
Proprietor Land Valuation Totals
PARISH OF TINDRIM Mks [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pence] Mks [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pence]
The lands of Stenhouse and Clackwhannan, the lands of Thistlymark, the lands of Glenlaugh, the lands of Markiestoune and Magmalloch, The lands of Markmony and Markreoch 562.6.8
The twelve merkland of Auchenhessnene 337.6.8
The Kirkland of Tindrim 75.0.0
Penzearie's lands 325.0.0
The lands of Killiewarren 90.0.0
The lands of Damacurran 155.0.0
The lands of Apine 300.0.0
The lands of Craigencuine 262.6.8
The lands pertaining to Crogline Elder and Younger 517.6.8
The lands called Airds 45.0.0
The land of Stramilligan 75.6.8
The lands of Corrodow 90.6.8
The lands of Kilmark 37.6.8
The lands of Cormilligane 122.6.8
The Twentie shillingland of Craigencuine and Chapeland 75.0.0
The Fourtie shillingland of Clonrae and Done 105.0.0
The Fourtie shillingland of Craigenhitt and Camling 112.6.8
The Fyve merkland of Craignie and Lag 150.0.0
The Fourtie shillingland of Foord 60.0.0
he Twentie Shillingland of Laught 97.6.8
The Milntoune 50.0.0
The Fourtie shillingland of Auchengibbert 90.0.0
SUMA 3696.0.0
Three thousand six hundreth and nyntie six merks.
PARISH OF TYNRON Mks [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pence] Mks [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pence]
Duke of BUCCLEUGH and QUEENSBERRY * Five-merkland of Craignee and Lag 150.0.0
* Forty-shillingland of Craigenhitt and Camling 112.6.8
* Forty-shillingland of Clonrae and Done 105.0.0
* Twenty-shillingland of Laught 97.6.8
* Forty-shillingland of Auchengibbert 90.0.0
* Twenty-shillingland of Craigencoon and Chappell Land 75.0.0
* Forty-shillingland of Ford 60.0.0
The lands pertaining to Crogline Elder and Younger 517.6.8
* Airds 45.0.0
Tanlego 88.0.0
Marqueston or Macqueston 80.0.0
Stramilligan 75.6.8
Kilnmark 37.6.8
* His Grace's whole other Lands in this parish are included in a cumulo of £31413 merks, 6s. 8d., called the Duke of Queensberry's cumulo in the Presbytery of Penpont (vide page 125). They have long paid assessments in this parish, conform to a valuation of 1258.3.4 2274.3.4
JAMES McTURK of Stenhouse Stenhouse 231.2.8
FRANCIS WILSON of Croglin Appine 300.0.0
Croglin 80.0.0
Magmulloch 53.0.0
Markreoch 53.0.0 486.0.0
JAMES SMITH of Jerbrugh Marquestonhill and Birkhill, Horsepark and Marqueston 177.0.0
Coremilligan and Mossmalloch 122.6.8
Corrodow 90.6.8 390.0.0
SAMUEL MOFFAT of Auchenhessnane Twelve-merkland of Auchenhessnane 337.6.8
ALEXANDER SMITH of Land Damacurran 135.0.0
Lands 126.0.0 261.0.0
JOHN SMITH of Kirkconnel Kirkconnel 154.6.8
Thistliemark 57.4.0 191.10.8
JOHN GRACIE of Killiewarren Killiewarran 90.0.0
JOHN KENNEDY of Kirkland Kirkland of Tynron 75.0.0
Total valuation of the parish of TYNRON, Four thousand three hundred and sixty-six merks, ten shillings. 4366.10.0
Minister's stipend, 16 chalders, half meal, half barley, and £8 6s 8d. for Communion elements.
Last augmentation dated 7th March 1821.
School salary 306 merks.

Transcribe other information



Tanlego - Capt [Captain] GL Walker Supr [Superior]
Croglin - Capt [Captain] GL Walker Supr [Superior]
Marquestonhill etc. - Capt [Captain] GL Walker Supr [Superior]
Auchessnane - Buccleuch
Damacurran Lands - Capt [Captain] GL Walker Supr [Superior]
Thistliemark - Capt [Captain] GL Walker Supr [Superior]

Transcriber's notes

Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed.

The land-tax of the lands marked * has been redeemed.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Chr1smac -Moderator, Nora Edwards, Alix, Bizzy- Moderator, DANIALSAN, Robin Irvine

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