
Number Proprietors Lands Valuation Sub Valuation
Names of Lands Valuation Scots
The Lands of Rothiemay Stated in the principal Valuation Roll at £1550.0.0 Scots Valued rent, which by Decree 5 May 1753 was Split and proportioned as follows.
1st Division William Duff of Corrsinday £527.9.3
2d. Adam Duff Mercht [Merchant] in Aberdeen £543.9.6
3d. John Duff of Hatton £469.10.6
4th The Ferryboat £9.10.9
The remaining parts of the lands of Rothiemay being £548.17.2 Scots Valued rent, which with the above £1550.0.0 making £2098.17.2 as formerly Stated in Cumulo in the Cess Books, was by Decree foresaid Split and proportioned as follows
1st Two Oxgangs of Corskellie £29.12.6
2 Achinclech £149.4.8
3 Achincrieve £250.0.0
4 Redihill £40.0.0
5 Waukmiln £80.0.0
[total] £2098.17.2
Turtory formely Stated in Cumulo at £550.0 Scots of Valued rent Split and appointed to be Stated as follows.
1st Craighead and Greenfolds £144.1.7
2 Remaining parts of Turtory £405.18.5
Ternemney £80.0.0
The Lands of Mayen £441.2.10
Total Valuation of this Parish £3170.0.0
[total] £1550.0.0

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