Proprietor and land | Valuation |
The rest of falkland parish | |
brought over Ane thousand nyne hunderith & elleven pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] | £1911.6.8 |
Cullairnies galislie Ane hunderith threttie eight pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £138.13.4 |
Grainge dicks glaislie Ane hunderith sextie eight pund | £168.0.0 |
Easter Conland Thrie hunderith fourtie fyve pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] | £345.6.8 |
Andrew birrell seventie four pund | £74.0.0 |
william Ged seventie four pund | £74.0.0 |
david sibalds pairt of freuchie Ane hunderith pund | £100.0.0 |
william Fergus seventie four pund | £74.0.0 |
Alexander frazer Ane hunderith eighty tuo pund 10ss [shilling] | £182.10.0 |
Thomas Lausone pairt of balmblae nyne pund | £9.0.0 |
mithill seven hunderith & sextin pun | £716.0.0 |
balmblae Tuo hunderith fyftie four pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] | £254.6.8 |
John Geddie Thrie hunderith & threttie pund | £330.0.0 |
Master of burghlie Four hunderith & nyntie fyve pund 10ss [shilling] | £495.10.0 |
Charles Arnott Four hunderith & elleven pund | £411.0.0 |
Lord Murray Ane hunderith fourtie seven pund | £147.0.0 |
small heritors Tuo hunderith sextie nyne pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £269.13.4 |
William Mairshall nyntie pund | £90.0.0 |
Countes of Rothes fue dutys Tuentie sex pund | £26.0.0 |
Lord Stormont Eight pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] | £8.6.8 |
John Lumsdell In fruchie for drymultur Eightein pund 10ss [shilling] | £18.10.0 |
byres in Kinlock david Thomsone In Ketle & & walter Lumsdell In fruchie for drymultur Tuentie on pund | £21.0.0 |
summa Fyve thousand Eight hunderith sextie four pund 3ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £5864.3.4 |
Ketle | |
Tcheaple Arnot Ane hunderith & thrie pund 10ss [shilling] | £103.10.0 |
david Thomsone Tuo hunderith fyftie thrie pund 10ss [shilling] | £253.10.0 |
Robert Russell bailzie Ane hunderith & sex pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] | £106.6.8 |
patrick Russell sextie four pund | £64.0.0 |
Mr Thomas Russell sextie four pund | £64.0.0 |
Robert Russell provest fourscore fyve pund | £85.0.0 |
david Rymer Threttie seven pund | £37.0.0 |
Forthar Ane Thousand tuentie thrie pund | £1023.0.0 |
Lathrisk Ane thousand ane hunderith & eightein pund | £1118.0.0 |
Ramornie nyne hunderith nyntie seven pund 10ss [shilling] | £997.10.0 |
Alexander hog & James bennett sextin pund | £16.0.0 |
dovan & dounfield Four hunderith & nynty nyne pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £499.13.4 |
holketle Thrie hunderith & tuelve pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £312.13.4 |
Clattie sex hunderith sextie sex pund | £666.0.0 |
Freuchimilne Thrie hunderith & fyftin pund 10 ss [shilling] | £315.10.0 |
Rameldrie Thrie hunderith fourtie thrie pund | £343.0.0 |
Rigs Ane hunderith threttie nyne pund | £139.0.0 |
burnturk Four hunderith sextie sex pund 10ss [shilling] | £466.10.0 |
Earl of Crafurd Ane hunderith & thrie pund | £103.0.0 |
orkie Tuo hunderith Fyftie tuo pund | £252.0.0 |
Summa sex thousand nyne hunderith sextie fyve pund 3ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £6965.3.4 |
Neubrugh | |
Lord Lindores Four hunderith threttie sex pund | £436.0.0 |
pitcairlie Ane thousand ane hunderith threttie sex pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £1136.13.4 |
Mugdrum Ane hunderith eightie thrie pund | £183.0.0 |
small heritors of neubrugh Thrie hunderith eightie tuo pund | £382.0.0 |
Craft dyck fue duty Tuentie tuo pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £22.13.4 |
Marquis of douglas fue duty Threttin pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £13.13.4 |
Summa Tuo thousand Ane hunderith seventie four pund | £2174.0.0 |
Abreviat of the valloued rent In Cupar presbitrie | |
balmirinoch parish Four thousand Eightie fyve punds 10ss [shilling] | £4085.10.0 |
Logie Tuo thousand nyne hunderith & sextin pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] | £2916.6.8 |
Phlisk Thrie thousand tuo hunderith threttie thrie pund 16ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] | £3233.16.8 |
Kilmainie Fyve thousand thrie hunderith threttie tuo pund 10ss [shilling] | £5332.10.0 |
Creich Tuo thousand seven hunderith fyftie eight pund | £2758.0.0 |
Abdie seven thousand thrie hunderith tuentie on pund | £7321.0.0 |
Monimeall seven Thousand nyne hunderith & eightie pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £7980.13.4 |
denboug Thrie thousand Ane hunderith sextie tuo pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £3162.13.4 |
Moonsie Ane Thousand seven hunderith fyftie nyne pund | £1789.0.0 |
Ceres Eight Thousand thrie hunderith fiftie nyne pund | £8359.0.0 |
dairsie Thrie thousand Ane hunderith & sextin pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] | £3116.6.8 |
Cullesie Fyfe thousand eight hunderith & fyftin pund | £5815.0.0 |
Cult Tuo thousand sextie nyne pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] | £2069.6.8 |
strathmiglo nyne thousand Four hunderith fyftie seven pund | £9457.0.0 |
Kings rent sex thousand Ane hunderith & tuentie thrie pund | £6123.0.0 |
Auchtermuchtie Fyve thousand eight hunderith four pund 10ss [shilling] | £5804.10.0 |
Cupar Fyve thousand thrie hunderith threttie on pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £5331.13.4 |
Falkland Fyve thousand eight hunderith sextie four pund 3ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £5864.3.4 |
Ketle sex thousand nyne hunderith sextie fyve pund 3ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £6965.3.4 |
neuburgh Tuo thousand Ane hunderith seventie four pund | £2174.0.0 |
Suma nyntie nyne Thousand sex hunderith Fyftie eight pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £99658.13.4 |
St andrews presbitrie | |
Forgane parish | |
Kirkton Ane thousand tuo hunderith & sextin pund | £1216.0.0 |
bank of Innerdovat Ane hunderith threttie thrie pund | £133.0.0 |
Flas Tuo hunderith fourtie four pund | £244.0.0 |
Morton hay Ane hunderith sextie on pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] | £161.6.8 |
wormitt Tuo hunderith & on pund | £201.0.0 |
Innerdovat Thrie hunderith sextie thrie pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £363.13.4 |
St foord walker Thrie hunderith Fourtie on pund | £341.0.0 |
Woodhaven Ane hunderith Eightie tuo pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £182.13.4 |
harlaw sheills Ane hunderith tuentie sex pund | £126.0.0 |
St foord nairne Ane thousand thrie hunderith & nyne pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £1309.13.4 |
neuton Leslie sex hunderith & fourtie pund 10ss [shilling] | £640.10.0 |
Litle friarton Tuo hunderith tuentie sex pund 10ss [shilling] | £226.10.0 |
summa Fyve thousand Ane hunderith fourtie fyve pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] | £5145.6.8 |
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