
Proprietor & Land Valuation Valuation (Total)
Brought forward £1644.6.8
John Aichieson £60.0.0
Robert Lyell £37.10.0
James Yule Elder and David Yule his youngest lawful son for three acres of land purchased from William Stevenson per D. 16 August 1733 No. 108 £36.14.0
Land purchased by David Brown from William Stevenson per D. 6 June 1751 No. 222 £49.12.6
Part of said lands sold to the Sea Box per D. 6 June 1751 No. 223 £42.10.0
William Stevensons remaining valued rend per D. 6 June 1751 No. 223 £153.3.6
Note 2. Sum being William Stevenson £215.0.0 & Part of William Bell Youngers supposed Mr Robert Vernour per D. 12 July 1748 No. 204 £67.0.0 £282.0.0
Simon Russell £42.0.0
Helen Dempster £36.0.0
Elizabeth Gourlay £32.6.8
John Wilson £30.0.0
William Watson £15.0.0
Alexander Stocks supposed to be part of Mr Robert Vernour per D. 204, 12 July 1748 £33.0.0
Alexander Steuart £22.10.0
Thomas Cook £21.6.8
Alexander Gillespie £6.6.8
Carried over £2262.6.8

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