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[Page] 13Innernes the tuentie nynth day of
Januarie Jajvics & four score years [1680]
In presence of Alexander Chissolme
Shirreff Deput of the Shirefdome of
Innernes: Be vertue of and in obedience
to ane Letter from his maties [majesties] secreet Counsell
Deated the tuentie third day of December
last by past Direct to the Shireff prinll [principall]
of Innernes or his Deputs to the effect
The within writin syde of this leafe with the fyve pre-
ceeding leafes of this book, is ane full, just, and true
Coppie of the prinll [principall] valuation book of the
Shirefdome of Innernes, by which the Cess is
ordored by the Comissioners to be uplifted, Collationed
therwith by us under subscryveand and, Nothing added
therto, nor Diminished therfrae, but agreeing word
be word with the prinll [principall], Is Solemnely upon
oath attested be me William Cuming Shirreff
Clerk Deput of Innernes and Collector sub [ ]
be John forrester Collector of the Cess of the shirefdome
thereof and in his absense signed and attested in mane[r]
abow and underwritin: and in testimony yrof [thereof] wee have
subt [ ] thir [p.ts] Day & Deat forsaid
W Cuming attes[ ] |& [ ]
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Alison James- Moderator, Dauvit- Moderator, AMRM
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