
Drumcavell Vide p [page] 16
hryston - Ibid [page] 16

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