
Proprietor & Land Valuation Valuation (Total)
PARISH of LOCHMABEN Merks s.d. Merks s.d.
The three merkland of Todhill muir and Righead, Reidhall in Queensberry's total 112.6.8
The eight pound land of Elshieshiells, Esbie and Shaw, twenty shilling land of Reidhall, twenty shilling land of Templand, Greskine and Mellingshaw in Moffat; the lands of Howes in Annan were valued in cumulo in the valuation book at 660.0.0
But by an Act of the Commissioners, 23d June 1740, the lands of Greskine and Mellingshaw, in the parish of Moffat, are appointed to be deduced as has been observed under the parish, and to pay by themselves at the rate of 168.0.0
Remaining valuation is 492.0.0
And by Act of the Commissioners, bearing date 4th March 1746, the said valuation was again divided as follows,
The said lands of Esbie, Shaw and Howes in Annan, were appointed to pay Supply at the rate of 250.0.0
And the lands of Mains of Elshieshields, Templand and Reidhall, to pay the rate of 242.0.0
But by another Act of the said Commissioners, dated 14th August 1750, the last mentioned cumulo was further appointed to be stated as follows:
The one merkland of Elshieshiells 175.6.8
The lands of Templeland, 42.6.8
And the said lands of Reidhall, 24.0.0
Which together make up the said cumulo of 242.0.0
The lands of Brigmuir, 200.0.0
The lands of Hallaiths, the feu-duty thereof, with the maill of the eight shilling eight penny land of Sannick, that pertained to the heirs of Herbert Kennedy, were valued in cumulo at 225.0.0
And the other five merk eight shilling eight penny land that pertained to Halleaths, deducing the late Earl of Annandale's feu-duty, at 187.6.8
Making together 412.6.8
But by an Act of the said Commissioners, bearing date the 30th April 1783, the cumulo valuation of the said lands was divided, and appointed to be stated as follows, viz.
Carried over, 804.6.8
PARISH of LOCHMABEN continued.
Brought forward. 804.6.8
The lands of the estate of Halleaths, belonging to Gilbert Gordon, Esq; of Halleaths, at 312.6.8
The half of the lands of Ladyward, belonging to James Jardine, 50.0.0
One-fourth thereof belonging to John Jardine, 25.0.0
And one-fourth part thereof belonging to William Jardine, 25.0.0
Making up the said cumulo valuation 412.6.8
Thorniwhat included in the Marquis of Annandale's total,
The six merkland of Harthat, 135.0.0
The three merkland of Cockethill, 100.0.0
The lands of Rockhallhead and Carthat, belonging to the Duke of Queensberry, were comprehended under the Marquis of Annandale's cumulo valuation; but having been evicted by the family of Queensberry from the family of Annandale, and a long time paid public burdens by themselves, the valuation of the said lands was by Act of the Commissioners, dated 30th August 1774, appointed to be deduced from the said Marquis's cumulo valuation, and stated in the cess books by themselves, at the rate of 405.0.0
Summa of this parish is one thousand eight hundred fifty-seven merks Scots, 1857.0.0
The laird of Holmends lands, viz. the maynes of Holmends, lands of Little Datoune, the miln thereof, and ___ days work of meadow in Bengall, the forty shilling lands of Over Dormont, with the fishing, the lands of Daltonheuk and Copewood, and the lands in Bengaw, were valued in cumulo at 1048.0.0
But by Act of the said Commissioners, bearing date 20th August 1781, the cumulo valuation of the said estate was divided, and appointed to be stated as follows, viz.

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