
Proprietor Land Valuation Totals
PARISH OF GLENCAIRNE. M. [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pennies]
Maxweltoune's lands viz. The Four merk and halfe merkland of Auchenstrowan, The Three merkland of Baltonne, The Twa merkland of Craiglirian. The Twa merks halfe merkland of Mairtour, The Twa merkland of Drumloaff, The Twa merk halfe merkland of Burnfoot, The Three merkland of Hill, The Fyftie shillingland of Peilstoune, The Three merkland of Shankistoun, The Fyve merkland of Maxwelltoun, The Three poundland of Belliboucht and Corsfoord, The Threttie shillingland of
Braikensyd, The Fourtie shilling land of Straith-head, The Fourtie shilling land of Auchenfedrig, The Fourite shilling land of Dardarroch, The halfe merkland of Clanstoune, The Twa merkland of Castlefairne, The Milne, The merkland of Little Laggan, The merkland of Meikle Laggan, The Twa merkland of Gordiestoune 3400.0.0
The Lands pertaining to Robert Ferguson of Craigdarroch, The Four merkland of Jedburghe, Lochanbennet, and Damacullen, Craigdarroch Milne and Lagdow, The Twa merkland of Moss and Graynes and Coatmantack. The land called the Twentie shillingland, The Three merk halfe merkland of Chapelmark and Corrodow, The Twa merk halfe merkland of Cornbie, The Twa merk half merk land of Conrike, The Twa merk halfe merk land of Blairoh, The Twa merk halfe merkland of
Benbowie, The Twa merk halfe merkland of Barnbowrie, The Threttie-twa shilling land of Craigdarroch, The Twentie shilling land of Neise, The Fyve merkland of Barndarroche, Over Caitloch, Camanell, and merkland of Dungalstoune 1500.0.0
The Lands pertaining to John McGachan, The Twa merk halfe merkland of Dalwhathead, The merkland of the Mayns of Dalwhat, The Twa merk halfe merkland of Mairwhairne 562.0.0
The Lands pertaining to Inglestoune, The merkland of Kirkland, The merklands of Gilmourstoune, The Twa merkland of Mid Inglestoune, The halfe merkland pertaining to him, The Milne of Twa merkland 657.6.8
The Over merkland of Kirkland 90.0.0
The Twa merkland of Birkshaw 122.6.8
The Fourtie shilling land of Freuchlarg 200.0.0
The Twa Merkland of Nether Inglestoune 300.0.0
The land pertaining to James Craik, The Threttie shilling land of Compstoune, The Milne of Snaid, The Twa merkland of Coatstoune, The Twa merkland of Keulstun, The merkland of Gaitsyd and merkland of Mossettstoun, The merkland of the Twa merkland and merkland of Stuartoune 775.0.0
The Twa merkland of Cleughsyd and Lairmore, The Twa Merkland of Claak, Kidstoune and Brattlestoune 250.0.0
The merkland of Netherclaak, pertaining to Bogrie 20.0.0
The Laird of Crawfurdtoun's haill lands, besyd his lands purchased from Stuartown 600.0.0
The Twa merkland of Blackstoune 150.0.0
The Three poundland of Auchencheyne 300.0.0
The merke halfe merkland of Dibbin 150.0.0
The merkland of Lochwhir 180.0.0
The Twa merkland of Minnygryll, and Twa Merkland of Kirkcudbright, Nether Caitloch, and Twa merk halfe merkland of Dunreggin 475.0.0
The Twa merkland of Craignestin, and Twa merkland of Threerigs 337.0.0
The Twa merkland of Glencrosh 165.0.0
The merkland of Nether Kirkcudbright 135.0.0
The Threttie shillingland of Creichen and Boddom 300.0.0
The Threttie shilling land of Braickensyd 90.0.0
The Threttie shillingland of Calsyd 187.6.8
The Twa merk halfe merkland of Glengaer 200.0.0
The Fyve merkland of Terraren 312.6.8
The lands of Snaid, Borland, Gerristoune, and Shaw 447.0.0
The merk land of Knockauchley 150.0.0
SUMA 12056.0.0
Twelve Thousand and fyftie-six merks.
PARISH OF GLENCAIRN. M. [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pennies] M. [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pennies]
ROBERT CUTLAR FERGUSSON of Orroland and Craigdarroch Craigdarroch Mains, Dungalston, and Ewanston 242.6.8
Thirty-shillingland of Creechan and Boddam 273.0.0
Thirty-shillingland of Callside 187.6.8
Marwhirn 154.0.0
Craigdarroch Parks, being Chappelmerk and Twenty-shillingland of Camonel 112.6.8
Nether Tack 27.0.0
Upper Caitloch, and Caitlochpark 20.0.0
Part of Marwhirn 20.0.0
[total] 1036.6.8
JAMES WALKER of Crawfurdton The Laird of Crawfurdton's hail Lands, exclusive of the Lands purchased from Stewarton 600.0.0
Two merkland of Cleughside and Lairmore, and Two-merkland of Claak, Kidston, and Brattleston 250.0.0
Stewarton, holden of Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry 89.0.0
Westside of Merkland of Kirkland 20.0.0
Eastside thereof 20.0.0
[total] 979.0.0
Rear-Admiral Sir ROBERT LAURIE of Maxwelton, Bart [Baronet] Maxwelton 259.6.8
Shancastle or Shankieston 151.6.8
Bankhead or Auchenfeddricks 151.3.4
Straith or Straithhead 131.0.0
Bellybuchts 121.0.0
Corseford 111.0.0
Walliston 50.5.4
[total] 975.8.8
Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge Two-merkland, Gateside, Moffatstoun, Keulston, Coatstoun, Compstoun, and Miln of Snaid, holden of the Crown 686.0.0
Boreland, and remainder of Snaid 235.0.0
[total] 921.0.0
JOHN BARBER of Terarran Five-merkland of Terraran 312.6.8
Benbuie and Cornbie 212.0.0
Martour and Little Dibbon 175.0.0
[total] 699.6.8
Trustees of WILLIAM FORBES of Callander Auchenstroan and Stranshalloch 282.6.8
Castlefairn 252.0.0
Neiss and Ballinnie 151.6.8
[total] 686.0.0
WILLIAM COLLOW of Auchenchain Three-merkland of Auchenchain 300.0.0
Two-merkland of Craigneston 200.0.0
Two-merkland and Miln thereof 129.6.8
Half-merkland 50.0.0
[total] 679.6.8
Trustees of ROBERT GILLESPIE of Peelton Hill or Gillygappock, with Miln and Miln Lands of Gillygappock 290.0.0
Part of Peelton 151.10.8
Half of Dunreggan, called Burnfoot, and the whole of Templand Meadow 131.1.0
ROBERT KENNEDY of Craigshiel Mains of Dalwhat and Dalwhathead 268.0.0
Drumloff 151.0.0
[total] 419.0.0
Carried Forward 6969.0.4

Transcribe other information

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Transcriber's notes

Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed.

[Against the whole of Robert Cutlar Fergusson's lands ] " Buccleuch is Supr. [Superior]
[Against Walliston] (Chr. Rev Dr B Johnston 20 Dec 1794)

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