
Proprietor Land Valuation Totals
PARISH OF DRYSDALE. M. [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pennies]
The Threttie poundland pertaining to Andrew Johnstone of Lockerbie, and Fishing The Ten merkland of the Hiefield of Bengall, and Fyve merkland in toune of Lockerbie 2300.0.0
The Fyve merkland of Hillhead 200.0.0
The Twentie shilling land of Bishopcleugh 30.0.0
The Twentie shilling land of Auchenslork 56.0.0
The Fourtie shilling land of Dam, and ane halfe merkland of Brumrig and Lockerbie 300.0.0
The Twentie shilling land of Dryfholme more nor pays the Superior 7.0.0
Boighead included in Annandale's totall 0.0.0
The Fourtie shilling land in Lockerbie, pertaining to Gimenbie 60.0.0
The Three pound land of the Netherplace of Lockerbie, over the rent payed the Superior 22.6.8
The halfe merkland pertaining to Lockerbie 33.10.0
The Halfe merkland of Chaple 30.0.0
Holmende's lands valued in cumulo with his lands of Dattoune 0.0.0
The -- Lands of Lockerbie, pertaining to Southesque 656.0.0
The lands of Dryfholme 80.0.0
The Earl of Annandale's lands valued with the rest in cumulo 0.0.0
SUMA 3775.3.4
Three thousand seven hundreth and seventie-fyve merks, three shillings, four pennies.

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