
Proprietor Land Valuation Totals
PARISH OF DURISDEIR. M. [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pennies]
The Maynes of Enoche, The lands of Cleughfoot and Holestaine, The lands of Enochtoune, Carronfoot, with the Milne thereof, The Walkmilne, The Lands of Scarhead in Durisdiertowne, besyd Fishings, Services, kaynes, and other casulaties not includet nor valued 1800.0.0
The Four merkland of Achensell and Muryhill 175.0.0
The Maynes of Ballagan, and Eight merkland of Drumcruil 660.0.0
The Fyve merkland of the Toune of Durisdeir, Scarhead being not includet, but valued in Enoch's valuation 247.6.8
The Fourtie-shillingland of Over Dalveen, Cleugh, Stainfoot, and Barngraynes, and the Lands of Muircleugh, Cotterhous, and Maynes of Castlehill 1350.0.0
The Merkland pertaining to the Earl of Carnwath 800.0.0
SUMA 5032.6.8
Fyve thousand threttie twa merks six shillings eight pennies.
PARISH OF DURRISDEER. M. [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pennies] M. [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pennies]
Duke of BUCCLEUCH and QUEENSBERRY Nine-sixteenths of Durrisdeer Town, exclusive of four-sixteenths thereof, called Scarhead, included in the valuation of his Grace's other lands in this parish 185.8.4
* His Grace's whole other lands in this parish are included in a cumulo of 31413 merks, 6s. [shillings] 8d., [pennies] called the Duke of Queensberry's cumulo, in the Presbytery of Penpont (vide page 125). They have long paid assessments in this parish, conform to a valuation of 6946.8.4
[total] 7132.3.4
HENRY VEITCH of Eliock The Merkland that pertained to the Earl of Carnwath, viz.- the Lands of Crairie and Burnmouth. These lands are included with the lands of Fardingmalloch and others, in the parish of Sanquhar, in cumulo, at 800 merks, and they have long paid assessments in this parish, where they are actually situated, conform to a valuation of 400.0.0
HEIRS of THOMAS YORSTOUN and JOHN HARPER Three-sixteenths of Durrisdeertown 61.11.8
Total Valuation of the parish of DURRISDEER, Seven thousand five hundred and ninety-four merks, one shilling, and eight pennies. 7594.1.8
Minister's stipend, 15 chalders, half meal, half barley, and £8 6s. [shillings] 8d. [pennies] for Communion elements.
Last augmentation, dated 20th Dec. 1820.
School salary, 600 merks.

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