
Names of Proprietors Names of Lands Valuation
Parish of Annan Merks Scots
John Robert Irving Esqr of Bonshaw The Ten pound lands of Bonshaw and Drumbrattanrig 450.0.0
Colonel Alexander Dirom of Mount Annan Part of the Five merkland of Cleughheads 115.0.0
Brydekirk 215.0.0
Mr James Pool The lands of Girthend and Blacketlees being the remainder of said Five merkland of Cleugh-heads 110.0.0
John Mcmurdo Esqr of Hardriggs Hardriggs and Northfield 60.0.0
Mr Andrew Johnston Gulylands 20.0.0
Sir Charles Douglas of Kelhead Bart [Baronet] The lands that pertained to Robert Tinin of Howes 40.0.0
Mrs Agnes Carruthers of Warmanbie The lands of Warmanbie 220.0.0
Mr Richard Graham of Blaatwood The Halfmerkland of Howes 10.0.0
The Earl of Mansefield The Three Merkland of Spittleridding 60.0.0
Carried forward 1300.0.0

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Valuation Book
of the
Sheriffdom of Dumfries
The Stewartry of Annandale
The Five Kirks of Eskdale

Thomas Goldie

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