
Names of Proprietors Names of Lands Valuation
Brought forward £2,319.17.9
The Countess of Loudon Lochfield £27.1.0
The Countess of Loudon Bellskite £8.2.3
The Countess of Loudon Parts of Darvelmiln £83.13.1
The Countess of Loudon Part of Darvelmiln £4.1.1
The Countess of Loudon Part of Darvelmiln £79.2.5
The Countess of Loudon Part of Darvelmiln £22.14.5
The Countess of Loudon Part of Darvelmiln £30.5.11
The Countess of Loudon Part of Darvelmiln £9.9.4
The Countess of Loudon Part of Darvelmiln £16.11.4
The Countess of Loudon Part of Darvelmiln £7.15.1
The Countess of Loudon Part of Darvelmiln £13.15.11
The Countess of Loudon Part of Darvelmiln £9.5.11
The Countess of Loudon Part of Darvelmiln £8.9.1
The Countess of Loudon Fewed roods of Darvelmiln £19.12.3
The Countess of Loudon High Hungryhill £10.11.0
The Countess of Loudon Part of Holehouse which is part of the Little Mailling of Braehead £6.0.3
The Countess of Loudon Seably park containing the original Mailling of Seably Dalhook and part of Goatfoot, Hardhill and Burnmouth £60.11.10
The Countess of Loudon Gillfoot Meadow park containing part of Gilfoot Hardhill & Burnmouth £46.13.3
The Countess of Loudon Gilfoothill park containing part of Gilfoot Hag & Woodhead £31.4.10
The Countess of Loudon Woodside park and James Robb's park containing part of Hag and Woodside £55.9.0
The Countess of Loudon East Burnside park containing the original Mailling of Burnside & Woodhead £59.10.2
Carried forward £2,929.17.2
Brought forward £2,929.17.2
The Countess of Loudon Park called Lawriebag and Sheriff Lae containing part of Hag and Woodside £12.3.5
The Countess of Loudon Harrowhill park contain[ing] part of Harrowhill Neuck and Burnside £55.19.10
The Countess of Loudon Neuck park containing part of Neuck & Harrowhill & a small park below the offices part of Neuck £35.3.4
The Countess of Loudon Wyllieland Park containing part of Neuck & Harrowhill £21.12.10
The Countess of Loudon Hag Park containing part of Hag & Waterside with the long Calf part of the land of Hag £55.15.10
The Countess of Loudon Golf-field Park with the Dogs Wood & plantations adjoining it part of Waterside £38.2.10
The Countess of Loudon Kirkhill Park with the new Orchyard containing part of the original Mailling of Craighouse £46.13.3
The Countess of Loudon Craighouse Park containing rest of Craighouse & part of Kirkhill where the West Belvidere is planted £18.7.11
The Countess of Loudon The Wood & Parks of Loudon about the House of Loudon being High & Laigh Parks, Gardens East & West Meadows Avenues & the old Wood with Plantations adjoining £271.10.3
The Countess of Loudon Auldtonhead & part of Auldtonfoot £101.12.10
Carried forward £3,586.19.6

Transcribe other information

[Page] 62
Loudon Continued
[Page] 63
Loudon Continued

[Both pages Signed] John Boswell

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