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Proprietor Land Valuation Totals
Name of Heritor. Subjects of Qualification. Merks. Mk s. d. Merks. Mk. s. d
1. The Duke of Buccleuch. Queensberry Estate. 1619¼ [1619.3.4]
The following 44 entries formerly comprised Lockerbie Estate.
2. Andrew Creighton Wright. Lockerbie House, &c. 437⅞ [437.11.8]
3. William Wallace. Quhytewoolen, &c. 186½ [186.6.8]
4. William Burnie of Irvine. Broomhouses. 160½ [160.6.8]
5. Daniel Mathieson. Kirkburn, Beckton, &c. 117 [117.0.0]
6. Sir R. Jardine, M.P [Member of Parliament] Netherplace. 106½ [106.6.8]
Lockerbie Town Council Public Park 10 [10.0.0]
7. William Watson Muirhead, &c. 80½ [80.6.8]
8. David McJerrow's Testy. Tack Duties, Townhead 40⅞ [40.11.8]
9. John Primrose Douglas Land near Lockerbie. 39½ [£39.6.8]
10. Savings Bank Tackduties, St Bryde's Terrace 26½ [26.6.8]
11. J. P Douglas & R. & J. Jardine. Shuttlefield. 25¾ [25.10.0]
12. Walter Jackson Sandbed. 25 [25.0.0]
13. John Beattie Land, Dumfries Road 22 [22.0.0]
14. Richard Edmondson Land, Sydney Place. 22 [22.0.0]
15.Robert Jardine Land, South Quaas, &c. 21½ [21.6.8]
16. John Baptie. Tackduties, Dumfries Road. 17¾ [17.10.0]
17. Archibald Burns. Land and tackduties. 17 [17.0.0]
18. John Graham Land near Lockerbie. 15¼ [15.3.4]
19. Oddfellows' Socy. [Society] Tackduties, Townhead. 14 [14.0.0]
20. J. E. McJerrow. Land near Lockerbie. 14 [14.0.0]
21. J. Schooler, J. Laidlaw & C. Stewart. Land near Lockerbie. 13¾ [13.10.0]
22. J. F. Cormack's M.C. Trs. [Trustees] Tackduties, Dryfesdale Pl., [Place] &c. 13⅞ [13.11.8]
Carried forward 1427⅝ [1427.8.4]

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Roll of the Heritors of the Parish of Dryfesdale calculated on the Old Valued Rent.

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