
Proprietor & Land Valuation Valuation (Total)
Crawford John, Roberton, Wiston, Symington Val [Valuation]
Strangcleugh £66.13.4
Wester Glentuing £50.0.0
John Coltheart £18.0.0
Willm [William] Braidfoot £40.0.0
Lettershaws £30.0.0
Roberton Valuation £1033.0.0
The Duke of Douglas £409.0.0
Mr James Baillie £574.0.0
Willm [William] Baillie for Mott £50.0.0
Wistoun Valuation £1033.6.8
The Laird of Cleghorn £432.0.0
Lamington for Newton £181.13.4
Sorn Falla £160.0.0
Greenhill £166.0.0
Little Gallee £53.6.8
Eastfield £40.6.8
Symington Valuation £838.0.0
The Laird of Carnwath now Telfer £457.0.0
Anniston £116.13.4
Clachan £58.6.8
Eastfield £70.0.0
Tintoside & Wyndales £60.0.0
Lockart Hill, Corrhouses £76.0.0
Thankerton Valuation £913.0.8
Sr [Sir] James Carmichail £656.16.0
Thankerton, Covington, Pettinean Vn [Valuation]
St. [Saint] Johns Kirk £71.8.8
Corrhouses 10 Oxgate, now Lord Hyndfoords £106.0.0
Muirhouse now Lord Hyndfoords £78.16.0
Covington Valuation £1333.0.0
The Laird of Carnwath £1168.10.8
Warninghill & Pirrieflat £164.9.4
Pettinean Valuation £1570.0.8
Lord Carmichael £977.13.4
Granghall £88.18.8
Greinstonhead £57.15.6
Claburn & fills £381.1.8
John Gibson Weston £57.15.6
Willm [William] Fisheris pt [part] £6.16.0
Carmichael Valuation £1333.6.8
Lord Carmichael £800.0.0
His Lands of Crossrigs £266.13.4
Lochlacock the D. [Duke] of Douglas £200.0.0
East End Thomas Carmichael £66.13.4
Douglas Valuation £5100.9.10
The Duke of Douglas £2844.10.0
His £20 Lands of Drumalbuin £520.0.0
His £10 lands of Sandielands £266.13.4
His Lands of Park £124.9.8
Carmacoup Portows £166.13.4
The Toun of Douglas £228.3.6
Hislesyde Watston & 2 Muckheads £557.0.0
Kinnox £193.0.0
Powfeich Hyndfoords £200.0.0

Transcribe other information

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now Hyndfoords
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[Signed] Andrew Vere

Subdivided p [page] 56

Hyndfoord & Bonnintons
[Signed] Andrew Vere

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