
Proprietor & Land Valuation Valuation (Total)
Brought forward £3549.16.0 £3398.10.0
Meadows and Haughs possessed by said C. Hill per D. 28 August 1788 No. 497 £348.5.9
One half of Craigie consisting of the Crafts Claylands or Firth with the four North East Parks of Craigie added to that part of said Farm called Pickletillhim, Castlefield and Myre all lying on the West side of the road leading to Ferry Port on Craig by Craigiehill possessed by J. Mathie per D. 28 August 1788 No. 497 £322.16.5
One half of Craigie called Innfieldlands and part of Craigiehill on the East side of the Highway leading to Ferry Port on Craig bounded on the north by D. Gillespies lands of Cowbaikie and on the East by a drain between said Innfield lands and part of the Clay lands by Craigie and on the south by a road from East to West betwixt the said lands of Fordle per D. 28 August 1788 No. 497 £322.16.5
Oe half of Rhind and Whitecroft consisting of Whitecroft, part of Rhind, Rashiemyre and Cast per D. 28 August 1788 No. 497 £332.19.6
One half of Rhind and Whitecroft possessed by A. Greive consisting of
Carried over £4876.14.1 £3398.10.0

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DANIALSAN, Bizzy- Moderator, Nifty, Richard Roy, charles