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Proprietor Land Valuation Totals
Mks. [Merks] s. [shillings d. [pennies] Mks. [Merks] s. [shillings d. [pennies]
The Fyve merkland of Raeburnsteill and Cove, pertaining to Cleugh-heads 262.6.8
The Fourtie shilling land of Mousknow 112.6.8
The Seven merkland of Kirkpatrickfleeming 270.0.0
The Fourtie shilling land of Beltonmont, with the lands of Hodlingtoun 300.0.0
The Fyve merkland of Broats 150.0.0
The Fyve merkland of Woodhous 187.6.8
The Twa merk halfe merkland of Alderbeck 150.0.0
The Fyve merkland of Byre and Wysbie 200.0.0
The eighty-fyve merk and halfe merk land of Springkell, Redkirk's lands, The Fourtie shilling land of Sarksheills, halfe Mortoun, Logan, and these lands formerly called Reidkirk 4000.0.0
The lands of Smellholme and Chaple of Logan 120.0.0
The Lands of Langshaw and milne thereof, pertaining to Woodhous 120.0.0
The Fyfteen merkland pertaining to Annandale, valued in his totall with the Three merk land of Righeads 0.0.0
SUMA 5872.6.8
Fyve thousand eight hundreth seventy-twa merks six shilling eight pennies.
Sir J.H. MAXWELL, Bart [Baronet] of Springkell Kirkconnell Mains 255.0.0
Burnfoot 225.0.0
Blackcleugh 146.0.0
Cairnhill 139.0.0
Birronlees 131.0.0
Craigshaws 125.0.0
Branteth 102.0.0
Gair 90.0.0
Sarkshiels 84.0.0
Berklieshead 68.0.0
Davinswalls 65.0.0
Howgillside 61.0.0
Raeburnhead 53.0.0
Caldronlee 52.0.0
Southside 43.0.0
Drowncow 41.0.0
Gowkhall 33.0.0
Laverockhall 33.0.0 1746.0.0
The lands and baronies of Springkell and Half Morton are valued in cumulo at 2307 merks, and were formerly stated under this parish, but now are placed under the parishes of Gratney and Half Morton, in which they respectively situated.
ANN MAIR of Wysbie *Calvertsholm and Reidhall, Muir of Reidhall, Miln, and Cothouses 398.0.0
*Five-merkland of Byres and Wysbie 200.0.0 598.0.0
WILLIAM GRAHAM of Mossknow * Forty-shillingland of Beltenmount and Hodlington 273.0.0
*Righeads 120.0.0
*Forty-shillingland of Mossknow 112.6.8
*Steelhill 58.10.0 564.3.4
GEORGE RAE and PETER BELL Seven-merkland of Kirkpatrick-Fleeming 270.0.0
WILLIAM THOMSON of Woodhouse *Five-merkland of Woodhouse 187.6.8
Trustee of JOHN JEFFRAY Two-merk Half-merkland of Alderbeck 150.0.0
RICHARD BATTIE and GEORGE RAE'S children Five-merkland of Broats 150.0.0
JOHN BARKER of Langshaw *Langshaw and Milne thereof, that pertained to Woodhouse 120.0.0
FRANCIS IRVING of Cove Cove 117.3.4
MATHEW RAE of Newton Holelee 33.6.8
PETER RAMSAY *Part of Forty-shillingland of Beltenmount and Hodlington, called Scotsfield 27.0.0
Total Valuation of the Parish of KIRKPATRICK-FLEEMING, Three thousand nine hundred and sixty-three merks, six shillings, and eight pennies. 3963.6.8
Minister's stipend, 9 chalders, half meal, half barley, £60 of money, and £8 6s. [shilling] 8d. [pennies] for Communion elements.
Last Augmentation, dated 4th March, 1807.
School salary, 600 Merks.

Transcribe other information

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Burnfoot 225 merks divided in 1895 thus:-
Springkell Estate - 136.3.4
messrsGass of Raeburn- 98.10.0

Transcriber's notes

The land-tax of the lands marked * has been redeemed.

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Chr1smac -Moderator, DANIALSAN, Bizzy- Moderator, Robin Irvine

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