
Proprietor & Land Valuation Valuation (Total)
John Bayne of Logie £253.0.0
Earl of Southesk for Easter Cruvie £602.13.4
Brighouse Mr Andrew Hays per D. 1 November 1739 (No. 148) £84.5.0
Tor Forrat Robert Murdoch's per D.15 December 1741 (No.169) and 10 February 1763 (No.296) £50.11.6
Easter and Wester Forrat per D. 15 December 1741 (No.169) and 10 February 1763 (No.296) £786.6.10
Sum of old Wester Forrat £250.10.0 and Michael Balfour of Forrat £670.13.1 £921.3.4
James Preston of Denbrae £420.0.0
Tor Kedlock, David Edmonston's per D. 15 December 1741 (No.169) and 10 February 1763 (No.296) £67.14.0
Remains of Kedlock per D.15 December 1741 (No.169) £319.6.0
Sum of old "Laird of Kennairs Keadlock £387.0.0
John Imbrie of Wester Cruvie £332.10.0
SUMMA £2916.6.8

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