
Names of Proprietors Names of Lands Valuation
Logie Parish Scots.
Thomas Campbell Lands of Causeyhead £87.14.11
Patrons of Cowans Hospital Lands of Craigmill £87.5.1
Lands of Hood £300.0.0
Lands of Abby £453.1.0
Sir Robert Abercromby Part of the Lands of Craigton sometime sold to Captain Haldan £62.9.4
Patrons of Cowans Hospital Stirling Remainder of Craigton sometime set to Robert Gillespie £93.7.3
Lands of Armorslack late possessed by Thomas Anderson Sheriff muirlands £33.8.8
James Mayne Esquire Powis £471.6.3
Granges £1223.7.7 Scots Divided as follows
William Wright and the successors of William Robertson West Grange £325.14.1
Part of Black or East Grange sometime life rent by David Scott of Scotts tarbet £441.17.5
John Stirling Esquire-- £1223.7.7 These parts thereof, the life rent of which was renounced in favours of Colonel Scott £455.16.1
The Honble [Honourable] George Abercromby Menstry £1153.3.8
James Johnstone Esquire Lands of Myreton £80.4.8
Lands of Balquharn £148.13.4
Total valuation of Logie Parish £4213.5.2
Tillicoultry Parish Scots.
Heritors of Tillicoultrys Lands £1717.11.2 Divided as follows
James Bruce Esquire Lands of Holmhead, Two acres banking shilling hill, Harts Holm acre oissessed by William Alexander and George Shaw, and an old acre formerly possessed by David Harrower £94.1.7
The Lands called the Stoney acre possesst by Andrew Harrower £6.5.2
That part of East maine, called March burn park possest by Charles Barclay Maitland £25.12.8
Barn croft possest by William Miller £44.8.8
The West bank possest by Charles Barclay Maitland £21.7.2
The Horse Park possest by William Hunter £31.12.4
The Sheep Park possest by Charles Barclay Maitland £17.1.9
That inclosure called the forehill possest by John and Andrew Cairns £12.16.4
The Backburn park possest by Alexander Watt £16.4.8
The old Glebe Park possest by Charles Barclay Maitland £21.7.2
Those pieces of ground lying near the house of Tillicoultry called the Back hill Green and Nursery also possest by the said Charles Barclay Maitland £12.16.4
Carried over £303.13.1

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