
Proprietor Land Valuation Totals
Mks [Merks]. s [shillings]. d [pennies]. Mks [Merks]. s [shillings]. d [pennies].
The Fyvepound land of Craigs &
The Tenpound land of Over Kelwood 1100.0.0
The Twelve merkland of Keltoune 300.0.0
The Fyve poundland of Conheathrig and Netherwood, with the Fishing 1400.0.0
The Fourtie shillingland of Nunholme 300.0.0
The Fyve poundland of Dalscone and miln 237.6.8
The Four merkland of Auchencreeth 200.0.0
The Seven merkland of Bruntscarth 300.0.0
The Three merrkland of Dargavells 180.0.0
The lands pertaining to Mr John Corsan, The lands called Woolfgills, The lands of Gledstanfield, the Aikers called Corsanfield, the Aikers called Cunyngham'sfield 75.0.0
SUMA 4092.6.8
Four thousand and nynty twa merks six shillings eight pennies
GEORGE DOUGLAS of Bauds * Hightown and Boss of Craigs 456.6.8
* Mains of Craigs, Craigend, Whitehill, Gorefield, Kelwood, Todholes, and others 430.0.0
* Seven-merkland of Burntscarth 300.0.0
* Mid Dargavel, part of three merkland of Dargavel 109.6.8
* Nether Dargavel, part thereof 35.6.8
* Upper Dargavel, part thereof 35.0.0
PETER JOHNSTONE of Carnsalloch * Part of Dalscone and Miln 152.0.0
* Three-merkland of Auchencreath 150.0.0
TRISTRIM LOWTHER of Rosehall * Rosehall 248.6.8
JOHN McCANDIE of Craigs * Over Craigs 213.6.8
Heirs of ARCHIBALD BROWN Spittlefield 125.6.8
Part of Castledykes 60.0.0
Heirs of JOHN BROWN of Netherwood Mains of Netherwood 185.0.0
ROBERT THRESHIE of Barnbarroch Nunholm (mid division) being part of the Forty-shillingland of Nunholm 160.0.0
Bloomfield, part of Dalscone and Miln 7.6.8
WILLIAM MONIES of Netherwood Part of Netherwood 158.0.0
JAMES McBRAIRE of Acrehead Acrehead 100.0.0
Stonehouse 50.0.0
WILLIAM McLELLAN of Kelton Part of Fifteen Acres of Crofting or Infield Ground, and seventy-six acres of Outfield of Twelve-merkland of Kelton 52.6.8
Summerfield, part of Dalscone and Miln 45.0.0
JOHN WALKER of Kelton Fifteen acres of Crofting or Infield and eighty-two acres of Outfield of Twelve-merkland of Kelton 93.6.8
Part of Netherwood 2.0.0
Heirs of DANIEL McQUEEN Part of Netherwood, called Netherwood Bank 79.0.0
JAMES THORBURN of Kelton Fifteen Acres of Crofting or Infield, and sixty-six acres of Outfield of Twelve-merkland of Kelton 78.3.4
Heirs of WILLIAM HENDERSON West division of Forty-shillingland of Nunholm 78.0.0
JOHN BRAND of Mountainhall Part of Castledykes 76.0.0
Dr [Doctor] SAMUEL SHORTRIDGE Forty-two acres of Crofting and Outfield of Twelve-merkland of Kelton 40.10.0
Part of Netherwood 26.0.0
Heirs of ROBERT HAINING East or Southpark 65.0.0
JAMES PATTERSON of Nunfield East division of Forty-shillingland of Nunholm called Nunfield 62.0.0
DAVID BLOUNT Midpark 55.0.0
PHILIP FORSYTH of Raffles Part of Castledykes 28.0.0
Part of Spittlefield 26.0.0
Carried Forward 3783.6.8

Transcribe other information

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Transcriber's notes

The land-tax of the lands marked * has been redeemed.
[Archibald Brown's part of Castledykes ] - " Held of Town"
Mains of netherwood - "Held of Town of Dumfries "

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Chr1smac -Moderator, Lostinthemess, Bizzy- Moderator, EvaTonner

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