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Proprietor Land Valuation Totals
PARISH OF RUTHWELL. M. [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pennies] M. [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pennies]
The Fyfteen merkland of Locherwood 450.0.0
The Fyve merkland of Howthat, pertaining to Ramerskails 45.0.0
The Fourtie shilling land of Kirkstyll 80.0.0
SUMA £575.0.0
Fyve hundreth and seventie fyve merks
PARISH OF RUTHWELL. M. [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pennies] M. [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pennies]
Earl of MANSFIELD Forty-shillingland of Kirkstyle 100.0.0
Five-merkland of Howthat, that pertained to Rammerscales 45.0.0
Newbie's Merkland 40.0.0
Forty-shillingland of Ruthwell, Cocklicks, and Meikle Belridding. 2233.0.0
[Total] 2418.0.0
Messrs. GORDON and McKEAN Nether Locherwoods 225.0.0
W.C. MAXWELL of Nithsdale *Stank and Merkland 150.0.0
WILLIAM DICKSON *Upper and Mid Locharwoods 75.0.0
Total valuation of the Parish of RUTHWELL, Two thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight merks. 2868.0.0
Minister's stipend £332 9s [shillings] 6d. [pennies] 8-12ths (the whole tiend), and £8 6s [shilling] 8d [pennies] for Communion elements.
Last augmentation dated 24th Jan., [January] 1821.
School salary 400 merks.

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Transcriber's notes

Annotations in green ink have not been transcribed.
The land-tax of the lands marked * has been redeemed.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

DANIALSAN, Bizzy- Moderator, ScotlandsPlaces, Robin Irvine

  Location information for this page.